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  1. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ehh not as great as people are making out, so many better albums this year that people aren’t hyping up as much Expand
  2. May 22, 2019
    "I legit made an account just so I could rate this album with the rating it deserves which is a 10/10. That is all" Me too.
  3. May 22, 2019
    I love the new direction shes going with her music I'm so happy she came out with new music!!!
  4. trz
    May 22, 2019
    Nothing but raw feelings accompagnied with terrific synths and hooks and carly's voice so suited to pop. POP EXCELLENCE in short.
  5. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chatinho, emotion mil vezes melhor. mas enfim, dei nota três pq gostei de 3 músicas. Expand
  6. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is not what pop music needs, boring, awful, the same music for overall years, she just can't get away her one hit wonder call me maybe. Expand
  7. May 22, 2019
    Honestly, she just hasn't been the same since "Call Me Maybe". I miss the old Carly :(
  8. May 22, 2019
    Great pop record. Carly didn’t shy away from taking risks on her new album, and the result was superb.
  9. May 22, 2019
    Fantastic album! Full of bops, what more can I say! The sound has matured from the Call me maybe days but the lyrics and catchiness of the songs remain alluring.
  10. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Jensen’s new LP truly is one to behold, although the traditional ‘pop’ coating doesn’t give it much attention this album truly is amazing, the lyricism, The production truly is pop perfection! Expand
  11. May 22, 2019
    Honestly such a bop ❤️ Good job girl! My favorite album of hers.
    Julian is my favorite so far
  12. May 21, 2019
    Mozart is SHAKING. Increíble que Carly en pleno 2019 inventó la música. She did that.
  13. May 21, 2019
    Carly had said that this is album is the type of music to clean your house to- now I want to clean my house all the time. She put together a pop album that not only shows how well she knows her own sound (keeping a similar sound to Emotion), but how she is still able to grow and evolve. Several songs like Right Words Wrong Time and For Sure have such a nostalgic feel that just hit yourCarly had said that this is album is the type of music to clean your house to- now I want to clean my house all the time. She put together a pop album that not only shows how well she knows her own sound (keeping a similar sound to Emotion), but how she is still able to grow and evolve. Several songs like Right Words Wrong Time and For Sure have such a nostalgic feel that just hit your soul in the right way. Every listen brings new hidden gems and a greater appreciation for her art. She proved once again that she's so much more than the Call Me Maybe girl many think she still is. She's an artist and damn good at her craft. Dedicated radiates such purity that you can't help but fall in love with it. From Julien to Party For One and every run through after it becomes clearer and clearer that in many ways, Carly is in a league of her own. Expand
  14. May 21, 2019
    Adorei!! Um dos melhores álbuns pop de 2019. Muito coeso, equilibrado, harmonioso. Carly se reinventa e se supera a cada lançamento. Agora, licença que primeiro a gente aclama, depois a gente ouve.
  15. May 21, 2019
    This album is just so casually excellent with not one bad song. Lyrically and sonically this is her best album without a doubt.
  16. May 21, 2019
    Each song has it own thing and I can't stop jamming out to each one. It's my favorite album so far.
  17. May 21, 2019
    Álbum bem completo e cheio de musicas com muito potencial. Pop perfection do começo ao fim. Parabéns menina mulher
  18. May 21, 2019
    Seriously sharp songs that deliver on their promise then vanish. Earworms a plenty.
  19. May 21, 2019
    Queen of music. Period.

    This album is a masterpiece. She's improved a lot since her #1 hit "Call me maybe". And I think she's on her way to become the new Robyn.
  20. May 21, 2019
    carly rae jepsen segue rainha do pop lançando o melhor álbum do ano e talvez o melhor álbum pop desde o emotion
  21. May 21, 2019
    Best album of 2019! Puriiiiiiyaaaafddt!
    Devine, soulful, summer love, happy, and makes you feel so God damn good!
    Best songs Now that I've found you Julien Too much
    The sound
    Automatically in love Real love! Entire album is bliss for the ears!
  22. May 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  23. May 21, 2019
    Good **** from start to finish she really did that. I’m so proud of her absolutely no words.
  24. May 21, 2019
    A shimmering collection of perfect pop tunes. CRJ is the most consistent recording artist working today.
  25. May 21, 2019
    The best pop album of the 2019 ❤️ Carly rae jepsen save the pop again asies ⚔️
  26. May 21, 2019
    So fantastic! The album incredibly and I would say surprisingly expanded on her nostalgia pop vibe. Definitely a standard in pop music songwriting and production
  27. May 21, 2019
    CRJ hasn't grown as an artist at all and continues to sing songs you'd expect from a teenager. Absolutely no emotional depth at all.
  28. May 21, 2019
    “Dedicated” is a beautiful pop album. It explores the emotions of a breakup, learning to love yourself, and eventually loving again. Brava, Carly!
  29. May 21, 2019
    I definitely expected to like this album given just how much I adored the pre-release singles and of course Carly's complete catalogue, however, I certainly wasn't prepared for what Carly graced us with on 17 May. The album grows with each and every track and even things that sounded somewhat out of place start to fit perfectly after just a few listens. I am the type of person thatI definitely expected to like this album given just how much I adored the pre-release singles and of course Carly's complete catalogue, however, I certainly wasn't prepared for what Carly graced us with on 17 May. The album grows with each and every track and even things that sounded somewhat out of place start to fit perfectly after just a few listens. I am the type of person that normally listens to an album in order once or twice and then I default to shuffle, but this I feel like doing this with Dedicated does it an absolute disservice. I give this album 10 feet out of 10 feet tall. Expand
  30. May 21, 2019
    Ugh her mind, i love this album and i love the way she describe her feelings. Carly is one of the best pop girl of our days.
  31. May 21, 2019
    Proprietária na empresa cenário pop atual. Nunca erra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  32. May 21, 2019
    This is pop perfection. Each and every single song has a mood it speaks to, specific emotions it strikes and resonates with: when you let yourself go and get wrapped in the longing of "Julien"; flirt outrageously with yourself in the mirror with "No Drug Like Me"; run out onto the streets after that amazing first date screaming "Now That I Found You"; sink into the comfortably darkThis is pop perfection. Each and every single song has a mood it speaks to, specific emotions it strikes and resonates with: when you let yourself go and get wrapped in the longing of "Julien"; flirt outrageously with yourself in the mirror with "No Drug Like Me"; run out onto the streets after that amazing first date screaming "Now That I Found You"; sink into the comfortably dark power-chords of "Everything He Needs"; get down and dirty to "Want You In My Room"; dance on carefree sunshine the morning after with "Happy Not Knowing"; go full obsessive stalker humming (softly) "I'll Be Your Girl"; dance in drunken delirium to "Too Much"; grab your lover by the collar and yell that you don't need the words, you need "The Sound"; take a hatchback roadtrip switching gears to the bounce of "Automatically In Love"; pause at a sun-kissed breezy overlook and tell the person holding you how it "Feels Right"; flash forward, remember all those 'almosts' while you're stalled on the tarmac in a rainy flight wanting a better explanation than "Right Words Wrong Time"; lie in your bed and cry, realizing all you've been looking for is "Real (Real) Love" (the song more than the concept tbh); hesitate at the precipice of making that decision while "For Sure" flits through your mind; or when you finally decide to get up and get going, because wherever YOU are (while listening to Dedicated) is a "Party For One". Expand
  33. May 21, 2019
    Rainha de mais .... Carly trouxe A uma nova era recheada de hits grandiosos e altamente perfeitos . Esse álbum é tão grandioso que merece o mundo inteiro
  34. May 21, 2019
    Hey queen! Girl you have done it again, constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. I’d say I’m surprised but I know who you are. I’ve seen it up close and personal. Girl, you make me so proud, and I love you.
  35. May 21, 2019
    We love a queen that never disappoints. She truly understand pop music. Dedicated and EMOTION are two of the best pop albums of the decade
  36. May 21, 2019
    Perfection. Carly Rae Legend came for our throats with this one. Not sure if it’s better than EMOTION, but it doesn’t need to be. This was worth the 4 year wait. Pop music that is so unrelentingly pop that it’s basically niche. Love it.
  37. May 21, 2019
    An incredible follow-up to 2015's DamnNearThePerfectPopAlbum Emotion, dedicated shows us Carly when given some space to breathe and even flex a bit. Fans of 70s, 80s, and 90s pop will find a thoughtful modern take. And fans of CRJ will find an album that continues to showcase her songwriting and penchant for expressing emotion in ways that are relatable and kind of a bit incredible
  38. May 21, 2019
    Phenonmenal album, didnt think emotion could be topped and for me it so has and that is incredible
  39. May 21, 2019
    I don't like anything about this album, it is definitely a flop, another flop by her
  40. May 21, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s not into you when you first listen to it, but for the second time, i swear all songs are bops, so 80s pop inspired and more. My current number 1 song is Right words, Wrong Time. Expand
  41. May 21, 2019
    Legendary 70s, 80s and 90s pop. Production is absolutely spectacular, writing is amazing. Well done Ms Jepsen, you've done it again!
  42. May 21, 2019
    A step up from Carly’s 2015 Emotion album. Dare is say, the “grown and sexy” version we’ve all been waiting for?
  43. May 21, 2019
    Pop Perfection. Carly did it again.
    Standout: Too Much It must be one of the best songs ever recorded by a pop girl.
  44. May 21, 2019
    Her best album yet. Production wise, this record is much more interesting than her past work.
  45. May 21, 2019
    This is Carly’s best album yet. It’s incredibly cohesive, and every single song stands out as its own, unique bop.
  46. May 21, 2019
    She did it once, she did it again. This album is proof that Carly is a timeless pop gem.
  47. May 17, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. carly rae jepsen did it again! i wasn’t sure how the album would turn out after she released quite a few songs beforehand, but she managed to have some of the best tracks hidden in-between the pre released songs. Expand
  48. May 21, 2019
    it’s great stream dedicated or else:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  49. May 21, 2019
    Flawless production, incredible songwriting, and a cohesive tracklisting makes this album one that's impossible to glance over.
  50. May 21, 2019
    Best pop album released this year. Filled with amazing and catchy songs! 80s pop perfection
  51. May 21, 2019
    Fantastic album. CRJ has done it again. If your a synth pop fan, this album’s for you.
  52. May 21, 2019
    Carly has done something that’s so hard to reach, the emotion whole project was 25 songs that you can listen from beginning to end with no skip any track. With dedicated she is making it once again, 15 tracks full of simple but sincere emotions, you can dance, jump, cry. There’s only one collaboration which shows that Carly can make an album by herself with no draw upon collaborations,Carly has done something that’s so hard to reach, the emotion whole project was 25 songs that you can listen from beginning to end with no skip any track. With dedicated she is making it once again, 15 tracks full of simple but sincere emotions, you can dance, jump, cry. There’s only one collaboration which shows that Carly can make an album by herself with no draw upon collaborations, trap, reggaeton, hip hop or any other trending topic, she is faithful on her style. She is truly comitted with her project and her music. Expand
  53. May 21, 2019
    Maravilhoso! Ótima produção, álbum coeso, letras fofas. Carly mantém a inspiração em músicas dos anos 80
  54. May 21, 2019
    Amazing brliant talento superpass aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jd dl
  55. May 21, 2019
    Absolutely love the production and the wispy sounds in “Everything He Needs.”
  56. May 21, 2019
    literally beyond flawless. want you in my room, real love, feels right, for sure, and julien are some of my absolute favorites but there is not a single song on this album i would consider to be “bad”
  57. May 21, 2019
    Another fabulous pop album from Ms. Jepsen. Production, lyrics and melodies on point. She can do no wrong!
  58. May 21, 2019
    Very messy and disappointing compared to Emotion. Now that I found you is the best song here.
  59. May 21, 2019
    After having an album as flawless and critically acclaimed as Emotion, and with having albums that were quite subpar in her early career, it was easy to get nervous about what Dedicated would provide. With earlier released tracks Now That I Found You and No Drug Like Me having more of a stereotypical radio pop song sound, expectations weren't settled. Although, after the full albumAfter having an album as flawless and critically acclaimed as Emotion, and with having albums that were quite subpar in her early career, it was easy to get nervous about what Dedicated would provide. With earlier released tracks Now That I Found You and No Drug Like Me having more of a stereotypical radio pop song sound, expectations weren't settled. Although, after the full album release, things aligned perfectly in Carly's favour and any anxiety present was settled.

    The tracks previously mentioned do fit in perfectly well when the rest of the album is realised. It's a similar idea to I Really Like You fronting Emotion. It may be better for radio impact, but not for critical eye until the theme shines through. Carly didn't explore a brand new topic for her songs, but why pick a new lyrical topic when you have one that is so vast and mysterious. Love is something that Carly knows well, and everyone else knows it well too. Relatability is one of the keys to great pop. Want You In My Room is perfectly 80s reminiscent for enthusiastic room cleaning. Too Much is emotionally raw, a rhythmic rainfall and incredibly catchy. For Sure is a great 14th track to settle the album down with, as vocals simmer at just the right length to let drums and elephant noises leave the listener at peace. I haven't heard a pop album this good since Emotion, and I can't wait to see what Carly does next.
  60. May 21, 2019
    En estos tiempos la música POP parecía estar extinta, Carly Rae Jepsen llega a rescatarnos al traernos un sonido fresco y sobre todo POP
  61. May 20, 2019
    The name of the album is well-put here, from start to finish this kind of work just doesn't come easily without talent, taste, and "Dedication'
  62. May 20, 2019
    She luckily kept the same aesthetic going as emotion and brought back everything the gays wanted...
  63. May 20, 2019
    This album shines link no other. Slick, shimmering pop perfection that will leave you longing for more. I defy you to skip a single track. Spoiler alert: you won’t. Highlights include: Julien, Real Love, For Sure, Want You In My Room, Happy Not Knowing, Too Much, Automatically In Love.
  64. May 20, 2019
    Carly blew it out of the park with Emotion, but this album put her on a league of her own!
  65. May 20, 2019
    In all the craziness and gloom in the world, this album brings a colorful, fun, energetic light! So easy to push play and forget all your problems to get lost in Carly's disco funk. Pop perfection from start to finish.
  66. May 20, 2019
    Perfect pop! She truly knows how to make pure magic with music it’s crazy, it’s so transformative and easy to listen to and fresh but also nostalgic and classic but also cutting edge. Out standing job miss Jepsen
  67. May 20, 2019
    I do not have a lot words or i am just speechless. The album is just amazing! She is so underrated and we do not deserve her.
  68. May 20, 2019
    Truly a masterpiece! She’s done it again! The way she seemlessly composed a story through these 15 singles is truly a blessing on the ears.
  69. May 20, 2019
    she is more than just the “call me maybe girl” and if you think otherwise, you need a reality check.
  70. May 20, 2019
    Brilliant. The ability Carly has to deliver melancholic/sad lyrics in the true Rhythm of Pop is unmatched.
  71. May 20, 2019
    What a triumphant return for the Pop Queen! This album is a joy start to finish. Every song hits on a different note of a relationship and she’s tied them together so well. Can’t wait for the B Sides
  72. May 20, 2019
    The album shows a side of Carly that feels fresh yet so her, she delivers amazing vocals and song writing along with a great production, I love how she expands her feelings without any doubt, from songs like “Want You In My Room” to “Party For One” she tells a story that feels very close to her, SHE HAS DONE AN AMAZING THING ONCE AGAIN, QUEEEEEN!
  73. May 20, 2019
    Perfect in every way. Carly Rae Jepsen is literally saving pop music single handily.
  74. May 20, 2019
    Carly Rae Jepsen is a master in crafting pop songs into near perfect works of art that never age. Dedicated is by far her strongest project, even topping her 2015 classic Emotion. Following Carly’s music is a religion that only the dedicated (no pun intended) passionately practice.
  75. May 20, 2019
    This album is so good.My favorite song has to be Julien, I relate to it so much simply because I dream of a man just like julien but all of them end up being straight or unloving...
  76. May 20, 2019
    best album in the H I S T O R Y of music. reinvented music. the TALENT. the FLAVOUR. the EFFORT.
  77. May 20, 2019
    Pure pop perfection, as expected. If there is one thing Carly knows how to do best, it's to make countless nostalgic bops for all of us. Standouts like "Julien" and "Too Much" shape the sound of one of the best records of the year so far, if not the best. While EMOTION was even better, there are hardly any faults to report on Dedicated's part. Plus, the amazing cover art doesn't hurt either!
  78. May 20, 2019
    A pure pop album that not only does pop right, but in ways that innovate. Tracks worth listening to over and over again with little surprises here and there in the sounds she uses and lyrics she pens. Jepson writes like no one else in her genre. It’s inspiring.
  79. May 20, 2019
    Incredibly boring. Gosh, I was expecting SO much more after all of the insane hype but the album was just bad and... very immature? The woman is nearing 40 and sings a 15 year olds songs. Just incredibly disappointing. It is a BIG no from me. Sorry Carly. You didn’t get it right this time.
  80. May 20, 2019
    The album is fantastic. You would think it's impossible to create a worthy followup for emotion but Mrs Jepsen delivered.
  81. May 20, 2019
    Just as good as I thought, Carly just keeps stepping up her game.
    Would recomend 10/10
  82. May 20, 2019
    fraquinha, viu? parece que ela se repete desde o EMOTION. não dá mesmo pra defender
  83. May 20, 2019
    Carly es única y asombrosa por que coje el pop de los años 70s y 80s agregándoles ritmos contemporáneos, haciendo que cada canción tenga ritmo y sonidos estéticos que permiten disfrutar de cada canción del álbum para bailar, cantar y soñar!
  84. May 20, 2019
    BIG AND HAPPY. Dedicated is the perfect presentation of synth pop and dance pop. Carly's vocal sounds great like those in E·MO·TION.
  85. May 20, 2019
    I prayed to God for a blessing, and this album appeared on my spotify. Godly rae Flopsen is better than us mere mortals and Everything He Needs is soty, but you didn't hear that from me
  86. May 20, 2019
    Pure pop magic. A natural, funky evolution from EMOTION that meets expectations and in some ways surpasses them.
  87. May 20, 2019
    She did it again, we been knew. Masterpiece, queen of everything. Thanks for EXISTING.
  88. May 20, 2019
    There's nothing bad about it. Carly, like usual, is one of the greatest songwriters of her generation. And the production, I was like 'OMG pop perfection'. It's not obvious, it's not easy, it's brillian, creative, smart. It's the natural evolution to the girl who made 'e-mo-tion', it's much more mature, modern, fresh, pop. I want to shout out for some songs that stand out for me: TheThere's nothing bad about it. Carly, like usual, is one of the greatest songwriters of her generation. And the production, I was like 'OMG pop perfection'. It's not obvious, it's not easy, it's brillian, creative, smart. It's the natural evolution to the girl who made 'e-mo-tion', it's much more mature, modern, fresh, pop. I want to shout out for some songs that stand out for me: The singles, with an special highlight for 'Too Much' - the lyrics are on point -, 'Want You In My Room', 'I'll Be Your Girl' - the content it's so honest and raw, people feel envious and jealous sometimes! -, 'Feels Right' - Carly doesn't do featurings usually, but this one it's amazing. 'Right Words, Wrong Time' it's so smart and playful - in a mature way on the storytelling - of her! Last but not least, 'For Sure'. What a grand finale. Thank you, Carly. Expand
  89. May 20, 2019
    Desde sua explosão mundial com Call Me Maybe, observando um pouco a mudança de sua sonoridade pop do This Kiss até o Dedicarem, parece que a Carly encontrou sua voz e encontrou uma sonoridade única que foge do convencional, mas mantém uma pegada atraente, jovial e dançante. Ao mesmo tempo, consegue amadurecer ao comparar com Emotion e Emotion Side B, que pra mim é um dos melhores algunsDesde sua explosão mundial com Call Me Maybe, observando um pouco a mudança de sua sonoridade pop do This Kiss até o Dedicarem, parece que a Carly encontrou sua voz e encontrou uma sonoridade única que foge do convencional, mas mantém uma pegada atraente, jovial e dançante. Ao mesmo tempo, consegue amadurecer ao comparar com Emotion e Emotion Side B, que pra mim é um dos melhores alguns pop da atualidade, mostrando sua originalidade e seu atrativo. De Julien a Party for one, ao ouvir Dedicated pela primeira vez não parece muito diferente do já apresentado. Entretanto, ouvindo mais apuradamente, Carly explora as mais diferentes batidas e os mais diferentes sentimentos, sendo deliciosamente prazeroso ouvir que ela claramente dedicou aos fãs, fugindo dos clichês da rádio. Expand
  90. May 20, 2019
    Made an account just to leave a review because it is so damn good. Best pop album of the year, proof that Emotion wasn't a fluke!!!
  91. May 19, 2019
    Honing the 80s sound once again with so many brand new sounds and flavors Carly Rae Jepsen did not disappoint the fans that she's garnered over the 'EMOTION hype' there are songs that carry on the EMOTION brand but definitely in a new light due to her musical growth. Some of the standout tracks for me has to be 'Want You In My Room' 'For Sure' and 'Everything He Needs' these are whereHoning the 80s sound once again with so many brand new sounds and flavors Carly Rae Jepsen did not disappoint the fans that she's garnered over the 'EMOTION hype' there are songs that carry on the EMOTION brand but definitely in a new light due to her musical growth. Some of the standout tracks for me has to be 'Want You In My Room' 'For Sure' and 'Everything He Needs' these are where Jepsen feels she's at the pique of her character they're so romantically and emotionally modest. I am looking forward to anything and everything Carly Rae Jepsen. Expand
  92. May 19, 2019
    Amazing. she did it again! She made a huge piece of work. Im love with every single song i don’t how she create songs so catchy.
  93. May 19, 2019
    One of the most pleasant album to hear this year. This 70s and 80s pop vibes makes a great environment to enjoy it
  94. May 19, 2019
    Eu fiquei com muito medo da Carly ficar presa ao "Call me Maybe" (essa música parece ser um plano infinito na sua carreira, mas ela se mostra além disso - já conseguindo espantar este fato em Emotion). Algumas faixas são lineares instrumentalmente falando, outras apresentam um excelente arranjo (é o caso de Right Words Wrong Time). No conjunto enredo x instrumento é um bom álbum. ÉEu fiquei com muito medo da Carly ficar presa ao "Call me Maybe" (essa música parece ser um plano infinito na sua carreira, mas ela se mostra além disso - já conseguindo espantar este fato em Emotion). Algumas faixas são lineares instrumentalmente falando, outras apresentam um excelente arranjo (é o caso de Right Words Wrong Time). No conjunto enredo x instrumento é um bom álbum. É convincente! Expand
  95. May 19, 2019
    I can't believe she managed to top E-MO-TION but she did... not a single bad song.
  96. May 19, 2019
    I was really afraid after Emotion if Carly would turn out another album as great, but she really did not disappoint! Amazing production, I feel like she really stepped up her lyrics, and she delivered a bunch of new favourite songs from her.
  97. May 17, 2019
    Pop perfection, the way only Carly Rae Jepsen is able to deliver. She has proven herself once again as a really really really really really good popstar that should be on top where she belongs.
  98. May 19, 2019
    An instant classic. For Sure is an instant standout. Also every of her single shows that classic CRJ but at the same time very refreshing sounds apart from those broody, R'n'B tinged pop from recent female pop stars
  99. May 19, 2019
    no fillers!!! this album makes you want to love yourself and everything around you. nobody does it like carly
  100. May 19, 2019
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Jun 17, 2019
    There could be an argument that a couple of edits to make the track listing shorter would have resulted in an even more effective album. However, this is easily one of the best pop albums of the year as it is: one that’s unlikely to be bettered unless a certain Ms Swift really pulls it out of the bag.
  2. Jun 4, 2019
    Dedicated isn’t a perfect album--it’s overlong and occasionally concedes too much to chart tastes to be interesting. But by the time Jepsen takes a bow following bonus track “Party For One,” you’re reminded once again of her generosity, of all the space she’s cleared for strength and weakness, for personal epiphanies and communal release.
  3. May 23, 2019
    Dedicated is good, but it doesn’t whirl with the same destructive force; in that sense, it is Carly Rae’s first genuine failure in a decade.