• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 176 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 17 out of 176
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  1. Aug 25, 2022
    Big seans best album which honestly given his discography extremely poor quality doesn't mean much. Due to a couple of unforgettable hits dark sky paradise reaches a height he only postured about on previous releases.
  2. Mar 11, 2017
    This is album has one song that I've enjoyed, and everything else is very okay. There is also no structure what so ever, it's all over the place. Is it about success? or is it about Girls? you really can't tell. but at least it has Blessings and I Don't **** With You
  3. Dec 20, 2015
    Dark Sky Paradise is nothing special to me. Possitive part of this album is certainly 'Blessed' with Drake and Kanye West. 'I don't fu*k with you' is also good track, but it's all.
  4. Sep 17, 2015
    Ahhh, Big Sean. Its better than Finally famous and Hall of Fame. Bangers of songs here but very minimal lyricism. He needs to improve the smoothness of his flow and switch up his wordplay to suit. Songs such as Win Some Lose Some and Stay Down, had a great back story but was unBEARABLE to listen to because of his really monotone flow. I believe in him, keep going and improving.
  5. Apr 6, 2015
    Pretty much the same Big Sean, just slightly better and with more singing. I still don't really like his voice and his flow. I actually wasn't as annoyed as i thought i would be with his singing, but singing is definitely not his forte. I still don't like IDFWU and think the album would be better without it. Production on this album is actually quite amazing, probably the highlight of thePretty much the same Big Sean, just slightly better and with more singing. I still don't really like his voice and his flow. I actually wasn't as annoyed as i thought i would be with his singing, but singing is definitely not his forte. I still don't like IDFWU and think the album would be better without it. Production on this album is actually quite amazing, probably the highlight of the album for me. Other than that, this album was ok Expand
  6. Apr 4, 2015
    Although it has it's down moments Dark Sky Paradise is step in the right direction from Big Sean and a significantly better listen than his previous albums and mix tapes.
  7. Mar 29, 2015
    I've never been a big fan of Big Sean, his stupid monotonous voice and his lack of any kind of interesting subject matter just kills it for me. I do like the mixtapes, but from the first album to this one it went downhill. However, I am happy to announce that this is the best Big Sean album to date, although I have few nice things to say about it, "Paradise" and the Kanye part on IDFWUI've never been a big fan of Big Sean, his stupid monotonous voice and his lack of any kind of interesting subject matter just kills it for me. I do like the mixtapes, but from the first album to this one it went downhill. However, I am happy to announce that this is the best Big Sean album to date, although I have few nice things to say about it, "Paradise" and the Kanye part on IDFWU were the only thing enjoyable honestly. Expand
  8. Feb 24, 2015
    @KTT_FC how can you even say that he will be nominated for album of the year when it's February? This album is an improvement over his last two (which isn't saying much at all), but it's still not that great, absolutely not album of the year material by any means. Big Sean just isn't interesting to listen to for long periods of time. I hate IDFWY, I don't understand how anyone ****@KTT_FC how can you even say that he will be nominated for album of the year when it's February? This album is an improvement over his last two (which isn't saying much at all), but it's still not that great, absolutely not album of the year material by any means. Big Sean just isn't interesting to listen to for long periods of time. I hate IDFWY, I don't understand how anyone **** with that song. He's just too generic. If anyone is looking like they are going to be in contention for AotY right now, it's Kanye. Dude is doing work so far this year. #YeezySeason Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    On tracks with genuine maverick talents like E-40, his fundamental lack of character appears (or disappears) in sharp relief. [Apr 2015, p.65]
  2. 75
    Dark Sky Paradise lacks cohesion as an album, but on a track-by-track basis, it positions Big Sean as a wonderfully versatile rapper whose personality and style hold together even as he adapts to a range of contexts.
  3. Mar 18, 2015
    Artistically, three is the charm for Big Sean as Dark Sky Paradise is much more expansive than previous efforts, sometimes grinding with executive producer Kanye West's love of the dark, and other times bouncing with the snark, swagger, and style that propelled this Detroit rapper to the top.