• Record Label: Relapse
  • Release Date: Sep 18, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Blender
    It's sharp and in your face, like a scimitar. [Oct 2007, p.110]
  2. Spin
    The Bay Area band increase their stylistic range, with flashes of psychedelia, and creatively druggy overtones to balnce out the epic pummeling. [Oct 2007, p.104]
  3. The deeper you go into the record, the more reassured you become that these musicians know what they’re great at.
  4. DITC will still melt your speakers. Jack Endino's clean yet full-tilt production fills out the sound, but it's drummer Des Kensel's ability to push forward and hold back--not simply pound monochromatically from start to finish--that truly creates the thriving, volatile atmosphere here.
  5. Matt Pike has changed over the years, though, and it hasn't hurt at all.
  6. The familiar sounds are thrilling enough, but the real treat on Death is This Communion is just how much variety the band brings into the music this time around.
  7. Death Is This Communion slays in all the right places, but had it ventured into some of the wrong places we might’ve had an album really worth dribbling about.
  8. On their fourth album, the goal continues to be to outdo themselves in terms of heavier-than-thou riffs, thundering drums and ominous aggression.
  9. Mojo
    High On Fire's fourth album sees them once again on thunderous form. [Nov 2007, p.95]
  10. Q Magazine
    The primitive beauty of Matt Pike's dense riffs and Des Kensel's tribal rhythms should ensure that the Foo Fighters' frontman usn't the only one falling in love with the Oakland trio.
  11. If you aren't already in the know, though, let this serve as some sort of wakeup call to the Oakland band's best collection to date.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 29
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 29
  3. Negative: 2 out of 29
  1. JoeS
    Aug 31, 2009
    Very original...very in your face. Hard core metal at its finest. The entire album, from start to finish, can turn a wimp into a fearless Very original...very in your face. Hard core metal at its finest. The entire album, from start to finish, can turn a wimp into a fearless warrior. Matt Pike is the real fucking deal. Full Review »
  2. KyleZ
    Feb 1, 2009
    Very good! Love the atmosphere it creates, can't wait for more!
  3. [Anonymous]
    Jul 25, 2008
    The album sounds as if HoF had just discovered a band called Black Sabbath and mindlessly ripped-off from them. Unfortunately, they copied The album sounds as if HoF had just discovered a band called Black Sabbath and mindlessly ripped-off from them. Unfortunately, they copied only the worst parts of Iommi & co.'s songs. Listening to this record is really painful- it's so fuckin' boring. Also the singer seems as he was to die from tuberculosis every time he opens his mouth. The album receives 1 from me for the pretty cool cover. Unfortunately, what is beneath it is just terrible. Full Review »