• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 17, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 1396 Ratings

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  1. Jul 3, 2021
    Initially I was impressed with the free-flowing, chaotic jazz rhythms but only after two listens of the whole album did I start to really understand the hype. It’s meant to be an uncomfortable, claustrophobic listen because it is meant to match the spontaneous anxieties and insecurities in Fiona’s troubled mind. The content itself if heavy hitting as it talks about bullying, depression,Initially I was impressed with the free-flowing, chaotic jazz rhythms but only after two listens of the whole album did I start to really understand the hype. It’s meant to be an uncomfortable, claustrophobic listen because it is meant to match the spontaneous anxieties and insecurities in Fiona’s troubled mind. The content itself if heavy hitting as it talks about bullying, depression, and even how Fiona was raped as a young girl. The music relies mainly on piano and percussion, and percussion in this case being anything Fiona finds lying about the house. It pushes her to vocally be as creative as possible and to put her all into her two main instruments that it creates some unexpected rhythms.

    My advice is if you listen to this album, throw away all expectations, especially if you’ve listened to her previous work and give it two or three spins for it to really sink in. This is Art Pop, with less of the pop but a huge emphasis on the art.
  2. Nov 20, 2020
  3. Nov 21, 2020
    After an 8 year musical hiatus, Fiona Apple reemerged with her most prolific, unique, and raw work to date. Distinctly composed of percussive layering and vocal loops, this album is the most notable sonic departure in Apple's musical discography. Released with little promo in the rise of a global pandemic, Apple's lyrics stick like oatmeal to the ribs of a society itself looking to "fetchAfter an 8 year musical hiatus, Fiona Apple reemerged with her most prolific, unique, and raw work to date. Distinctly composed of percussive layering and vocal loops, this album is the most notable sonic departure in Apple's musical discography. Released with little promo in the rise of a global pandemic, Apple's lyrics stick like oatmeal to the ribs of a society itself looking to "fetch the bolt cutters" and get out of our universally bad situation. Expand
  4. Nov 24, 2020
    This album is incredible. I understand that some may find it confusing but it brings a sound with it that's like making an album from the 90's today (an extremely rare occurrence). When listening to Fetch the Bolt Cutters it actually feels as though the music is live - incredible
  5. Nov 25, 2020
    This is such a huge statement as an album. The lyrics are brilliant, incredible instrumental, incredible production, incredible everything. It feels almost like a new statement for music in general, it got too much going on and everything just works incredibly well, nothing like it. It feels like a huge fresh air of a completely original, innovative and refined masterpiece.
  6. Dec 1, 2020
    This album has so much power, it is pure perfection and everyone should listen to it at least once.
  7. Dec 12, 2020
    Instant classic. When you start to analyze every detail of this album you get to understand its greatness and the reason why this is an album that will define a decade.
  8. Feb 23, 2021
    Love this album so much. Has fantastic lyrics and Uses a wide range of instruments.
  9. Dec 16, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It s literally one of the best albums of all time, the pasion she has in this album and the story about middle-school experiences and how she grew out of them, amazing! Expand
  10. Dec 27, 2020
    FTBC's "I Want You To Love Me" is the best album-opening track I've ever heard to date. Fiona's voice is so moving
  11. Jan 9, 2021
    raw, emotional, and real every song every lyric every sound was crafted by an artist
  12. Apr 9, 2021
    This is such a huge statement as an album. The lyrics are brilliant, incredible instrumental, incredible production, incredible everything. It feels almost like a new statement for music in general, it got too much going on and everything just works incredibly well, nothing like it. It feels like a huge fresh air of a completely original, innovative and refined masterpiece.
  13. Mar 19, 2022
    Fiona Apple has entered the big door with her most recently album, there is certainly a word to define this album and it is "unique", the wait of almost more than 8 years has been worth it, this album has brought us a breath of fresh air to this new era of music, each song has its own personality, in addition to the fact that Fiona has managed to have a balance between the lyrics and theFiona Apple has entered the big door with her most recently album, there is certainly a word to define this album and it is "unique", the wait of almost more than 8 years has been worth it, this album has brought us a breath of fresh air to this new era of music, each song has its own personality, in addition to the fact that Fiona has managed to have a balance between the lyrics and the production, where both manage to stand out enormously, in the lyrics we can find a great maturity on the part of Fiona. In "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" she is sincere, raising her voice to express her anger, frustrations and experiences through metaphors, likewise, on some occasions being direct and without any hesitation. Sonically "Fetch The Blot Cutters" is an album without equal, which has elements of percussion, piano and strings in general. But these sonic elements are not just that, they go further, the resulting sounds arose from sounds produced by anything Fiona could imagine, from banging on the wall to a nearly unplayable piano arrangement.
    Without a doubt, Fiona has brought us the best album of her career, the album of the year and the album of the decade. She surpasses herself in every album she releases, from "Tidal" to "Fetch The Bolt Cutters" we have seen how she has advanced and matured as an artist, proof of this we have before us a genuine album.
    Top 5 Tracks: Heavy Balloon, Relay, Shameika, For Her, Drumset
  14. Apr 17, 2021
    I feel like Fiona has a window into my soul, I have always said if anyone would like to get to know me, all they have to do is listen to her entire discography. Fetch the Boltcutters is a welcome addition to my psyche.
  15. Aug 15, 2022
    Perfect! Iconic! Amazing! Acclaimed! Memorable! Through instruments and lyricals, Fiona was able to understand human emotion in a simple and real way!
  16. May 18, 2021
    Wow, I was wary at first but now this album is all I think about. Unconventional and wise. Fiona Apple at her best.
  17. May 18, 2021
    This album is definitely a grower. I didn't like it at first, but now I'm listening at least once a week. It's innovative, original and completely out of the box. It might not be appealing to everyone
  18. Jun 16, 2021
    A fantastically enjoyable and interesting album the whole way through. I can listen to it endlessly and never get bored.
  19. Nov 13, 2021
    It’s a modern masterpiece and it can only be made by Fiona Apple. Love her new experiments. This is one of her best albums for sure.
  20. Oct 9, 2021
    The way every single music outlet collectively decided this was a masterpiece but the jobless fat ugly misogynists hate that it got a higher rating than their fav so they use the little power this website has given them to lower her score just for the thrill of it.
  21. Nov 13, 2021
    Its above this world! "Fetch the bolt cutters" and "Norman F*cking Rockwell" are maybe the bests albums ever.
  22. Nov 13, 2021
    most perfect album ever fiona apple has done it once again. the production of it is something i’ve truly never heard before which is something i find a lot in her music.
  23. Jul 15, 2022
    she's such an icon and this is perfect. fiona apple IS the music industry forever
  24. Mar 26, 2022
    This album is lyrically incredible poetic but still brutally honest and self aware, but still enough lines to **** the patriarchy! congratulation Fiona, you done good [:
  25. Apr 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The lyrics and production are next-level, just pure genius. You'd think that 34 years into her career Fiona would play it safe and continue the piano-rock sound of her previous albums, but she kept being innovative and different in the perfect way. The music is very experimental and many times odd, but still catchy. Expand
  26. May 13, 2022
    Brilhante e genial. Não há espaços para o previsível, Fetch The Bolt Cutters é autêntico e um clássico instantâneo, tudo nesse álbum funciona com precisão, a única coisa que importa aqui é a música e Fiona Apple nos mostra todas as camadas que o som pode alcançar. Além disso, os sons caseiros contribuem para um projeto que se torna perfeito não por ter a intenção de ser perfeito, mas simBrilhante e genial. Não há espaços para o previsível, Fetch The Bolt Cutters é autêntico e um clássico instantâneo, tudo nesse álbum funciona com precisão, a única coisa que importa aqui é a música e Fiona Apple nos mostra todas as camadas que o som pode alcançar. Além disso, os sons caseiros contribuem para um projeto que se torna perfeito não por ter a intenção de ser perfeito, mas sim de ser um lembrete de que nós não precisamos ser como querem que sejamos, ela está nos permitindo entender que nós podemos nos livrar das algemas que nos prendem. Sem dúvidas um álbum que transborda emoções, criatividade e autenticidade e para todos os efeitos, se algo for um empencilho em seu caminho, pegue os alicates e o tire você mesmo. Expand
  27. Jun 12, 2022
    the best album of 2020, fiona managed to outdo herself with this work of art.
  28. Sep 18, 2022
    Only Fiona Apple can only use the call of the cats and dogs, the sound sent by the bench, a piano and a long string of sighs to write a song.
  29. Oct 9, 2022
    Fiona Apple's latest album, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is one of the greatest alt-rock albums ever. Shameika has some of the greatest vocals of all time making it an incredible rock song.
  30. Jun 21, 2023
    I have a lot to say about this album. From the opening song, Fiona Apple had me hooked. Fetch The Bolt Cutters came at a time where we were all locked up at home and wanting to escape, and it came as a bold statement from one of music's most reclusive pop stars but also one its loudest and least afraid voices. The different influences on this album, from the rock to electropop to theI have a lot to say about this album. From the opening song, Fiona Apple had me hooked. Fetch The Bolt Cutters came at a time where we were all locked up at home and wanting to escape, and it came as a bold statement from one of music's most reclusive pop stars but also one its loudest and least afraid voices. The different influences on this album, from the rock to electropop to the "bedroom pop"-esque nature of it being recorded in Apple's house, and the overall industrial and artpop sound of the album, Fetch The Bolt Cutters is a grand statement, a statement of a woman who has had enough of everything holding her down and is encouraging us to fetch our own proverbial bolt cutters and cut ourselves out of whatever **** box we let ourselves get in. The entire album has an aura of strength and empowerment from Shameika and standing up to bullies to Under The Table and refusing to be quiet at a dinner table for the sake of everyone else's comfort and the bold For Her, Fiona Apple made a truly visceral piece of work.
    One element that makes the album shine is Apple's unique use of instrumentation and the recording methods itself. Apple said she used GarageBand to make part of the record, a software she is unfamiliar with, and that it resulted in long takes being used for the album with her not being able to edit her mistakes out, but I think this worked in favour of the album, an example of this is Apple and Cara Delevigne's dogs barking on the end of Fetch The Bolt Cutters, adding to the overall theme of the song and the album of wanting to break free and escape, of not being able to be contained.
    Overall, I think Fetch The Bolt Cutters is an amazing album, and easily one of if not the best experience of music I have ever had, and Fiona Apple is truly one of the greatest musical geniuses that has graced the Earth. It is just a shame I will have to wait another 5+ years for another one of her albums, but while I do, this and the rest of her discography will be on repeat XD.
  31. Nov 25, 2022
    As a writer I can say that Apple is one of those indescribable and unpredictable women, this album is magical and it is the best of 2020, even one of the best of all time.
  32. Sep 4, 2023
    Fiona Apple's 'Fetch the Bolt Cutters' is a true masterpiece that emerges once in a blue moon. This album is nothing short of a revelation, boldly stretching the boundaries of musical artistry with its raw and unapologetic authenticity. From its unconventional instrumentals to its fearless exploration of lyrics, it's an extraordinary gem that will unquestionably withstand the test of time.Fiona Apple's 'Fetch the Bolt Cutters' is a true masterpiece that emerges once in a blue moon. This album is nothing short of a revelation, boldly stretching the boundaries of musical artistry with its raw and unapologetic authenticity. From its unconventional instrumentals to its fearless exploration of lyrics, it's an extraordinary gem that will unquestionably withstand the test of time. It's a genuine work of art that unequivocally merits a flawless 10. Expand
  33. Sep 8, 2023
    Fetch the Bolt cutters i’ve been in here too long MASTERPIECE fiona will never disappoint me i love every thing shes doing
  34. Jul 25, 2020
    This is a tour de force. From the indescribable magical opener "I Want You To Love Me" all the way through to "On I Go" the bones of an hour later, the whole album is captivating and sounds unlike anything else for something made so organically. I was always an admirer of Fiona Apple but this has made me a fan. Lyrically, it operates at a stratospheric level, mixing weighty social issuesThis is a tour de force. From the indescribable magical opener "I Want You To Love Me" all the way through to "On I Go" the bones of an hour later, the whole album is captivating and sounds unlike anything else for something made so organically. I was always an admirer of Fiona Apple but this has made me a fan. Lyrically, it operates at a stratospheric level, mixing weighty social issues with dry humour giving the topics that bit more poignancy and at the same time relatable. Musically, there is so much going on it just needs to be heard. Organically rhythmic goes some way to describing it but then Apple throws pop magic on top of it all to turn what could be a mess into a masterpiece. Believe the hype. Expand
  35. Aug 3, 2020
    Fiona Apple just proved that we should never count her out when “Greatest Modern Contemporary Songwriters” is brought to the table for discussion. Not only that she flexed her pen game the mightiest on her 5th studio album but we also find her at her most creative peak. Fetch The Bolt Cutters is an album of rage, self deprecation, acceptance and healing following the emotionally torturedFiona Apple just proved that we should never count her out when “Greatest Modern Contemporary Songwriters” is brought to the table for discussion. Not only that she flexed her pen game the mightiest on her 5th studio album but we also find her at her most creative peak. Fetch The Bolt Cutters is an album of rage, self deprecation, acceptance and healing following the emotionally tortured The Idler Wheel.. back in 2012. In this offering, Apple went all unconventional and experimental with her sound risking the usual song structure to an almost drumline-themed, always unpredictable and often disjointed sound. With lyrics that our outright self humorous, satirical, emotionally visceral and potent for a casual listener; “Bolt” might be a long, challenging and exhausting listen but the fruits that are to be reaped in the end are just as rewarding when we consider the masterful musicianship displayed by the singer-songwriter here. Fiona Apple has never sounded this self-assured and confident.

    Highlights: Newspaper, Under The Table, Relay, Heavy Balloon
  36. Apr 24, 2020
    Great album. Second time listening reminds of Tom Waits Bone Machine and after listening to title track, Fetch the Bolt Cutters, a few times, I am dying to here Tom do a cover!!
  37. Dec 10, 2020
    Time will tell of course, but this absolutely feels like a classic album already. The cohesion and the flow between tracks is stellar, considering how chaotic the instrumentals and the riffs can be. Despite how intensely layered it is, it never feels exhausting or like it overstays its welcome. A Fiona Apple album is always a gift.
  38. Dec 30, 2020
    Fiona Apple is not one of the artists I listen to on a daily basis and after a lot of reviews and opinions I've decided to give it a listen. I was hooked. I loved the lyricism and even though the sound is not one of my favorites this was a really good album. Fiona is a wonderful artist.
  39. Nov 18, 2021
    The entire album is a masterpiece, but the title track especially is underrated.
  40. Oct 1, 2020
    if i'm being honest, at first it took me some time to understand the songs, both lyrically and musically. then i started to realize every time i would listen to the album again, it would make more sense and it would gradually grew on me - it did in such a way i wouldn't have ever predicted.

    fetch the bolt cutters is definitely her most experimental record and the most difficult to
    if i'm being honest, at first it took me some time to understand the songs, both lyrically and musically. then i started to realize every time i would listen to the album again, it would make more sense and it would gradually grew on me - it did in such a way i wouldn't have ever predicted.

    fetch the bolt cutters is definitely her most experimental record and the most difficult to listen to - but it is also the one which sounds completely out of this world when you start to REALLY get into it.

    from the unusual melodies to the experimental use of new sounds and hard-to-guess lyrics, fiona made a masterpiece that is, i have to admit, worthy of all the critical acclaim. the album is, without a doubt, fiona's most cohesive body of work. it all just fits so well together, which just proves her genius and always improving talent.

    i cannot say this is my fav album. when the pawn... is probably gonna fill that place forever, but who knows, maybe i'll review it again and i'll like it even more.

    fav songs: i want you to love me, ladies & cosmonauts
    least fav: heavy balloon
  41. Apr 17, 2020
    Most relevant female artist of the 21st century is back with a poignant, playful and personal album for the ages. Another one, that is.
  42. May 20, 2020
    Maybe Fetch The Bolt Cutters not perfect for emotional connections but this album has variation this makes Fetch The Bolt Cutters special album, even she yells it sounds great, Fetch The Bolt Cutters is a masterpiece.
  43. Apr 18, 2020
    although i prefer the Idler Wheel..., this is a truly fantastic and unique album with all of the Fiona Apple wit and intricacy. There are exhilarating moments on this record that are hard to come by anywhere else.
  44. Apr 28, 2020
    Fiona apple is an artist that never really can't impress. Even though I am particularly a Hip Hop and Rap fan, I can see the artistry and brilliance of this album. I found the lyrics amazing and insightful. I truly think this maybe be the best album released this year within this particular genre. My only real complaint is the songs could blend a bit better.
  45. Dec 3, 2020
    Cuando descubrimos que hay un mundo más allá de la música ordinaria, nos da miedo pensar que esta puede ser buena o mala, pero eso no debería ser el punto. La música trasmite mucho, así sea el género más popular o el que esté lleno de sexismos. Fetch The Bolt Cutters transmite con los instrumentos más convencionales una ola de feminismo que nos hace pensar más en unirnos a la causa. UnCuando descubrimos que hay un mundo más allá de la música ordinaria, nos da miedo pensar que esta puede ser buena o mala, pero eso no debería ser el punto. La música trasmite mucho, así sea el género más popular o el que esté lleno de sexismos. Fetch The Bolt Cutters transmite con los instrumentos más convencionales una ola de feminismo que nos hace pensar más en unirnos a la causa. Un album empoderado, lleno de furia, amor, locura, etc. Sin duda una obra maestra. Expand
  46. Apr 18, 2020
    It's a funny one this, an 8 year wait? Who could have thought we'd get this and all it's greatness, however the record is one of a million for me as I can feel the said greatness pointed out by all these reviews but at some points cannot hear what some of these people want me too, sad to say really...
  47. May 29, 2020
  48. Fnn
    Jun 3, 2020
    It gets better with every listen. My second favourite Fiona album behind When The Pawn. The production is great and some of the best songwriting of her career. Sone tracks are a bit to log but apart from that it’s pretty much perfect.
  49. May 25, 2021
    Fiona Apple's pandemic project, filled with new alternative takes on her musical style has left me feeling great and refreshed.

    FAV TRACK: Rack of His
  50. Jul 31, 2020
    It wasn't until I was in the car with my earphones on listening to Fiona Apple's fifth LP "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" that EVERYTHING started to make sense.

    As a person who enjoyed Apple's newest album but is not a fan, I can understand both sides of the reviews. I don't exactly get why the critics are raving about this album and calling it the "album of the year", but I surely grooved to
    It wasn't until I was in the car with my earphones on listening to Fiona Apple's fifth LP "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" that EVERYTHING started to make sense.

    As a person who enjoyed Apple's newest album but is not a fan, I can understand both sides of the reviews. I don't exactly get why the critics are raving about this album and calling it the "album of the year", but I surely grooved to almost every song. Yes, the production does not seem like the best. And the vocals are 'very interesting'. But really, there's a message hidden buried under it all: To "set yourself free." To "fetch the bolt cutters" because "I've been in here too long."

    What I believe Fiona Apple is trying to achieve with this new LP is to spread the message that you just gotta do you. You don't need to be the "perfect pop star" and create pop hits that sound identical or use autotune. Her dog barks throughout the album for goodness sake. And I think that's brilliant. But it's so brilliant that you don't even see it at first glance, or you just don't see it at all.

    Surely, I wouldn't call "Fetch the Bolt Cutters" the "Best Album of 2020". But I will say that it's one of the smartest and honest.
  51. Nov 20, 2020
    This album is the definition of human emotion. Exploring the concepts of love, anger, sadness and joy, Fionna's ability to turn a song on its head within a blink of an eye is second to none. Writing ranges from comedic to shocking. Fantastic album.
  52. Sep 9, 2021
    Do have anything else to say? It's a practically perfect album. It's Fiona.
  53. Sep 16, 2022
    You might not like the songs, but you do have to agree that this album is one of her best.
  54. Apr 22, 2020
    It's a leap in songwriting and an exceptionally well written album, to fit so much content in some of the songs and change the tempo whilst keeping it melodic shows how much talent she has. Seems like an album that has so much depth it will keep giving to the right person for decades but its not really that accessible to some, seems to be have quite a feminist vibe about it and the vocalIt's a leap in songwriting and an exceptionally well written album, to fit so much content in some of the songs and change the tempo whilst keeping it melodic shows how much talent she has. Seems like an album that has so much depth it will keep giving to the right person for decades but its not really that accessible to some, seems to be have quite a feminist vibe about it and the vocal orgasm she has at the end of the opening track is cringeworthy. Musically and lyrically there's so much depth there but the subject matter can feel like you're being lectured. Expand
  55. May 15, 2020
    Percussion like I've never heard before. Fiona Apple's songwriting ability is on full display, touching on relevant topics with a razor's edge.
  56. Dec 3, 2020
    I didn't know Fiona before and her work was strangely tempting to me. Strange and pleasant.
  57. Apr 17, 2020
    It is truly a nice album, with strong lyrics at times. Loved the sincerity she provided and the production she so meticulously took care of.
  58. Apr 22, 2020
    Why does this have a 100 score when half of the reviews are 100 and the other half less than 100? I put the average at 94-95. Are you using median for some bizarre reason to average the score?
  59. Jan 17, 2022
    Quando você pensa que 2020 eu já tinha classificado quase todos os álbuns e singles possíveis tinha esquecido de um dos mais votados 'Fetch The Bolt Cutters' de Fiona Apple, e me impressionei de como o álbum se transita em um alternativo, rock, pop; tudo bem misturado e dosado, e sem falar na originalidade de Fiona, realmente um dos melhores álbuns de longe de 2020, esse realmente meQuando você pensa que 2020 eu já tinha classificado quase todos os álbuns e singles possíveis tinha esquecido de um dos mais votados 'Fetch The Bolt Cutters' de Fiona Apple, e me impressionei de como o álbum se transita em um alternativo, rock, pop; tudo bem misturado e dosado, e sem falar na originalidade de Fiona, realmente um dos melhores álbuns de longe de 2020, esse realmente me impressionou, estou sem palavras para essa obra musical.

    Faixas favoritas: I Want You To Love Me, Shameika, Relay, Newspaper, Ladies, Heavy Balloon, For Her, Drumset.
  60. May 22, 2020
    A really good album with amusing lyrics. But not a single song is as good as "Every Single Night", and too much of the time she just rambles on not really singing. Overrated as hell but still great if it's your thing.
  61. Apr 18, 2020
    Quite a good album with a couple of slip ups.
    In it's best moments it's just idler wheel 2 in its worst it's unapologetically just boring (luckily is more good than boring).
    I'd say this is a 8- or so.
    Surely not a 10.
  62. Jul 25, 2020
    I listened to the album on Apple Music. It's soft and swift omg i forgot what I felt when I heard the songs the first time
  63. Jul 7, 2020
    Anyone rating low didn't finish the album or can't comprehend human emotion.
  64. Jul 11, 2020
    Wow just... wow. I agree that it isn't the BEST album of the year but it's still a fine piece of pop-rock filled with moving ballads. Fiona' voice is as strong as ever as well. Higlights: newspaper, the title track, shameika
  65. Apr 25, 2022
    honeslty a beautiful album, I just never go back to it, but when I do, it's beautiful.
  66. May 7, 2020
    It's insulting to saddle what merit this album does have with extraordinarily out of whack pandemic-sized praise—and Apple herself even admitted being uncomfortable with it. The response to this album is oddly parallel to her debut, Tidal, but we all know an artist can never debut twice. In truth, when the dust settles, this album will be understood as a career shakeup that will bring aIt's insulting to saddle what merit this album does have with extraordinarily out of whack pandemic-sized praise—and Apple herself even admitted being uncomfortable with it. The response to this album is oddly parallel to her debut, Tidal, but we all know an artist can never debut twice. In truth, when the dust settles, this album will be understood as a career shakeup that will bring a new audience to her older catalog and it will settle into being what it is: every "weird" RIckie Lee Jones album the public ignored. Best track: "Cosmonauts" Expand
  67. Apr 17, 2020
    Creative, cheerful, it has a sound unit, but it is not a masterpiece. I liked the way it was recorded, the improvisations, the lyrics about everyday life. The final product is simply good. Björk has already done better jobs.
  68. Sep 15, 2020
    It's a good but the rave reviews felt too sensational. Many solid songs, great production, not a 10/10, must-listen album.
  69. Nov 30, 2020
    Good, but very undefining, sounds very experimental both in composition and recording and the whole thing feels "out" and open.
    I don´t see the ultra praise that it gets. After one listen i did not feel compelled to give it another round.
    But i have enjoyed Fiona's previous works though.
  70. Apr 17, 2020
    It's not bad. The meta review? It's made by a New York person and loved by New York people. I have a lot of New York friends (New York is the best, did you know that?) and they make sure to let me and everyone else we know know. About 1 song in I thought- oh she's going to be called an "American Kate Bush of 2020" or something and then on one of the following songs she sings how she needsIt's not bad. The meta review? It's made by a New York person and loved by New York people. I have a lot of New York friends (New York is the best, did you know that?) and they make sure to let me and everyone else we know know. About 1 song in I thought- oh she's going to be called an "American Kate Bush of 2020" or something and then on one of the following songs she sings how she needs to run up that hill. Thankfully because of that she can't now be called the Kate Bush of 2020.

    I remember being 5 years old and dancing like a maniac to Fiona Apple in the mid-90s. It was accessible. It was fun. It was deep. Inaccessible music doesn't necessarily make music better. Nor does it make music worse. But it is something to note, because the rest of this review is about the music itself.

    It's fine. I think I'd much rather listen to The Knife's Shaking the Habitual if I were in the mood to listen to something like this. Certain instruments really shine through in fantastic ways in many songs but are then quickly overwhelmed by the refrain or chorus of the song. It never hits just right for me- too complex for the sake of complexity, too flat for the sake on monotony, and superseded by many many more "deep/lyrical/interesting/complex/complicated/intense" albums out there. It's not bad. It's just not amazing.
  71. Jul 1, 2020
    I'm not too sure what to think of this album. My overall impression is positive, as the album has its moments, but at times it's all a bit too mad for me. Fiona is clearly very talented and creative, but occasionally she just seems to try too hard.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 28
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 28
  3. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. Aug 18, 2020
    Guttural, soft, cacophonous, and poetic, Fetch the Bolt Cutters is a reminder of Apple’s genius and that we are all interconnected, one people, existing in a pulse.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2020
    Forget the bolt cutters, Apple's already shed her last shackle. [Summer 2020, p.87]
  3. Uncut
    May 22, 2020
    Fetch The Bolt Cutters is mostly the soundtrack of liberation, not recrimination, with Apple's piano keys, battering on the walls and barking dogs as its percussive, beating heart. [Jul 2020, p.27]