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Generally favorable reviews- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
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  1. Oct 9, 2019
    UPD: I believe it's important to mention that my review is based on Deluxe version of the album.

    At the very first go I wasn't happy. It seemed that there are too many acoustic things, that the whole album lacks cool heavy mindblowing tracks like 'Black Shack'. Perhaps, only 'Choke on It' has captured my attention from the start, though other tracks made me happy in a few next tries.
    UPD: I believe it's important to mention that my review is based on Deluxe version of the album.

    At the very first go I wasn't happy. It seemed that there are too many acoustic things, that the whole album lacks cool heavy mindblowing tracks like 'Black Shack'. Perhaps, only 'Choke on It' has captured my attention from the start, though other tracks made me happy in a few next tries.

    I've listened to the album at least 5 times and I am really enjoying it now. Experiments are both bold and interesting and lyrics are great, especially Heavy Metal Lover with 'you look so happy when you're carving meat', a serenade to a chair with romantic French lines and a song about the cognitive bias ('Confirmation Bias'). 'We Are the Guitar Men' is nice with all these Queen-like harmony and backs with Van Halen's 'Eruption' in the end. 'Live 'Til I Die' is the song from 'Permission to Land' era, and you can feel it. Even the singles which I didn't like that much from the start are nice, especially 'Heart Explodes', it feels like a great song for Autumn.

    So, if you were disappointed with the album from the start, give it another go, it is worth it. I don't believe The Darkness can become as huge as they were back in 2003 but they are still a hell of a band. A decent one, at the very least, even if you do not dig them. And a great one, if you love them as I do.
  2. Oct 8, 2019
    EIC is an easy 10/10 for me and the bonus tracks are a beautiful come down, especially Confirmation Bias which I can’t get enough of. This album is everything I hoped it would be and more. The Fellas are still in very fine form - 6 solid albums in and it feels like they’ve still got more to give. I’ve listed to the album about 20 times and still loving it. For true Darkness fans this is aEIC is an easy 10/10 for me and the bonus tracks are a beautiful come down, especially Confirmation Bias which I can’t get enough of. This album is everything I hoped it would be and more. The Fellas are still in very fine form - 6 solid albums in and it feels like they’ve still got more to give. I’ve listed to the album about 20 times and still loving it. For true Darkness fans this is a gem. Expand
  3. Oct 5, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hermoso disco muy bien elaborado con la esencia del rock, buen regreso de The Darkness Expand
  4. Oct 9, 2019
    Did they ever leave? The Darkness return with arguably there best Album. Listen and marvel at the ROCK!!!
  5. Oct 15, 2019
    Excellent, mature, exciting ... peerless work. The Darkness put all other rock bands under the microscope and ask.. ‘do you rock’?
  6. Oct 19, 2019
    The best rock band on the planet. They Just get better and better. Every song has its space, it’s beautifully arranged and plenty of new ideas. Deluxe edition with bonus tracks recommended.
  7. Oct 6, 2019
    Once again The Darkness prove to be the current reigning champions of all things rock while at the same time exploring and experimenting and pulling a few new tricks from their sleeve. The albums production is layered and huge and the songs range from full on metal assaults to introspective balladry while always maintaining that classic The Darkness tongue in cheek humor. Another instantOnce again The Darkness prove to be the current reigning champions of all things rock while at the same time exploring and experimenting and pulling a few new tricks from their sleeve. The albums production is layered and huge and the songs range from full on metal assaults to introspective balladry while always maintaining that classic The Darkness tongue in cheek humor. Another instant classic to add to their impressive discography. Great job lads. Expand
  8. Oct 12, 2019
    A great record from start to finish. The Hawkins Brothers guitar works is fantastic as always. I can live without the bonus tracks, but the proper album is stellar.
  9. Oct 15, 2019
    Шестой релиз британских рокеров. Один из тех альбомов, где среди довольно средненьких треков можно отыскать несколько настоящих алмазов. Весёлый, оригинальный, местами неожиданный и уж точно нескучный рок. При прослушивании ловил себя на мысли, что веет чем-то родным и таким знакомым. Потом смотрю, а на барабанах же у них сын самого Роджера Тейлора из Queen! Вот оно откуда!

    Шестой релиз британских рокеров. Один из тех альбомов, где среди довольно средненьких треков можно отыскать несколько настоящих алмазов. Весёлый, оригинальный, местами неожиданный и уж точно нескучный рок. При прослушивании ловил себя на мысли, что веет чем-то родным и таким знакомым. Потом смотрю, а на барабанах же у них сын самого Роджера Тейлора из Queen! Вот оно откуда!

    Лучшие треки:
    Rock and Roll Deserves to Die
    In Another Life
    Heart Explodes
  10. Feb 5, 2023
    Yet another great album. Heart Explodes is a fantastical explosion of a song. In Another Life and Live Til I Die are instant Darkness classics. How Can I Lose Your Love and Heavy Metal Lover are also brilliant cuts from this one. Also worth a listen is Rock And Roll Deserves To Die and Choke On It.
  11. Oct 10, 2019
    The album seems a little confuse for me. The musics don't conect to each other..

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Nov 1, 2019
    Easter Is Cancelled may not be high art, but it doesn't need to be. It is that rare delight: a return to form following a lengthy period of artistic stagnation.
  2. Q Magazine
    Oct 22, 2019
    It's the renewed sense of urgency and bubblegum appeal--see Live 'Til I Die--which ensures that Prof Hawkins's musical multiverse is still a thrilling place. [Dec 2019, p.109]
  3. Uncut
    Oct 21, 2019
    Song structures are over-egged, resulting in blunted hooks and lost momentum. [Dec 2019, p.25]