
Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Jun 12, 2018
    Kanye West grants taut, grimace-inducing beats, assisted infrequently by Mike Dean and Andrew Dawson, enabling Pusha to pack each one of the seven tracks with characteristically trenchant and terse rhymes. The lyrical focus is similarly laser-sharp.
  2. May 25, 2018
    While ‘My Name Is My Name’ was a great album, this is a masterclass in design: in contrast to the 20+ track albums of this streaming era, Kanye’s ruthless editing ensures every song, every bar and every sample have purpose.
  3. May 30, 2018
    While DAYTONA could easily have been Pusha-T’s victory lap, it only builds on the heft of his weighty legacy.
  4. May 25, 2018
    All the controversy gives elements of DAYTONA some delicious extra novelty, though thankfully its core ingredients are more than fulfilling on their own.
  5. May 29, 2018
    The seven-track album goes the distance to add further refinement and distillation to the steely, luxurious drug raps that earned him rap relevance. ... The album is only seven songs and 21 minutes long, but Kanye covers a lot of ground sonically without getting scatterbrained.
  6. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2018
    Daytona stands loud and proud among Pusha T's best work. [Aug 2018, p.91]
  7. Jun 21, 2018
    This is not the King Push we were led to expect, but it is a quality record in its own right.
  8. May 25, 2018
    The record’s simple presentation and briefness make for an engaging change from the epic crossover attempts of his prior LP Darkest Before Dawn.
  9. May 25, 2018
    The oafish opening to “Hard Piano” aside, the writing on Daytona is knotty and strong, with texture and grit and plenty of tight turns. The album is, in many ways, a years-late payoff of the promise shown when Ye and Pusha performed “Runaway” at the 2010 VMAs.
  10. Jun 6, 2018
    Despite the hardcore gangsta rap nature of the album, the hooks are surprisingly unapologetic in their hookiness.
  11. 100
    Another rare instance of an artist coming up with a classic a decade after what seemed like the peak of his career (Clipse’s Hell Hath No Fury), and the only thing that could’ve made it better was if he pre-released “Infrared” so that Drake could’ve responded and we could’ve had an album with “The Story of Adidon” on it.
  12. Oct 8, 2018
    This is the sort of 'really good album' that can precede an all-time classic breakthrough album.
  13. May 29, 2018
    In many ways, Daytona replicates Jay-Z and No I.D.'s 2017 rap highlight 4:44: two older men who simply practice their craft, their legacies already secure.
  14. May 29, 2018
    The album is claustrophobic and unrelenting, but also intensely exhilarating in its brevity.
  15. Jun 25, 2018
    A work of sheer hip-hop utility and performance.
  16. May 31, 2018
    It’s evident that Pusha T is at his most confident on DAYTONA; his rhymes carry confidence and clarity paired with a high head and a release that was well worth the three-year waiting period.
  17. May 25, 2018
    For the first time since going solo, it all feels of a piece. ... The sonic setting he [Kanye West] places this performance from Pusha in is an absolute masterpiece of minimalism.
  18. May 25, 2018
    Aside from the crisply brilliant drug poetry, the production, entirely by Kanye West, is another big draw. This is the roughshod style of cut-and-shut soul samples that characterised Bound 2 and much of Life of Pablo.
  19. May 30, 2018
    Daytona may stand alone in this moment--particularly in contrast to the woozy, blown-out rap albums dominating the charts because of the primacy of streaming--but it isn’t as effective as “My Name Is My Name,” Pusha-T’s 2013 full-length solo debut album. Daytona is terser, leaving only nits to pick; say, that the second and third verses of “Come Back Baby” lack the fire and wit of the rest of the album.
  20. Jun 21, 2018
    Any flaws feel minor, and they only lightly chip at this monolithic piece of work, where commonplace rap stories breathe in ways they haven’t before. The mystery is this record’s greatest strength, and it lives in every crevice, spicing up what could otherwise just be a collection of especially hard bars.
  21. The Wire
    Jul 13, 2018
    The new Pusha T album is more assured and therefore effective than the last Clipse album, nowhere near the focused brilliance of their first two. All production is handled by Kanye West who’s likewise harking back to his glory days with assorted updates on his College Dropout sound. [Jul 2018, p.62]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 527 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 28 out of 527
  1. May 25, 2018
    The perfect example for ‘QUALITY OVER QUANTITY ALBUM’.
    This is pure poetry on extra fire beats.
    Perfect raps, perfect beats, perfect
    The perfect example for ‘QUALITY OVER QUANTITY ALBUM’.
    This is pure poetry on extra fire beats.
    Perfect raps, perfect beats, perfect samples, perfect mixing. Just PERFECT.
    Full Review »
  2. May 25, 2018
    Where most of today's hip-hop artists opt to fill their albums with upwards of two dozen tracks, GOOD Music president Pusha T reminds us thatWhere most of today's hip-hop artists opt to fill their albums with upwards of two dozen tracks, GOOD Music president Pusha T reminds us that less is more with his latest album, "DAYTONA", which proves to be the epitome of his entire career up until now. T's rapping is as dense and quotable as ever, his dynamic lyricism managing to switch from braggadocios ("What Would Meek Do?") to cocky ("The Games We Play") to aggressive ("Santeria") effortlessly. A major surprise is the production, with Mr. Kanye West nailing it out the park from front-to-back. The instrumental palette mixes grimy trap drums and muddy bass-lines with 'Ye's signature bright, colorful samples to create a warm but fittingly eerie atmosphere for Push to spit over. All of these aspects packed into a refreshingly short 21 minutes leads to "DAYTONA" coming out as one of 2018's finest albums yet.
    Favorites: "If You Know You Know", "The Games We Play", "Hard Piano", "Come Back Baby", "Santeria", "What Would Meek Do?"
    Least Favorites: "Infrared"
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 1, 2018
    This album is masterfully produced and is laced with some of the best bars of Pusha's career. It is the perfect sound for Pusha, and is (toThis album is masterfully produced and is laced with some of the best bars of Pusha's career. It is the perfect sound for Pusha, and is (to me) the obvious high point of his solo career. The brevity of the album combined with a unified sound all the way through makes for deadly results. Recent hip hop albums have been an absolute mess and way too lengthy, while this is tight and focused. Hip hop album of the year! Full Review »