• Record Label: Republic
  • Release Date: Jan 7, 2022
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Universal acclaim- based on 1131 Ratings

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  1. Mar 18, 2022
    Great!! Absolutely amazing album. Love the retro R&B music, he brought 80s back. Much love to this album.
  2. Jul 29, 2022
    i know many people wont agree with me but ig this album is better than any album dropped this year. His voice , vocals everything is just perfect on this record . And imo dawn fm is better than after hours. When i first heard this album i was like ok and its an amazing album but afterr hours was better etc etc. But after sometime idk how i found myself loving this album moer than any
  3. Mar 22, 2022
    The Weeknd delivered an excellent album to start out 2022. The listening experience was excellent and the songs are bangers as usual. I am starting to get tired of the continual 80's theme, though. I was hoping for more creativity, but overall I enjoyed this album. Lil Wayne needs to retire.
  4. Apr 2, 2022
    This album is Great!, I'm actually mind-blown by the transitions in the song, Some of my favourites are, Take my breath, sacrifice, out of time, Here we go again and less than zero, Great continuation from after hours, if the weeknd keeps up like this, i'm telling my kids about him when they get old enough
  5. Apr 6, 2022
    De primeiro impacto foi surpreendente, muito bem feito, mas a sonoridade com o tempo parece uma só, como se todas as músicas se resumissem a uma, e acaba perdendo a sensação da primeira vez, mas não deixa de ser muito bem elaborado!
  6. Apr 8, 2022
    Me gustó mucho este álbum con una renovación musical de the weeknd, esto se escucha de principio a fin.
  7. May 5, 2022
    Junto con Starboy y After Hours, este trae toda una influencia con relacion a R&B y musica electronica, algo de debo de aclarar es que pudo haber estado mejor si tuviera algo de rap pr el estilo
  8. May 11, 2022
    Abel is a f****** genius, the successor of Michael Jackson, no doubt. Dawn FM doesn't have a smash hit, but it's the best the weekend album.
  9. Jul 8, 2023
    It is without a doubt The Weeknd's best work to date. An album full of emotions in each song. A very nice and striking narrative interludes, to fit each part of this album into a masterpiece.
  10. May 20, 2022
    Sem dúvidas o melhor projeto da carreira do The Weeknd (abel) até então. A composição vai contando uma história durante o álbum inteiro enquanto se encontra em um estado de purgatório esperando a luz do fim do túnel. a sonoridade é incrível, produção excelente, uma experiência única!
  11. Jan 8, 2023
    Wonderful, perfect and brilant, the weekend can be amazing in this era aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. May 31, 2022
    O ano mal tinha começado e The Weeknd já entregou o ano todo.
    Todas as faixas são maravilhosas, as melodias, transições entre as faixas. Tudo maravilhoso
  13. Jun 10, 2022
    80s Lovers, this is it!
    Strongly recommended to listen the whole album while driving a car by night.
  14. Jul 16, 2022
    Dawn FM is a great comeback album of The Weeknd, songs on the album are really good. Why I gave this album an 8? Album includes "A Tale By Quincy", " Every Angel Is Terrifying" and "Phantom Regret By Jim". This tracks aren't actually a songs. In some of this tracks someone is just telling a story or else. I'm not hating the album, it is really good but If I could make a decision about theDawn FM is a great comeback album of The Weeknd, songs on the album are really good. Why I gave this album an 8? Album includes "A Tale By Quincy", " Every Angel Is Terrifying" and "Phantom Regret By Jim". This tracks aren't actually a songs. In some of this tracks someone is just telling a story or else. I'm not hating the album, it is really good but If I could make a decision about the tracks, I would just delete it from the album. Please don't hate me, it's just my opinion, if you think differently, that's ok. Expand
  15. Oct 17, 2022
    Dawn FM brings one of the concepts never done before, of emulating an FM radio, and at the beginning of the album I was convinced that this album would be perfect, with tracks like "gasoline", "sacrifice" and "out of time" simply holding me and making me addicted and wanting to listen to them again, but after a while, right after the track "best friends" the album lost some of its essenceDawn FM brings one of the concepts never done before, of emulating an FM radio, and at the beginning of the album I was convinced that this album would be perfect, with tracks like "gasoline", "sacrifice" and "out of time" simply holding me and making me addicted and wanting to listen to them again, but after a while, right after the track "best friends" the album lost some of its essence and felt unfinished, some tracks after "best friends" are still ok, but no they are amazing just like the initials, this was my 4th favorite album of the year, but it left me a little disappointed in the end Expand
  16. Aug 6, 2022
    Very nice idea with the radio type of album stuff with seamless transitions when you listen to the album from start to end but even without it this album is one of my faves with songs like Less Than Zero, Don't Break My Heart, How Do I Make You Love Me? and others.
  17. Aug 8, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Dawn FM is a masterful album if ever I've heard one. Since Abel confirmed/posted that we're in the midsts of a new trilogy it has made people dissect and analyse his previous albums especially this one. In After Hours, our main character, 'The Protagonist' as Abel Tesfaye refers to him as - dies in Until I Bleed Out, basically OD'ing AGAIN because he cannot live without the loss of his loved one so this time he kind of does it with the intention to kill himself because he feels it would be better to die and with no recollection than live with the painful and neverending love for her that only has and will result in loss.
    After this our protagonist has entered purgatory, the state of suffering inhabited by sinners who must be forgiven of their acts and free of regret before entering heaven. We see him continuously regretting things throughout this album, signifying his growth, yes, but in order to enter heaven he must be cleansed of all this regret, so I guess we'll see in his next album whether he makes it to hell or heaven or is eternally stuck in purgatory. The style Abel is going for in these tracks, with the 80's synths, beats and smooth production is nothing short of masterful and fascinating, once again his vocal performance on each and every track is phenomenal. It's definitely a grower, first listen it wasn't my type of jam but after my second and continuous listens I realised just how lucky we are to have an album like this, someone who cares about music with such a deep passion and executes that passion so perfectly is just *chef kiss*.
    The only problem I necessarily had with this album was the features- Lil Wayne and Tyler the Creator, they didn't add anything to the tracks and they would have definitely been an S tier without that interference but that's all I can fault about it. 10/10A literal experience and even though this phrase is so loosely used for albums these days I have to say it... classic.
  18. Aug 10, 2022
    It's a masterpiece. It's very conceptual and very artistic. The concept is incredible, it's a real story and full of interpretation. Love it
  19. Aug 20, 2022
    Diferent of other abel's albuns, Dawn FM is a whole experience, it sounds soo good with the idea of radio in album and really hypinotizes the listener. Congrats for taken us for you universe The Weekend, we love it
  20. Sep 1, 2022
    Unlike other albums I love, (1) I've been listening to this one over and over for months now, and I'm still not tired of it, and (2) there's not a single song on the record that I don't love. It's everything I want in a record: catchy melodies that have musical depth and diversity within both the songs themselves and individually from track to track, as well as lyrics that aren't trying toUnlike other albums I love, (1) I've been listening to this one over and over for months now, and I'm still not tired of it, and (2) there's not a single song on the record that I don't love. It's everything I want in a record: catchy melodies that have musical depth and diversity within both the songs themselves and individually from track to track, as well as lyrics that aren't trying to push some form of social justice garbage down my throat. Only real bummer are the features on the album: they're absolutely horrible compared to The Weeknd's own performance, I really don't understand how they made it onto this record. Overall, the album is literally musical crack. I don't know how he does it. Expand
  21. Sep 2, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Como siempre The Weeknd un 10, álbum diferente que te transmite muchas cosas Expand
  22. Sep 4, 2022
    Was expecting a lot worse. Some of the song progressions get to be predictable since its pop but the songs are not so bad that they can't be listened to.
  23. Nov 23, 2022
    a genialidade do the weeknd simplesmente me choca, o maior artista pop da atualidade falo sem medo, aoty!!
  24. Oct 21, 2022
    The Weeknd’s music makes me miss people I stopped missing. Gives me nostalgia from some of the best times in my life which is a beautiful feeling but a sad one. So while his music makes me feel like I haven’t moved on, I know I have. And also gives me hope. His music inspired so much ambivalence inside myself. I love it. Been a fan for years. Easily my favorite artist. I'd love more thanThe Weeknd’s music makes me miss people I stopped missing. Gives me nostalgia from some of the best times in my life which is a beautiful feeling but a sad one. So while his music makes me feel like I haven’t moved on, I know I have. And also gives me hope. His music inspired so much ambivalence inside myself. I love it. Been a fan for years. Easily my favorite artist. I'd love more than anything to make a song with this man some day. Expand
  25. Nov 4, 2022
    Incredible yet simple concept, great "storytelling" from Jim Carrey, amazing vocals from Abel, mastered the 80s style, amazing skits/interludes, amazing pacing, and insanely consisted. As a whole an amazing and sweet experience. One of my favorite albums this year!
  26. Nov 8, 2022
    Good. Interesting melodic experience. Starts strong: (Gasoline, How Do I Make You Love Me, Take My Breath, Sacrifice - 10/10s). The idea of the radio station makes you engaged towards the hole end.
    Upd: Wait, that was Jim Carrey :0?
  27. Nov 25, 2022
    This is a great album but not as good as after hours in my opinion still I would check out
  28. Dec 27, 2022
    An exceptional album from one of the greatest hit makers of all time. Dawn FM is sprawling with club bangers and a perfectly executed concept. This is a must listen.
  29. Jan 2, 2023
    Dawn FM is a very well executed album, from the beginning it fulfills its purpose, a radio station while we wait to finish the tunnel where we are. The impeccable transitions and very special guests who enhance this work.
  30. Apr 16, 2023
    Beautifully haunting is the best way to describe the album. What a great concept, a radio station that gives us 80's music while we are transitioning to the afterlife. It's not a 10 because this album has weak moments such as here we go again and best friends where the atmosphere of the album gets lost for a bit. My favorite tracks on this record are Gasoline, Out Of Time and Less ThanBeautifully haunting is the best way to describe the album. What a great concept, a radio station that gives us 80's music while we are transitioning to the afterlife. It's not a 10 because this album has weak moments such as here we go again and best friends where the atmosphere of the album gets lost for a bit. My favorite tracks on this record are Gasoline, Out Of Time and Less Than Zero. 8.8 out of 10. Expand
  31. Apr 30, 2023
    Just an amazing album.Whole radio thing was brilliant.Great vocals from weeknd

Universal acclaim - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 24
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 24
  3. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Jan 24, 2022
    It's invigorating, vulnerable and, at times, uncomfortably raw.
  2. Jan 18, 2022
    Musically, Dawn FM mirrors Tesfaye’s disquiet, its buffed electronic sheen ruptured by moments of discord, as when ballad Starry Eyes teeters on the brink of implosion. It’s a state that Tesfaye seems to relish, with often stunning results.
  3. Jan 14, 2022
    The Canadian megastar avoids the pitfalls of cheap, nostalgia bait by earnestly repurposing and breathing life into deep cuts from a bygone era.