• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Feb 5, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Crow hasn't been this free or fine since "Sheryl Crow," but there is an emotional directness on Detours that makes this a progression, not a retreat.
  2. There's not a groan-worthy song on this standout rock/pop/folk/blues album.
  3. The roots-rock of Detours is old-school-sounding Crow now with a heightened consciousness of the world around her.
  4. 50
    For all its ambitions, Detours aims too low.
  5. Crow's strong, eclectic new album, "Detours," is filled with optimism about finding a way to correct her course.
  6. While 'Make It Go Away (Radiation Song)' lacks the subtle lyrical twist (and a decent tune) of some of the other moments on Detours, it is a sober counterpoint to the image of Crow as all hair, tan and teeth. It also contrasts with the album's stand-out, 'Love Is All There Is,' which brings us back to more familiar Crow country on an album of big themes and surprising depth.
  7. In Detours' subdued second half, though, Crow lays off the social commentary to address her own recent rough patches, with lyrics that grow more absorbing and intimate as Bottrell's eclecticism simmers down.
  8. Detours clearly wants to be Bob Dylan but ends up being Bob Roberts instead.
  9. Crow's progressive lyrics hit like rubber-band pings fired by some joker in the back row at school. No one is likely to sing her verses at a march on Washington. But by addressing serious issues in the language of pop, they remind us that political speech and casual breeze-shooting can and do often intersect.
  10. Mojo
    That play of sonic summer and spiritual winter shades this. [Mar 2008, p.102]
  11. Detours may not be the most musically edgy album you'll listen to this year, but there aren't many people better at producing radio-friendly rock/pop.
  12. After 9/11, it seemed like every North American recording artist scrambled to come out with a political message album. Unfortunately for Sheryl Crow, words that to rhyme with “gasoline” have become painfully redundant in 2008.
  13. Detours is so good that even the middling songs are chock full of taste treats.
  14. Q Magazine
    'Love Is Free' ambles pleasantly, 'Gasoline' is 'All I Wanna Do' revisted and 'Detours' itself would grace any Best of. [Mar 2008, p.100]
  15. What holds these fourteen songs together is Crow's unwavering emotional commitment.
  16. Crow has managed the nearly impossible: recording an album that's as intensely personal as it is fiercely political.
  17. Crow's earnest, adult-contemporary crooning isn't as musically subversive as that of her protest-singer predecessors, but some of the scrappier cuts here ('God Bless This Mess,' 'Shine Over Babylon') are genuinely compelling.
  18. Cohesion’s where you find it, but headphone delights are everywhere.
  19. Crow is often torn between simmering anger and hippie positivity. When she looks inward, however, her clarity is devastating.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 55
  2. Negative: 19 out of 55
  1. Sep 26, 2014
    Detours see's Ms Crow in flying form once again. "Detours" has some interesting themes going on and is generally quite a topical album. TheDetours see's Ms Crow in flying form once again. "Detours" has some interesting themes going on and is generally quite a topical album. The songs are strong, very tuneful and her vocals are excellent. The production is great as well with Bill Bottrell at the controls again. There is a mix of folk, pop and rock going on and fans of her earlier stuff will lap it up. It's not her best work and the first half of the album is far stronger than the second half,but overall it is a very solid record and one I would definitely recommend to fans of hers. Full Review »
  2. TomH.
    Apr 10, 2008
    Not her best work, very contemporary (read boring).
  3. O.Gawd
    Apr 2, 2008
    I've never quite understood the allure of Sheryl Crow. Her first album had one good song on it. Her other offerings seemed to try to ape I've never quite understood the allure of Sheryl Crow. Her first album had one good song on it. Her other offerings seemed to try to ape Madonna, but unlike Mrs. Ritchie, Crow can't sing. And she's no looker, either. So she returns to her first producer in a desperate attempt to remine gold. Not surprising. Sounds like it's time to detour back to your music class, Sheryl. Full Review »