• Record Label: Island
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 31
  2. Negative: 2 out of 31
  1. With neither the sugar rush of "Hot Fuss" nor the blustery thrills of "Sam's Town," this is the Killers' most beguilingly strange record. As an accurate reflection of its frontman, it succeeds handsomely.
  2. Too bad all that drama sometimes weighs down Flowers.
  3. 70
    They remain fascinated by heartland mythos, but by becoming more comfortable with their glitzy roots, they've actually found the pulse of something more authentic.
  4. 80
    Even when the songs feel light, when the stylistic havoc and production is almost absurd, you have to admire the glorious gall. [Dec 2008]
  5. Like Vegas itself, Day & Age sometimes leans toward sensory overload. But the pull of its showgirls-and-fool's-gold glory is undeniable.
  6. Q Magazine
    So the crude arithmetic of Day & Age is not encouraging: four great songs, two so-so ones and four duds. But the spirit in which it was made merits goodwill. [Dec 2008, p.124]
  7. Price has pulled off a smarter trick: after doing ’80s Britain and ’70s America, The Killers now finally sound like… themselves.
  8. It's an odd record that finds room for an alien abduction, marimbas, family illness (the eerie 'Goodnight, Travel Well'), Spandau Ballet sax solos and Jona Lewie's 1980 hit 'Stop the Cavalry.'
  9. The Caribbean-flavored 'I Can't Stay' and the Duran Duran-lite 'Joyride' are much more perplexing, as is the looped chanting that anchors 'This Is Your Life.' If nothing else, this band keeps fans on their toes, and they're likely to buy in for another round.
  10. Along with his bandmates and producer Stuart Price, Flowers makes sure that Day & Age rarely veers from the not insignificant mission of making a record that simply sounds good.
  11. In this day and age, though, people would be better off cherry picking the best tracks for download.
  12. Yes, parts of this album are just plain bizarre. Day & Age isn’t as genius as "Hot Fuss," but it has enough merits to keep its makers hit-makers, albeit odd ones.
  13. While Day & Age manages to patch over most of the cracks in the Killers's façade, they still aren't done growing into the World's Biggest Band.
  14. 40
    This is all folded into a weirdly ambitious disco-rock record (Madonna collaborator Stuart Price produced) that occasionally takes on fun topics like desert-motel nooky, but more often gets bogged down in ruminations on Why We’re Here, not to mention What It All Means.
  15. The Killers only stumble here with the nearly seven-minute closer 'Goodnight, Travel Well,' a sleepy meditation on all things cosmic that's hopelessly lost in space.
  16. It’s big and postured and goes by without saying anything of significance. A lot of the blame for that goes to Brandon Flowers, since he is the voice of The Killers and all, but it seems like his band, drunk with success, doesn't have the slightest idea what to do next.
  17. A few decent songs can't outshine this record's over-produced stadium rock. The Las Vegas rockers' latest just doesn't have the same sparkle.
  18. The album has a consistent lack of meaning and genuine feeling.
  19. The nice thing about Day & Age is that not only is Flowers' voice relatively buried, the Killers are unwittingly comfortable with their ludicrous, outsized pop, which turns the album into terrifically trashy pop. Not the serious rock they yearn to be by any means, but these fashionable threads fit them better anyway.
  20. Weaker songs near the end dull Day & Age’s initial shine.
  21. Day & Age is the most consistent, confident album the Killers have created so far.
  22. The disc ultimately hangs together on mood; Price unfailingly accentuates the bright, shiny, and happy. This not only makes good pop sense, it provides an effective counterbalance to Flowers and his achy-breaky vocals.
  23. The Killers have returned more ambitious than ever with Day & Age, but this time around, Flowers set the buzz bar a little lower, stating that it's the band's most playful record. And he's right.
  24. Their singles have always been enjoyable, and the increasing diversity and confidence exhibited on Day & Age could hint that it might not be so far fetched to expect great albums from the Killers in the future.
  25. This is the Killers' spitball album, the one where they try everything and see what works while Flowers grasps for a relatable tone.
  26. Alternative Press
    Flowers suffers from lyrical impairment and bloated self-importance throughout the rest of the album. [Jan 2008, p.121]
  27. Day & Age isn’t a masterpiece but it ends up being their most consistent album to date and it shows true promise of growth and strength in their music.
  28. It’s difficult to be bowled over by the fact that The Killers have essentially crafted an enjoyable but fairly throwaway pop record.
  29. Under The Radar
    Getting mauled by that white tiger sounds a bit more exiting. [Year End 2008]
  30. Filter
    With Day & Age, it would appear The Killers have figured out the music they want to create. [Holiday 2008, p.91]
  31. It is a hodgepodge of stupid ideas that one will either find brilliant or, well, stupid. However, it is hard to deny that it is a pop album of massive ambition and yet, suffers from none of the pretentiousness that plagues most of the Killers contemporaries in that aspect.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 220 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 220
  1. NickS
    Jan 3, 2009
    A quite brilliant album, needs around half a dozen listens but then every track seems to come alive and will take over the next couple of A quite brilliant album, needs around half a dozen listens but then every track seems to come alive and will take over the next couple of months of your life, seriously!!!!! Well done once again to the guys from Vegas, keep up the excellent work. Full Review »
  2. Aug 29, 2020
    um álbum lendário, assim como 'Hot Fuss' e 'Sam's Town', un álbum incrível!
  3. Apr 17, 2018
    Still can't believe this is one of most acclaimed album of Killers. Their ambition here turned off their main features that made them a greatStill can't believe this is one of most acclaimed album of Killers. Their ambition here turned off their main features that made them a great band of alternative rock. Have some cool songs but it's by far the worse Killers album. Full Review »