• Record Label: Nonesuch
  • Release Date: Jun 16, 2017

Universal acclaim - based on 31 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
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  1. Jun 15, 2017
    Orchestral, experimental, and more challenging than either of the band's previous releases, it's a natural fit for the Nonesuch label, whose heritage was built on such attributes. For Fleet Foxes, it represents a shift away from their more idyllic early days into a period of artistic growth and sophistication.
  2. Jun 26, 2017
    Most of the songs are not nearly as immediate [as "On Another Ocean (January/June)" and "If You Need to, Keep Time on Me"], with elaborate and often pretty arrangements that hold the listener at arm's length with too-similar tempos and sparing hooks. Pecknold clearly has a lot on his mind, but he pays a price for stuffing all his ideas into suites.
  3. Jun 21, 2017
    If 'Fleet Foxes' was an unbroken hike up from the foothills into the peaks of the Appalachians, 'Crack-Up' is more like the winding train ride home.
  4. Jun 5, 2017
    Challenging throughout and at times jarring and inscrutable, Crack-Up searches for a resolution just out of reach.
  5. Jun 16, 2017
    The same but different, more polished yet more heartfelt, forceful yet calm.
  6. Jun 14, 2017
    Crack-Up is perhaps Fleet Foxes' most epic and inventive record yet.
  7. 83
    On their latest, the band’s melodies are crisper and sonic dynamics and tempo-shifts are employed to greater effect.
  8. Jun 14, 2017
    With Crack-Up's earnest explorations of the human condition and evocative, progressive composition, Fleet Foxes maintain their status as one of the best folk rock bands of the 21st century.
  9. Mojo
    Jun 5, 2017
    If Crack-Up falls short of perfection, it inspires hope that transcendence is waiting around the corner. [Jul 2017, p.84]
  10. Jun 22, 2017
    Crack-Up is, in its way, just as exhausting a listening experience as Pure Comedy.
  11. 80
    Some may be unconvinced by the ambitious leap Fleet Foxes have made on album three, but there’s really no doubting the first-rate intelligence behind this uncompromising and ever-changing piece of work.
  12. Jul 19, 2017
    While it’s not short of irritating periods of pretension, it’s par for the course when beauty, indulgence and complexity are key ingredients in the melting pot.
  13. Jun 16, 2017
    Crack-Up, is at once sumptuous and ambitious, a serpentine journey from the center of harmony-drenched folk-pop out to the edge of Pecknold’s brain and back. It is lovely, strange and generous, and ultimately a very welcome return for the Seattle band.
  14. Jun 15, 2017
    Crack-Up contains his most compelling writing to date because it’s so damn relatable in 2017--reacting and retreating inwards as people and institutions fail to meet the standards set in one’s head.
  15. Jun 16, 2017
    Crack-Up joins the ranks of albums like Homogenic, OK Computer and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot—works by eclectic, established artists who decided to push boundaries even further and subsequently produced masterpieces. Fleet Foxes’ latest album will likely be added to best-of lists for years to come and championed as their knotty, complex magnum opus.
  16. Jul 6, 2017
    It is a record that tries to rise above the expectations created by the band’s past success. In doing so, it loses sight of where their past success came from.
  17. 100
    Their third record is their best, a meandering, wild, untamable masterpiece from a front man who refuses to stop studying and refuses to be predictable.
  18. Q Magazine
    Jun 6, 2017
    It confirms that rarest of achievements: a group somehow hanging on to the essence who they are, while pushing their art into thrillingly unforeseen places. [Aug 2017, p.99]
  19. Jun 5, 2017
    Six years on, Crack-Up is deeper, richer and more literate (starting with the title’s F Scott Fitzgerald debt), overflowing with ideas and destabilising tonal shifts. You might call it challenging, but Fleet Foxes were never likely to settle for anchoring comeback gestures of easy reassurance: rather, Crack-Up re-asserts their exalted tug on the heart by testing it at ever-greater distances from known shores.
  20. Jun 15, 2017
    They've upped their prog ambitions--tracks wash together, song titles abound with opaque punctuation, and the sweeping melodies often wander into moody places, away from the safety of the campfire.
  21. Jun 14, 2017
    Crack-Up takes contrasting musical ideas and textures and makes them functional, if not transcendent. Ultimately, though, the album fails to shed much light on the mind of an artist more preoccupied with shrouding his songs in crashing waves, shadow, and smoke.
  22. Jun 16, 2017
    Though they may take several listens to reveal their beauty, the payoff for your patience and attention is substantial.
  23. Jun 8, 2017
    In the midst of the endless formula tweaking and inventive twists, there is nary an ill-advised departure or split-second of suggestive identity crisis. It’s all fresh, and it’s all Fleet Foxes.
  24. Jun 16, 2017
    Fleet Foxes return with a grand, theatrical approach to music as a whole, and although they reminisce on their grand, prog-folk glory days, Crack-Up as a musical statement is genre-less.
  25. Jun 16, 2017
    The band has always prided itself on ornateness, and in that sense, Crack-Up is its richest release to date. But more often than not, all that fussiness robs it of any impact.
  26. Jun 15, 2017
    At its most straightforward, Crack-Up features a digressive, segmented, prog-rock-style take on the sound of the band’s first two albums, with mixed results.
  27. 80
    Throughout this intensely poetic, introspective album, currents of guilt, regret and resolution battle in quiet turbulence, the group’s trademark harmonies and acoustic folk settings augmented with additional sonic strata.
  28. Jun 19, 2017
    These 11 tracks are immersive, shifting creations, retaining the heavenly signature harmonies of FF’s previous work, while further expanding the band’s sound.
  29. Jun 28, 2017
    The whole album is a cabinet of curiosities to discover and decipher.
  30. Uncut
    Jun 5, 2017
    [It is] distinctive, involving, challenging, accessible, progressive and most other things that continue to be desirable in an indie-rock record, whatever the year. [Jul 2017, p.22]
  31. Jun 14, 2017
    They make music that is distinctly their own, and this latest effort is another example of that ability. Its beauty and craft are on display throughout, providing a glimpse of music that is a joy to hear.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 148 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 12 out of 148
  1. Jun 16, 2017
    Takes everything that was great about self-titled and Helplessness Blues and elevates it to the next level. This is Fleet Foxes' magnum opusTakes everything that was great about self-titled and Helplessness Blues and elevates it to the next level. This is Fleet Foxes' magnum opus and in my humble opinion, the front-runner for AOTY at the moment. Some of the most beautiful, melodic, and ambitious music you'll hear this year (or any year for that matter). Full Review »
  2. Jun 19, 2017
    "Crack-Up" is everything I hoped for and more. The songs all flow beautifully into each other, and the instrumentation is more complex and"Crack-Up" is everything I hoped for and more. The songs all flow beautifully into each other, and the instrumentation is more complex and dynamic than on both of their previous releases. Robin Pecknold's amazing voice has been missed these last 6 years and it is fine form here - the harmonies that make Fleet Foxes who they are are here in full force. It is a true headphone album, and needs to be listened to that way in order to take in every intricacy - I hear new things every time I listen to it. It also needs to be listened to all the way through at least once. I can listen to highlights such as "Fool's Errand" and "Mearcstapa" on their own but as a whole, this album is at its finest. A masterpiece and the best album of 2017 so far. Full Review »
  3. Jun 16, 2017
    Again, guys like The A.V Club, Mojo and Slant Magazine proves how good they can f*ck up sometimes, neither they gave Crack-Up the ammount ofAgain, guys like The A.V Club, Mojo and Slant Magazine proves how good they can f*ck up sometimes, neither they gave Crack-Up the ammount of listens it needed neither they get Fleet Foxes at all.

    Water moving and storm crashing sounds build a great background to sustain the album`s context, as it being about radical turns in life, how everything suddenly changes as unexpected as a storm, those are also congruent to Fleet Foxes ideology, unfortunately they`re the few parts on the album that resembles the close approach to nature that Fleet Foxes captivated in their previous work, but I do see this as a pro, as if Crack-Up represents a more direct and realistic turn for Fleet Foxes, abandoning their nature based metaphors to something more feet to the ground.

    Crack-Up is not only an unexpected turn for Fleet Foxes context-wise, but instrumentally as well, featuring their most experimental and adventurous songs, despite the awkward transition in the end of the astonishing I Should See Nemphis, all of the efforts to bring a bolder and different sound to the table pans out as Crack-Up being Fleet Foxes most diverse sounding experience, with an even more ambitious instruments diversity, the album is fulled with moments of pure beauty.

    In tracks like Cassius - and Fool`s Errand Crack-Up proves to be the exact antagonist of Helplessness Blues, changing all the romance to Pecknold`s affliction from believing in his dreams and waiting for a sign, as this being a fool`s errand, as well as comparisons between Cassius, the Roman traitor, and the police officers that betrayed the idea of them being the ones who`s suppose to maintain our safety, on 05-06-2016, in the song Cassius -.

    Sometimes as straight forward as the glorious three parts opener, sometimes as metaphorical as I Should See Memphis, Crack-Up maintains the characteristics of being an instrumentally bold, masterly crafted and produced album, from the opener to the closer, the self-entitled track, a thoughtful metaphorical track that sums up all the album`s reflections, but not giving it a solution, simply leaving all of Pecknold`s thoughts, which I see as Fleet Foxes statement of change, of pure evolution. Not a perfect piece tho, it isn`t as lyrically powerfull as their previous two albums, but it doesn`t lights off Crack-Up`s amazing accomplishments.
    Full Review »