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Universal acclaim- based on 82 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 82
  2. Negative: 5 out of 82

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  1. Aug 1, 2022
    Fantastic album. Citizen of the Planet is a banger!
    Tapes is a gem
    This album reflects a personal and artistic growth. She has more depth and more understanding of herself and the music reflects it. The music itself has many more dimensions . Like different parts of her personality, Alanis is able to skillfully mix and highlight sounds that seem like complete contradictions, but the end
    Fantastic album. Citizen of the Planet is a banger!
    Tapes is a gem
    This album reflects a personal and artistic growth. She has more depth and more understanding of herself and the music reflects it. The music itself has many more dimensions . Like different parts of her personality, Alanis is able to skillfully mix and highlight sounds that seem like complete contradictions, but the end result is pure music to my ears.
  2. Nov 25, 2021
    This album is Alanis Morissette 101: great voice, clever lyrics and a good production
  3. Nov 25, 2021
    Alanis Morissette delivers another great album, with plenty of great songs here
  4. Nov 24, 2021
    This album is so so so good, Alanis Morissette doesn't seem to be able to make bad music!
  5. Nov 22, 2021
    Another great and solid album by Alanis Morissette, her voice is still great and so are her lyrics
  6. Aug 15, 2020
    Flavors of Entanglement is a huge department for Alanis Morissette in terms of her sound, as she wanders into electronic rock territory.

    There's the autobiographical "Citizen of the Planet", there's the relationship anthem "Underneath", there's the anthem "The Guy Who Leaves", there's the dark "Versions of Violence", there's the angry "Straitjacket". But it also signals her move
    Flavors of Entanglement is a huge department for Alanis Morissette in terms of her sound, as she wanders into electronic rock territory.

    There's the autobiographical "Citizen of the Planet", there's the relationship anthem "Underneath", there's the anthem "The Guy Who Leaves", there's the dark "Versions of Violence", there's the angry "Straitjacket".

    But it also signals her move towards adult contemporary, with the ballads "Madness" and "Orchid" and "Limbo No More".
  7. Oct 23, 2017
    Não é seu melhor álbum, aliás passa longe, mas da pra curtir. Alanis se aventurou em uma pegada mais dance-rock, sem deixar de lado seu estilo próprio e único.
  8. Feb 17, 2015
    After the universal disaster So-Called Chaos, some small improvements occurred in Flavors Of Entanglement, not necessarily meaning that Alanis returned to top form (Jagged Little Pill).
    Here Alanis became unapologetically pop, predominantly electronic melodies that work reasonably in the album composition.
    The first half tracks are attractive to some extent, more by sound than by lyrics,
    After the universal disaster So-Called Chaos, some small improvements occurred in Flavors Of Entanglement, not necessarily meaning that Alanis returned to top form (Jagged Little Pill).
    Here Alanis became unapologetically pop, predominantly electronic melodies that work reasonably in the album composition.
    The first half tracks are attractive to some extent, more by sound than by lyrics, abusing classic "alanis songs".the second half is quite daunting and less attractive, able to put the listener to sleep.
    Although Alanis change a little the sound of your music to something more electronic, this release could been better elaborate .Alanis has talent and could easily reach the same level of Jagged Little Pill and keep winning fans.What probably will not happen, because this seems to be a forced album, serving only as one more in alanis discography for old hungry fans.Flavors of Entanglement disappoint.
  9. Aug 23, 2013
    I didn't know who Alanis Morissette was until 2008, when I saw her live performance at Rock in Rio, Lisbon, and I seriously regret that. She's one of those artists whose songs have true meaning for the singer, plus she's a very likable and down to earth person. "Flavors of Entanglement" is very different from her international debut album "Jagged Little Pill", it shows a more vulnerableI didn't know who Alanis Morissette was until 2008, when I saw her live performance at Rock in Rio, Lisbon, and I seriously regret that. She's one of those artists whose songs have true meaning for the singer, plus she's a very likable and down to earth person. "Flavors of Entanglement" is very different from her international debut album "Jagged Little Pill", it shows a more vulnerable side with mainly serene songs, like "Not as We" and "Torch". There's also an electronic component in this record, which, even though doesn't match Alanis's style, gives a more relaxed feel to some of the songs. Overall I think it's her best effort since "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie" Expand
  10. May 5, 2012
    Excellent album. Thoroughly enjoy every song, although personally I prefer the extended edition....if only for the song 'Limbo No More' Certainly worth a listen.
  11. Nov 11, 2011
    This album makes it quite clear: Alanis Morissette doesn't have a single good album left in her. Whatever happened to the down-to-earth, levelheaded woman who wrote so many earnest, tell-it-like-it-is pop songs in 1995? Maybe the pressure of fame whittled down her edge: as she graduated from young woman to full blown adult over the course of five or six albums, she has steadily inundatedThis album makes it quite clear: Alanis Morissette doesn't have a single good album left in her. Whatever happened to the down-to-earth, levelheaded woman who wrote so many earnest, tell-it-like-it-is pop songs in 1995? Maybe the pressure of fame whittled down her edge: as she graduated from young woman to full blown adult over the course of five or six albums, she has steadily inundated her music with an ever-increasing amount of self-conscious psychobabble. And each album has been worse than the one before. On Flavors of Entanglement, she's as confessional as she was fifteen years ago, but after two decades of reading self-help books, her confessions are somewhat embarrassing and unpleasant to hear. Morissette frequently uses jargon that's usually reserved for a psychologist's couch, heightening the sense that we are in the unpleasant head of a too-self-conscious neurotic. Witness the laundry list of therapy terms in Versions of Violence: "Diagnosing, analyzing, Unsolicited advice, Explaining and controlling, judging opining and meddling"; the awkward phrasing of Moratorium: "I declare a moratorium on things relationship, i declare a respite from the toils of liason." And don't get me started on the sophomoric rambling of "Giggling Again for No Reason", which has lyrics and a title that would be embarrassing for a 14 year old girl to write, let alone a full grown woman. So the final result is an awkward mess of unmelodic, unsurprising and somewhat affected lyrics from the mind of someone who has become less than interesting. Not a jagged little pill...a big, bland, dry one. Expand
  12. OsAzER.
    Jul 17, 2008
    I often wonder what these critics do. Do they sit there waiting on an artists new material with a long list of prefabricated "critiques" that, to me at least, just seems a little bit preposterous? At times I have to ask myself, do these people even listen to the music, or do they have the same damn songs in their heads playing over and over and over? This album is first of all I often wonder what these critics do. Do they sit there waiting on an artists new material with a long list of prefabricated "critiques" that, to me at least, just seems a little bit preposterous? At times I have to ask myself, do these people even listen to the music, or do they have the same damn songs in their heads playing over and over and over? This album is first of all intelligent, and most definitely a bold creative work that tops anything I have heard since "In Rainbows." Every song has lyrics that make you think, emotions that make you feel, music that makes your head bounce and your ears stand at attention. I just can't understand why people fear a little originality. Shut Up! Pop "Flavors of Entanglement" in your CD player, and fucking LISTEN!! Maybe you will learn something! Expand
  13. RobbieC
    Jul 16, 2008
    OMG. She's breathing! There might even be a heart beating in there! Heartbreak is so good for art. I swear. Her best record since Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, this is truly a different sound for her... and somehow, she pulls it off!
  14. JenniferA.
    Jul 11, 2008
    Fantastic! I'm glad and appreciative that she gave the reigns over to someone else to work his magic. Her best since "jagged"!
  15. RushellT.
    Jul 7, 2008
    After all the hype surrounding the new release of Flavors, I was ecstatic to get my copy of the cd. A true Alanis fan, I was not let down. She still has it, and then some. Like many others, I was expecting the rage and angst/sadness from her recent breakup, but was surprised (in a pleasant way) that that was not the case. That being said, it's a superb album with tracks that will After all the hype surrounding the new release of Flavors, I was ecstatic to get my copy of the cd. A true Alanis fan, I was not let down. She still has it, and then some. Like many others, I was expecting the rage and angst/sadness from her recent breakup, but was surprised (in a pleasant way) that that was not the case. That being said, it's a superb album with tracks that will have you close to tear with the lyrics and bouncing in your seat, head nodding along, thumb tapping on the steering wheel. I think my fav. track was Torch, followed closely by Citizen of the Planet and Straightjacket. Expand
  16. LindaG.
    Jun 29, 2008
    Alanis had done it again with a personal and raw album. I don't think there are any songs on this album that I do not like.
  17. KyleD
    Jun 28, 2008
    This is her best album in years!!!
  18. TomH.
    Jun 28, 2008
    From critical acclaim back to early 90's mainstream pop, this is really a disappointing album from every angle. If the lyrics twist about without reconciling, the music is borderline Euro-trash dancepop and the only worthy songs with content are the two slow tracks along with lead single, Underneath. A bare, 'orangic,' form of this album might help.
  19. j.j
    Jun 24, 2008
    A great comeback for one of the best singer-songwriters of the last decade.
  20. LuisG.
    Jun 24, 2008
    Alanis Morissette is a creature of habit raw, bare, unapologetic, dared and consistent when speaking her truth which by now your either putt off by or welcome her full journal canvas way or recording albums is apparent again like Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie and its predecessor Jagged Little Pill " FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT" is clear singer-songwriter territory under the wing of Guy Alanis Morissette is a creature of habit raw, bare, unapologetic, dared and consistent when speaking her truth which by now your either putt off by or welcome her full journal canvas way or recording albums is apparent again like Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie and its predecessor Jagged Little Pill " FLAVORS OF ENTANGLEMENT" is clear singer-songwriter territory under the wing of Guy Sigsworth ( Madonna, BjorK ) alanis sounds at times tamed yet eloquent in her deliverance even with clumsy lyrics ( On the tequila, Giggling Again for no reason) with a flare of synth-programming, dance loops and an offering of such vulnerableness that even for alanis seems extreme but then after such a public breakup one cannot relent otherwise. FOE is candid with a choice of diction that no one like alanis delivers a dictionary comes in handy if your ears are being trained by the hip hop bombast on radio today. FOE will not win alanis any new league of fans but will satisfy and set forth another staple in her signature artistry. KEY TRACKS: Citizen Of the Planet , Underneath Straitjacket, Not As We, In Praise of the vulnerable man, Incomplete. B SIDES Orchid / The Guy Who leaves. Expand
  21. JoeC
    Jun 19, 2008
    Excellent album. Her best since JLP. There is something so heartfelt about the music.
  22. Jennifer
    Jun 16, 2008
    Wow I am really impressed! such a great cd.
  23. ChrisO
    Jun 16, 2008
    The best alanis cd in a decade. bonus track on special edition are great too.
  24. [Anonymous]
    Jun 13, 2008
    Best album since JLP. Great heartfelt lyrics and clever melodies. Some of the songs are bizarre, but she pulls them off nicely. She has also produced some of her best piano/slow ballads. Buy this if you have ever been a fan. Welcome back Alanis!!
  25. EricD.
    Jun 13, 2008
  26. KatyA.
    Jun 12, 2008
    Beautiful. The best voice on earth, perfect album!
  27. HumbertoV.
    Jun 12, 2008
    Amazing resignation record! Simply delightful.
  28. CalK.
    Jun 12, 2008
    Fabulous. Her best album in a LONG time!
  29. JayB
    Jun 12, 2008
    This is Alanis' best album since SFIJ! Her writing is so strong and personal, yet the music is refreshing and interesting. Highlights: "Citizen of the Planet," "Underneath," "Straitjacket," "Not as We," and "Incomplete." I haven't stopped listening to this album since I bought it!
  30. LeeS
    Jun 12, 2008
    This is Alanis's best album since Jagged Little Pill. It's filled with anger, sadness and a tiny taste of happiness. Beyond satisfying!
  31. MoeinN.
    Jun 12, 2008
    nothing is new...but i think this is it?!...before i download this album i was thinking this is going to be the best..& this is good.. not the best! it?!
  32. SamsonA
    Jun 11, 2008
    We're talking insightful relevant lyrics, amazing vocal performance incorporating new timbres, judicious fusion of folk, electronica and dance with the familiar Alanis-styled alternative rock song structures, and a highly intelligent production rendering a delectable variety of songs. A well-crafted, well-rounded album by a significant singer-songwriter at the top of her game.
  33. wilsonc
    Jun 11, 2008
    Flavors Of entanglement is a stunning return to form for Alanis. After the slow, 10-year decline of listenable, true albums (after URS, things slid waaayy downhill) she has brought to the table a new sound, a powerful voice, and alot of things to say--not something notifiable since 1998. Welcome back Alanis, you've been missed.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. It's a lot like "Jagged Little Pill," but musically this is far closer to the muddled mystic worldbeat of "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie," thanks in large part to her collaboration with Guy Sigsworth, best known for his productions with Björk and Madonna.
  2. Morissette's superb lyrics leave you cheering for her--and assured that she's going to be just fine.
  3. Somehow, a devastating personal experience has galvanized her songwriting in a way that domestic bliss, as showcased on 2004's disappointing "So-Called Chaos," could not.