• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 1396 Ratings

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  1. Apr 21, 2020
    Sheer brilliance. Mesmerizing, challenging, nuanced, simultaneously minimalistic and cacophonous.
  2. Apr 17, 2020
    While I've never heard anything quite like it, it does feel perfectly timed for this moment. Other unsettled souls, in these unsettled times, can find comfort in its unpredictable and sometimes wacky drive and pulse because it all ultimately adds up to something that fills a hole that maybe we didn't know was there until now. It feels like a signpost on the human condition in 2020. We'reWhile I've never heard anything quite like it, it does feel perfectly timed for this moment. Other unsettled souls, in these unsettled times, can find comfort in its unpredictable and sometimes wacky drive and pulse because it all ultimately adds up to something that fills a hole that maybe we didn't know was there until now. It feels like a signpost on the human condition in 2020. We're still here. 10/10. Expand
  3. Apr 19, 2020
    Easiest 10 I ever gave. An thrilling album that never lets go. It’s the only album I have heard in the last 20 years than I could say dethrones my all time favorite album ever. Sublime.
  4. Apr 20, 2020
    Not sure how to properly describe the magic touch of this album - it’s not always the easiest listen in some parts, but there’s a magnetism about it, a hypnotic element that draws you back in. Along with its sheer ambition and the emotions that underly it, the album impresses with the richness of its sounds - Broadway-esque piano riffs; soulful choruses; folksy drumbeats; a poetic, jazzyNot sure how to properly describe the magic touch of this album - it’s not always the easiest listen in some parts, but there’s a magnetism about it, a hypnotic element that draws you back in. Along with its sheer ambition and the emotions that underly it, the album impresses with the richness of its sounds - Broadway-esque piano riffs; soulful choruses; folksy drumbeats; a poetic, jazzy coffeehouse aura; notes of Bjork’s softer cuts and Stevie Nick’s powerhouse raspiness. Standouts include the title track, Newspaper, Ladies, and Heavy Balloon. Expand
  5. May 2, 2020
    After being skeptical re: the critical bandwagon of the Pitchfork variety, despite being a die-hard Fiona Apple fan proud in his biased adulation, what convinced me this album was a tenner was Fiona’s appearance on “Democracy Now” regarding the very record and its meanings, rushed release, and liner note on the “back” of the album (under the track listing-as-cover-art).
    And, more
    After being skeptical re: the critical bandwagon of the Pitchfork variety, despite being a die-hard Fiona Apple fan proud in his biased adulation, what convinced me this album was a tenner was Fiona’s appearance on “Democracy Now” regarding the very record and its meanings, rushed release, and liner note on the “back” of the album (under the track listing-as-cover-art).
    And, more importantly, the substance of the musical intensity: IMHyetAO “Cosmonauts”, “Newspaper” and “For Her” stand out. Ladies! Ladies Ladies....
  6. Apr 17, 2020
    There is literally nothing wrong with this album. How could you not like this! The singing's unhinged, people hitting stuff, bluesy melodies, changeable instrumentation, tempo shifts...amazing!
  7. May 12, 2020
    Perfect album. Definitely the best album of the year thus far. My ears were constantly surprised by the sounds it heard from Fiona and her band. So many twists and turns, so much storytelling, and unconventional sounds and beats. Just delicious.
  8. Apr 17, 2020
    I'd like to think i have pretty diverse taste. One constant over the past 25 years from age 10 to present day has been to various works of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails). While other brilliant artists have a streak of quality albums over this quarter century, the only artist I can think of that has created such bold evolutions to their style is Fiona Apple. Tidal really impressed me in aI'd like to think i have pretty diverse taste. One constant over the past 25 years from age 10 to present day has been to various works of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails). While other brilliant artists have a streak of quality albums over this quarter century, the only artist I can think of that has created such bold evolutions to their style is Fiona Apple. Tidal really impressed me in a way that no other singer-songwriter had at the age of 12. Only a few trip hop albums were even in the same universe. FINLLLY 1999 came around and I partied like all 16 year old children shouldn't. My favorite artists brought my favorite albums; The Fragile and When The Pawn.... The Fragile remains. I write this after three listens but friggin (#*WUR(@# this is so good. I am not biased on this genius. Extraordinary Machine was great, Idler Wheel was greater. It's already pretty clear that Fetch The Bolt Cutters is Fiona at her absolute best. The syncopation and sudden shifts of pace shouldn't feel like anything new to fans of her past work. I'd have to agree with a reviewer from earlier this evening that this is the best album of the decade so far; and one of the very best of the past 10.46 years as well. So damn amazing. Expand
  9. Apr 17, 2020
    Musically this album is a stunning, unsettling tour-de-force. If you're willing to be challenged, and to truly immerse yourself, you will be rewarded. It is not background music; it demands more and deserves it.
  10. Apr 18, 2020
    Let me start by saying that before this album's release, I had never heard of Fiona Apple. I also don't typically listen to music similar to hers. I love this album, and I would recommend it to anyone. I highly doubt everyone will like it - or even half - but when they do, I suspect they'll love it. It's an utterly original production with outstanding lyricism sprinkled all over. FantasticLet me start by saying that before this album's release, I had never heard of Fiona Apple. I also don't typically listen to music similar to hers. I love this album, and I would recommend it to anyone. I highly doubt everyone will like it - or even half - but when they do, I suspect they'll love it. It's an utterly original production with outstanding lyricism sprinkled all over. Fantastic record, and deserves all the praise. Expand
  11. Apr 18, 2020
    Simply brilliant and gold, just like i was expecting. Fiona Apple's discography never disappoints you.
  12. May 27, 2020
    Uma lenda vivaaaaa!! Devolvam o 100 dela metacritic e apague os comentários de propósito desses haters.
  13. Apr 17, 2020
    Fiona never disappoints, this album is a **** masterpiece, raw, beautiful, unique and experimental like everything she does. 10/10 stream fetch the bolt cutters!!!!
  14. Jul 24, 2020
    Excelente album, con mucha razón es el mejor disco en criticas, y también por eso muchos comentarios negativos aquí de gentuza envidiosa y sin buen gusto. Sin duda uno de los mejores albums de todos los tiempos.
  15. Apr 17, 2020
    This is easily the best album of the year, I don’t know what could possibly top it
  16. Dec 10, 2020

    This is a tremendous album. Hands down. It's certainly one of my favorites of the year and favorites of all time. It's weird, catchy, and unlike anything normal. This is one of those albums that once you listen to it, you just know it's perfect. Every single song is a banger and challenges what normal pop sounds like. However, I like this better. It's experimental, out of tune,

    This is a tremendous album. Hands down. It's certainly one of my favorites of the year and favorites of all time. It's weird, catchy, and unlike anything normal. This is one of those albums that once you listen to it, you just know it's perfect. Every single song is a banger and challenges what normal pop sounds like. However, I like this better. It's experimental, out of tune, has weird time signatures, a lo-fi sound, and uses instruments in a different way. At the same time, it invokes some strange emotions. It's almost triumphant and powerful. Apple's voice is so strong and beautiful that she's almost created an avant-garde anthem for us. It's like if Ben Folds, Yoko Ono, and Joni Mitchell merged into one. All the right parts. It's perfect. One might think progressive and pop are oxymoronic when put together, but this is progressive pop and experimental pop in the flesh.
    I love every track and would listen to each one in my playlist. But, "Shameika" is a hit, "I Want You to Love Me" is an anthem, "Rack of His" might be the best song.

    ALBUM ARTWORK: The artwork is great. It represents the raw and experimental nature of the album. It looks like it's made from pieces of paper and markers, almost childishly, which is the same playfulness and low fidelity that the music has. It almost feels like an evening with Fiona Apple in her living room, with some arts and crafts and wine afterwards. Also, the black, gold, and purple color scheme works very well with the female-empowering theme here. It's strong and bold. Lastly, Apple's extreme close-up selfie in the middle looks like a random Snapchat put in black and white. What else would you expect? She's smirking right at us on the cover. She knows it is casual and quirky and the point is to have fun. And well, I certainly had fun.
    Artwork rating: 10/12
  17. Apr 21, 2020
    This album has an abundance of things to appreciate: experimental/raw sounds, methodical editing choices, a mix of narrative perspectives and thick, layered lyricism. If "Idler Wheel..." was a foray into challenging the status quo of popular music then "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is the flagship of an all-out war on radio-friendly music. It is clear that every beat of this album is carefullyThis album has an abundance of things to appreciate: experimental/raw sounds, methodical editing choices, a mix of narrative perspectives and thick, layered lyricism. If "Idler Wheel..." was a foray into challenging the status quo of popular music then "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is the flagship of an all-out war on radio-friendly music. It is clear that every beat of this album is carefully crafted and yet the recordings and instrumental choices feel raw and improvised in parts. Rather than sanitize every track for radio Fiona chose to leverage every imperfection for effect. A lot of people are upset about the "lack of melodies" but I suspect they are just expecting an album that is immediately accessible and stuffed with mindless tracks with the same 2-3 tired chord progressions that have been dragging pop music along like an expired pet caught in a wheel well for the past 20-30 years. "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" is not necessarily an album that grabs you on the first listen because it can be very chaotic and disarming. That being said it's not an album that tricks you into accepting it with repeated listens by way of Stockholm syndrome—once you have some time to absorb the lyrical content and identify the different layers of sound you can appreciate the album for its merits and not just because the overused "hooks" are worming their way into your brain—there are no cloyingly sweet pop paradigms to choke on here. "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is unapologetically creative; it has a hand stretched out ready to comfort you but doesn't need your sympathy or care about your criticism either. The weakest tracks on this album are still interesting enough to make most of what's being pumped out by big artists look like embarrassing schlock and that's merit enough for a perfect score from me. Expand
  18. Dec 7, 2020
    Este es uno de los álbumes que más me han sorprendido este año y no sabia nada al respecto ni de Fiona hasta que vi sus nominaciones al Grammy, la verdad siento que no me arrepiento de nada, es tan peculiar y diferente que me atrapó al instante, no sabría definir su género musical, pero definitivamente es superior a muchos otros lanzamientos de los últimos años.
  19. Apr 17, 2020
    Fiona is proving, onde again, that she is the greatest songwriter os the past 25 years.
  20. May 15, 2020
    Seriously epic masterpiece, all killer no filler! Songs like Ladies and Cosmonauts cement her as an all-time great, with exceptional vocal and lyrical performances. Shameika has the coolest piano riff I've heard in years and, in a fair world, would be a ginormous radio hit. Fiona always delivers, but this is next level ****. It's an occasionally difficult listen, but it is so worth it andSeriously epic masterpiece, all killer no filler! Songs like Ladies and Cosmonauts cement her as an all-time great, with exceptional vocal and lyrical performances. Shameika has the coolest piano riff I've heard in years and, in a fair world, would be a ginormous radio hit. Fiona always delivers, but this is next level ****. It's an occasionally difficult listen, but it is so worth it and a complete breath of fresh air in these wild times. Easiest 10 I've given in years. Expand
  21. Apr 17, 2020
    Fantastic album. Experimental, wild, outspoken, and feisty. I'm in love. If she's gonna keep making music this good, I'm okay with waiting 8 years for new music.
  22. Apr 15, 2021
    Perfect album from start to finish! So beautiful, mesmerising and endlessly inventive. It's appropriate to call it an instant classic.
  23. Apr 19, 2020
    After 8 years from her last album The Idler Wheel..., miss Fiona Apple made another masterpiece.
  24. Apr 18, 2020
    Best album of the year so far, absolutely no doubt about it. Give this album time and your full attention. There hasn't been anything quite like it in music.
  25. Apr 19, 2020
    This is such a great album, an instant classic. Great production, great lyrics, and great performance from Fiona on the whole record, just excellence. The production and her voice can go from sweet to insane in a heartbeat and the things she's talking about here shes doing it with such soul and in such a theatrically way that it feels like you listening to a play with amazing performances.
  26. Apr 18, 2020
    muy hermoso, delicioso, genial album, para todos los oidos, definitivamente este es el album del año!
  27. Oct 30, 2020
    We only had to wait 8 years but it was worth every single second. I don't know how but she exceeds expectations with the bar set at nothing less than Extraordinary. If you listen to this and don't like it I beg you to put on headphones and listen from beginning to end. It may take some a little time to find the comfort, but when you do, it's magnificent.
  28. Apr 17, 2020
    this is literally perfect. one for the ages. it's such a total testament to fiona apple's qualities as a songwriter, as a performer, and a s a genuinely brilliant writer. you feel every single second of this.
  29. Apr 17, 2020
    Fiona unbound, wild, and let loose. And she is here to save us. Bow down. Thank you Fiona.
  30. Apr 17, 2020
    A masterpiece of surreal feminism. Chaotic, eruptive, brash, indicting, and wholly self reliant. It feels like watching a great master paint violently into the night, unaware that she is being watched. And Apple is standing alone, as these songs dip and dive, collapse and then rise again along a tripwire of purrs, barks, moans, screeches, clanks and coos. It’s like nothing I’ve ever heardA masterpiece of surreal feminism. Chaotic, eruptive, brash, indicting, and wholly self reliant. It feels like watching a great master paint violently into the night, unaware that she is being watched. And Apple is standing alone, as these songs dip and dive, collapse and then rise again along a tripwire of purrs, barks, moans, screeches, clanks and coos. It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard before and yet she retains structure, technique and melody effortlessly. This is her fifth album in a row of extraordinary work. I’m inspired to work harder as a artist, and I will listen to this as I paint in my own studio. Thank you, again, FA.....simply brilliant work. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Aug 18, 2020
    Guttural, soft, cacophonous, and poetic, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is a reminder of Apple’s genius and that we are all interconnected, one people, existing in a pulse.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2020
    Forget the bolt cutters, Apple's already shed her last shackle. [Summer 2020, p.87]
  3. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    Fetch The Bolt Cutters is mostly the soundtrack of liberation, not recrimination, with Apple's piano keys, battering on the walls and barking dogs as its percussive, beating heart. [Jul 2020, p.27]