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Generally favorable reviews- based on 88 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 73 out of 88
  2. Negative: 4 out of 88
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  1. Jul 20, 2023
    My favourite Gorillaz album. Totally surprised me after a few self-indulgent efforts, but this album's really great.
  2. Jun 23, 2023
    This entire review is an edit of my first one. I originally gave it a 3/10, I think it was narrow-minded of me. I have listened more to the album and come to the conclusion that this is a good album. I love how Gorillaz always finds a way to innovate, to renew their sound. It's one of the best qualities of the band. I think everyone, that is a fan of Gorillaz. Should be more open toThis entire review is an edit of my first one. I originally gave it a 3/10, I think it was narrow-minded of me. I have listened more to the album and come to the conclusion that this is a good album. I love how Gorillaz always finds a way to innovate, to renew their sound. It's one of the best qualities of the band. I think everyone, that is a fan of Gorillaz. Should be more open to change, its fine that they're not always sticking to their rocky roots in Demon Days or Gorillaz (debut album), for example, Plastic Beach, which is one of their best albums by Gorillaz, and it was about there they had their peak. Plastic Beach was a complete overhaul of their music, new sounds and tones were introduced and it may have not been a commercial hit but it definitely is a hit among true fans. I think we should be as open-minded with Cracker Island and remember, that Gorillaz always innovate their sound. Solid 8/10 with bops like Silent Running and Cracker Island. Expand
  3. May 24, 2023
    Ugh. It isn't even that bad. It's just that I know they can do better, because I've seen it. I miss my Demon Days and Plastic Beach, cause this isn't it. Love the Bad Bunny song though, that was sick.
  4. May 14, 2023
    Gorillaz at their top, as each album. They manage to express everytime the best that we can expect from them. Good songs, centred mood and lovely sound at the right moment.
  5. Mar 29, 2023
    Through the highs and the lows that is Cracker Island, Gorillaz brings some good music to the ear for the most part. For a band that relies so heavily on production, they seemed to know what they were doing for the most part. I had a lot of fun with this LP, with tracks such as Cracker Island and Silent Running being extremely groovy as these two tracks are my favorites.
  6. Mar 20, 2023
    My favorite Gorillaz album since Plastic Beach. Damon Albarn is a genius, and Silent Running is probably my new favorite song from him
  7. Mar 7, 2023
    Most Gorillaz albums are 50% full of annoying songs. Not this one. Since Plastic Beach, Albarn has obscured his simple songwriting with incongruous guest artists and music styles way out of his depth. He sticks to basics here – jammy grooves, choruses with hooks, and no dumb “sketches” or throwaway tracks. Just ten great tunes that don’t overstay their welcome. Not mindblowing, but theMost Gorillaz albums are 50% full of annoying songs. Not this one. Since Plastic Beach, Albarn has obscured his simple songwriting with incongruous guest artists and music styles way out of his depth. He sticks to basics here – jammy grooves, choruses with hooks, and no dumb “sketches” or throwaway tracks. Just ten great tunes that don’t overstay their welcome. Not mindblowing, but the first album since Demon Days where you don’t skip any songs. Expand
  8. Mar 6, 2023
    Maravilloso trabajo de Gorillaz que ingresa en el canon de sus tres primeros álbumes en cuanto a genialidad, profundidad, coherencia y consistencia. El disco crece con cada escucha y cada canción brilla por sí misma. Es cuestión de dar lugar a la propuesta de Damon, no sobreponerse a ella, no exigirle: simplemente aceptar su invitación a navegar por éste album compacto que ha compuesto conMaravilloso trabajo de Gorillaz que ingresa en el canon de sus tres primeros álbumes en cuanto a genialidad, profundidad, coherencia y consistencia. El disco crece con cada escucha y cada canción brilla por sí misma. Es cuestión de dar lugar a la propuesta de Damon, no sobreponerse a ella, no exigirle: simplemente aceptar su invitación a navegar por éste album compacto que ha compuesto con notable lucidez y espacio. Mención especial a la controvertida canción con Bad Bunny, una pieza calmada y maravillosa, donde el puertoriqueño brilla gracias a la sutileza de Albarn de elevarlo y darle el marco necesario para que su particular forma de rapear, su cadencia y su singular tono ayuden a ocasionar en la pieza el tinte de dulzura y ensueño que tiene. Enamora en cada escucha.

    (fb: tomi tatián)
  9. Mar 5, 2023
    Iconic England-based virtual band Gorillaz has returned with their new project 'Cracker Island', just shortly following their highly rated 2020 release 'Song Machine, Season One'. 'Cracker Island' is getting mixed feedback, with some saying it's one of their best works in recent times, and others saying it's one of their laziest albums to date. Although this project is fairly short, comingIconic England-based virtual band Gorillaz has returned with their new project 'Cracker Island', just shortly following their highly rated 2020 release 'Song Machine, Season One'. 'Cracker Island' is getting mixed feedback, with some saying it's one of their best works in recent times, and others saying it's one of their laziest albums to date. Although this project is fairly short, coming in at ten tracks and about thirty-seven minutes long, it took a while for me to fully digest and form an opinion on.

    The album opens up on an authoritative note, with the title track "Cracker Island". Its ear-catching and strong electro synths, groovy bassline, and the vocal chemistry between Damon and Thundercat make for one of the most entertaining and engaging tracks on the album. I love the catchy chorus and dancey vibe this track offers up. Following it is "Oil", featuring singer-songwriter Stevie Nicks, most known for her work with the rock band Fleetwood Mac. The drums stand-out out the most on this track, with their punchy mix. I didn't think Stevie Nicks would fit over this instrumental, but she proved me wrong, sounding solid in harmony with Damon and flowed well over the beat. I enjoyed how the instrumental opened up during the chorus with Stevie Nicks, closes, and then comes to life again; it makes for a satisfying and appealing listen.

    "The Tired Influencer" was the first track that I wasn't feeling. The Siri adlibs sound awkward and out of place, I understand that Gorillaz was going for a stylistic/unique touch with it, but it just feels unnecessary. Instrumentally, this track is bland and sleepy, while lyrically it's fairly good. There are not many songs that talk about influencer/celebrity culture, and it seems like Gorillaz wrote this from the heart. The album quickly picks up again with "Silent Running", a dense track containing punchy drums and bright synths. Although Damon's vocals lack character and energy at the beginning of the track, they quickly pick up near the end with one of his best vocal performances on the album. "New Gold" was a track I was excited for as I didn't get around to listening to it when it became a single, and the Tame Impala feature added to that excitement. Unfortunately, it wasn't as stunning as I expected, with just an indifferent instrumental that didn't seem to evolve much. On top of that, it was vocally sleepy, with rapper Bootie Brown offering up some energy at first but staying monotone throughout both of his verses.

    "Baby Queen" revived the album again, with lovely light synths that sparkle in the background, and a funky bass that adds a great texture to the track. The track closes nicely at first, with the piano and hanging synths, but is suddenly and awkwardly cut off. "Tarantula" follows, a fairly dense track, with multiple layers of synths, keys, and poppy drums. Damon comes through with a solid vocal performance and melody, and great lyrics talking about how Damon will always be there for his partner, no matter how awful he's feeling: “And whisper, I'm on one percent but I'm there with you”.

    Bad Bunny was by far the most surprising feature on this album following Stevie Nicks -- I was curious to see how he'd fit on a Gorillaz project. On "Tormenta", the beat fits him somewhat well, especially when the drums come in, making for a bouncy and dancey groove that matches his flow and voice well. Sadly, the track as a whole doesn’t seem to go anywhere, sounding like a snoozy B-side from Bad Bunny's 2022 release "Un Verano Sin Ti". "Skinny Ape" offers up a lovely deep, distorted synth that lingers throughout the track, and the synth break is solid as well. I loved the vocal effects on Damon's preaching of "ape, ape, ape, ape", as it tied into the pacing of the synth well. This track is by far the most gripping and diverting on the album. Following this is the closing track with alternative artist Beck, "Percussion Island". Although the piano is beautiful in this track, the melody and build-up remind me so much of Christian gospel music, which infuriates me greatly. Listening to this took me back to the trauma I lived through every Saturday when I had to go to church with my father. The shockingly random and unwarranted bagpipe that came in near the end kicked in my fight or flight response -- thankfully it didn't last too long. Beck does fit well on this track, but as a whole this track is an incohesive ending to such a groovy project, making for an unsatisfying ending.

    The main problem with this album is its inconsistency. There are moments on this project that pull you in and moments where a track will go in one ear and out the other. From start to finish, this album is just ok, with groovy cuts here and there. If you pick it apart, however, you have a solid record.
  10. Mar 4, 2023
    An impeccable production and a unique electro rock, undoubtedly one of the best so far this year.
  11. Mar 4, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Uma retomada incrível com o oitavo álbum da banda, com as referências certeiras dos anos 80, sua empolgante faixa de abertura e de mesmo nome do álbum, feats muito bem escolhidos, incluindo o nosso brasileiro em música que não foge das características do Gorillaz, mas com detalhes imprescindíveis do funk, a triste Oil com os belos vocais do Stevie Nicks em duo com o 2D, seus outro singles como Silent running que nos leva nessa vibe triste porém esperançosa em seu pré-refrão, toda a musicalidade da New Gold com ótima participação do arame Impala. O projeto envolvido grandioso da Skinny Ape em seu clipe inventivo. É uma imersão em um universo incrível cada álbum dos Gorillaz, a jornada do Murdoc em sua nova fase tudo muito bem representado nos clipes. Toda essa convergência de fatores leva esse álbum até a nota máxima por esse ótimo e inspiradíssimo retorno. Expand
  12. Mar 3, 2023
    A solid Gorillaz album. Some are saying the non single songs are fillers. I disagree. They are definitely just as good and grow on you. Lots of catchy songs that get stuck in your head
  13. Mar 3, 2023
    Definitely some earworms on this album. No soulless dreck like most music these days. I'm playing "Oil" on repeat.
  14. Feb 24, 2023
    muy buen disco, es como un intermedio entre la era de song machine y la proxima que venga (como lo fue the fall en la era plastic beach y the now now en la era humanz), las canciones son para escucharlas de manera relajada, no es el mejor album de gorillaz (para mi el mejor es plastic beach), aun asi es un muy buen album, la mejor colaboracion a mi gusto son la de stevie nicks en oil ymuy buen disco, es como un intermedio entre la era de song machine y la proxima que venga (como lo fue the fall en la era plastic beach y the now now en la era humanz), las canciones son para escucharlas de manera relajada, no es el mejor album de gorillaz (para mi el mejor es plastic beach), aun asi es un muy buen album, la mejor colaboracion a mi gusto son la de stevie nicks en oil y tame impala con bootie brown en new gold, la colaboracion de bad bunny esta bien hecha, es algo que me esperaba, lo bueno es que no pierde el alma de gorillaz, sabes que es una cancion de gorillaz en la cual bad bunny colabora. lo unico malo del album fue que literalmente hayan anunciado la mitad antes de que saliera en vez de anunciar 3 temas, luego possesion island es mi menos favorita aunque eso no significa que sea malo. en conclusion cracker island es un album que demuestra que damon albarn y hewlett siempre se renuevan y no les gusta encajar en un solo estilo, se espera con ansias su proximo album, cancion o ep. Expand
  15. MnM
    Mar 1, 2023
    An exceptional deviation from the usual Gorillaz release. Captivating if given chance. Closer to the Rilling Stone review than the Slant critique. Hopefully, there will be remixes.
  16. Feb 24, 2023
    Definitely way better than Humanz (& maybe Song Machine) with more of Damon's vocal on it + from what I heard the deluxe songs Crocadillaz (De La Soul & Dawn Penn), Captain Chicken (ft. Del The Funky Homosapien) & Controllah (ft. MC Bin Laden). Tormenta (ft. Bad Bunny) is actually really boring & messy in terms of production & structure.

    Notable Tracks: 1. Cracker Island (ft. Thundercat)
    Definitely way better than Humanz (& maybe Song Machine) with more of Damon's vocal on it + from what I heard the deluxe songs Crocadillaz (De La Soul & Dawn Penn), Captain Chicken (ft. Del The Funky Homosapien) & Controllah (ft. MC Bin Laden). Tormenta (ft. Bad Bunny) is actually really boring & messy in terms of production & structure.

    Notable Tracks:
    1. Cracker Island (ft. Thundercat)
    2. Oil (ft. Stevie Nicks)
    3. Silent Running (ft. Adeleye Omotayo
    4. New Gold (ft. Bootie Brown & Tame Impala)
    5. Possesion Island (ft. Beck)
    6. Captain Chicken (ft. Del The Funky Homosapien) (Bonus Track)
    7. Controllah (ft. MC Bin Laden) (Bonus Track)
    8. Crocadillaz (ft. De La Soul & Dawn Penn) (Bonus Track)
  17. Feb 28, 2023
    A minor effort in the Gorillaz canon. Feels redundant most of the time. Apart from some the singles (like "Skinny Ape" and "Silent Running", "Oil" also is kind of interesting. It hurts me to say this, but maybe it's time for Damon Albarn to put to sleep this project for a long time again.
  18. Feb 28, 2023
    Quite solid really. My only gripe of the songs is that they sound kind of samey, especially in some of the instrumentals but otherwise it's excellent. I don't get people saying that the Bad Bunny collab is out of place, sounded quite in tune with the other songs and it's a straight up BOP. Although some parts may be "boring" the amount of bangers in this album keep it interesting indeed.
  19. Feb 28, 2023
    Another strong and catchy offering from everyone's favorite virtual band! Care was taken to refine the cream of the crop, hitting fans with the best of the new material that can be just as good as more recent sound machine offerings.
  20. Feb 27, 2023
    I don't understand people saying this album is "messy." It's so well produced, if anything one could complain that it's *too* slick and polished sounding. It's a shorter album than usual, with only 10 tracks, but they are all solid, and half of them are stellar. Thus, it's as good as anything they have done, imo. The standout tracks to me are Oil, Silent Running, New Gold, Skinny Ape, andI don't understand people saying this album is "messy." It's so well produced, if anything one could complain that it's *too* slick and polished sounding. It's a shorter album than usual, with only 10 tracks, but they are all solid, and half of them are stellar. Thus, it's as good as anything they have done, imo. The standout tracks to me are Oil, Silent Running, New Gold, Skinny Ape, and yes... the Bad Bunny tune. People seem polarized about him, but he fits in the Gorillaz world, and this is one of the more interesting and memorable songs on the album. I love this album. Damon is so underrated as a songwriter and creator. Expand
  21. Feb 26, 2023
    Quisiera decir que todas las canciones suenan a lo mismo pero es decir mucho, es cierto que transmite un ambiente a verano pero no es algo nuevo, álbumes como "The Fall" y "The Now Now" ya nos habían traído ese sonido característico, si bien, "Cracker Island" no suena mal, siento que este bien puede ser un "The Now Now" pero con colaboraciones.
    La duración de "Cracker Island" es perfecta a
    Quisiera decir que todas las canciones suenan a lo mismo pero es decir mucho, es cierto que transmite un ambiente a verano pero no es algo nuevo, álbumes como "The Fall" y "The Now Now" ya nos habían traído ese sonido característico, si bien, "Cracker Island" no suena mal, siento que este bien puede ser un "The Now Now" pero con colaboraciones.
    La duración de "Cracker Island" es perfecta a comparación de "Humanz", pero estos 2 albumes comparten una similitud y es la de parecer no conocer bien al artista invitado, algunas canciones no tienen el encanto de gorillaz y dichas canciones bien podrían funcionar sin gorillaz, no se siente esa mezcla. Considero que este álbum es uno pudo ser más y de ahí mi calificación, no es un álbum que recomendaría pero tampoco uno que me disguste.
  22. Feb 26, 2023
    Quizás el álbum menos jugado de la banda y un paso por debajo de Song Machine, pero no por eso deja de ser una excelente experiencia que se deja escuchar fácilmente. Canciones como Cracker Island, Oil, Silent Running, New Gold y Baby Queen están destinados a ser los favoritos de los fans. Mientras que Tormenta aprovecha muy bien a Bad Bunny en un reggaeton chill y pegadizo que va a traer aQuizás el álbum menos jugado de la banda y un paso por debajo de Song Machine, pero no por eso deja de ser una excelente experiencia que se deja escuchar fácilmente. Canciones como Cracker Island, Oil, Silent Running, New Gold y Baby Queen están destinados a ser los favoritos de los fans. Mientras que Tormenta aprovecha muy bien a Bad Bunny en un reggaeton chill y pegadizo que va a traer a bastante público nuevo al mundo de Gorillaz. Expand
  23. Feb 25, 2023
    Magical album, I have always loved the gorillaz style and they have great songs that are very enjoyable, definitely one of the band's best albums. There are not many artists who in more than 20 years are still in force with great themes. Most artists or bands are old memories or a marketing project that lasts, at most, a couple of years.
  24. Feb 25, 2023
    Definitely a top 3 Gorillaz album. I would've loved to have given the album a 10 however many of the best songs were singles while the rest didn't quite have the same feel (except Oil of course)
  25. Feb 25, 2023
    Love nine TRACKS, Hate one TRASH (Bad Bunny)

    Si escucho trabajos de bandas como la de Gorillaz, es porque no soy del tipo de público que escucha Bad Bunny, por eso la canción TORMENTA, fue un tormento para mí. Se me hace una completa profanación esta "colaboración". Por eso les puse 7 y no el 10 que se merecía este álbum.
  26. Feb 25, 2023
    I would give this a 7 because it's a bit sloppy, but there are some bops on it as well you know. Some songs are just not memorable like the tired influencer. Also I think the track with bad bunny is misplaced on this album which gives it even a bigger feeling that it's all over the place. Though the tracks cracker island, silent running, oil and new gold are just straight bops. TarantulaI would give this a 7 because it's a bit sloppy, but there are some bops on it as well you know. Some songs are just not memorable like the tired influencer. Also I think the track with bad bunny is misplaced on this album which gives it even a bigger feeling that it's all over the place. Though the tracks cracker island, silent running, oil and new gold are just straight bops. Tarantula sounds like a daft punk collab, repetitive but it's constructed a way that it doesn't get boring. Overall I will keep listening to the album and maybe it'll grow even more on me. Expand
  27. Feb 24, 2023
    Funny that all the magic and trips climax mostly in the singles, and the others are just fillers that fade away quicker than smokes.
  28. Feb 24, 2023
    I honestly liked it a lot. I wouldn’t pick any song as top 10 of Gorillaz but as a whole is a nice album. I recommend listening to it
  29. Feb 24, 2023
    Is a very enjoyable album, for me The Tired Influencer and Baby Queen are not very good like other songs, for example Tarantula. The best songs in this album are Silent Running, Skinny Ape, New Gold and Tarantula.
  30. Feb 24, 2023
    Impressive array or sounds and collaborators as always. The true pop direction is obvious and welcomed. The use of synths are fantastic and the production, as always, is on point. Some of the highlights for me are Silent Running, Oil, and the title track, Cracker Island. The back half is a little weaker than the front half.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Mar 2, 2023
    Cracker Island’s forgettable, milquetoast assembly line of tracks – though crisply and professionally engineered – proves that having it all shouldn’t always mean using it all.
  2. Mar 2, 2023
    Gorillaz was once a creative outlet that allowed Albarn to explore new territories. But Cracker Island suggests that the concept has grown stale. Those lovable animated creatures feel like they’re on an island of their own, isolated and untethered to what’s actually been churning the project forward all along.
  3. Feb 27, 2023
    Balancing bright, colorful electro-pop with a slight air of melancholy is hardly a new trick for Albarn yet there's a clean, efficient energy propelling Cracker Island that gives the album a fresh pulse.