
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. If it was Gedge's intent to win back some of the Wedding Present fans who found Va Va Voom to be too much of a departure, Disco Volante could succeed in that regard. With Weddoes guitarist Simon Cleave now a full-fledged member, there's some of the trademark late '80s/early '90s roar apparent in the likes of "146 Degrees" and "Your Charms"; but whether or not that and crisp drums fit snugly alongside French horn and accordion is debatable.
  2. Alternative Press
    On Disco Volante, [David Gedge] sometimes becomes as tedious as a typical pick-up line. [Jan 2001, p.86]
  3. Music as kitschy, joyful and grand as it clearly intends, a tongue-in-cheek soundtrack to the James Bond movie we'd all like our lives to be.
  4. Magnet
    [David] Gedge's fragile, understated vocals and keyboardist Sally Murrell's soaring, wordless harmonies only add to the sense of desolation.... [#48, p.79]
  5. David Lewis Gedge seldom received credit for his Sinatra-esque vocal prowess or Dylan-style lyrical insights when fronting The Wedding Present, but his subsequent Cinerama project is a far more intriguing and beguiling affair.
  6. Disco Volante is a treat, an unassuming melange of '60s pop styles that's disarmingly sweet and consistently endearing. It's a logical sidestep away from The Wedding Present that neither lets listeners forget [David] Gedge's rock roots nor lets them be missed.

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