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  1. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chatinho, emotion mil vezes melhor. mas enfim, dei nota três pq gostei de 3 músicas. Expand
  2. May 21, 2019
    CRJ hasn't grown as an artist at all and continues to sing songs you'd expect from a teenager. Absolutely no emotional depth at all.
  3. May 21, 2019
    Very messy and disappointing compared to Emotion. Now that I found you is the best song here.
  4. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. it's good, but no is my faver song. Carly Jae Repsen made best works in your career. Expand
  5. Jun 3, 2019
    Me parece demasiado aburrido y eso que me tomé el tiempo de escucharlo ya que no soy su fan
  6. Jun 3, 2019
    A clown literally a clown a clown literally a clown a clown literally a clown
  7. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. ehh not as great as people are making out, so many better albums this year that people aren’t hyping up as much Expand
  8. May 20, 2019
    Incredibly boring. Gosh, I was expecting SO much more after all of the insane hype but the album was just bad and... very immature? The woman is nearing 40 and sings a 15 year olds songs. Just incredibly disappointing. It is a BIG no from me. Sorry Carly. You didn’t get it right this time.
  9. May 21, 2019
    I don't like anything about this album, it is definitely a flop, another flop by her
  10. May 22, 2019
    Honestly, she just hasn't been the same since "Call Me Maybe". I miss the old Carly :(
  11. May 24, 2019
    Overproduced. Very bubblegum-y. Too ambitious. Vocal performance fades amidst the production. Bad songwriting. A collection of generic pop tunes. EMOTION remains as her only great record.
  12. Jun 3, 2019
    I just didnt really like it. Feels like i already heard it somewhere. I hope she does better in the future
  13. Jun 3, 2019
    I don’t understand the hype of this album at all, extremely unoriginal and even boring at times.
  14. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's a good album, but it did not make me want to hear it again ............ Expand
  15. Jun 3, 2019
    Did not enjoy this album. Carly hasn’t shown any progression as an artist, and I hope with her next record she will show more growth.
  16. Jun 3, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I dont like it any song or anything the people who likes this is because the have no taste Expand
  17. Jun 4, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The sound sounds very cheap, it reminds me of a slightly more “polished” version of Nelly’s “The Ride”, it gets repetitive, the drag-y sounds in some of the songs gets repetitive. Expand
  18. Jun 4, 2019
    Needs a lot more work, it sounds like a cheaper version of her last album, many of the tracks are skippable, the only track I would ever go back to is “Party For One”, but unfortunately they put it on the deluxe track which was disappointing
  19. Jun 4, 2019
    Even the deluxe tracks on emotion were Better than this entire album, it sounds kinda redunent
  20. Jun 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This was underwhelming, some of the lyrics in the album were quite childish and repetitively annoying, “the sound sound sound sound sound” and “real real real love” isn’t something I would enjoy listening to, along with the production, let’s not tear it apart, but if EMOTION wasn’t a part of her discography (because that album is better than every one of her other albums), then I would choose Kiss or Tug Of War any day over this, and then I saw on another article that she wrote over 200 songs for this album which she describes as “songs to clean your house to”, and she had listening sessions, girl, I genuinely think your friends were actually cleaning their house and not paying attention to the songs you played to them over the phone because this sounds like a random selection of songs, hopefully if she releases a side b to this, it won’t be as disappointing as this album. Expand
  21. Jun 25, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Songs like “Right Words Wrong Time” and “Everything He Needs” makes this album unbearable to listen to. She should have included A LOT more deluxe tracks, “For Sure” was not a satisfying song to listen to, I don’t understand why “Party For One” was left off of the final track list, so that was disappointing. Expand
  22. Iia
    Jun 25, 2019
    Umm, hi black heart you have a long lost sister, hi emotion, you have a less attractive sibling
  23. Jun 25, 2019
    Next thing you know she’s gonna name her next album Ultimate and have songs that are like “We in the home, we be alone, spending forever till we down to the bone ah ah ah I’m in love with ya ya ya”
  24. Jun 25, 2019
    I’d rather be whispering NØ in my nights, I’ve tried every drug like you, I felt nothing when I found you etc. this album is so generic
  25. Jun 25, 2019
    And I thought she would have improved since emotion? Apparently I was wrong. I really hope Lover is better than this.
  26. Jun 25, 2019
    Some of the songs on here need some reworking, The production of some of these songs are water and oil, they just don’t go together, like “I’ll Be Your Girl” has nice vocals, but the production is a turnaway
  27. Jun 26, 2019
    I genuinely think this could’ve used a lot more work and effort, honestly what was she doing in those past 4 years??!?!!
  28. May 20, 2019
    fraquinha, viu? parece que ela se repete desde o EMOTION. não dá mesmo pra defender
  29. Sep 28, 2019
    Una mierda de album como puede ser considerado musica esto pedazo de caca asco
  30. May 22, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is not what pop music needs, boring, awful, the same music for overall years, she just can't get away her one hit wonder call me maybe. Expand
  31. Jun 3, 2019
    this is a bad comeback, the style is so bored and basic, i think is the worst album
  32. Jun 3, 2019
    personally just found it boring... the production of each song is quite similar and i learned nothing new about the artist.
  33. Jun 3, 2019
    Carly always does the same. Can u come with something else, girl? Please!!!!
  34. Apr 20, 2020
    Te odiamos Cagarly, urge retiro para que dejes la Queen Deluxe, te amamos Alex

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Jun 17, 2019
    There could be an argument that a couple of edits to make the track listing shorter would have resulted in an even more effective album. However, this is easily one of the best pop albums of the year as it is: one that’s unlikely to be bettered unless a certain Ms Swift really pulls it out of the bag.
  2. Jun 4, 2019
    Dedicated isn’t a perfect album--it’s overlong and occasionally concedes too much to chart tastes to be interesting. But by the time Jepsen takes a bow following bonus track “Party For One,” you’re reminded once again of her generosity, of all the space she’s cleared for strength and weakness, for personal epiphanies and communal release.
  3. May 23, 2019
    Dedicated is good, but it doesn’t whirl with the same destructive force; in that sense, it is Carly Rae’s first genuine failure in a decade.