• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 1396 Ratings

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  1. Apr 27, 2020
    It's funny, all the "most helpful" reviews are the one where someone gushed for a few lines, probably paraphrased some things they read in the Pitchfork review, and threw up a 10. And yes, these were apparently very helpful to all the other sheep that wanted to jump on the bandwagon, wrote "Brilliant!" and put up another meaningless 10. Ba-aa-aa-ah!
    Edit: Okay, I’ve listened a
    It's funny, all the "most helpful" reviews are the one where someone gushed for a few lines, probably paraphrased some things they read in the Pitchfork review, and threw up a 10. And yes, these were apparently very helpful to all the other sheep that wanted to jump on the bandwagon, wrote "Brilliant!" and put up another meaningless 10. Ba-aa-aa-ah!

    Okay, I’ve listened a more and am even more convinced this album is nowhere close to the 10 that all you gushing automatons keep heaping on it. Insightful, bold, creative lyrically, yes. But musically uninteresting. And this is a musical album, right? Not poetry? So what’s with all the 10’s?

    Let’s look at a couple tracks, shall we? I Want You To Love Me: Some pretty piano flourishes behind meandering, structure-less verses followed by a chorus that’s three words and two notes. “Yooooooooooooooou love me.” What is interesting, enjoyable, or creative about that? And the title track: Some of what sounds like rapping on things in your kitchen, then some more of the structure less, meandering verses followed by an extremely simple, energy-less, musically blah chorus, “Fetch the bolt cutters, I’ve been in here too long.” And repeat. Finish with some dogs barking. OMG, the genius! Album of the year! Seriously, WTF?

    Sure, put this up for some poetry or literary awards. Hold her up as a feminist icon, role model. Sure, I’m with you. But musician of the year, heck no. And the sad thing is Fiona doesn’t have to choose between lyrically amazing and musically gorgeous. She has at least three other albums that are both. It’s why I’m a big fan. But apparently that’s over now. Lowering my rating to 4.

    Original review:
    I’m a huge Fiona Apple fan. For me, this album doesn’t compare to her first three. It’s not nearly as accessible or musically affecting. And granted I’ve only listened a handful of times, but I don’t think it ever will be. Sadly, as is often the case, all the unconventional-ness and artistic bells and whistles the critics gush over are the very things that make it a ho-hum listen for me. Don’t get me wrong, I hear all the creativity, emotion, honesty, etc. that went into it and respect her for it. But that’s not the same thing as that indescribable, goose bump-causing feeling I get from music I love. And when an album like this is regarded so highly by critics I have to wonder what it is they’re reviewing. Is it music as music, or music as an overall piece of art? I can’t help but think it’s the later and whether it’s actually enjoyable is an afterthought. Or even a detriment. (Kinda like how having a “happy” or satisfying ending seems to make movie critics drop a star, as if being enjoyable to the average viewer is a bad thing.) To give critics the benefit of the doubt, maybe when you get to a certain professional level of music appreciation, being artistically bold and musically affecting become the same thing. But it’s definitely not for me and there’s nothing wrong with that. On the contrary. I think critics should give more consideration to who they’re writing their reviews for. Themselves?

    Probably the most artistically bold and creative of Fiona’s albums. But for me (and I’m guessing a lot of people, if they’re honest), the least enjoyable listen. 10 out of 10 for performance art. 6 out of 10 for an album of music.

    A side note: How it possible for the Metacritic score to be 100 out of 100 if almost half of the publications MC claims to consider give it a less than perfect score? Either their math is really bad or about six publications are completely thrown out. In which case, isn’t listing them dishonest?
  2. Apr 26, 2020
    Tremendamente sobrevalorado, original si, pero inaudible y pretencioso. No entiendo las críticas aquí recibidas.
  3. Apr 26, 2020
    Brilliant - will be hard to beat as album of the year. Did not expect to be listening to a Fiona Apple album on repeat this year.
  4. Apr 24, 2020
    Amazing album that I've not yet listened to

    Anyone who disagrees is a big poopyhead
  5. Apr 24, 2020
    Great album. Second time listening reminds of Tom Waits Bone Machine and after listening to title track, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, a few times, I am dying to here Tom do a cover!!
  6. Apr 24, 2020
    Album of the Year... Simply stunning...

    I Want You to Love Me is the best track I've heard in a long long time!
  7. Apr 23, 2020
    a bad album, does she out of tune and have the courage to release it? Totally inaudible, this is an album that can be thrown away, sucks and is totally rotten, I don't know how there are people who have the courage to rate this terrible album with a 100
  8. Apr 23, 2020
    This album Is like that glass of water in the middle of a modern art museum. Some pretentious critics praise it and everybody Is following the hype...But still just a glass of water. I bet 1 dollar no one who give It a 10 will listen this mess in a week. Pretentious and boring i give It 1 just for The effort.
  9. Apr 23, 2020
    All of her albums hold a special spot in my heart. I wasn’t sure she could top the Idler Wheel, but this album is right up there. She never disappoints.
  10. Apr 23, 2020
    Because so many reviewers have called out all the strengths of this release, I thought it would be fun to go through some of the more asinine and truly senseless "reviews", since there really are so many that display what makes this album one of the strongest of the year so far--

    The majority of "0-1" scores are accounts who signed up solely to give this album that obscenely low rating
    Because so many reviewers have called out all the strengths of this release, I thought it would be fun to go through some of the more asinine and truly senseless "reviews", since there really are so many that display what makes this album one of the strongest of the year so far--

    The majority of "0-1" scores are accounts who signed up solely to give this album that obscenely low rating for someone who sings without autotune and masterfully plays their own instrumentation. At the very least, that calls for a 3 if using sound judgement.

    Putsman - Rating: 1 (no other reviews) - "Doesn’t sound like anything I’d want to listen to again after one go." So you willfully admit to listening to it once (and 95% sure you skimmed). Nice. Thanks for typing that out.

    ravenvenom - Rating: 1 - "Original, that’s for sure." "Don’t mistake originality for genius." Originality gets a 1, that makes sense, totally. But dont worry, they gave the past three Madonna releases all 10's. So they definitely have an understanding of both originality and "genius."

    JesseBarre - Rating: 0 - "feminist anthems that act as if women who willingly utilize their sexuality to get ahead & become plutocrats in Beverly Hills who have the ability to destroy any man they wants lives with a single tweet." This drama queen sounds like he had a bad relationship once. But Jesse gives Big Sean a 10 due to "quirky wordplay." k!

    liscarta - Rating: 0 (no other reviews) - "It sounds like a podcast." Can you recommend some to me? Those sound dope.
  11. Apr 23, 2020
    This is the first album that I've listened from Ms Apple. I didn't even had an account on this website but I needed to create one just to say: SHAMEIKA WAS RIGHT!!! This woman is amazing, her album is incredible and I only have to thank to my very best friend Jorge Pontes, from Recife, for sharing this masterpiece with me. 10/10 is all I have to say to resume that I didn't found not oneThis is the first album that I've listened from Ms Apple. I didn't even had an account on this website but I needed to create one just to say: SHAMEIKA WAS RIGHT!!! This woman is amazing, her album is incredible and I only have to thank to my very best friend Jorge Pontes, from Recife, for sharing this masterpiece with me. 10/10 is all I have to say to resume that I didn't found not one single thing wrong with this album, I even loved the dogs they sing better than me. lol. LOVED LOVED LOVED!!! Expand
  12. Apr 23, 2020
    This album is genuinely, incredibly rejuvenating. It is a masterpiece that is totally necessary right now, and has messages almost everyone can connect with.
  13. Apr 23, 2020
    I freaking love this album! It's intense, abrasive,playful and weird. Fiona's voice has never sounded stronger or more confident as vocalist. Her lyrical wordplay is masterful and unique. This is definitely going to be in my top 5 albums of the year.
  14. Apr 23, 2020
    there are some interesting songs but overall its a pretentious and indulgent noise collage for militant cultists.
    i would give it a higher rating if all these sycophants werent dropping casual 10s
  15. Apr 22, 2020
    It's a leap in songwriting and an exceptionally well written album, to fit so much content in some of the songs and change the tempo whilst keeping it melodic shows how much talent she has. Seems like an album that has so much depth it will keep giving to the right person for decades but its not really that accessible to some, seems to be have quite a feminist vibe about it and the vocalIt's a leap in songwriting and an exceptionally well written album, to fit so much content in some of the songs and change the tempo whilst keeping it melodic shows how much talent she has. Seems like an album that has so much depth it will keep giving to the right person for decades but its not really that accessible to some, seems to be have quite a feminist vibe about it and the vocal orgasm she has at the end of the opening track is cringeworthy. Musically and lyrically there's so much depth there but the subject matter can feel like you're being lectured. Expand
  16. Apr 22, 2020
    This is a perfect album i recommend it for everyone a classic. A modern masterpiece. I like the wierd quirky instrumentals that transcribe emotions. And the lyrics were probably my favorite on any fiona apple record
  17. Apr 22, 2020
    Why does this have a 100 score when half of the reviews are 100 and the other half less than 100? I put the average at 94-95. Are you using median for some bizarre reason to average the score?
  18. Apr 22, 2020
    Its simplicity and experimentation with vocal percussion really paint a clear picture of the potential thoughts and feelings of a creative individual who is trapped or quarantined. It's one of the most accurate depictions of how I currently feel personified into a sound.
  19. Apr 22, 2020
    "Masterpiece" is enough. The perfection: IWYTLM, Shameika, Kick me under the table, newspaper, heavy balloon, cosmonauts.
  20. Apr 22, 2020
    The lyrics are god tier. Songs flow so smoothly telling her story in a manner which is unheard of. Just legend things for her.
  21. Apr 21, 2020
    Sheer brilliance. Mesmerizing, challenging, nuanced, simultaneously minimalistic and cacophonous.
  22. Apr 21, 2020
    Not her best work, honestly blown away by all the praise it’s getting. This maybe would’ve been a great album if it had come out in the 90’s, Idler Wheel was much more interesting sonically and still sounds more modern. The only thing that appeals to me as a producer is the gritty, textured percussion. I get that the lyrics are meant to be more relatable to women but still disappointing toNot her best work, honestly blown away by all the praise it’s getting. This maybe would’ve been a great album if it had come out in the 90’s, Idler Wheel was much more interesting sonically and still sounds more modern. The only thing that appeals to me as a producer is the gritty, textured percussion. I get that the lyrics are meant to be more relatable to women but still disappointing to a fan looking forward to hearing innovative compositions rather than a bunch of raggedy piano jams with quirky vocal delivery. Expand
  23. Apr 21, 2020
    This album has an abundance of things to appreciate: experimental/raw sounds, methodical editing choices, a mix of narrative perspectives and thick, layered lyricism. If "Idler Wheel..." was a foray into challenging the status quo of popular music then "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is the flagship of an all-out war on radio-friendly music. It is clear that every beat of this album is carefullyThis album has an abundance of things to appreciate: experimental/raw sounds, methodical editing choices, a mix of narrative perspectives and thick, layered lyricism. If "Idler Wheel..." was a foray into challenging the status quo of popular music then "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is the flagship of an all-out war on radio-friendly music. It is clear that every beat of this album is carefully crafted and yet the recordings and instrumental choices feel raw and improvised in parts. Rather than sanitize every track for radio Fiona chose to leverage every imperfection for effect. A lot of people are upset about the "lack of melodies" but I suspect they are just expecting an album that is immediately accessible and stuffed with mindless tracks with the same 2-3 tired chord progressions that have been dragging pop music along like an expired pet caught in a wheel well for the past 20-30 years. "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" is not necessarily an album that grabs you on the first listen because it can be very chaotic and disarming. That being said it's not an album that tricks you into accepting it with repeated listens by way of Stockholm syndrome—once you have some time to absorb the lyrical content and identify the different layers of sound you can appreciate the album for its merits and not just because the overused "hooks" are worming their way into your brain—there are no cloyingly sweet pop paradigms to choke on here. "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" is unapologetically creative; it has a hand stretched out ready to comfort you but doesn't need your sympathy or care about your criticism either. The weakest tracks on this album are still interesting enough to make most of what's being pumped out by big artists look like embarrassing schlock and that's merit enough for a perfect score from me. Expand
  24. Apr 21, 2020
    An artist unleashed. It's Fiona Apple, we can't expect anything less. Unconventional and raw. Art at its finest.
  25. Apr 21, 2020
    Obviously it's just my opinion, but really, music shouldn't be this much hard work to listen to. Some melody here or there and a few less discordant notes wouldn't go astray.
  26. Apr 21, 2020
    Talvez o melhor álbum da Fiona, pela ousadia e originalidade. E definitivamente um marco para a música pop.
  27. Apr 21, 2020
    This album sounds like it was made by a 10 year old having a tantrum after being told they can't get Animal Crossing on the Switch!

    No seriously, I now know that I am uncool, not down with it and have no idea what constitutes a good album anymore. Which is fine with me as long as I don't have to listen to this again! This album has rave reviews but I have no idea how, it's drivel.
    This album sounds like it was made by a 10 year old having a tantrum after being told they can't get Animal Crossing on the Switch!

    No seriously, I now know that I am uncool, not down with it and have no idea what constitutes a good album anymore. Which is fine with me as long as I don't have to listen to this again!

    This album has rave reviews but I have no idea how, it's drivel. It's a mash of noises and poor singing, shouting and screeching. If you like that sort of thing which people obviously do then power to you, however I like my music more enjoyable.

    My pretentious score for this album is 165 out of 10!
  28. Apr 20, 2020
    es un excelente disco donde experimenta y demuestra que sigue siendo una de las mejores artistas de inventario musical
  29. Apr 20, 2020
    Not sure how to properly describe the magic touch of this album - it’s not always the easiest listen in some parts, but there’s a magnetism about it, a hypnotic element that draws you back in. Along with its sheer ambition and the emotions that underly it, the album impresses with the richness of its sounds - Broadway-esque piano riffs; soulful choruses; folksy drumbeats; a poetic, jazzyNot sure how to properly describe the magic touch of this album - it’s not always the easiest listen in some parts, but there’s a magnetism about it, a hypnotic element that draws you back in. Along with its sheer ambition and the emotions that underly it, the album impresses with the richness of its sounds - Broadway-esque piano riffs; soulful choruses; folksy drumbeats; a poetic, jazzy coffeehouse aura; notes of Bjork’s softer cuts and Stevie Nick’s powerhouse raspiness. Standouts include the title track, Newspaper, Ladies, and Heavy Balloon. Expand
  30. Apr 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredible from the jump, with “I want you to love me,” she sings, “I know none of this will matter in the long run / But I know a sound is still a sound around no one.” And the album never falters. It’s strong, unique, introspective and cathartic all the way through. Expand
  31. Apr 20, 2020
    Her music is unique, raw, free and beautiful! So glad she is back! Fiona is amazing. A genius!
  32. Apr 20, 2020
    How am I suppose to enjoy this properly ? This album is a mess. Her voice is superb, but just because there are a lot of sound effects doesn't mean it's good. Sometimes less is more.
  33. Apr 20, 2020
    Flawless lyrical, album.

    I wish lyrics were included but it's a minor issue. Sequence may make it difficult for 1st timers
  34. Apr 20, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best last 20yrs album. In the top ten of best ever albums. IMHO Astonishing sensation of real presence during listening. Impossibile to classify inside a musical genre. MASTERPIECE. Thank u Fiona Expand
  35. Apr 19, 2020
    Amazing! A true artist and just what we needed during this difficult time. Bravo!
  36. Apr 19, 2020
    Unique. Artful. Difficult. Experimental. All of that yet utterly listenable. It’s the kind of album you put the headphones on, lay on the floor with the lyric sheet and travel along to. She has called upon the spirits of many genres to create her own. It sounds like it took years to create and a day to record.
  37. Apr 19, 2020
    A masterpiece lit rally a masterpiece how could u did not listening to this
  38. Apr 19, 2020
    This is such a great album, an instant classic. Great production, great lyrics, and great performance from Fiona on the whole record, just excellence. The production and her voice can go from sweet to insane in a heartbeat and the things she's talking about here shes doing it with such soul and in such a theatrically way that it feels like you listening to a play with amazing performances.
  39. Apr 19, 2020
    Extremely well executed ideas, every song is meaningful and has intent. Visceral, unguarded emotion, intricate lyrics and production. Another masterpiece in Fiona Apple’s catalog, possibly even her best project. Well worth all the overwhelmingly cordial praise.
  40. Apr 19, 2020
    Empowering. Uplifting. Moving. Human. This album requires close attention. Look up the lyrics, listen, and follow along. Simply beautiful.
  41. Apr 19, 2020
    I want you to love me, heavy balloon, cosmonauts, and ladies are the standouts. Spectacular. She has never disappointed me. Just praying she tours when it’s safe. I’m saving my $.
  42. Apr 19, 2020
    The sound and production is cool and Fiona’s voice is good, but the «songs» lack punch and direction. Jesus; the critics fight to be the first to hail anything that is a bit different, we know that, but this hype is ridicilous. Hipster-music for people who don’t really like music.
  43. Apr 19, 2020
    Gem...magnificent...extraordinary...I love the sounds and matches with the voice. Listen to her song Ladies,
  44. Apr 19, 2020
    I was captivated by the first song, fetch the bolt cutters sounds like the most beautiful cry for freedom, it’s been 8 years and Fiona Apple is free once again.
  45. Apr 19, 2020
    Brilliant album. After 8 years, certainly didn't disappoint. Amazing writing, production-- a quiet intensity that lasts throughout.
  46. Apr 19, 2020
    Fetch the bolt cutters is what we needed in music right now and Fiona knows it, so she made a perfect album with cool lyrics and great sounds. It is amazing to listen. You have to. So what do you waiting for.
  47. Apr 19, 2020
    This album is a gift. A difficult, generous, deeply insightful, sublimely rare gift.
  48. Apr 19, 2020
    Fetch the Bolt Cutters is a perfect body of work. Apple’s unbelievable songwriting makes you feel you’re with her, right now, in her living room and she’s telling you about all the people who did her wrong. And you just wanna listen. This is a brilliant album and Fiona’s best work so far.
  49. Apr 19, 2020
    After seeing all the praise being given to this album I decided to give it a try and after 3 listens through I feel like I'm missing something. It's like i'm listening to a completely different record than everyone else. There are a handful of solid tracks like I Want You To Love Me (aside from the grating vocals to close the song), Rack of His, Ladies, and Cosmonauts. The problem withAfter seeing all the praise being given to this album I decided to give it a try and after 3 listens through I feel like I'm missing something. It's like i'm listening to a completely different record than everyone else. There are a handful of solid tracks like I Want You To Love Me (aside from the grating vocals to close the song), Rack of His, Ladies, and Cosmonauts. The problem with making music in the kind of head space she seems to be in is that you toe the line between brilliance and pretentious drivel. Personally, I feel like the album wandered into the latter too many times for me to enjoy (Relay and Newspaper stand out in particular). It's hard for me to become immersed in an album if I'm rolling my eyes or shaking my head during half of the run time. If there were more memorable melodies to match the dissonance then I could see myself enjoying it more but there's just not much to grab onto for me. None of this is to say that I don't respect her ability as a musician or her talent for creating an atmosphere. It's just not an atmosphere that I want to be in regularly. Expand
  50. Apr 19, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fiona exala excelência, suas composições sabem exatamente onde e como tocar no coração de quem ouve (destaque para Newspaper, Heavy Balloon e Shameika); seu jeito único de interpreta-las só acentua isso. Obrigado Fiona, me sinto tão abençoado que faz valer a pena esses 8 anos de espera! Expand
  51. Apr 19, 2020
    Such a good album everything perfect, and al the songs are perfect and so so so good
  52. Apr 19, 2020
    After 8 years from her last album The Idler Wheel..., miss Fiona Apple made another masterpiece.
  53. Apr 18, 2020
    Oh my.. this is the one i didn't know i was waiting for!! Never heard of Fiona Apple before but after hearing this absolute masterpiece i have become a fan instantly. Already easily one of the best albums of the year!
  54. Apr 19, 2020
    album is just Brilliant instant classic, best album of 2020 by far!!! would love to here more songs on a deluxe version.
  55. Apr 19, 2020
    I did not know this girl but listen to her music and in sound it is an art, I can call that what is truly music, good work girl the album of the year so far
  56. Apr 19, 2020
    Easiest 10 I ever gave. An thrilling album that never lets go. It’s the only album I have heard in the last 20 years than I could say dethrones my all time favorite album ever. Sublime.
  57. Apr 19, 2020
    Se cagó en Mierga y en la industria!!! Quedisimaaaaaaa me arranco el cuero cabelludo
  58. Apr 18, 2020
    No one could make an album like this except Fiona Apple, it’s art rock meets jazz with a little hip hop. A very unique and experimental piece of art. It’s good to see her having a breakthrough again.
  59. Apr 18, 2020
    Original, that’s for sure. There’s nothing else out there that sounds like that... but there is a reason for it.
    Where are the hooks and memorable, addictive lyrics? Don’t mistake originality for genius.
  60. Apr 18, 2020
    Brilliant. Raw, powerful, honest, magic. Listening these sweet bitter symphonies non-stop.
  61. Apr 18, 2020
    muy hermoso, delicioso, genial album, para todos los oidos, definitivamente este es el album del año!
  62. Apr 18, 2020
    Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference, Put It In A Blender, **** On It, Vomit On It, Eat It, Give Birth To It
  63. Apr 18, 2020
    Amazing!!! Fiona is giving us everything we are needing!! Her voice is so powerful and her lyrics are so amazing as always.
  64. Apr 18, 2020
    Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show stopping. Spectacular. Never be the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  65. Apr 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I remember when the name of the album started to trickle out into the world. I’d just seen that episode of The Fall. That moment of quiet tension, drenched in sadness/disgust/shame for what happened and yet this giant overwhelming glow of relief and hope when GA says “Fetch the bolt cutters”.

    That moment and that big mess of feelings burst from the loosely sewn seams of every second of this album, with more focus on the relief while acknowledging the disgust and shame by poking fun at the fact that they were even there, ripping away the undeserving power of those feelings. Everything contributes to this rich realization of the album and society right now, bringing the love of furry friends for the ride- who become instruments in telling the story, from barking to bone-box percussions. An album constructed in semi-isolation and released in quarantine as a big **** hug and message of solidarity. There’s a little less **** in this world, and now we have a soundtrack for whatever world we cobble together moving forward.
  66. Apr 18, 2020
    Yes, she did that! A masterpiece, amazing work, perfectly imperfect, instant classic
  67. Apr 18, 2020
    Another great album from Fiona Apple. This is a piece of art. It sounds even rawer than The Idler Wheel, very harmonic and experimental.
  68. Apr 18, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Oops she did it again!! What a monumental comeback!
    She slapped us in the face with is and didn’t even warn us!
    David Bowie would’ve scored it 10 if he still was among us! Thank you Fiona for this beam of light in these uncertain and chaotic dark times.
  69. Apr 18, 2020
    One of the best lyricists in the game at her most sonically adventurous (and that’s an understatement). An earlier review argues that Fetch the Bolt Cutters lacks ‘any consistent melodies, hooks or instrumental convergences’. Give it more time. They’ll start finding you after the second or third listen - you need to let this one decant and open up - and before you know it, you’ll findOne of the best lyricists in the game at her most sonically adventurous (and that’s an understatement). An earlier review argues that Fetch the Bolt Cutters lacks ‘any consistent melodies, hooks or instrumental convergences’. Give it more time. They’ll start finding you after the second or third listen - you need to let this one decant and open up - and before you know it, you’ll find yourself singing on of the mantra-like phrasings throughout the album. The songs may sound unfinished or rough to an unfamiliar ear, but Apple has dressed them in the clippings of life, like old standards chanted around a campfire. It’s as present and evocative as anything I’ve heard in a long time. And the words, my god. She’s clearly been an insightful observer of humans and their eternal BS since childhood. Rarely do you find a musical genius who can also write such snappy damn lines. 10/10. Expand
  70. Apr 18, 2020
    Simply brilliant and gold, just like i was expecting. Fiona Apple's discography never disappoints you.
  71. Apr 18, 2020
    Please don't make this album overrated. Really even hasn't one memorable song. I like Fiona Apple but this isn't a great album and I didn't enjoy the album very much.
  72. Apr 18, 2020
    It's a funny one this, an 8 year wait? Who could have thought we'd get this and all it's greatness, however the record is one of a million for me as I can feel the said greatness pointed out by all these reviews but at some points cannot hear what some of these people want me too, sad to say really...
  73. Apr 18, 2020
    Fiona Apple just reinvented the entire concept of music. Unparalleled on every level.
  74. Apr 18, 2020
    Epic and beautiful album, it's maybe her best. The way she use her voice like an instrument it's really incredible and the melodies are really catchy but at the same time very experimental. The lyrics are the best, the way she takes ur hands and shows u sorority and love for her pets, it's to far for me a escape from the violent world when we live.
  75. Apr 18, 2020
    Shameika said she had potential and shameika was damn right, loved the record and love fiona.
  76. Apr 18, 2020
    Shameika is my jam and I don't even know who that is lmfao. Love you fionaaaaaa
  77. Apr 18, 2020
    Queen is what you can call her. This woman keeps on bring in it to the table.
  78. Apr 18, 2020
    After all this time, Fiona is still THE queen. Amazing songwriting and incredcible record.
  79. Apr 18, 2020
    Incredible, different than anything shes ever done and I'm so proud. Love you Fiona
  80. Apr 18, 2020
    Meu deus Fiona, é tudo que eu esperava e muito mais. A forma como é cru e sóbrio, como é diferente de tudo que você já fez e ainda assim mantém tua identidade...
    Meu deus. Chorei ouvindo e chorei vendo o sucesso crítico desse novo projeto, parabéns mamãeeee
  81. Apr 18, 2020
    Truly a quagmire of horrible tracks ranging from plain old nails on a chalkboard to feminist anthems that act as if women who willingly utilize their sexuality to get ahead & become plutocrats in Beverly Hills who have the ability to destroy any man they wants lives with a single tweet; are some oppressed minority. The production on the album is very chaotic and musically awful, which isTruly a quagmire of horrible tracks ranging from plain old nails on a chalkboard to feminist anthems that act as if women who willingly utilize their sexuality to get ahead & become plutocrats in Beverly Hills who have the ability to destroy any man they wants lives with a single tweet; are some oppressed minority. The production on the album is very chaotic and musically awful, which is perhaps part of the appeal for smug post-modernist hipster critics who believe spitting in the face of anything conventional inherently makes it good. The album has many cringe-worthy lyrical moments, and is downright the most blatantly pseudo-intellectual & critic bait album ever made. Worst album of all time. Expand
  82. Apr 18, 2020
    Best album of the year so far, absolutely no doubt about it. Give this album time and your full attention. There hasn't been anything quite like it in music.
  83. Apr 18, 2020
    This is such a huge statement as an album. The lyrics are brilliant, incredible instrumental, incredible production, incredible everything. It feels almost like a new statement for music in general, it got too much going on and everything just works incredibly well, nothing like it. It feels like a huge fresh air of a completely original, innovative and refined masterpiece.
  84. Apr 18, 2020
    Let me start by saying that before this album's release, I had never heard of Fiona Apple. I also don't typically listen to music similar to hers. I love this album, and I would recommend it to anyone. I highly doubt everyone will like it - or even half - but when they do, I suspect they'll love it. It's an utterly original production with outstanding lyricism sprinkled all over. FantasticLet me start by saying that before this album's release, I had never heard of Fiona Apple. I also don't typically listen to music similar to hers. I love this album, and I would recommend it to anyone. I highly doubt everyone will like it - or even half - but when they do, I suspect they'll love it. It's an utterly original production with outstanding lyricism sprinkled all over. Fantastic record, and deserves all the praise. Expand
  85. Apr 18, 2020
    Fiona Apple nailed every aspect to this album and you can tell when listening to this that 8 years away from the music scene can produce incredible art for the future. Apple revived her entire career with this album and there is NOT one track on this album that lacks in lyrical quality, sonic quality, or vocal production. Easily one of the best albums to come out in 2020.
  86. Apr 18, 2020
    Meh. Doesn’t sound like anything I’d want to listen to again after one go.
  87. Apr 18, 2020
    “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” é o quinto álbum da cantora e pianista estadunidense, Fiona **** Apple. O último lançamento dela foi em 2012, desde então seguiu durante oito anos sem lançar nenhum disco até o dia 17 de abril de 2020. Com seu trabalho de estreia, “Tidal (1996)”, Fiona conquistou o mundo, mostrando um trabalho genuíno que se tornou conhecido universalmente.

    O álbum segue uma
    “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” é o quinto álbum da cantora e pianista estadunidense, Fiona **** Apple. O último lançamento dela foi em 2012, desde então seguiu durante oito anos sem lançar nenhum disco até o dia 17 de abril de 2020. Com seu trabalho de estreia, “Tidal (1996)”, Fiona conquistou o mundo, mostrando um trabalho genuíno que se tornou conhecido universalmente.

    O álbum segue uma linha única e tênue, usando de conceitos, referências para conduzir a obra do início ao fim. Apple é suavemente ousada em criar esse tipo de atmosfera, provavelmente muita gente não irá se identificar com a proposta da artista, mas é necessário considerar as influências apresentadas e a cena pop-alternativa atual, estabelecendo um paralelo entre as visões pessoais dela e o mainstream dos anos 90.
    Apreciando o disco me deparei com uma comparação interna com o estilo de musical da banda norte-americana The Doors, a força que ela impõe suas ideias e usa do piano para trazer a potência da obra me remeteu a Jim Morrison. Deixando claro que é apenas uma comparação técnica e pessoal da minha parte. A compositora se apresenta perfeitamente a frente das canções, trazendo suas características melódicas, fazendo críticas sobre o relacionamento pessoal dos humanos e entre outras coisas, sempre brincando com as palavras e com a voz buscando expressar a intensidade das letras e das melodias, se tornando única ao fazer isso.
    Utilizando de modelos diferentes nas faixas, trabalhando com repetições e elementos experimentais, o disco pode ser um pouco difícil de ser digerido e compreendido em sua complexidade. O processo de produção constrói uma coesão baseada no pop-rock, com influências do folk e vertentes alternativas já conhecidas de seus trabalhos anteriores. Amy Aileen Wood é o produtor creditado em todo o álbum juntamente com Fiona, ajudando a transferir toda a verdade e excentricidade dela.

    Lembrando algumas músicas dos anos 60 e 70 com reflexões atuais, “Fetch the Bolt Cutters” surge com toda uma força expressiva quem vem especialmente do esforço de Fiona, não é atoa que esse é o álbum mais aclamado pela crítica especializada até o momento, arrecadando notas excelentes. O meu favorito ao Grammy de Álbum do Ano no momento precisa ser muito bem apreciado e analisado, a partir da proposta de não seguir padrões comerciais, mantendo sempre o nível elevado de qualidade, faz de Fiona Apple uma lenda vida em todo o contexto musical atual. Esse disco é aclamado por mim como uma obra prima, (e única), da nova década. Clássico, violento e sofisticado.

  88. Apr 18, 2020
    Eu que tenho uma história realmente forte com o The Idler Wheel... (e aindo o considero o meu álbum favorito da vida), consigo compreender o porque esse é o álbum mais aclamado da cantora. O som é totalmente inventivo e diferente de qualquer coisa, a junção de percussão pesada e complexa com harmonias vocais de tirar o fôlego, piano jazzístico, sons inesperados e a típica e ótimaEu que tenho uma história realmente forte com o The Idler Wheel... (e aindo o considero o meu álbum favorito da vida), consigo compreender o porque esse é o álbum mais aclamado da cantora. O som é totalmente inventivo e diferente de qualquer coisa, a junção de percussão pesada e complexa com harmonias vocais de tirar o fôlego, piano jazzístico, sons inesperados e a típica e ótima liricidade da cantora formulam um álbum nota 10. Expand
  89. Apr 18, 2020
    although i prefer the Idler Wheel..., this is a truly fantastic and unique album with all of the Fiona Apple wit and intricacy. There are exhilarating moments on this record that are hard to come by anywhere else.
  90. Apr 17, 2020
    talented brilliant incredible amazing show stopping spectacular never the same.
    Album of the Year
  91. Apr 18, 2020
    Quite a good album with a couple of slip ups.
    In it's best moments it's just idler wheel 2 in its worst it's unapologetically just boring (luckily is more good than boring).
    I'd say this is a 8- or so.
    Surely not a 10.
  92. Apr 18, 2020
    Truly breathtaking and unique. I cried, laughed, danced and cried again. Every song really captivates an universal feeling while telling a story in a beautiful stunning way. Just like only Fiona could.
  93. Apr 18, 2020
    While jarring and sporadic, the atmosphere this album creates is intimate and utterly captivating. On every relisten I am still thoroughly enamored by this album's poetic and artistic prowess. This is absolutely a modern classic. Truly a 10/10.
  94. Apr 17, 2020
    Diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa diosa
  95. Apr 17, 2020
    An incredible album - more instrumentally extravagant and groovier than Idler Wheel, while matching the same level of experimentation! Every lyric is perfect!
  96. Apr 17, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Don't like the songs, everything sounds similar, I got bored after two to three songs.
    I had high hopes for this album but was disappointed.
  97. Apr 17, 2020
    Fantastic album. Experimental, wild, outspoken, and feisty. I'm in love. If she's gonna keep making music this good, I'm okay with waiting 8 years for new music.
  98. Apr 17, 2020
    An amazing piece of art. The production here is what sets this album apart from her others, she really shines in her home studio, you can tell how comfortable she is singing these fierce, unabashed lyrics, using her voice as her strongest instrument. This album is so unique, authentic, and powerful. 10/10
  99. Apr 17, 2020
    Musically this album is a stunning, unsettling tour-de-force. If you're willing to be challenged, and to truly immerse yourself, you will be rewarded. It is not background music; it demands more and deserves it.
  100. Apr 17, 2020
    What a **** great start for a new decade of music!! Fetch the Bolt Cutters was indeed worth the wait!!

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Aug 18, 2020
    Guttural, soft, cacophonous, and poetic, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is a reminder of Apple’s genius and that we are all interconnected, one people, existing in a pulse.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2020
    Forget the bolt cutters, Apple's already shed her last shackle. [Summer 2020, p.87]
  3. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    Fetch The Bolt Cutters is mostly the soundtrack of liberation, not recrimination, with Apple's piano keys, battering on the walls and barking dogs as its percussive, beating heart. [Jul 2020, p.27]