• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2020
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Universal acclaim- based on 529 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 529
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  1. Nov 6, 2020
    This is the album we all needed. It’s fun, celebratory and a warm ray of sunshine. Thank you miss Minogue.
  2. Nov 8, 2020
    BRIGHTEST OF THE STARS: This is a line of one of the DISCO songs, but that fits perfectly with Kylie and her new album. Throughout 3 decades, Kylie were a ot of things, and Dance Kylie always was a huge spirit, and now she's fully back to this form, and as results, we have DISCO: A frenetic joyful intergalactic ride. Jump on her ride, it's time to have fun and forget all your problems. OurBRIGHTEST OF THE STARS: This is a line of one of the DISCO songs, but that fits perfectly with Kylie and her new album. Throughout 3 decades, Kylie were a ot of things, and Dance Kylie always was a huge spirit, and now she's fully back to this form, and as results, we have DISCO: A frenetic joyful intergalactic ride. Jump on her ride, it's time to have fun and forget all your problems. Our Disco will always need you, Kylie. Expand
  3. Nov 6, 2020
    Kylie has always been about joy, optimism, and pure escapism. With an album called DISCO (in all capitals!), it was obvious that she would put those things to the forefront, and seriously, who needs anything else after this mess of a year? After her side-projects and experiments in the past decade, this is at last a comeback of the Kylie we all know, but perfected and more confident thanKylie has always been about joy, optimism, and pure escapism. With an album called DISCO (in all capitals!), it was obvious that she would put those things to the forefront, and seriously, who needs anything else after this mess of a year? After her side-projects and experiments in the past decade, this is at last a comeback of the Kylie we all know, but perfected and more confident than ever. She’s unashamedly having fun and delivering pure pop, and she doesn’t even advertise it as anything but. Expand
  4. Sep 25, 2022
    Took me two years to finally get into this album, and the time was so worth it. So groovy and so euphoric! Very ecstatic to see Kylie return to her disco roots and it is definitely a return to form for her. Bravo!
  5. Nov 6, 2020
    Album of the year. This is the album that Dua Lipa, Lady Gaga and those other artists thought they were doing.
  6. Nov 6, 2020
    Best album of the whole year! Kylie Minogue gives us everything we need... It’s awesome how fresh the álbum sounds, it’s a great expression of her talent
  7. Nov 6, 2020
    This is just a pure masterpiece! Even after 30+ years in the music business, we all know who the true queen is. The one and only. KYLIE!
  8. Nov 15, 2020
    Lush production throughout all tracks, escapism at its finest. It’s rare for an artist with as many years in the game as Kylie to deliver such quality.
  9. Nov 6, 2020
    Kylie Minogue gives us her best work since Aprodithe ten years ago, the purely disco style sits well bringing a touch of nostalgia to the present day with its rhythms
  10. Nov 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album has shown that Kylie continues and will continue to be the undisputed goddess of pop / disco music. Without a doubt, it is one of his albums with the best work done, the influences of music from the 70's are clear here. As the title mentions, DISCO, it's time to turn on the colored lights and build your disco ball to dance the night away. Expand
  11. Nov 6, 2020
    Excelente trabajo de Kylie, supera con creces a Kiss Me Once y Golden, sonidos atrapantes, retro y vanguardista al mismo tiempo, lo único malo es la portada del disco que a mi juicio tiene muy poco atractivo y trabajo, pero el contenido musical es una auténtica maravilla.
  12. Nov 8, 2020
    Kylie has given a better version of all disco-inspired album released this year, well dond Kylie.
  13. Nov 7, 2020
    very welcomed return to forum. Just want you'd want with an album called "Disco"
  14. Nov 6, 2020
    ESTE DISCO ES LA ALEGRÍA QUE 2020 NOS ROBÓ. La positividad de Kylie logra traspasar los altavoces y entrar en nuestros cuerpos para hacernos olvidar una realidad triste. Con un fondo en ocasiones nostálgico el disco es delicioso, con clásicos instantáneos como SUPERNOVA o I OVE IT. La mejor Minogue está de vuelta y este disco es de lo mejor de su carrera.
  15. Nov 8, 2020
    The Pop Princess from down under does it again! Just when you thought there was no hope for a happy moment in 2020, Kylie delivers a gem of a Nu Disco record that returns her squarely to the centre of the dance floor where she rightfully belongs. If you prefer her earlier 2000's albums like Fever and Light Years filtered through a Studio 54 -era vocoder you'll love DISCO especially tracksThe Pop Princess from down under does it again! Just when you thought there was no hope for a happy moment in 2020, Kylie delivers a gem of a Nu Disco record that returns her squarely to the centre of the dance floor where she rightfully belongs. If you prefer her earlier 2000's albums like Fever and Light Years filtered through a Studio 54 -era vocoder you'll love DISCO especially tracks like Real Groove or Supernova. Maximalist music this is so crank it up and dance your way through the drama! Expand
  16. Nov 6, 2020
    I loved Golden back in 2018, it was what really got me into Kylie. But Disco, it is such a refreshing sound. Every song sounds so meticulous and it really is the mindfulness and escapism that we needed in 2020. Magic is such an outstanding album opener, and Real Groove is uplifting. This album will really cheer you up and is one of the best albums of the year. Kylie is timeless.
  17. Nov 6, 2020
    Pure joy floods the dance floor, the sound waves and my basement. So many thumbs up.
  18. Nov 8, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. A magnificent pop masterpieces, Kylie at its best! She just continues to amazed the world with her music. Expand
  19. Nov 6, 2020
    One of the best album of the year. kylie bring to us a incredible album with no promisses. who is the queen of disco? kylie minogue so shut up.
  20. Nov 6, 2020
    No que depender da Kylie, as gays nunca passarão fome, graças a Deusa muito bem alimentadas.
  21. Nov 6, 2020
    Kylie consegue trazer excelência e maestria depois de 30 anos de carreira, é inegavel seu talento para fazer musicas cativantes e com identidade própria mesmo se inspirando em outros marcos da cultura pop, DISCO é motivação e nostalgia, é clamar pela pista de dança, o Aphrodite perdeu seu posto de álbum mais popular entre os fãs.

    Kylie tirou 10 na prova.
  22. Nov 9, 2020
    ¡Kylie es la Diosa del Dance-Pop!
    jamás había escuchado un buen álbum Dance-POP en mí vida Realmente este álbum revive el pasado ochentero y noventero que todos hemos fantaseado por querer volver.
    Cada canción de este álbum te hará bailar, cantar, sentirte eufórico y en una nueva época.
    Realmente estoy agradecido de esta obra de arte.
  23. Nov 10, 2020
    No one can do it like Kylie, she's amazing and this album is the proof! You need to listen ASAP
  24. Nov 6, 2020
    Kylie in her element. You can really tell that she's enjoying herself and the music she's creating, which makes for a joyful and euphoric listen.
  25. Dec 7, 2020
    Kylie nunca decepciona, e com o DISCO não poderia ser diferente. Com a onda de músicas inspiradas nos anos 70 e 80, e com alta da música dance e disco, a rainha do gênero mistura influências do Aphrodite e Light Years, grandes sucessos de sua carreira, e mostra como se faz música disco com maestria e originalidade, consagrando o DISCO como o sucessor natural do Aphrodite.
  26. Nov 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's an amazing album. It's full of bops, Miss Minogue served what we needed this year. Expand
  27. Nov 7, 2020
    El álbum es bastante bueno. A pesar de que Kylie ya había experimentado con estos sonidos. Sin embargo, se reivindica y muestra una colección de canciones que no dan descanso alguno, y solamente puedes bailar y bailar hasta morir.
  28. Nov 10, 2020
    The queen of disco redeeming itself.
    One of the best albums released this year.
  29. Nov 6, 2020
    Em Disco Kylie entrega um dos seus melhores trabalhos em anos, mergulhando em um gênero que ela domina. Kylie tem em suas mãos um trabalhl cheio de grandes hits, um álbum dançante que te transposta pra uma pista de dança dos anos 70 e 80, com fortes referências de Abba, Donna Summer e outros ícones que marcaram o gênero, Kylie flerta com ritmo que é o seu chão. O Álbum é pura nostalgia,Em Disco Kylie entrega um dos seus melhores trabalhos em anos, mergulhando em um gênero que ela domina. Kylie tem em suas mãos um trabalhl cheio de grandes hits, um álbum dançante que te transposta pra uma pista de dança dos anos 70 e 80, com fortes referências de Abba, Donna Summer e outros ícones que marcaram o gênero, Kylie flerta com ritmo que é o seu chão. O Álbum é pura nostalgia, com forte emboramento, letras e instrumetal muito bem estruturados. Se você quer dançar, cantar e sentir aquele sentimento de saudades é só ouvir Disco e da play novamente. Expand
  30. Nov 6, 2020
    DISCO is a pop masterpiece and the best of the year. Kylie invited us all to a futuristic Studio 54.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Nov 17, 2020
    As a collection of songs, Disco is a terrific soundtrack to washing the dishes or a dance-off. But this album itself underestimates its own artist, which is in a small way unforgivable.
  2. Nov 16, 2020
    Uncool is not bad, and if anything, DISCO could stand more of it: to evoke actual disco in all its frisson and desperation, rather than the remembered-40-years-later version, full of kitsch and clip-art disco balls. The album, with a couple exceptions, has two modes: overly tasteful cruise-ship programming, and gauche rehashes.
  3. Uncut
    Nov 13, 2020
    Disco is too much of a safe, shiny, frictionless crowd-pleaser to deliver much more than mildly entertaining retro pastiche. [Jan 2021, p.31]