• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: May 5, 2017
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 196 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 28 out of 196
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  1. May 16, 2017
    Logic puts forth a few notable songs that speak true, however, he ultimately does not display the creativity and longevity that he has the potential for. Themes such as his mixed race come up explicitly in every song and are not built upon, but instead he uses it to express a view of world civility that is just about preached by everyone else.
  2. May 27, 2017
    Take it back, take it way back, take it way way back, take it way way way back, take it way way way way back, to his second best album. This one is phenomenal.
  3. Sep 28, 2017
    I'm kind of disappointed. Logic is one of my favorite rappers of all time, and I do love the songs "Everybody", "Black Spiderman", and "America", but... something feels missing. Like some of the magic is gone. Also, "Mos Definetly" SUUUUUUUUUUCKS. 6/10
  4. May 20, 2017
    You may not agree, but this is a 10/10 album if I've ever seen one. The production, lyrics, and story are top notch, and while much of the focus is on Logic being bi-racial, a lot of it is also universal, wishing to help people and end hate. And his talks about race are fascinating and ring true to me. He has a lot to say here, and while I completely understand the divide that this albumYou may not agree, but this is a 10/10 album if I've ever seen one. The production, lyrics, and story are top notch, and while much of the focus is on Logic being bi-racial, a lot of it is also universal, wishing to help people and end hate. And his talks about race are fascinating and ring true to me. He has a lot to say here, and while I completely understand the divide that this album brings, I personally believed that this album is a fantastic work of art in every possibly way. Expand
  5. May 13, 2017
    Far from perfect but still better than most. I would say if you are not the intended audience for songs like Anziety, 1-800 etc. it can feel a little odd listening to it, and could be why some dislike those songs. However, if you relate to the topic the songs are very powerful. However, like Joey Bada$$, Logic celebrates his black heritage and culture, and points out issues but forgets toFar from perfect but still better than most. I would say if you are not the intended audience for songs like Anziety, 1-800 etc. it can feel a little odd listening to it, and could be why some dislike those songs. However, if you relate to the topic the songs are very powerful. However, like Joey Bada$$, Logic celebrates his black heritage and culture, and points out issues but forgets to come up with solutions or discuss it more in depth. The concept itself is grandiose and very mindbending, but Logic did not push it through as well. He could have developed the story more in my opinion, and made some of the dialogue a little less overt and more subtle to make it seem less "corny" or like you are being spoonfed. The Incredible True Story developed and told the story much more effectively, but that is besides the point. Logic should have taken up J. Cole's advice in "AfricAryan" and dropped the "black and white sh--", and included less about him, and more about others. We know his story, and bringing it up again is a little redundant.

    That being said, Logic puts in a lot more thought into his albums that most, and I commend him on his ambitions. Few are willing to take risks, and here he took a big risk, that depending on who you are, will be miscalculated or perfect.
  6. May 13, 2017
    Logic strives to create a top-notch project relating religion and race diversity, but he ends delivering us more like a work in progress, full of uncertainties and unfinished messages
  7. May 14, 2017
    I expected so much more from logic and i am extremely dissappointed because logic did not go all out at all, he touched on very important subjects without really saying much, he is like the guy that walks into a newsagent and looks at the headlines on all the papers but will never buy one. You can see he really wanted to make a great album that is what hurts me but his flow was hard andI expected so much more from logic and i am extremely dissappointed because logic did not go all out at all, he touched on very important subjects without really saying much, he is like the guy that walks into a newsagent and looks at the headlines on all the papers but will never buy one. You can see he really wanted to make a great album that is what hurts me but his flow was hard and the beats were awesome but he wasted them by talking all through it is a 5 for me Expand
  8. May 13, 2017
    This album starts out great, but throughout is kind of paced wrongly. For a hip hop album it is super slow and although all the songs are very good, some suffer from long drawn out parts such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson's part in AfricAryaN or to a lesser extent Killer Mikes part in Confess. I think Logic definitely has rap down to a science and it truly shows, some songs are perfectly pacedThis album starts out great, but throughout is kind of paced wrongly. For a hip hop album it is super slow and although all the songs are very good, some suffer from long drawn out parts such as Neil DeGrasse Tyson's part in AfricAryaN or to a lesser extent Killer Mikes part in Confess. I think Logic definitely has rap down to a science and it truly shows, some songs are perfectly paced such as Everybody and Killing Spree. Also, the album could have done without Waiting Room and Ink Blot. Anyways, im a huge fan of the album, but it certainly is not perfect. Expand
  9. May 13, 2017
    This album is good. It's not horrible or great, but it's solely in the middle. I dig the concept of the entire album, the skits with Neil DeGrasse Tyson are great and entertaining, and near the ending of the album you figure out in a sense that it's a continuation of the story from ****
    The production on this album is incredible. 6ix did an outstanding job, and easily is the best part of
    This album is good. It's not horrible or great, but it's solely in the middle. I dig the concept of the entire album, the skits with Neil DeGrasse Tyson are great and entertaining, and near the ending of the album you figure out in a sense that it's a continuation of the story from ****
    The production on this album is incredible. 6ix did an outstanding job, and easily is the best part of the album. A big reason I come back to this album is because of the incredible production, but there is moments where some parts are easily taken or "inspired" from other artists. A shining example is the bassline from "America" where it sound note for note like the bassline from Kanye West's "Fade".
    Logic is impressive in terms of flow and technique, but the fact he does his fast rapping all the time throughout this album really wears down near the end of the album. The lyrics are okay at best, and some are pretty thought provoking, but the fact that he CONSTANTLY reminds you about his biracial roots it feels like he's shoving it down your throat. It really takes away from the album, and easily the lyrics are the worst part of the project.
    I still like this album, personally if you want to listen to this album, listen more to the instrumentals more than the lyrics. Think of Logic's voice as another instrument. The beats are the main event here, and if you try to enjoy this album for the lyrics, you'll be a little disappointed.
    Let's hope Ultra 85, Logic's final album, is much, much better than this mixed bag. I'm only giving this a 7 and not a 6 or below because the production blew my mind away. It easily outshines Logic and makes him play second fiddle on this.
  10. May 18, 2017

    Logic is biracial. Logic is biracial. Logic is biracial. He isn't white, his dad is black. Logic is black. Logic is biracial. He isn't white though, that's for damn sure. LOGIC IS BIRACIAL.
  11. May 14, 2017
    Logic continues to disappoint me. For a dude which such talent, he sure knows how to make a bad album. Of course, this album isn't a 0, it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but I had a pretty bad time listening to it. I know this dude is biracial, but he didn't have to go out of his way to make the most watered down black power anthem ever made, like I think he misses the **** pointLogic continues to disappoint me. For a dude which such talent, he sure knows how to make a bad album. Of course, this album isn't a 0, it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, but I had a pretty bad time listening to it. I know this dude is biracial, but he didn't have to go out of his way to make the most watered down black power anthem ever made, like I think he misses the **** point of being black and he's more obsessed with convinces his generally white fanbase that he's just as black as his cousin Keisha. Him saying **** a couple times on the album pissed me off, even if it wasn't in the context most other rappers do, he's trying to push an agenda more than anything. Anyways, the concept is pretty interesting but very poorly executed. Dragged out skits and instrumentals hurt this album badly. And the accusations of Logic seemingly (not purposely) drawing too much from his contemporaries liters the album as well, songs like "Everybody" not only follow Logic's own formula for rapping over the same type of generic, sampled rap beat, but mirroring Kendrick Lamar's "Alright", which got it's message across A LOT clearer. Logic's just a frustrating person to write about, and I'm guess I'm happy he selling a lot of albums, but I hate the way that his own fans have been championing him but I feel like they are starting to realize what's happened as well. This is not really apart of the review, but I just think Logic just made one of the biggest **** ups of his career. This is just a fact, his fanbase is mostly white kids, and he's championed by that fanbase because he's a (visibly) white guy. Making an album like this just doesn't work...it's just retarded in concept, why are you making an album that (if executed correctly) would be criticizing his very fanbase, or at least make them think more a little, BUT he knew he couldn't go full-on "black power" because he wants to bring "everybody" together, so he makes a couple half-assed bars about the empowerment of black people, without criticizing those keeping us in that position. To quote Pitckfork (which pretty much sucks but knows what's up from time to time), this is the "#AllLivesMatter" of rap albums. Expand
  12. May 24, 2017
    this sucks, i can't believe logic would but out almost 2/3 talking. What happened to the flow? How about the old logic?!? WHERE TF IS HE!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!.13e232r
  13. May 16, 2017
    It's really average, there's so little rapping in it that it gets annoying with him just talking to end the beat. Which is a shame because, when he raps his lyrics are sharp and his flow is really on point, but the lack of actual rapping drags this album down
  14. Jun 8, 2017
    I came in with very high expectations and after the first time listening to it, i felt very underwhelmed. I have listened to it 3-4 more times and while It has gotten better It is nowhere near Under Pressure of Welcome to Forever, his two best projects. The production was amazing but the message I felt fell flat and a little gimicky at times. I think he perfectly portrays his message ofI came in with very high expectations and after the first time listening to it, i felt very underwhelmed. I have listened to it 3-4 more times and while It has gotten better It is nowhere near Under Pressure of Welcome to Forever, his two best projects. The production was amazing but the message I felt fell flat and a little gimicky at times. I think he perfectly portrays his message of everybody in Black Spiderman, but it would have been nice to get a song per the persona of person described in Black Spiderman. Some of the tracks felt out of place in the album. Which is unlike logic who usually meshes his tracks very well. But his emphasis on the black vs white was very surface level and not very developed as it could have been and AfricAryan would have been a way better name. The whole story about Atom was cool but he barely brings it up. When i listened to **** for the first time, i was intrigued by the interesting story about earth and paradise but the story was not as developed as **** so it fell flat. Overall the highlights of the Album were America, Black Spiderman, and Africaryan. Expand
  15. May 16, 2017
    Easily logics worst project from his mixtapes and albums. I'm a big fan of his flow, delivery, and voice so I was a little bit excited to hear this album. Unfortunately after listening to it from start to finish I was so disappointed I couldn't bear to listen to it again. Repetitive, corny, and bland are just the few things I can use to describe this album. For an album titled "Everybody"Easily logics worst project from his mixtapes and albums. I'm a big fan of his flow, delivery, and voice so I was a little bit excited to hear this album. Unfortunately after listening to it from start to finish I was so disappointed I couldn't bear to listen to it again. Repetitive, corny, and bland are just the few things I can use to describe this album. For an album titled "Everybody" not everybody can relate to it nor is it for everybody. Overall this album was a terrible listening experience for me. Expand
  16. Jul 17, 2017
    it's okay............................................................................................................................................................
  17. Nov 24, 2017
    On everybody, logic seems to only brush the surface of the topics he is discussing on this album. Most of the album is only focused on racial injustice and I feel like this album is far from a proper representation of everybody. This album was, for me pure disappointment. This album could have been much better.
  18. Feb 12, 2018
    I didn't mind the speeches, even though they take up at least one third of the album, the story is actually pretty cool, but the repetitive nature of the lyrics was very noticeable. Yes I understand that Logic is biracial and black is beautiful, but it just never stops. Also I liked Logic's vocal performance more in The Incredible True Story. Soundwise a lot of the songs are good though,I didn't mind the speeches, even though they take up at least one third of the album, the story is actually pretty cool, but the repetitive nature of the lyrics was very noticeable. Yes I understand that Logic is biracial and black is beautiful, but it just never stops. Also I liked Logic's vocal performance more in The Incredible True Story. Soundwise a lot of the songs are good though, especially in the second half of the album. Expand
  19. Mar 29, 2018
    Without no doubt, Logic has created his own sound, but still feels short on the actual message he wants to put out. There are notable songs on the album, but some feel out of place, other than that the Intro and Outro are among the best in the album.
  20. Jan 9, 2019
    I wanted to love this album as I'm a big Logic fan, and whilst I do like it, it isn't his best work. The album title might be "Everybody" but it's mainly aimed at black Americans with a lot of songs being about black power and black is beautiful, which is fine, but harder to relate to as a white guy from the UK who's never been to America and doesn't know anything about oppression... withI wanted to love this album as I'm a big Logic fan, and whilst I do like it, it isn't his best work. The album title might be "Everybody" but it's mainly aimed at black Americans with a lot of songs being about black power and black is beautiful, which is fine, but harder to relate to as a white guy from the UK who's never been to America and doesn't know anything about oppression... with that said I still enjoyed most of the content as the production is top-notch and Logic's delivery & flow is superb.

    The things that let this album down are dragged out "cut scenes" that end up delivering a bit of a cheesy cliche message. I commend Logic for trying to spread a positive message and wish more hip hop artists would do the same however I wasn't keen on the concept of this album and a 4-5 minute track of just conversation isn't what I want to hear on a hip hop album.

    Then there is the the final track, which is 12 minutes long because it repeats the same verse 3 or 4 times (lost count) and then has a skit of the astronauts from The Incredible True Story (which really undermines the concept/story of this album) before finally delivering a great verse from J. Cole - this song could've been 6-8 minutes but is dragged out for no apparent reason. I don't mind long songs if there is a point to them but there isn't here.

    Overall this is a decent album that would have benefited from shorter skits. I love concept albums and The Incredible True Story is one of my favourite examples of that however this time around Logic didn't quite hit the mark.
  21. Mar 18, 2018
    It's way too preachy at times but it has some of the best production I've ever heard. Every track is it's own entity.
    The skits are **** painful and last forever but I guess that's a given.
    1-800 and the title track are the standouts here.
  22. Jul 28, 2019
    There's a lot of good messages in here, so it's tough to hate on it. It's just so meh, though. Logic sounds watered down and redundant here. Some very good tracks like 1-800 are enough to give it a 5, but it's just overall a pretty forgettable listen.
  23. May 19, 2017
    Logic's Everybody has very catchy and unique beats, but the lyrics compared to all songs share the same exact message. I think Logic put barely any detailed work in any of the songs included in this decent album. The only two I personally enjoy are "Take it Back" and "1-800-273-8255", based on their deep message and the background beats. Overall, alright album.
  24. May 23, 2019
    logic is the rapper white kids put on when they get passed the aux, and oh do they always seem so confident in their decision. Logic creates the most bloated, boring and preachy music possible. As a card carrying liberal, I hate trump as much as the next guy. But dude, criticizing trump for an entire album is the most cliche move and artist can pull. Not to mention his hot takes come offlogic is the rapper white kids put on when they get passed the aux, and oh do they always seem so confident in their decision. Logic creates the most bloated, boring and preachy music possible. As a card carrying liberal, I hate trump as much as the next guy. But dude, criticizing trump for an entire album is the most cliche move and artist can pull. Not to mention his hot takes come off as holier than thou and condescending. Expand
  25. Aug 4, 2018
    I reallyyy like Logic's Sinatra tapes and his debut album. but damn did he **** the bed with 'Everybody'.Album concept (the idea for which he stole! directly! and didn't even tryyy to refine or put his own unique spin on it) is really ambitious but is way beyond what Logic is capable of pulling off. This is the album in a nutshell:
    "I'm biracial! I'm biracial! Accept me! Accept me! I've
    I reallyyy like Logic's Sinatra tapes and his debut album. but damn did he **** the bed with 'Everybody'.Album concept (the idea for which he stole! directly! and didn't even tryyy to refine or put his own unique spin on it) is really ambitious but is way beyond what Logic is capable of pulling off. This is the album in a nutshell:
    "I'm biracial! I'm biracial! Accept me! Accept me! I've seen so much **** Treat others the way you wish to be treated! We're all human, can't we all just get along?".
    this is bunch of boilerplate straight-forward bull****. leaves no room for interpretation. Logic literally named his album's character "Atom", a truly mind bogglingly clever play on Adam from the bible...
  26. Jun 15, 2017
    Logic's message comes through loud and clear here. For some, maybe it was a little to loud and clear, but, in my opinion, the clarity of message was crucial, especially for younger listeners who may not be able to understand more obscure references. Others have expressed disappointment about the admittedly repetitive references to Hall's personal biracial experience. In my opinion, thisLogic's message comes through loud and clear here. For some, maybe it was a little to loud and clear, but, in my opinion, the clarity of message was crucial, especially for younger listeners who may not be able to understand more obscure references. Others have expressed disappointment about the admittedly repetitive references to Hall's personal biracial experience. In my opinion, this was an important part of the album, bringing up both sides of the colorism issue that people in communities all around the world face. Also, there are some sick beats, flows and instrumentals to enjoy! Expand
  27. Aug 4, 2017
    Love this album, listened to > 10. Another album by Logic that is a complete story that has deep thought behind it. Neil Degrasse Tyson is a great addition. Sure, he talks alot about being bi-racial but I see the underlining message as we are all human beings and in this together. The way the album transitions from song to song is great and is one big piece of art, not just singles thrownLove this album, listened to > 10. Another album by Logic that is a complete story that has deep thought behind it. Neil Degrasse Tyson is a great addition. Sure, he talks alot about being bi-racial but I see the underlining message as we are all human beings and in this together. The way the album transitions from song to song is great and is one big piece of art, not just singles thrown together. Highly recommend if you are an open-minded individual. Expand
  28. Oct 6, 2017
    Rap/hip-hop isnt my genre of preferance, but listening to Logic's Everybody, my view on the genre has changed. This is an album with outstanding lyrics, intresting cameos and quirks and is so stripped down and honest that it may be the top release of the year. This is worth a listen.
  29. Jun 2, 2018
    Everybody is not like any other rap album, except for My Dark Twisted Fantasy - shout out to Timothy Golden's review - or other Logic albums. The music and production is reminiscent of the production on MDTF because of it's extremely high-quality, amazing, and just plain great-sounding. "Hallelujah" has utterly amazing music that blows me away, the beat and hook on "America" is killer andEverybody is not like any other rap album, except for My Dark Twisted Fantasy - shout out to Timothy Golden's review - or other Logic albums. The music and production is reminiscent of the production on MDTF because of it's extremely high-quality, amazing, and just plain great-sounding. "Hallelujah" has utterly amazing music that blows me away, the beat and hook on "America" is killer and addictive, and "Mos Definitly" has amazing music. The chorus on "Confess" is fantastic in terms of production and musical quality. "1-800" has powerful music and lyrics, and "Anziety" and "Black" sound plain great. The music on Everybody just sounds plain amazing; painstakingly created and nearly perfect.

    Another big plus on Everybody is Logic's rapping. Logic raps (and occasionally sings) very well on this album and absolutely kills it on the title track and "Killing Spree."

    The lyrics on this album actually say something, and preach solid, meaningful messages for the most part. There are a few missteps, however, specifically on the songs "America" and the final song. "America" has some extremely false lyrics and claims about Trump and Bush, calling them horrible people and racists. The final song is annoyingly and frustratingly repetitive, but the ending is one of Everybody's best moments. The delivery and lyrics at the last minute and a half of the final song are incredible.

    Everybody is as finely-crafted and stunning as it's album cover, and even more impressive and enjoyable. Everybody is a musical masterpiece and actually has some real lyrics substance, but does have a few errors. Still, it's a great rap album. It's a 9.
  30. Aug 16, 2018
    This album sucked. Felt very half baked and very rushed to a degree. A lot of the songs felt unfinished and like demos in terms of the actual direction. Amazing production, poor song structure
  31. Feb 22, 2018
    I really wanted to give this an 8, but I know that logic can do better than what he has given to us right now. This was a good album in my opinion, but I feel this album could have preformed way better if either A) The Concept was actually used more often, or B) The concept was scrapped completely and the title was changed back to AfricAryan. This could have changed my opinion about theI really wanted to give this an 8, but I know that logic can do better than what he has given to us right now. This was a good album in my opinion, but I feel this album could have preformed way better if either A) The Concept was actually used more often, or B) The concept was scrapped completely and the title was changed back to AfricAryan. This could have changed my opinion about the whole thing dramatically and I would have been comfortable giving this an 9 or maybe even a 10. But just changing the name isn't gonna do that for me. My only other issue with this album is on two tracks: Take It Back, and Anziety. On both of these Logic decides to monologue for a bit, rather than rapping. I wouldn't mind too much if it wasn't at least 2/3 of the song. For instance in Take It Back, the spoken monologue starts at roughly 1:59 and continues almost non interrupted for the rest of the song. I know that Logic could have worked everything he needed to say in a verse. He has done "deep" meaningful lyrics like the one I want in songs like Under Pressure. Overall I'm a huge Logic fan, and as a Logic fan I give this a 7/10. If Logic decided to go Life of Pablo on this and change stuff after the initial release then for sure this will be one of the best logic projects to date (maybe even on the same level of Under Pressure and Welcome to Forever), but until that day comes (if it ever does :/) then that is my final verdict. Expand
  32. Feb 27, 2018
    'Everybody' is a plain and try-to-be-purposeful album in Logic's discography. The album is just tasteless and the lyrics and production are horrendous. The only things that are unique about the album are just its beautiful cover art and its kind of disturbing concept/story.
    Strongest Track(s): "1-800-273-8255"
    Weakest Track(s): "Anziety"
  33. Mar 25, 2018
    I dont understand why so many people hate on this album. The production is amazing he doesnt sacrifice flow to get a message across.
  34. Oct 21, 2018
    Two decent songs, but the rest of this album is entirely disappointing and borderline un-listenable.
  35. Aug 8, 2018
    Logic is biracial. That's basically all that came from this album and that 1-800 song. Logic repeats the same **** on most of the songs, which is basically him talking about how he's not ashamed to be black and even though there are a few good ideas that are using the Everybody concept there are few and far between.
  36. Dec 21, 2018
    Logic had this moment of music speak the truth of society and even a critique of the album. You do not have a creativity and involvement, just the generic. It would indicate, with foot behind.
  37. Jun 10, 2018
    Disappointment. Not claiming to be the authority on Logic's music but, this is by far his worst album. I understand what he's trying to say and that the message is important, that doesn't cover the way it's delivered. So far we have three Logic serious projects: one biographical, one narrative and this I would consider a goal-centered album, in the sense that it tries to give a perspectiveDisappointment. Not claiming to be the authority on Logic's music but, this is by far his worst album. I understand what he's trying to say and that the message is important, that doesn't cover the way it's delivered. So far we have three Logic serious projects: one biographical, one narrative and this I would consider a goal-centered album, in the sense that it tries to give a perspective in the current climate of tension we are living. The last two albums, in whatever grade, achieved their purpose, this one does not. Instead of talking from everybody's perspective (a close to impossible task), Logic focuses on race (specifically his biracial origin) and touches on other subjects like LGBT issues. That's it. Not only he misses part of his goal, his forcefeeds whatever he offers so much people tend to ignore the point he was trying to convey. Let's hope his next album gives his career a second wind. Expand
  38. Dec 3, 2018
    Logic spends too much time preaching his new found "peace, love, and positivity" slogan instead of incorporating it into unique music and using his fantastic ability to present multiple different flows in a single track. Do not get me wrong, there are some great tracks, but most of the album seems pandered to the media.
  39. Oct 22, 2018
    This album is different than what you'd expect from rap. It's made to break taboos and help people in need. However, this album isn't for somebody that enjoys lyricism. Yes, the tracks are lyrical, but I could enjoy the most of it only if I paid no attention to the lyrics. There is no denying Logic's high technical ability, I would say that he is one of the most talented rappers in theThis album is different than what you'd expect from rap. It's made to break taboos and help people in need. However, this album isn't for somebody that enjoys lyricism. Yes, the tracks are lyrical, but I could enjoy the most of it only if I paid no attention to the lyrics. There is no denying Logic's high technical ability, I would say that he is one of the most talented rappers in the game, if not the most talented. Logic's flow on the entirety of this album is impeccable, and this album is enjoyable to listen to because of it, but it's not perfect. If you want to hear the highlights of this album, my recommendations are 1-800-273-8255, Everybody, Take it Back, America and Black Spiderman. Expand
  40. Aug 25, 2022
    The hit song 1-800 was my introduction to logic and was a powerful well crafted song that i admittedly enjoyed for how minimal his inclusion was . He wasn't the center of that song but even so his preachy bars felt appropriate . Everything after that just doesn't resonate or sound good,there's a lot missing here
  41. Aug 17, 2019
    did you know logic was biracial?

    Best Tracks: 1-800-273-8255, Killing Spree, Everybody, Black Spider-Man. Confess, Anziety, AfricAryaN, America, Hallelujah.
    Worst Tracks: Mos Definitely
  42. Sep 26, 2019
    This is too long for Logic and he does talk more then rap., but my main issue is that Logic talks about being biracial throughout all the album and it is sooo annoying. The only highlight I see here is Take It Back. Even though he talks about being biracial in that song too it at least has a great verse. I love Logic, but this isn't anything I wanted to hear from him.
  43. Jan 1, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Some songs can repeat the same message from "Don't be racist" and **** 1-800, Take It Back, Killing Spree, Ink Blot and the 2 first songs are so fkin good Expand
  44. ah7
    Jun 16, 2021
    This is a truly lifting and inspiring set of songs, which challenges inequality and difficult topics and is instrumentally and lyrically brilliant from start to finish.
  45. Oct 26, 2022
    Todo y que ha recibido malas críticas, desde mi punto de vista, es un álbum incomprendido. Si bien el concepto tiene algunos fallos, el mensaje del disco y las canciones, a mi parecer es muy bueno y aporta mucho más que muchsísimos otros discos.
  46. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album bem ruinzinho, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 1 out of 7
  1. May 23, 2017
    However he chooses to create his albums, both Logic's talent as an emcee and his insightfulness can't be denied.
  2. May 17, 2017
    Hip Hop’s gatekeepers will say that timing and the repetitive nature of Logic’s lyrics hurts Everybody but for Logic’s younger core fan base, especially those going through struggles of their own, his latest work will be the catharsis to keep them from plunging off the deep end.
  3. May 15, 2017
    In general, the album feels like a grab-bag of 'button issues', others' ideas, and content truly desperate to bear high-minded importance, but proves little more than Logic has clearly heard some Kendrick.