• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 9, 2017
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 570 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 570
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  1. Jun 13, 2017
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  2. Jun 15, 2017
    She fully commands the foreground of her songs. Her voice is upfront, recorded to sound natural and unaffected, with all its grain and conversational quirks.
  3. Jun 15, 2017
    SZA is the full package in terms of artistry: killer singing and songwriting abilities with a distinct perspective on life, love and destiny. CTRL is craft in action, a uniquely excellent album from a uniquely excellent artist. Amazing album.
  4. Jun 22, 2017
    What's most striking about SZA's 'CTRL' is how completely she lays herself bare emotionally, how she's perfectly willing to express deep-seated flaws and vulnerabilities. Because of this quality, I initially thought the record to be somewhat too revealing, but as I listened more and more I found a greater appreciation for its candor; it's the album's main charm, not to mention theWhat's most striking about SZA's 'CTRL' is how completely she lays herself bare emotionally, how she's perfectly willing to express deep-seated flaws and vulnerabilities. Because of this quality, I initially thought the record to be somewhat too revealing, but as I listened more and more I found a greater appreciation for its candor; it's the album's main charm, not to mention the flawlessly understated production. SZA does a fantastic job of not chaining herself to the constraints of contemporary R&B, instead pushing genre limits and even venturing outside the field altogether with indie rock songs like 'Supermodel' and '20 Something'. With this release she has definitely given listeners plenty to look forward to from her in the coming years.

    Highlights include 'Love Galore,' 'Garden (Say It Like Dat),' and 'Normal Girl'.
  5. Jan 23, 2018
    The way SZA crafts a narrative or a perfect caricature of the mundane struggles of a black woman in modern-day America in this record is very breathtaking and fascinating to say in the very least. To add to this unique encapsulation, the strong thematic concept of time in this record—captured, quite literally, in Broken Clocks and The Weekend, and more subtly in songs like Prom and 20The way SZA crafts a narrative or a perfect caricature of the mundane struggles of a black woman in modern-day America in this record is very breathtaking and fascinating to say in the very least. To add to this unique encapsulation, the strong thematic concept of time in this record—captured, quite literally, in Broken Clocks and The Weekend, and more subtly in songs like Prom and 20 Something, which deal with the anxieties of growing up—definitively proves that SZA is a new and upcoming force to be reckoned with in this industry. Expand
  6. Apr 24, 2018
    What can I say? Ctrl is the epitome of what all music should aspire to be. SZA's skillful songwriting heightens her music even further, making each track a masterpiece. No beat is left unheard and no listener should be left disappointed. Favourite tracks: Supermodel, Love Galore, Garden (Say It Like Dat), Broken Clocks
  7. Oct 2, 2018
    One of the best R&B albums of the decade. Excited to hear more of her work in the future.
  8. Jun 15, 2017
    This album is a masterpiece based on the fact that it captures a lot of mixed and complex feelings we all have or will experience in our lives. The way SZA says the things she says in such blunt yet with an almost reassuring tone is truly amazing and beautiful to watch/listen.
  9. Jun 17, 2017
    CTRL has the feel of a backyard party in the summer sun, but with the introspective lyrics, it feels that even though she's in such a bright and warm place, there's ice in her heart, but not enough to take over her life. By finding control, she creates an album that touches on so many aspects of human nature and emotion that it's hard not to say that this album is one of 2017's bestCTRL has the feel of a backyard party in the summer sun, but with the introspective lyrics, it feels that even though she's in such a bright and warm place, there's ice in her heart, but not enough to take over her life. By finding control, she creates an album that touches on so many aspects of human nature and emotion that it's hard not to say that this album is one of 2017's best debuts. On "Supermodel", she says "why am I so easy to forget like that?" but after hearing the depth of such an intriguing artist, there is no way we can possibly forget her. Expand
  10. Jul 25, 2017
    This girl has got talent. On her first album, SZA takes a page out of powerhouses, such as Kendrick Lamar and Travis Scott, books to create a soulfully cohesive album.
  11. Jun 13, 2017
    CTRL is one of the most cohesive and relatable debut albums in recent memory. Through soulful, and sometimes crass, lyrics, SZA explains the struggles of past relationships, growing up, and gaining control over her life. The album spans an array of moods and sub-genres. Beginning with the unapologetic, melancholy "Supermodel", and ending with the soul-bearing "20 Something", SZA has noCTRL is one of the most cohesive and relatable debut albums in recent memory. Through soulful, and sometimes crass, lyrics, SZA explains the struggles of past relationships, growing up, and gaining control over her life. The album spans an array of moods and sub-genres. Beginning with the unapologetic, melancholy "Supermodel", and ending with the soul-bearing "20 Something", SZA has no problem airing all of her dirty laundry. Throughout the album, we hear snippets of a recorded conversation with her mother, who describes her experiences with maintaining control throughout her life. With high profile collaborators such as Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, and Pharrell, SZA does a fantastic job of handling the track like a seasoned professional, never allowing their verses to overshadow hers. The highs of the album are tremendous - Supermodel, Doves In The Wind, and Normal Girl are all standouts. The album, overall, is an ethereal, poignant ride. Expand
  12. Jun 14, 2017
    Amazing, thought-provoking. Theme remains consistent throughout the album. No Fillers. Best Debut Album in a while. Features were amazing and didn't overshadow SZA.
  13. Jun 17, 2018
    1-Supermodel - 10/10
    2-Love Galore - 10/10 3-Doves In The Wind - 10/10 4-Drew Barrymore - 10/10 5-Prom - 10/10 6-The Weekend - 10/10 7-Go Gina - 7/10 8-Garden (Say It Like Dat) - 10/10 9-Broken Clocks - 10/10 10-Anything - 8/10 11-Wavy (Interlude) 8/10 12-Normal Girl - 9/10 13-Pretty Little Birds - 8/10 14-20 Something - 8/10 Cohesion: 10/10 Lyrics Quality: 9/10
    1-Supermodel - 10/10
    2-Love Galore - 10/10
    3-Doves In The Wind - 10/10
    4-Drew Barrymore - 10/10
    5-Prom - 10/10
    6-The Weekend - 10/10
    7-Go Gina - 7/10
    8-Garden (Say It Like Dat) - 10/10
    9-Broken Clocks - 10/10
    10-Anything - 8/10
    11-Wavy (Interlude) 8/10
    12-Normal Girl - 9/10
    13-Pretty Little Birds - 8/10
    14-20 Something - 8/10
    Cohesion: 10/10
    Lyrics Quality: 9/10

    Final Score: 9.1/10

    This is one of the best female R&B albums of the decade imo
  14. Aug 29, 2017
    I love SZA for pretty much saving 2017’s music with this album. Every song on it is something that is begging to be heard. ‘Love Galore’ is a gorgeous lead single, you literally can’t stop playing it. Her little accent adds a beautiful flair to the tracks. Go Gina, Prom, The Weeknd and Supermodel are the kind of songs you want to scream the lyrics out to. The prod. Is insanely good and theI love SZA for pretty much saving 2017’s music with this album. Every song on it is something that is begging to be heard. ‘Love Galore’ is a gorgeous lead single, you literally can’t stop playing it. Her little accent adds a beautiful flair to the tracks. Go Gina, Prom, The Weeknd and Supermodel are the kind of songs you want to scream the lyrics out to. The prod. Is insanely good and the lyrics are brilliant, Perfect album for true R&B lovers. Expand
  15. Jan 4, 2018
    Apasionado y mata emociones. Desgarrador y grato de ser una joya para la música.
  16. Jan 9, 2018
    A personal favourite artist of mine. SZA follows up her incredible album, "Z", with a much more developed and discovered voice and aesthetic. Every feature on the album is amazing and well worth the guest feature.
  17. Mar 12, 2018
    What a wonderful debut album.

    It's somewhat hard to fathom how someone can start singing at age 22 and four years later this happens. The melodies and phrasing on this album are not at all amateurish; on the contrary, they seem incredibly nuanced and considered. All the more surprising that these songs are all off the top, according to the artist. To quote Drake, the kid's a natural.
    What a wonderful debut album.

    It's somewhat hard to fathom how someone can start singing at age 22 and four years later this happens. The melodies and phrasing on this album are not at all amateurish; on the contrary, they seem incredibly nuanced and considered. All the more surprising that these songs are all off the top, according to the artist. To quote Drake, the kid's a natural. These 14 tracks present a distinct style, that of a fully-formed artist--certain flows and rhythms, intervals that she hits to accent certain phrasing, a distinct accent, and a vocal timbre that is immediately recognizable. It's hard to imagine anyone else singing her songs, or anyone else coming up with the melodies and phrasing she finds on this album. So much so that when I listen to Consideration--that Rihanna song, written by SZA, that was meant as the centerpiece to this album but was appropriated after she played it for Ri and Pharrell--it sounds like Ri is hopelessly trying to emulate the younger artist (listening to that song breaks my heart... I really want to hear SZA on that verse and Sounwave tear up the instrumental). The only other songwriters I can think of that have such distinctive phrasing and vocal quirks are Lauryn Hill and Frank Ocean.

    The instrumentals are really excellent. It seems with every TDE project they further refine a certain house style. I was surprised to see Sounwave absent from this project, as it has all the hallmarks of a TDE project: the instrumentals are soulful, have plenty of room to breathe, and the instrumentation is quirky and inventive. The synths glisten and have an organic feel to them that is soooo refreshing in today's scene. The sampling is understated and barely recognizable as sampling. The groove and bop on these tracks is one of the best in the game (Wavy Interlude is a standout in this regard). Even the songs that have a pop groove (Prom, Drew Barrymore) hit hard and have an effortless bounce.

    The lyrics are probably the least-striking part of this project, but they are capable nonetheless. The themes are quite standard, covering heartache, inadequacy, all the hallmarks of the post-Drake RnB/pop sound. My favorite piece of writing on this album is the closer track, 20 Something. In a musical culture that seems to increasingly lionize youth and wild abandon, it's refreshing to hear someone consider what comes next. Doves in the Wind and The Weekend are also standouts, and somewhat intimidating to listen to as a man. They present a perspective that I haven't quite heard articulated before. All of the writing on this album, even when touching on more well-trod themes, has a contemporaneous honesty and a realism befitting SZA's creative process that is immediately endearing.

    You couldn't ask for a better debut album than this. Definitely one of the best albums of the year, and an album that I think will go down as one of the more cohesive, stylish, and impactful records of the late 2010s.
  18. May 12, 2018
    SZA has made an album about millenial anxieties, troubles, hopes, and aspirations. Her music has balanced the nostalgic and the contemporary sound of today that is both listenable, full of energy, and timeless.
  19. Oct 24, 2018
    CTRL is a cinematic sonic adventure of a special kind of legend. One that comes from the most beautiful, bewildering and bountiful experiences...coming of age. SZA bravely shares her experience on her journey in womanhood and youth's endless feeling and illusions flawlessly. The album opens with food for thought from her mother as an opener and close that leads back to the main lesson.CTRL is a cinematic sonic adventure of a special kind of legend. One that comes from the most beautiful, bewildering and bountiful experiences...coming of age. SZA bravely shares her experience on her journey in womanhood and youth's endless feeling and illusions flawlessly. The album opens with food for thought from her mother as an opener and close that leads back to the main lesson. What is control. What is control for a woman. What is control for anyone... The way she addresses the idea of control in love, lust and self-discovery is both breathtaking and life-changing as a music lover. SZA is truly a gift and new legend in music with many treasures to be shared. This beyond exquisite debut album is an instant classic. Expand
  20. Sep 6, 2019
    I still revisit this album a lot and I never forget a single word. Beautiful, hard-hitting masterpiece. There isn’t a skip on this album.
  21. Oct 14, 2019
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Favorite rnb album of the decade for me!!! This album has absolutely no skips and I can play it for hoursssss and hours!!!!! Expand
  22. Sep 5, 2021
    Absolutely loves this!!! SZA never does any bad song. This album is on my top 10 ♥️
  23. Nov 12, 2022
    THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE AN ALBUM!!!! This woman makes some truly remarkable works, and her voice is perfect for the songs she makes. This is what you call an artist.
  24. Jun 13, 2017
    Looks as though Vladimir Putin's on here trying to sway public opinion again and manipulate more votes and scores. Why don't you go review a nice cold bowl of borscht?
  25. Aug 15, 2017
    SZA has a great voice to go along with her interesting lyrical talent, but there were too many times when her passion seemed to be cut off by empty, immobile background textures that sounded very market driven, only being saved by the overall tranquility. My Score: 118/180 (Good) = 6.6/10
  26. Mar 27, 2019
    When SZA was working on her debut album, I was really looking forward to her album. I'm glad it was worth the wait because SZA's Ctrl is a fantastic album from start to finish. Loved all the songs from the album, and SZA's Lyrics are amazing. And the features on the album are fantastic. SZA's Ctrl is a must listen. 10/10
  27. Oct 8, 2017
    For a debut record to be this solid and cohesive, it showcases how much talent and hard work new-comer SZA has poured into it. The songs vary in genres from pop to R&B, which gives it beautiful diversity, and the songwriting is mature and witty. There are some songs that feel misplaced, or like they don't belong on the album (see "Go Gina" or "Garden (Say It Like Dat)"), but others areFor a debut record to be this solid and cohesive, it showcases how much talent and hard work new-comer SZA has poured into it. The songs vary in genres from pop to R&B, which gives it beautiful diversity, and the songwriting is mature and witty. There are some songs that feel misplaced, or like they don't belong on the album (see "Go Gina" or "Garden (Say It Like Dat)"), but others are just full-on beautiful highlights: she's a savage when she's channeling her inner Beyoncé-esque sound on the beautiful "Love Galore" or the sassy "Doves in the Wind", but it's when the tender guitars are churning in the back that SZA truly triumphs (my favourite two tracks are "Drew Barrymore" and closer "20 Something").
    It's a subtle debut record and I can totally see SZA snatching a Best New Artist nod at the 2018 Grammys.
  28. Mar 5, 2018
    SZA's CTRL succeeds most of all in it's consistent theme and lyrics. Frequently showing very real, thoughtful, and intelligent lyrics with clear ideas. Adolescents, and relationships, insecurities, and commitment issues. Many great song on this album as well as a handful of average songs that are less than memorable. Many of the beats blend together and are just average or normal. Her bestSZA's CTRL succeeds most of all in it's consistent theme and lyrics. Frequently showing very real, thoughtful, and intelligent lyrics with clear ideas. Adolescents, and relationships, insecurities, and commitment issues. Many great song on this album as well as a handful of average songs that are less than memorable. Many of the beats blend together and are just average or normal. Her best quality remains her outstanding lyrics. Best songs are: Drew Barrymore, the Weekend, Garden, Broken Clock, Normal Girl, 20 Something. Expand
  29. Nov 23, 2017
    The real stuff here are the lyrics, which at the same time are impressive but really familiar in a relatable kind of way, and her vocals are excellent and unique. And those vocals mixed with the catchy production make this an album that's just fire
  30. Feb 14, 2018
    One of the albums of my life. From track 01 to 14, this LP is a complete masterpiece. I WANT MORE OF THIS, SZA!! The best of 2017.

Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Sep 26, 2023
    Ctrl is a Facebook-photo album of opinions and behaviours that probably shouldn’t be broadcasted online. It’s also an assembly of tracks that prevail as mantras of self-affirmation, and it balances the two sides of its character with an awareness that feels like an accident, though it's welcomed all the same. But even if we disregard what it all means, these tracks are still jams, tunes, or any other blasé term people attach to music that you can throw away your dignity to.
  2. 100
    From start to finish, CTRL os nothing less than outstanding - the late arrival of a very important artist.
  3. Dec 14, 2017
    In Ctrl, SZA draws on her personal experience and explores women’s sexuality in a direct and honest way which was so far mostly reserved to male R&B and pop artists.