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Universal acclaim- based on 821 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 30 out of 821
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  1. Mar 25, 2023
    lana is the best songwriter of our generation, literally she could do an album without any hard work, she is the best
  2. Mar 25, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. Lana did that again! As good as NFR, the level of intimacy, poetry… she’s the greatest songwriter in our generation and her angelic voice just match with her lyrics to create an unique atmosphere. Again, she’s the greatest.
  3. Mar 25, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Te amo Lanita ❤️
    gracias por tu música, eres parte de mi día 10/10
    Sigo tu música desde el 2017, me emociona haberte conocido en ese momento y llevarte hasta ahora, gracias
  4. Mar 26, 2023
    WOW !! This album is pure and vulnerable and ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS SHES DONE TO DATE. Truly a unique and talented artist. Great job !!
  5. Mar 26, 2023
    This album really deserves the grammy, this is by far the best album released this year and deserves literally everything. I love it so much.
  6. Mar 26, 2023
    Um álbum delicioso e muito sensível. As letras retratam o íntimo da cantora e as melodias conseguem acompanhar o sentimento que Lana quer passar.
  7. Mar 26, 2023
    O álbum mais pessoal e mais sensível da carreira de Del Rey. Nesse álbum, viajamos pela mente em ruínas de Lana e descobrimos coisas do seu passado que deixa tudo mais forte. As melodias delicadas que arranham seus ouvidos (no bom sentido) e as letras pesadas como rock, faz com que o álbum se transforme em uma emoção. O único álbum dela que consegue olhar nos olhos de "Norman F******O álbum mais pessoal e mais sensível da carreira de Del Rey. Nesse álbum, viajamos pela mente em ruínas de Lana e descobrimos coisas do seu passado que deixa tudo mais forte. As melodias delicadas que arranham seus ouvidos (no bom sentido) e as letras pesadas como rock, faz com que o álbum se transforme em uma emoção. O único álbum dela que consegue olhar nos olhos de "Norman F****** Rockwell!". Se o Grammy esnobar esse álbum, podemos começar o fim do mundo. Expand
  8. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Одним словом - шедевр. Альбом очень разносторонний, глубокий, теплый, а вокал Ланы просто нечто неописуемое. Я в восторге! Expand
  9. Mar 26, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album feels like Lana Del Rey's very own "The Eras Tour". The lyrics, the vibe, and the production gave me a short but memorable trip down the memory lane starting from Born to Die down to this album. It's very raw and personal. Expand
  10. Mar 27, 2023
    Lana Del Rey's Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd cleverly frames family dynamic and individual existentialism through a nuanced, and at times, purposefully chaotic lense. "Ocean Blvd." finds Del Rey exploring uncharted territory, whilst also fleshing out her previous works, most notably in Taco Truck x VB. Del Rey provides a reminiscent but vibrant take on Venice ****Lana Del Rey's Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd cleverly frames family dynamic and individual existentialism through a nuanced, and at times, purposefully chaotic lense. "Ocean Blvd." finds Del Rey exploring uncharted territory, whilst also fleshing out her previous works, most notably in Taco Truck x VB. Del Rey provides a reminiscent but vibrant take on Venice **** (Norman **** Rockwell!). Del Rey's interchangeable and versatile approach to her work shines through this masterpiece, and reaffirms her unchallenged abilities as a dominating singer/songwriter of this generation, and truly a force to be reckoned with. Expand
  11. Mar 27, 2023
    Lana is the most versatile artist of today. The album has it all and there’s nothing much more to say than it’s absolute perfection at Lana‘s most vulnerable.
  12. Mar 27, 2023
    Once again Lana Del Rey brings a wonderful album with perfect instrumentals, impeccable vocals and very well written lyrics
  13. Mar 27, 2023
    This is Lanita, I love it, thank you God for her and thank you Lana for sharing with us
  14. Mar 27, 2023
    So good! Kintsugi is my fav track! I cried so much definitely an AOTY contender.
  15. Mar 27, 2023
    The flow of the entire album is beautiful. Like a tunnel with kintsugi and Fingertips being her most vulnerable and at the darkest point in the tunnel. She flows from there out into the light ending with Venice **** but better
  16. Mar 27, 2023
    Ocean blvd is an amazing and unique experience... Such an amazing album... Lana truly is an artist!
  17. Mar 27, 2023
    This ninth album by lana takes us into masterful sounds, with her clearest and most angelic voice. Lyrics where she shows us her ability as a writer and poet, where she tells us about her family and her personal feelings, her legacy is her love and her poetry.
  18. Mar 27, 2023
    A beautiful masterpiece from Lana, bringing her back to her earlier albums such as Lust For Life and NFR!

    All tracks are beautifully cultivated and arranged in an amazing way, with meaningful lyrics, beautiful production ETC.
  19. Mar 27, 2023
    Her best album since NFR!, skipless record, vaporous and regal sound. Personal favorites: Sweet, Fingertips, Let The Light In and Taco Truck.
  20. Mar 27, 2023
    This album touched my heart and my soul, Lana you are a real poet.All the songs have this unique atmosphere that made some of my deepest feelings come out, only Lana has this power over me.She made me feel beautiful, loved, and sad sometimes,but it's a sadness that made me confortable with who i am. This is a very personal review, maybe i don't know how to technically rate songs, but whenThis album touched my heart and my soul, Lana you are a real poet.All the songs have this unique atmosphere that made some of my deepest feelings come out, only Lana has this power over me.She made me feel beautiful, loved, and sad sometimes,but it's a sadness that made me confortable with who i am. This is a very personal review, maybe i don't know how to technically rate songs, but when a melody or a vocal make me feel home, i know its good (and it's Lana).Sorry my bad english. Expand
  21. Mar 27, 2023
    The album is an ode to Lana's past, present and future. Her most intimate work thus far. Once again she's proven why she's considered the the greatest American songwriter of the 21st century.
  22. Mar 28, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love that her album is so perfect the way she did a perfection instrumentals Expand
  23. Mar 28, 2023
    amazing was sobbing best album since lust for life and ultraviolence and maybe nfr
  24. Mar 30, 2023
    The more you listen to it, the more you will fall in love with this masterpiece. Nothing has calm me down like this for a long time.
  25. Mar 28, 2023
    This album is one in a million. Brilliant songwriting/story telling, incredible production, and of course amazing vocals. This album will go down as one of the best of this generation.
  26. Mar 28, 2023
    She outdid herself again. Lana Del Rey is the best songwriter of this generation.
  27. Mar 28, 2023
    é um álbum maduro onde a Lana consegue fazer autorreferencias aos seus trabalhos anteriores sem ser prepotente ou brega, acontece de um jeito natural e empolgante pra quem é fã e reconhece as referências. as letras são, sem dúvida, as melhores dela, lírica profunda e intimista como todo o álbum. candy necklace, peppers, taco truck x VB, a&w, fingertips and kintsugi são, pra mim, os pontosé um álbum maduro onde a Lana consegue fazer autorreferencias aos seus trabalhos anteriores sem ser prepotente ou brega, acontece de um jeito natural e empolgante pra quem é fã e reconhece as referências. as letras são, sem dúvida, as melhores dela, lírica profunda e intimista como todo o álbum. candy necklace, peppers, taco truck x VB, a&w, fingertips and kintsugi são, pra mim, os pontos altos de um álbum que já nasceu clássico e ditando tendência. Expand
  28. Mar 29, 2023
    I’m not the biggest Lana fan, but this is an ambitious project and she mostly pulls it off, so I have to commend her for that. As expected, there’s plenty of put-on glamour and depressive/unhinged piano balladry. If you like that from Lana, you won’t be disappointed.
  29. Mar 29, 2023
    I didnt had the same impact her last three albun had on me but it still a brillant work with only 2 skips of all 16 tracks.
  30. Mar 29, 2023
    Audacity, musicality and poetry. I rate Lana as highly as Joni Mitchell, Carol King, Kate Bush, Tori Amos. The album, like the last 3, leaves me gasping.
  31. Mar 29, 2023
    DYKTTATUOB is a magnificent work, with emotional songs and sounds and productions for every taste. Lana mentions other songs from this album and past works from her career. This album is an ethereal journey that elevates your spirit and really connects you to what she’s singing and playing. It’s one of her bests albums.
  32. Apr 9, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana has done it again with another masterpiece. While some might say that this album was bland or boring, its actually the exact opposite. Del Rey mixed R&B,Trap and Piano Ballads together. I don't see anything bland or boring about that. Songs like Peppers,Fishtail,A&W and Taco Truck x VB are for the people who enjoy trap and R&B sounds. Paris Texas, Candy Necklace and Fingertips is for people who enjoy songs that you can just vibe to and listen in the car. Margaret,The Grants,Grandfather Please and Let The Light in is for people who enjoy Heavy ballads and Title Track,Sweet and Kintsugi is for people who enjoy more soft ballads. All of the songs have great diversity and the interludes are perfect. The reason I deducted 1 point is that for all of the hype, this album was a bit underwhelming. Songs like Kintsugi and Taco Truck x VB didn't have good production. Overall, this album was a great listen to and definitely one of Lana's best projects. I rate it a 9 as Lana obviously worked hard for this album. Expand
  33. Mar 31, 2023
    Best album of her career, I can fell her in all the letters.
    Kisses Lana, I love you!
  34. Mar 31, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es la palabra arte, la estética y la producción de sonido, el sentimiento que te pueede llegar a transmitir, tanto así que puede relacionarse con cosas que nos nos pasado a todos, es arte. Expand
  35. Apr 1, 2023
    An album rich in instrumentals but that can sometimes become repetitive and monotonous. Many songs manage to stand out within the album and make its aesthetic stronger. It's not a bad album it's just another level album by Lana Del Rey that probably doesn't suit all types of people but that pleases a good part of the singer's audience
  36. Apr 1, 2023
    Os arranjos de deus, é o que se pode falar desse álbum.
    Uma nova fórmula, mas com o potencial único que só Lana del Rey possui.
  37. Apr 1, 2023
    In this album we can see the persona of Lana Del Rey entering the tunnel of her painful memories and her affectionate memories. At the beginning, she will show her feelings in the experiences of the last years. After an epic, satirical A&W, we hear an interlude of a pastor preaching the 8th psalm with chilling fervor, as he realizes his preaching turns back to his own life and Lana isIn this album we can see the persona of Lana Del Rey entering the tunnel of her painful memories and her affectionate memories. At the beginning, she will show her feelings in the experiences of the last years. After an epic, satirical A&W, we hear an interlude of a pastor preaching the 8th psalm with chilling fervor, as he realizes his preaching turns back to his own life and Lana is amused to see the critics and realize that not even the Creator is perfect, but he can create perfect works. The interlude is an allegory for how critics have always seen Lana as flawed, which she's always admitted she is, and how they've seen her create a universal work: Norman **** Rockwell.
    After that, Lana introduces us little by little to her past, with her unstable romances in Candy Necklace, a beautiful ballad that makes us travel back in time. Coming to Jon Batiste's interlude, I feel that the feeling of reproducing a work can be worth as much as a verbose interpretation. Knowing this, we get to the deepest and most intimate of the person behind the Lana Del Rey persona: Elizabeth Grant. Kintsugi is the opening to Elizabeth's mind, through its cracks and how there is still such a light inside. Fingertips takes us even deeper into this, Elizabeth is stripped of her persona, in order to show us her most painful scars. Two tracks that cause enormous discomfort, as it is not at all pleasant to show the ugly side of humanity. In doing so, Lana takes her leave so that Elizabeth can continue through the tunnel despite everything. After half an album and an era are over, we arrive at the earthly paradise that Elizabeth always dreamed of - and sang about. Paris, Texas takes us to the most beautiful, innocent and sweet places on Earth, with a unique delicacy. The following track is the epitome of Elizabeth's spirituality. And with majestic singing, she reveals her love, hope and good intentions for the beautiful side of humanity. Let The Light In is an ode to Elizabeth's wild and heartfelt love. Margaret is a beautiful tribute to lovers. Fishtail is the moment when the lyrical self comes to its senses and can no longer bear the suffering or humiliation that its past sends it, ready to leave the tunnel. Peppers is the representation of The final sequence may seem out of place, but it is Elizabeth perceiving the movement that the new world awaits her when she comes out of the tunnel and how her achievements resonate through the new reality that she helped to build with her work.
  38. Apr 2, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. É a primeira vez que vejo a Lana, "diferente" me parece algo intenso, uma montanha russa ao tempo todo, é o melhor album desde Honeymoon, e NFR! com toda certeza! Expand
  39. Apr 16, 2023
    Esse album está incrível, o melhor do ano ate agora. Os vocais de lana estão impecáveis, e as letras magníficas.
  40. Apr 3, 2023
    Another masterpiece by Lana. Stripped down piano and orchestral vibes with manic R&B moments. Listening on repeat
  41. Apr 7, 2023
    A cada reprodução, soa melhor ainda. A Lana mais uma vez prova que, não existe uma forma padronizada de se reinventar ou de inovar, pois ela é sua própia arte e fonte de inspiração para os seus trabalhos.
  42. Apr 5, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Me pareció un álbum bastante bueno, mantiene la escencia de Lana y nos cuenta cómo fue su relación con personas cercanas e hizo una muy buena referencia de ella misma al compararse con el túnel abandonado. Expand
  43. Apr 6, 2023
    (trigger warning) One of the best albums if not the best one i have heard in my life. I was once at a point were i fell for the negative press about lana. But those critics were not critizing her art but her as a human. I think that there is a beauty to her art, something deeper. Romaticizing harsh topics. Lana her new album is an emotional rollercoaster carried by beautiful piano guitar(trigger warning) One of the best albums if not the best one i have heard in my life. I was once at a point were i fell for the negative press about lana. But those critics were not critizing her art but her as a human. I think that there is a beauty to her art, something deeper. Romaticizing harsh topics. Lana her new album is an emotional rollercoaster carried by beautiful piano guitar and drums. She also dips into some trip-hop-ish styles. It doesnt feel out of place its rather an award for the very emotional and heavy previous part of the album. The last three songs are just Lana having fun and doing what she wants to do and not giving a f*ck. The beginning of the album deals with lust, and death. In A&W she talks about how she can never enjoy casual s*xual without being called a wh*re and being told she enjoys it. Which brings it back to her older critics "she is romanticizing ab*se" which she was clearly not. In her song Kintsugi she details that you just need to lisent to what she is saying and not take it at face value. She also says that she isnt a made up a persona, she is lizzy and she is Lana. In this album she addressed all teh critiques and she basically said "Im gonna do what i want to do". What she also detailed in Fingertips "I just need two seconds to breath". Those two seconds is this album. An amazing 2 seconds. This is a pure masterpiece, album of the year and maybe even the best album in forever. Expand
  44. Apr 10, 2023
    I love this new album of lana del rey so much TvT y'all should listen to this album >
  45. Apr 16, 2023
    the best album of the year! There's no competition. If this doesn't win a Grammy, it'll be rigged
  46. Apr 17, 2023
    amazing album, my heart is broken. I don't know what i wanna say. but it's amazing man
  47. Apr 24, 2023
    It’s as intimate as Ultraviolence and Blue Banisters but has more nuance and depth. A masterpiece that only gets a second place in her discography because Norman F**king Rockwell! is her magnum opus.
  48. May 12, 2023
    Amazing album with three distinct sections that tell a broader story about Lana.
  49. Jun 14, 2023
    Es lana siendo lana un album que reflexiona sobre la vida, y la nostalgia de ser olvidado
  50. Jun 23, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. O álbum mantém uma essência perfeita da nossa lanita, dando uma explosão de diferentes gêneros músicas, onde afinal, lana del rey expõe também seus sentimentos através da música e poesia, o álbum em questão tem muitas diversidade trazendo uma vontade infinita e incansável de escutar a voz de lana del rey Expand
  51. Jun 27, 2023
    ALBUM OF THE YEAR, beautiful lyrically, Lana Del Rey delivered with those vocals and production was great. 10/10 just like Norman F Rockwell!
  52. Jun 28, 2023
    Lana's latest production is her most outstanding work to date, delving into deeply personal topics that show her bravery in addressing them. 10/10
  53. Jun 28, 2023
    Great album. I don't like the interludes much, but it's amazing how they complement the album's lore. 9/10 album overall.
  54. Jul 2, 2023
    (Queen mother ) Lana del rey always is on point in delevring mounmental albums abd so far the album of 2023.She is the best writer of these genertion and the best artistry and she showed once again with ''Did you know there is a tunnel under ocean bulvd."'
  55. Jul 3, 2023
    Amo este álbum me gusta lo poética que es lana del rey, una artista total. Las líricas son cautivadoras, las melodías están hermosas.
  56. Jul 8, 2023
    Once again, great lyrics and melodies by Lana. This albums just feels nostalgic, well thought out and personal. Kintsugi and Fishtail are highlights for me.
  57. Jul 9, 2023
    This album is a statement of what Lana Del Rey really is: poetess. Now she has reached the top of her commercial success with 'Born To Die', 'Ultraviolence' or 'NFR!', she is not afraid to experiment and release this truly unique spoken album, which focuses on her poetry. Lana has always been phenomenal and innovative: first, with introducing melancholy to the pop industry, now withThis album is a statement of what Lana Del Rey really is: poetess. Now she has reached the top of her commercial success with 'Born To Die', 'Ultraviolence' or 'NFR!', she is not afraid to experiment and release this truly unique spoken album, which focuses on her poetry. Lana has always been phenomenal and innovative: first, with introducing melancholy to the pop industry, now with releasing a personal 78-minute long album with haunting atmosphere and still being able to hit the charts even greater than 'NFR!'. This proves how real art wins, and I'm totally impressed at Lana's maturity in songwriting and thoughtfulness of 'DYKTTATUOB'. Every song just makes you feel beautiful. My personal issue is that as a non-native English speaker, understanding lyrics was really tough, so before actually reading them, I could only experience the sound of this album, which is, to be honest, very minimalist and repetitive. It was so hard not to fall asleep to it on the first listen without listening attentively to the stories on this album. After diving deeply into the lyrical side, I revisited this album and it opened up from the other side to me. I still can't enjoy the full album, which is really long, but I absolutely love the most parts of it. The Song of the Year will be Lana's! Expand
  58. Aug 1, 2023
    One of lana del rey's best work, unattainable something incredible like all her albums, but something more mature and different from her older works, the poetry, the instrumentals, her vocals.
  59. Aug 27, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the best albums of 2023. The story telling is just amazing- how it's like a real tunnel, going from the start, to entering the tunnel, to being in the darkest part in the middle, and then exiting a new person. Kintsugi and Fingertips are such sad songs, I can barely get through them without crying. And then ending the album off with the iconic, "bang bang, kiss kiss" line from Venice **** just felt so heavenly. Rating this album a 10/10 does not even come close to describing how amazing this album truly is to me. This is one of Lana's best works and I am very excited for her next album. Expand
  60. Sep 4, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. No words to describe how much I’m obsessed with it.
  61. Sep 8, 2023
    Such an underrated album, deserves a grammy. 10/10, album of the year, She nailed it !!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. May 31, 2023
    Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd is a 16-track, 78-minute album, and some of it will lose even her most ardent fans. Track eight is where it regains itself through the extended metaphor of “Kintsugi”: a Japanese term for a pottery repair technique that calls attention to the crack rather than hides it. .... [After “Margaret”] There are three more tracks, though.
  2. Uncut
    Apr 13, 2023
    If you've not already bought into the LDR mythos, it's like joining a long-form TV show midway through its difficult fourth season. [Jun 2023, p.26]
  3. Apr 12, 2023
    So while Del Rey is still the same sepia-tinted, sun-soaked American aesthete that she once was, there are real lifetime stamps all over Did you know that conjure a biographical sincerity, instigating a personal closeness.