• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Singular pop craftsmen (and women) who can successfully tow the line between commercially viable and artistically sovereign are few and far between in the 21st century, which makes the arrival of Eugene McGuinness a true cause for celebration.
  2. What was once pin drop quiet is now grand; one soon adjusts however as the key to all of the songs here is the inner shell, not the protective exterior.
  3. He puts together a good melody for each of these songs, as effortlessly as Ray Davies and in as nasally a voice.
  4. Eugene McGuinness has created the perfect musical definition of a grower as opposed to a shower, a subtle nudge instead of a smack in the face, and the album's all the better for it.
  5. What the 22-year-old does with his whimsical art rock influences is less predictable; the arrangements take the songs in odd directions, piquing interest even when the genre experiments drag.
  6. 60
    It's wittier than it is moving or insightful, but give McGuinness time.
  7. 70
    Eugene McGuinness is a time traveling disc where Eugene blends his creativity with sounds of the past. And although this may have not been intentional, it is somewhat still appreciated.
  8. Let's chalk it up to growing pains and watch how early learnings further develop into an adult style.
  9. Under The Radar
    The 23-year-old daydreamer's spry aplomb pays dividends. [Summer 2009, p.68]
  10. Make no mistake, it’s a decent record by anyone’s standards; a very good one by some people’s. But it is not the exceptional record that I had hoped for and that early signs showed McGuinness is capable of.

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