
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Creaturesque's subtler pleasures may require more time to sink in than the impulsive skinny-dip plunge of its predecessor, but fans of classic-styled melodic indie rock will find it every bit as summery and inviting as the backyard swimming pool on the cover, and well worth the wade.
  2. For all the positive aspects of Creaturesque--most importantly, it really is a consistently interesting and fun listen, which is rare for a record like this--there is one real weakness: Reitherman’s lyrics.
  3. It makes for some delightfully fetching quirk-rock when it’s all clicking, but there are also moments when the songs never quite develop this alchemy and fizzle into the mist, albeit a fine cool mist on a bright, sunshiny day.
  4. It’s a little too smooth in places, and also a little lacking in assurance, but just like my friend, it’s worth making the effort to get into this party.
  5. Filter
    The practice spent fiddling with slower and more methodical tracks on the excellent "Purpleface" EP shows its effectiveness plainly here. [Summer 2009, p.100]
  6. Mojo
    Drawn to look within, you run into the smart opacity of Reitherman's lyrics. [Sep 2009, p.96]
  7. Scott Reitherman, the multi-instrumentalist behind TMTS, switched to a full band following 2007’s "Moonbeams," and it paid off. Creaturesque stays aloft thanks to its big sound and well-placed handclaps.
  8. With the help of producer Phil Ek, the band captures the odd we're-young-but-wish-we-were-younger nostalgia of the so-called crisis while still creating an album that will appeal to an audience outside the twentysomething set.
  9. Creaturesque is an easy enough listen with a few moments that stand at attention, but even the best bits can't compare to Moonbeams', and the lesser stuff's far lesser indeed.
  10. 60
    The eclecticism is refreshing on the jammy, Built to Spill-like 'Hi-Fi Goon,' but enjoying the sum of Creaturesque’s shifting parts can be a taxing proposition.
  11. Not only is the group fully integrated into the proceedings, the songs are sturdier, and Reitherman’s sweet-toned, sighing fog of a voice gains character and depth with repetition.
  12. While the album shows the band refining their sound, it also carries the threat that their future might be too refined, too polished and neat.
  13. Uncut
    The new line up and improved prodution give songs more space, but haven't hindered the jaunty, lo-fi, eclectic iindie that made "Moonbeams" such a treat. [Sep 2009, p.101]
  14. Under The Radar
    Their sophomore album builds on the success of "Moonbeams" by adding a little more texture and bringing a fuller band experience to the recording experience. [Summer 2009, p.63]

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