• Record Label: BMG
  • Release Date: Nov 6, 2020

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Nov 17, 2020
    As a collection of songs, Disco is a terrific soundtrack to washing the dishes or a dance-off. But this album itself underestimates its own artist, which is in a small way unforgivable.
  2. Nov 16, 2020
    Uncool is not bad, and if anything, DISCO could stand more of it: to evoke actual disco in all its frisson and desperation, rather than the remembered-40-years-later version, full of kitsch and clip-art disco balls. The album, with a couple exceptions, has two modes: overly tasteful cruise-ship programming, and gauche rehashes.
  3. Uncut
    Nov 13, 2020
    Disco is too much of a safe, shiny, frictionless crowd-pleaser to deliver much more than mildly entertaining retro pastiche. [Jan 2021, p.31]
  4. 60
    Disco offers a set of familiar grooves. ... Her comfort zone is effervescence and escapism, in the pursuit of which Disco stays light on its feet and easy on the ear. We’ve heard it all before, but Kylie has the floor, and, honestly, she sounds like she’s having a (glitter)ball.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 529 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 36 out of 529
  1. Nov 6, 2020
    Kylie has always been about joy, optimism, and pure escapism. With an album called DISCO (in all capitals!), it was obvious that she would putKylie has always been about joy, optimism, and pure escapism. With an album called DISCO (in all capitals!), it was obvious that she would put those things to the forefront, and seriously, who needs anything else after this mess of a year? After her side-projects and experiments in the past decade, this is at last a comeback of the Kylie we all know, but perfected and more confident than ever. She’s unashamedly having fun and delivering pure pop, and she doesn’t even advertise it as anything but. Full Review »
  2. Nov 6, 2020
    Her best album in her entire discography and album of the year, Kylie is really that disco diva !
  3. Nov 6, 2020
    This is everything that all singers tried to create this year, godess Kylie did it by her own.