
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Nov 5, 2015
    The Glasgow threepiece has figured out what works: in this case, catchy funk-pop ("High Enough to Carry You Over") that threatens the radio friendliness of Bruno Mars, and nods to early Depeche Mode.
  2. Magnet
    Oct 14, 2015
    Every Open Eye takes an "if it ain't broke" approach, following in the same sonic vein as Bones--sometimes outright repeating Bones--but not really building on it. [No. 125, p.58]
  3. Oct 9, 2015
    CHVRCHES are a still a terrific alternative to the barrage of mind-numbing EDM and soulless euro trash of acts such as Icona Pop that permeate our airwaves and devour advertisements. Another heavenly and peerless collection from the Glaswegian synth-poppers.
  4. 60
    Next to this shimmering peak ["Clearest Blue"], a few songs pale in comparison.
  5. Oct 5, 2015
    They’ll need to be a little more adventurous next time around, but for now, they’re in fine fettle.
  6. Oct 2, 2015
    Every Open Eye is another album you can throw on at a party to get everyone dancing just as easily as you could pensively listen to it alone in your bedroom. They translate so well because they know what they want to say, and one can only hope they keep saying it for some time.
  7. Q Magazine
    Oct 1, 2015
    When Every Eye Opens grabs you by the lapels, on the pulsating "Keep You On My Side" and the Knife-like "Never Ending Circles," it's stunning. When it fades into aural wallpaper, at least it does it prettily. [Nov 2015, p.110]
  8. Oct 1, 2015
    The Glasgow trio's second album builds on the stem-winding synth-surge of their arresting 2013 debut, The Bones of What You Believe.
  9. Oct 1, 2015
    Every Open Eye proves Chvrches to be a band that hones in on its strengths, develops them, and uses those strengths to consistently release quality material.
  10. This is an album that will hold up over time, keeping us more than satisfied as we wait for Chvrches to give us something even bigger.
  11. Sep 28, 2015
    Whether asking for reconciliation ("Clearest Blue", "Empty Threat") or demanding closure ("Never Ending Circles", "Leave a Trace"), Mayberry is judge, jury, and executioner, making convincing, carefully worded closing arguments set to casually devastate.
  12. Sep 27, 2015
    It might not have the same explosive nature as Bones but what it does have are some pop juggernauts.
  13. Sep 25, 2015
    The record feels like the kind a band releases just before it takes off. If Every Open Eyes turns out to be Chvrches’ breakthrough album, no one should be surprised.
  14. Sep 25, 2015
    Every Open Eye seems neutered, the rough edges sanded back on an album that fits a mould more than it breaks it--which given the band’s confrontational media stance seems something of a waste.
  15. Sep 25, 2015
    This means there are fewer musical surprises, though one comes when Martin Doherty takes over lead vocals for a song, seemingly out of nowhere. It makes Mayberry’s return to the mic even sweeter.
  16. Sep 25, 2015
    More confident in their own musical skins, it all adds together to make Every Open Eye a second album even better than the first.
  17. Sep 24, 2015
    An almost uncannily well-crafted second album.
  18. Sep 24, 2015
    Many of those songs provide a welcome pause for thought, featuring more subtleties than the obvious hits.
  19. Sep 24, 2015
    Every Open Eye is pop music with sharp edges and high stakes.
  20. Sep 24, 2015
    CHVRCHES aim for nothing less than maximum forward impact at all times. Beneath the ice-floe synths and Mayberry’s cool, collected belting is an anxious impulse to please.
  21. 67
    The ambition on Every Open Eye is obvious, and Chvrches seem willing to relinquish some of their originality to take the next step. Nor does the album possess the thrill of the new. But it’s still more carefully constructed than 90 percent of what the genre currently has to offer.
  22. 75
    Every Open Eye is full of epic singles that reverberate dizzingly around the head.
  23. Sep 24, 2015
    Every Open Eye goes down smooth, but it’s hard not to miss the moments of exhilaration that used to power the band.
  24. Sep 23, 2015
    Every Open Eye is the sound of a band moving steadily forward, while keeping one foot grounded in the origin of their success. No, it isn't any gargantuan leap, but it is a collection of expertly constructed luminous and shimmering pop tracks, honed with care and delivered with clarity.
  25. Sep 23, 2015
    With Mayberry's recent participation in the discussion of misogyny on social media and in music, it's easy to view these songs through the lens of feminism, but it's just one of the many compelling facets of Every Open Eye's overall scope.
  26. Sep 23, 2015
    Every Open Eye most likely won’t be the mainstream crossover CHVRCHES have the capacity for, but it does get them that much closer.
  27. 80
    A record like a deep gulp of cold air on a clear, bright morning after.
  28. Uncut
    Sep 14, 2015
    Though nothing here quite matches the melodic and emotional force of their first-album anthem "The Mother We Share," the quality threshold is high throughout. [Oct 2015, p.73]
  29. Mojo
    Sep 14, 2015
    The winning formula could hold Chvrches back from breaking new ground. [Oct 2015, p.90]
  30. Alternative Press
    Sep 14, 2015
    As elements of dark pop fuse seamlessly with dance beats, Every Open Eye will convert even the staunchest non-believers. [Oct 2015, p.98]
  31. Sep 14, 2015
    The music is digital and danceable but with emotional depth--much of it thanks to Mayberry.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 188 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 15 out of 188
  1. Sep 25, 2015
    Better than their debut. Better songwriting. A stronger, more confident Mayberry, yet somehow she's more vulnerable. A coalescing of the bestBetter than their debut. Better songwriting. A stronger, more confident Mayberry, yet somehow she's more vulnerable. A coalescing of the best part of Chvrches.

    Some may say that it doesn't really expand on their sound, which may be a valid complaint. But with a sound so dead solid perfect, why tinker with it?
    Full Review »
  2. Sep 25, 2015
    Chvrches builds on their strong debut with a well layered and catchy sophomore album. While The Bones Of What You Believe displayed veryChvrches builds on their strong debut with a well layered and catchy sophomore album. While The Bones Of What You Believe displayed very diverse songs, Every Open Eye shows songs that have a similar theme but all have their unique strong points. Down Side of Me is a superb song; by far one of the trio's best to date. Full Review »
  3. Sep 25, 2015
    A horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one ofA horrible record. Why is Lauren Mayberry "brave" and "strong" when she bullies her fans online? Why does no one mention that she got one of her fans banned from Twitter?

    But back to the record. It's boring, tired, and the same thing as the first one. It's like Lauren threw her vocals over some instrumentals on YouTube, it's just amateur and not good.

    Thanks but no thanks Chvrches. I choose to vote with my wallet and not buy your record. I hope your 5 minutes in the spotlight ends soon.
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