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Generally favorable reviews- based on 72 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 59 out of 72
  2. Negative: 10 out of 72

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  1. [Anonymous]
    Oct 31, 2005
    t.A.T.u. does pure sensual pop like nobody else can even fucking hope.
  2. JuliaA
    Jan 5, 2006
    First time I bought this, I almost drowned to sleep because I thought that was boring.But after the third time I put it on,I have to say this is a good album. Though I still like their first album better, they absolutely still made it to my favorite musicians/singers list.For those who dissed them, get a life.there are lots of worse than worst albums out there.But not this one for sure.
  3. FatsTuesday
    Jan 7, 2006
  4. DrakeT.
    Nov 6, 2005
    tATu begin to outgrow the lesbian shtick, and they are better off without it. Their voices seem more at ease singing the new material. For some reason, they shy away from two-part harmonies which could only make the songs more powerful. The outstanding tracks are as follows: "Gomenasai," their apology to their Japanese fans who were treated to a circus rather than a performance. "Crave," tATu begin to outgrow the lesbian shtick, and they are better off without it. Their voices seem more at ease singing the new material. For some reason, they shy away from two-part harmonies which could only make the songs more powerful. The outstanding tracks are as follows: "Gomenasai," their apology to their Japanese fans who were treated to a circus rather than a performance. "Crave," a gentle and mornful song about two girls who can't get their priorities in life straight. Also there is the thoroughly enjoyable "Friend or Foe," which carries the story of a strained friendship on a catchy melody that reminded this listener of the best James Bond theme songs. Many reviewers are using their first album - with its thinner choice of memorable songs - as a measuring stick for "Dangerous and Moving." The new album surpasses the old and is free of the artificial controversy created by tATu's former hack manager Ivan Shapovalov. The end result is a collection of songs that have a true erotic allure. It's doubtful that the tATu act will survive long enough to produce a third album, but one can always hope. Expand
  5. goodalbum
    Nov 8, 2005
    better than all the albums this year
    Dec 10, 2005
    It's pretty good actually. they've improoved a lot, at least the songs have a theme, better music arrangement, pretty cool sound very melodic and different. Although it has 1 or 2 songs that are not too good, i have to say that its a good album overall. of course for those who knows what voice and melodies are, and the girls have those that some others wish.
  7. ZFerry
    Oct 26, 2005
    As a mainly pop-oriented album. I think TATU girls did a good job this time. Catchy as usual, the first single All About Us has such a killer-tune that you can never mistake them as other pop singers, and the strong melody is always their symbol. And the album contains other catchy tunes also, such as Friend Or Foe, She Loves Me Not, and the ballad Gomenasai is just a lovely and warming As a mainly pop-oriented album. I think TATU girls did a good job this time. Catchy as usual, the first single All About Us has such a killer-tune that you can never mistake them as other pop singers, and the strong melody is always their symbol. And the album contains other catchy tunes also, such as Friend Or Foe, She Loves Me Not, and the ballad Gomenasai is just a lovely and warming song for teenagers. I think it's a great pop album, and I am pretty amased the two girls could've done this, again. Expand
  8. PhillipH
    Mar 4, 2006
    This is one the best Cds i've listened to. t.A.T.u has definetly made there comeback. This album shows that theses two aren't jsut little school girls anymore but they're women who express themsleves in the awsome song lyrics. I'm mean the first time i heard gomenasai it moved me to tears. Simply put a Kick ass album
  9. HamidR
    Mar 6, 2006
    They are relly fantastic. I'm from Iran.This album with "Sacrifice" , "All about us" and "Outer space" is the best of them.
  10. luisa
    Jul 7, 2006
    Its a wonderful disc if you dont like tatu you dont like the pop music its good music powerful lyrics perfect music and voices the people and magazines that say that this is a so bad disc they dont know nothing about music
  11. AlbertoP
    Nov 18, 2005
    I love this album. There are a couple of weak songs, but otherwise the album is very cohesive. Their production values are top notch as well. Their instrumentation is full and complex. I know people love to hate them, but it wouldn't hurt to simply give them the credit they are due.
  12. jo
    Nov 20, 2005
    i love the songs. The melody and the lyrics are just great! Very meaningful lyrics.
  13. Crimson561tyger
    Nov 4, 2005
    t.A.T.u. is fucking awesome! It isn't just about lesbians its about love. the kind that can completly enslave a person with passion, unrestraind lust love envy and so much more. Naturally the second album cant compete with the first (200 Km/h in the Wrong Lane) but Dangerous and Moving has a lot more value than some of the other music you hear on the radio. Their new hit "All About t.A.T.u. is fucking awesome! It isn't just about lesbians its about love. the kind that can completly enslave a person with passion, unrestraind lust love envy and so much more. Naturally the second album cant compete with the first (200 Km/h in the Wrong Lane) but Dangerous and Moving has a lot more value than some of the other music you hear on the radio. Their new hit "All About Us" has its strong points but it isnt the most sensational track on the cd so you should buy it and find out which one is. Expand
  14. JohnJ
    Nov 5, 2005
    I love tatu, and I love this CD. Best listened too on drugs. :)
  15. AlessandroK
    Nov 5, 2005
    I think everybody critic in bad these best pop group don't understand nothing!! Only invidious or understandable comments. I 've dscoverd that know i love these TEEN and i listen every day to thei new single "All about us". It's a MASTERPIECE
  16. microsoft
    Dec 19, 2005
    great ........
  17. RandyB
    Dec 21, 2005
    t..A.T.u. created quite a stir when they arrived in 2002; they used every on-camera opportunity they got to advertise their apparent romantic relationship, and their addictive, dark pop was striking a chord with audiences-enough to move over 5 million copies of their debut, 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane. Three years later, the Russian super-duo returns with a new look, new sound, and a t..A.T.u. created quite a stir when they arrived in 2002; they used every on-camera opportunity they got to advertise their apparent romantic relationship, and their addictive, dark pop was striking a chord with audiences-enough to move over 5 million copies of their debut, 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane. Three years later, the Russian super-duo returns with a new look, new sound, and a better approach. Opting for artistic credibility this time around, they Expand
  18. GawnzoDK
    Dec 28, 2005
    No other album has released full force of euro pop like tatu,who has become a pop phenomenon.Dangerous and Moving & loves me not are the solid tracks this exhilirating album has to offer.Bring on the third
  19. Nov 27, 2012
    Absolutely the very best album in the whole music industry in 2005. It is a real disappointment that the group no longer exist. I hope there will be back soon.
  20. Oct 24, 2010
    This album is probably one of the best albums released in 2005. The music is enjoyable, and the voices are brilliant. The songs from this album will stick in your head. Say no more, say no less.
  21. WalterO
    Apr 21, 2007
    Maybe not the best album by them, but really really good, because it has mixed music styles - if you want rock, pop, new age (well, just one song... kinda) or some catchy pop, D&M has it.
  22. Suka
    Feb 4, 2006
    Fucking great album! That's so much better than by Lindsay, Britney, Ashley or by any other American chick. Well arranged, produced and written. Simply pop as it's best. tATu has definitely established their succuess in Europe and worldwide.
  23. BBG.
    Jan 12, 2006
    Even those who prefer rock music will agree that this is the best kind of pop there is, it's not bubble gum and it's not poser punk.
  24. HectorG
    Aug 23, 2006
    Dangerous and moving is a great album and it shows there's good pop music.
  25. JonB
    Nov 14, 2005
    Although lacking a song of the same calibre as their cover of The Smiths How soon is now, and although it has a monotonous feel about it, it is nevertheless a great popalbum, with terrific tunes and a nice production. What more do you want from good popmusic?
  26. BitBurn
    Nov 25, 2005
    Gotta love critics!! Here I read Billboard and Dot Music bashing this album...but what do they know?! This album is not half as bad as they say. In fact, it's pretty good, except for a few weak tracks maybe. You want crap? Get Ashlee Simpson's newest. Production-wise, everything has improved. It sounds beefier, songs are well written and the girls have improved their english Gotta love critics!! Here I read Billboard and Dot Music bashing this album...but what do they know?! This album is not half as bad as they say. In fact, it's pretty good, except for a few weak tracks maybe. You want crap? Get Ashlee Simpson's newest. Production-wise, everything has improved. It sounds beefier, songs are well written and the girls have improved their english pronunciation! Expand
  27. Sivar
    Dec 19, 2005
    simple great !!!!!
  28. Barney
    Dec 31, 2005
    I like this band like I like Abba. The hissy fits of some of these critics are obviously self-serving: Apparently they're trying to gain credibility the easiest and cheapest way they can. Here critics, here's some Creed, why don't you go over there with it and bash it to your heart's content, out of our earshot. We think your taste is impeccable, we promise. There, I like this band like I like Abba. The hissy fits of some of these critics are obviously self-serving: Apparently they're trying to gain credibility the easiest and cheapest way they can. Here critics, here's some Creed, why don't you go over there with it and bash it to your heart's content, out of our earshot. We think your taste is impeccable, we promise. There, there, run along now. Expand
  29. Aug 27, 2015
    Amazing!Fantastic!Unusual!Very interesting!better than all the albums this year!
    i love the songs. The melody and the lyrics are just great! Very meaningful lyrics.
  30. Sep 11, 2015
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is one of the best albums by t.A.T.u. Outstanding music, great lyrics and beautiful girls. Favorite song from album is "Cosmos (Outer Space)". Unfortunately, this song not be released as single. Also, I like songs "Friend or Foe", "Sacrifice" and "Craving (I Only Want What I Can't Have)". Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 10
  2. Negative: 2 out of 10
  1. Julia and Lena's voices are nothing special, and their lyrics are still derivative -- suitable fodder for Charmed or a Rachel Leigh Cook movie, but not the sort of thing that makes a lasting impression.
  2. Since the beats are monotonous, since the songs are insipid and forgettable, since the girls not only can't sing but have no on-record charisma, since there's no sense of style and, most importantly, sense of fun to this whole enterprise, Dangerous and Moving is the worst kind of pop music: the kind that is better to theorize about than to listen to.
  3. An album that's desperately hard to listen to, let alone care about.