• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Jun 29, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jan 14, 2011
    For its third album, Expo 86, the band tempers the musical diversity of its predecessors and focuses more on standard rock fare.
  2. Their sound, now more than ever, is a paradox: despite the Cure-ish grey waves of guitar and Spencer Krug's morose vocal tics, Wolf Parade can't conceal the fact that being in a band is clearly terrific fun for them.
  3. Expo 86 feels divided down the middle, and both writers deliver some of their best work to date.
  4. The Montreal quartet is mostly successful in this balancing act, delivering a handful of thematically-obtuse pop missiles heavy on reverb and guitar, with trademark synths still lurking low in the mix.
  5. Expo 86 just straight up rocks. It never lets up on the monstrous riffs it delivers in its first 10 seconds.
  6. Expo 86, if nothing else, feels like the realization of a Wolf Parade sound; the exquisite Apologies carried the long shadow of its producer Isaac Brock, and Mount Zoomer felt too often like two personalities careening off each other rather than finding some common ground.
  7. It might be difficult to expect such restlessly creative musicmakers to sit still for long, but Expo 86 shows that Wolf Parade could be a place worth settling in for a while.
  8. Yet perhaps in spite of themselves, the members of Wolf Parade--who also put in time with a handful of other bands, including Handsome Furs and Sunset Rubdown--are also improving as songwriters, crafting shapelier melodies and figuring out how to use rhythm to drive toward an emotional climax.
  9. It has the feel of something assembled at a factory with Wolf Parade parts left over from previous albums. It consolidates strengths rather than taking any bold steps forward.
  10. Expo 86 proves that Krug and Boeckner still can do what's always been most important, namely writing songs that still kick *** at every available opportunity.
  11. While this is definitely a darker album, the fuzzy synthesizers help to give the songs warmth, preventing the album from becoming suffocating.
  12. Ambition might sound like an odd thing to chide a band for, but if Wolf Parade had figured out when to push the hooks and when to pull back the excess, Expo 86 would have shone.
  13. Alternative Press
    The band come up with hooks aplenty, delivering anti-pop gold on the guaranteed-to-disappoint-no-one Expo 86. [Aug 2010, p.156]
  14. Expo 86 emphasizes the fact that novel beginnings are meant to prosper whilst winking at the past from time to time.
  15. This is a typically odd, zany album, but that's precisely what makes it so good -- because Wolf Parade's twisted, crazy, surreal world becomes yours, and it feels both absolutely normal and absolutely right.
  16. Expo 86 is a brilliant reinforcement of what occurs when true chemistry exists in a band.
  17. Expo 86 puts up a good showing. The best songs are catchy as hell but complex enough to stay sharp even after repeated listening.
  18. Expo 86 is good, it's just not great. Wolf Parade, the 2010 model, are good, not great.
  19. The lyrics are less interesting, the songs are uneven, and while ultimately Expo 86 sounds like Wolf Parade-and sounds good, even-it doesn't feel like Wolf Parade, if that makes sense.
  20. Expo 86 is both smart and dense enough to warrant your attention.
  21. The album is a perfect mixture of the band's first two records, blended with an equal part of their rock swagger and part their post-electro swing.

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