
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. If the style is intact, though, the songs here seem a bit lackluster; only the relatively jangly "Harmony Around My Table" and the Velvet Underground-ish "Peanuts" (think of O'Hara in Moe Tucker's role) really stand out from the tasteful mid-tempo blur.
  2. Tindersticks’ return to form on their eighth album isn’t evident when you first press play. But look past the uninteresting six-minute jazz drone that opens the album and you’ll see that the prolific English group still has the enough soul to succeed.
  3. On Falling Down a Mountain, the most depressing thing is the sound of Tindersticks going through the motions.
  4. Q Magazine
    As a result, She Rode Me Down thunders along like a flute-propelled express train, Black Smoke is a foreground as they've been since their moment of near-glory Travelling Light and they somehow prised the elusive Mary Margaret O'Hara out of obscurity to duet on Peanuts. [Feb 2010, p. 112]

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