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Universal acclaim- based on 69 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 61 out of 69
  2. Negative: 2 out of 69

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  1. PaulK
    Aug 1, 2007
    Absolutely brilliant album by Common. Almost up there with Resurrection and Electric Circus. Although I overall enjoyed Be, some of the production sounded a bit off to me, and a couple songs weren't to my liking... This time around, there isn't a sleeper on the entire album, and Kanye (who I've always thought was a bit overrated) is actually starting to live up to the hype. Absolutely brilliant album by Common. Almost up there with Resurrection and Electric Circus. Although I overall enjoyed Be, some of the production sounded a bit off to me, and a couple songs weren't to my liking... This time around, there isn't a sleeper on the entire album, and Kanye (who I've always thought was a bit overrated) is actually starting to live up to the hype. Definitely the best hip hop album so far this year. Expand
  2. pepel.
    Aug 1, 2007
    Perfect productions, good lyrics, nice atmosphere on the whole album and a magic outro (forever begins): best hip hop LP 2007!!! But kanye is still coming...
  3. AlvinD
    Aug 2, 2007
    So Common is trying to "find forever" -- to make an album that stands the test of time. Yet he loads his rhymes up with cheesy current pop culture references? Astronaut lady, Whitney & Bobby, Jennifer Aniston, Finding Nemo... Am I the only one who cringes at these lines? Like it or not, Common's sold out. It wasn't too long ago that this same guy stated, "Don't fuck with So Common is trying to "find forever" -- to make an album that stands the test of time. Yet he loads his rhymes up with cheesy current pop culture references? Astronaut lady, Whitney & Bobby, Jennifer Aniston, Finding Nemo... Am I the only one who cringes at these lines? Like it or not, Common's sold out. It wasn't too long ago that this same guy stated, "Don't fuck with radio, ignoring the charts. I could give a FUCK what you made in a year, nigga, you wack". And now he's crowning Kanye the new Premo? Ugh. Electric Circus will stand the test of time. It will be remembered as the high point of Common's career, when he decided "fuck the industry" and took risks. He made the music he wanted to make. He pushed hip hop to its boundaries. Expand
  4. TonyC.
    Aug 2, 2007
  5. Andrew
    Aug 3, 2007
    this cd is great, not as good as "Be" but still suprisingly good to my ears. It may take a few listens to get used to and grow on you, but nevertheless the best hip-hop album released in 07 so far. Go get it ASAP!
  6. ChaquitaKid
    Aug 7, 2007
    Perhaps I purchased a different copy of this album than half the listeners and reviewers, but this is in no way a bad album...not even close. If you're a fan of the genre and are tired of most of the garbage in rap/hip hop (a-baby?!) then this will be a breath of fresh air for you.
  7. JermaineR
    Aug 9, 2007
    If you know real hip hop, this is hip hop at its best! Forever is better than BE and reminds me of a mature Resurrection. A refreshing sound for the summer, fall, winter and spring...
  8. JosephH.
    Oct 20, 2007
    I totally enjoyed the cd. The beats are proper for songs such as Southside, For the People, and driving me crazy and that just to name a few.
  9. TrellT.
    Dec 6, 2007
    Nearly really is. Saved hip-hop for the year in my opinion.
  10. nickyd
    Jul 30, 2007
    listened to it, loved two songs. listened again, liked two songs. will i listen again? neeps
  11. NadumF.
    Jul 31, 2007
    A classic album, not one weak song. Amazing work by Common and Kanye.
  12. BenT.
    Aug 11, 2007
    This is a great album, I can't wait to get copy of an album. I've listened to the whole album.
  13. galp.
    Aug 11, 2007
    Great. I could of lived without the Will I am procuced track, but the other ones are great. Common giving his true fans what they want, and staying tru to himself. A Breath of fresh air, the game needed this.
  14. JayZ.
    Aug 1, 2007
    Common brings another good album into his everlasting legacy he brought into the game.
  15. richardj.
    Aug 1, 2007
    Just get The People and So far to go...but if people like Hip-Hop they would have the latter from J Dilla's Album "The Shinning" which has more oomph then my advice is what? Just get "The People" track as the rest is tired, boring and uninteresting...this is souless hip-hop and is an insult...BE was disappointing but this is worse, Common stop being a sell-out and go back Just get The People and So far to go...but if people like Hip-Hop they would have the latter from J Dilla's Album "The Shinning" which has more oomph then my advice is what? Just get "The People" track as the rest is tired, boring and uninteresting...this is souless hip-hop and is an insult...BE was disappointing but this is worse, Common stop being a sell-out and go back doing an album "Like Water For Chocalate"....that is what works for you...this stuff is sh*t Expand
  16. RachaelW.
    Aug 17, 2007
    Good beats, mostly good lyrics, good samples (Nina Simone!), good hooks, good messages ... I can't be mad about much. It's nice to hear D'Angelo again (been too long). Bilal (yeah Philly soul!) sounds as great as he did on Clipse's "Nightmares". Is Finding Forever better than Be??? I don't know. I still love Be. I think Finding Forever is probably more Good beats, mostly good lyrics, good samples (Nina Simone!), good hooks, good messages ... I can't be mad about much. It's nice to hear D'Angelo again (been too long). Bilal (yeah Philly soul!) sounds as great as he did on Clipse's "Nightmares". Is Finding Forever better than Be??? I don't know. I still love Be. I think Finding Forever is probably more radio/single-friendly - Kanye's mark seems a little bit stronger on this one. Still, it's clearly another Common album (not Kanye's beats/samples or guest artists featuring Common). Expand
  17. MikeD.
    Aug 4, 2007
    While similar to Be at times, overall it is much harder/agressive and overall just as strong as Be was...they are the perfect companion pieces to each hip hop album of the year thus far...pick it up
  18. BrandonR.
    Aug 5, 2007
    There's nothing like it. Soulful, deep, powerful hip hop that only Common can spit and Kanye can produce.
  19. NiyiM
    Aug 5, 2007
    This is a good album. It is actually the hiphop album of the year so far. Best tracks: black maybe, The people. Flaws: It actualy has 11 tracks (I paid $18!). It goes from very fast (drivin me wild, The game) to very slow (Black maybe, forever begins).
  20. matta.
    Aug 6, 2007
    The cokemachineglow review is hilarious but obviously way too harsh. This is definitely a step down from Be (even though I would only put that album at about a 7), but there are still some great moments. Obviously "So Far To Go" "The People" "The Game" and "Southside", pretty much all the leaked tracks, are the highlights, but surprisingly, the Lily Allen and the Black Eyed Peas The cokemachineglow review is hilarious but obviously way too harsh. This is definitely a step down from Be (even though I would only put that album at about a 7), but there are still some great moments. Obviously "So Far To Go" "The People" "The Game" and "Southside", pretty much all the leaked tracks, are the highlights, but surprisingly, the Lily Allen and the Black Eyed Peas guy's collabs aren't terrible. Still, this is pretty forgettable and pales in comparison to much more inspired hip-hop albums released this year by Brother Ali and Dizzee Rascal. Expand
  21. AC
    Aug 9, 2007
    Its funny how common can say so much using the least of words. King of RAP!...Hiphop's a joke..Finding forever is a neo soul rap album, people who loved resurrection will love this album even if it's not as lyrical. Even progressing to a more commercial sound common still packs a punch with his lyrics. All hail
  22. JeffB
    Aug 9, 2007
    Nowhere near as good as Like Water for Chocolate or Ressurection. Kanye bites Jay Dee hard on "The People," too bad people weren't paying attention when Jay Dee was producing classic songs for Common 7 years ago. I guess as long as it sells it must be better right? Can't wait till everyone recognizes that Kanye can't rap and his production is stale.
  23. PeterO.
    Sep 17, 2007
    A solid send out from common
  24. TONYB.
    Dec 31, 2007
  25. iano
    Oct 5, 2007
    pure quality, nothing epic its a bit more poppy than prev. abms but he stays true to his own style
  26. johnj
    Jul 30, 2007
    Nowhere near as good as Be, unfortunately.
  27. Paulc
    Jul 31, 2007
    It's hard to follow up an album as good as Be, so Common was almost doomed to fail from the start. Finding Forever sounds like it has potential but never really bursts forth. Common sounds tired on half the tracks. Even Pop's rap was sub-par. I still love Common but this is the most disappointing since Electric Circus.
  28. ikee
    Jul 30, 2007
    A brilliant album from common....personally at par with 'Be'.
  29. JayS
    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm disappointed that this LP has so slavishly followed the formula of 'Be', yet somehow managed to diminish it's memory. It hasn't even grown on me all that much, such a shame! (PS- Still better than most of the wackness out there)
  30. TONYB.
    Jul 31, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. 80
    Finding Forever, Common’s spectacular seventh full-length, isn’t 'The Bitch in Yoo,' but it is his hardest release since.
  2. Blender
    Kayne West once again saves his friend from the NAACP lecture circuit with soul-snapping beats that effectively turn the headliner into a guest star on his own album. [Aug 2007, p. 110]
  3. West produces the bulk again on Finding Forever, and it's his skill in embellishing a sample and his unerring eye for a soulful hook that is consistently bringing the best out of his mentor-turned-protege.