
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. As challenging as it may be for many to stomach the constant and incredibly explicit sex, violence, and drug references, there is a stunning album lurking beneath that deserves recognition.
  2. Ultimately, D12 have made the fatal mistake of reducing themselves to the pitch that probably won them their deal: "think horrorcore rap, Gravediggaz-style, mixed up with middle-everything baiting lyrics even more extreme than Eminem." And that's not enough.
  3. This sub-par group's darker efforts to push society's hot buttons and dis others are ultimately more silly than sinister.
  4. At least Eminem's voice and rhyming skills remain among the most arresting in current pop. The same can't be said of the other members of D12, who are proficient and barely distinctive.
  5. When they go for the chill of classic Eminem cuts like "Kim," they come up short.
  6. Once again the rhyming is painfully funny, the delivery fresh, and the music catchy.
  7. Q Magazine
    It's very difficult to see the tough-talking Devils Night as anything other than a slightly tweaked re-run of The Marshall Mathers LP. [#180, p.100]
  8. Devils Night's high points are some of the most accomplished hip-hop we'll hear this year. But the balance between humor, shock, raw talent and psychosis that Eminem achieved on his last two albums is off.
  9. Devils Night is nothing special, and it's only saved from the slush pile by Eminem's inventive, cutting-edge raps and Dr. Dre's so-funky-it's-evil production.
  10. But what was fresh and provocative at the time of Eminem's debut has grown somewhat stale; at this point, hismisanthropy feels as predictable as Gallagher smashing watermelons.
  11. These ill jockeys are just a two-inch ruler for Marshall Mathers to measure his dick against.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 57 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 51 out of 57
  2. Negative: 5 out of 57
  1. Sep 7, 2011
    A fairly dark album from the Detroit group. Fight Music, Revelation, Blow My Buzz, Ain't Nuttin But Music, American Psycho, Devil's Night andA fairly dark album from the Detroit group. Fight Music, Revelation, Blow My Buzz, Ain't Nuttin But Music, American Psycho, Devil's Night and Purple Pills are stand-out tracks personally. That's the majority of the album right there, it's a definite must-have for Eminem fans, as it not only includes him, but it incorporates much of his humour and style. Full Review »
  2. Feb 19, 2022
    The debut album of the Detroit collective offers 75 minutes of the finest stone-cold hardcore hip hop, dealing with sex, drugs and violence.The debut album of the Detroit collective offers 75 minutes of the finest stone-cold hardcore hip hop, dealing with sex, drugs and violence. The production of Dre and Eminem perfectly emphasizes the funky and evil style, making D12 Detroit's most wanted since "Detroit's Most Wanted".

    But where there is light, there is also shadow. Em is the only one who is really inventive. Musically and sonically "Devil's Night" is far from being as innovative as the collective member's solo projects and songs like "Nasty Mind" are really sagging. But despite that, if you love hip hop, you'll love "Devil's Night".

    My favorites:
    "Purple Pills"
    "Fight Music"
    "American Psycho"
    "Pistol Pistol"
    "Pimp Like Me"

    ~ Fürstenberg
    February 19, 2022
    Full Review »
  3. Aug 7, 2021
    This is a great album. Many good songs.
    Best songs: Revelation
    Worst songs: Nasty Mind