
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. In-fashion vocal effects, which Summer certainly does not need, detract from a handful of these tracks, but as a whole, the album won't have trouble pleasing fans who just want to hear their queen have a blast and tear it up.
  2. This surprisingly lively set finds the former disco diva teaming with a crew of young collaborators--including Greg Kurstin, Danielle Brisebois, Ziggy Marley, J.R. Rotem and Lester Mendez--for a series of uptempo forays into stomping dance-pop, juke-joint blues-rock, breezy Latin jazz and African-accented soul.
  3. The music is harmlessly listenable, and the requisite nods to her dance-floor legacy, like the sweeping, dramatic house anthem 'I'm a Fire' and the lockstep 'Stamp Your Feet,' are (at the very least) no less opportunistic than the latest albums by Madonna and Janet Jackson.
  4. Crayons, though consistently good-natured and glossily wise about life’s learning curves, isn’t it. It’s a Los Angeles pop record, seemingly made by committee; it has no center.
  5. Some of her tunes are more steady than sizzling, but when she taps into the likes of the soaring, synthesizer-driven 'I'm a Fire,' her smart combination of rich personality and kinetic energy invites a trip to the dance floor.
  6. On Crayons, it’s like no time has passed at all, and of course it hasn't.
  7. Vibe
    The disco ball might be unplugged, but Summer still shines. [July 2008, p.61]
  8. Most of the cuts on Crayons are adequate, but there is a distinct lack of the unmoored, thrilling sensuality that Summer used to trade in so effortlessly.
  9. Crayons is a healthy antidote to an industry that loves to package and box artists.
  10. Autobiographical, hopeful, working through different genres, one can't help but feel that if she had stretched herself while remaining focused just on quality dance-pop that the record would have been fantastic and not such a sad sunset on the legendary Summer.
  11. Unfortunately Summers’s voice and persona just don’t suit this material.
  12. Q Magazine
    If we forget her Lenny Henry-esque Jamaican accent on the title track's Ziggy Marley duet, she's on sterling form. [Aug 2008, p.143]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 53
  2. Negative: 12 out of 53
  1. Dec 13, 2022
    This is the very short-lived comeback of Donna Summer, that has since become her most cohesive and most experimental record to date. The albumThis is the very short-lived comeback of Donna Summer, that has since become her most cohesive and most experimental record to date. The album is heavy in fun factor, and its lyricism and vocals are very Summer-esque, making us feel like she never really left for 14 years before releasing this 4 years before her very tragic death in 2012. Full Review »
  2. FrancoisC.
    Sep 6, 2008
    When the gap between the appreciation by critics and the one by general public is so big, I say to myself that something is wrong... about When the gap between the appreciation by critics and the one by general public is so big, I say to myself that something is wrong... about the critics of course. Donna Summer, like Celine Dion, is the type of artist critics as so scared about saying something good. Do not hesitate a second to get this album. One of the best in 2008 so far. Full Review »
  3. AjR.
    Jul 12, 2008
    I'm buying this cd no doubt a older and more glamous look i love the new look donna summer given the sucess of the other 1970s I'm buying this cd no doubt a older and more glamous look i love the new look donna summer given the sucess of the other 1970s returning stars she a babe. Full Review »