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Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 50
  2. Negative: 5 out of 50

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  1. MichaelS.
    Oct 1, 2009
    I ? it, exactly what I expected from my favorite band, all of my expectations were exceeded. Sounds like a mix of "Art of Drowning" and "Sing the Sorrow", but definitely leaning more towards the fast-tempo dark rock sounds of StS. But it doesnt copy so many elements that it sounds like a rehash, it's a very refreshing new direction for AFI. The fact that there's 6 bonus tracks I ? it, exactly what I expected from my favorite band, all of my expectations were exceeded. Sounds like a mix of "Art of Drowning" and "Sing the Sorrow", but definitely leaning more towards the fast-tempo dark rock sounds of StS. But it doesnt copy so many elements that it sounds like a rehash, it's a very refreshing new direction for AFI. The fact that there's 6 bonus tracks is just icing on the cake. Favorite songs: Beautiful Thieves, End Transmission, Too Shy To Scream, Veronica Sawyer Smokes, Sacrilege, Cold Hands Final verdict: 10/10. You owe it to yourself to check out this album. Expand
  2. MaryR
    Oct 8, 2009
    Terrific. Melodic and rockin', a worthy follow-up to Decemberunderground. Davey is in fine voice, and still testing all the different colors that voice will produce. Jade has stopped holding back--the guitars are loud and proud. Shy boys do win. Too Shy to Scrream will burrow it's way into your head like one of those worms from Star Trek III, and force you to dance around the Terrific. Melodic and rockin', a worthy follow-up to Decemberunderground. Davey is in fine voice, and still testing all the different colors that voice will produce. Jade has stopped holding back--the guitars are loud and proud. Shy boys do win. Too Shy to Scrream will burrow it's way into your head like one of those worms from Star Trek III, and force you to dance around the house whether you like it or not. A winner! Expand
  3. JeremyW
    Oct 1, 2009
    Up there with Sing the Sorrow and Black Sails amongst their best.
  4. CharlesS
    Nov 3, 2009
    AFI's reach into influential territories of The Smiths, Bauhaus, etc. and create a their own version of 80's rock.
  5. Apr 7, 2013
    I'm perplexed that any fan that doesn't like t heir recent material is still reviewing it ,anyhoo...
    Has you can see most of negative reviews are people who just downright dislike this band or expect them to remain in their old hardcore-punk (which I didn't find them to be all that great back in the day, Art of Drowning was probably the only CD I can honestly say I've considered and ended
    I'm perplexed that any fan that doesn't like t heir recent material is still reviewing it ,anyhoo...
    Has you can see most of negative reviews are people who just downright dislike this band or expect them to remain in their old hardcore-punk (which I didn't find them to be all that great back in the day, Art of Drowning was probably the only CD I can honestly say I've considered and ended up buying).

    About Crash Love, I bought this the day of it's release (I got the 2 CD deluxe edition). It was one of the best CDs I've bought in recent years that is considered "mainstream" (for all those terminology gurus)
    and I loved about 95% of the CD (Including the demo tracks included on the second CD, which I loved that entire thing [it actually has been played more than the regular CD itself])

    There's a mix of genres on the CD and anyone open to alternative, 80s alternative-influenced, pop-punk/rock. Should definitely take a listen!
  6. TruterR.
    Sep 30, 2009
    Exactly what I didn't expect. A totally new sound from AFI. It may have lost that hardcore edge, but this new style isn't that bad at all. Something for everyone. Also the riffs are catchy and the choruses are melodic. I was most impressed by the sound engineering, the songs doesn't get dull on you that you need to press the "skip" button.
  7. JoeyB
    Oct 11, 2009
    Really good album from the band, which works surprisingly well.
  8. MichaelM
    Nov 2, 2009
    Far removed from the soaring synthesized polish of December Underground, Crash Love shines with a minimalist approach that particularly highlights Jade's (lead guitar) excellent work. The songs feature a diverse variety of styles even approaching a unexpected 80s punk-pop sound "Veronica Sawyer Smokes," a track I dismissed on the first spin but quickly grew to love. The highlights Far removed from the soaring synthesized polish of December Underground, Crash Love shines with a minimalist approach that particularly highlights Jade's (lead guitar) excellent work. The songs feature a diverse variety of styles even approaching a unexpected 80s punk-pop sound "Veronica Sawyer Smokes," a track I dismissed on the first spin but quickly grew to love. The highlights IMHO are Veronica Sawyer, Torch Song, Beautiful Thieves, and my fav, Sacrilege. It's truly a pleasuable listen that reminds me that strikes true on all the elements in which AFI truly excels. Make sure you take a look at the lyrics else you'll be missing some vivid work. Expand
  9. Oct 21, 2013
    This album like most AFI albums changes to a new sound and genre. They are more pop-rock oriented than previous efforts but have some really catchy and mesmerizing stuff on this album.A well done effort but some songs fill like fillers. 8/10.
  10. JasonS
    Nov 19, 2009
    If I were younger maybe something I would play all the time. It's listenable but not in the best way for someone over a certain age.
  11. Mar 13, 2014
    the album crash love AFI band and album which emits more sentimental songs and this leaves little umm comic book style, but their beats not fail to match such as letters, Ok I Feel Better Now and bonus Breathing Towers to Heaven, and that in my opinion the best album
  12. JoshH
    Oct 15, 2009
    Always had a weird thing with AFI, yet, even though I find some of their music just plain crap, they still manage every album to produce something really catchy and attractive to listen to. Even if it may not be the "hit single", it's still a half-decent album. Props to them for being one of the only commercial bands this year to add a flavour of creativity in their music.
  13. Mar 12, 2011
    While Crash Love is stylishly produced and pays tribute to the pop-punk genre more than recent albums, it's sad when the most devoted fans are disappointed by Havok's lackluster in the lyrical content department, as well as the band's overall depth.
  14. Jun 7, 2011
    The depth and edge of their previous music is gone, notably in the lyrical content. But the melodies in some ways still retain a lot from AFI's older roots. And while it's far from topping its predecessors creativity, Crash Love is still pure punk rock with a bit of pop that may satisfy fans. One of its brightest moments are "End Transmission", a seemingly Cure-esque power ballad, andThe depth and edge of their previous music is gone, notably in the lyrical content. But the melodies in some ways still retain a lot from AFI's older roots. And while it's far from topping its predecessors creativity, Crash Love is still pure punk rock with a bit of pop that may satisfy fans. One of its brightest moments are "End Transmission", a seemingly Cure-esque power ballad, and "Darling, I Want To Destroy You", a generic, but catchy radio-friendly pop rock track. However, its downfall mostly revolves around the album's lack of innovation or individuality for that matter. Expand
  15. DavidS
    Dec 4, 2009
    What a disappointment
  16. DavidT
    Dec 4, 2009
    I'm perplexed that people are comparing this to any of AFI
  17. JamesS.
    Nov 13, 2009
    That Americans continue to listen to this suburban teen crap reminds me why I never want to go back there. Honestly - America - your latest generation has been raised by marketing execs hiding behind fake entertainment, and now you are paying the price by becoming zombies.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Ultimately, AFI have lightened up the band's darkly-sexy vibe on Crash Love and delivered a yearning, perfect pop/rock crush of an album.
  2. In no uncertain terms, Crash Love is an accomplishment that raises the bar for them as musicians and writers.
  3. With fewer studio effects and electronic twiddles, Crash Love is a simpler rock record than its US number one predecessor "Decemberunderground." If anything, it's better however, and shows that while fusing goth, punk and pop doesn't need to be rocket science, when AFI are involved it's very definitely an artform.