• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Oct 21, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
  1. Taking on familiar songs, though, always unearths the rough edges beneath the polish, especially when they sound flat wrong emanating from the mouth of America's peppiest nineteen-year-old.
  2. Moore's voice has grown stronger, she updates the covers with some youthful enthusiasm, and, well, these songs are hard to screw up.
  3. Blender
    These are big songs, and Moore's voice fills them out spectacularly, without turning the enterprise into a retro stunt. [Nov 2003, p.117]
  4. While Coverage isn't always successful, it is always admirable and likeable, and certainly puts Moore on the right path for an interesting, successful career.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    [The] production [is] so overblown with strings, turntable scratching, and arena-rock pomp that her perkily utilitarian voice, and the songs themselves, become an afterthought. [31 Oct 2003, p.74]
  6. She's got a strong, appealing voice, and Coverage mostly demonstrates how well great songwriting translates.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 6 out of 20
  1. ChrisE
    Sep 30, 2006
    Mandy Moore may not have achieved the super-success of Britney, Christina and post-TV show Jessica, but that's not because she lacks Mandy Moore may not have achieved the super-success of Britney, Christina and post-TV show Jessica, but that's not because she lacks talent. On the contrary, Moore is probably the biggest talent of the above superstars. Sure, her beginnings in 1999 were, well, marketed to follow in the footsteps that the infamous Britney Spears laid down for her; and it was obviously hard to distinguish her between her female pop star peers since she looked (and had almost the same material) as they did. On Coverage Moore grows up--not only has she become more mature, but her voice is the best it's ever sounded: powerful, moving and smooth. The depth portrayed on these songs isn't forced as, say, Jessica Simpson's are--it's the perfect blend and first step in achieving the title "recording artist" as opposed to "pop star." Not only did she open listeners of her generation (including myself) to what's beyond what's on Top 40 radio, but she did these classic pop tracks justice. Tremendous job. Full Review »
  2. RudyardM
    May 23, 2005
    The stigma of peppy pop princess is a heavy coat to shrug off, but Moore does it effortlessly as she interprets these songs with unabashed The stigma of peppy pop princess is a heavy coat to shrug off, but Moore does it effortlessly as she interprets these songs with unabashed fun. Some might be tempted to say that she didn't do these songs justice, or that she "butchered" them, but in a lot of ways she breathes new life into these tracks to deliver them to a new audience. Adherents to the originals are obviously biased, as there's a clear difference between the standards and Moore's take on them, but don't succumb to the temptation to call Coverage bad because it isn't an exact replica. Moore's offerings aren't meant to duplicate, but rather rejuvenate, and she displays a singular talent unexpected from the pop princess pack of '99. Goes to show that her brunette haircut's not the only smart thing she's done for her career. Full Review »
  3. Christine
    Jan 13, 2005
    As a bubblegum, wholesome pop star, she has her place - she's a necessary counterpart to the tarted up pop queens of today. But hearing As a bubblegum, wholesome pop star, she has her place - she's a necessary counterpart to the tarted up pop queens of today. But hearing her no less than BUTCHER these classics is excruciating. She completely misinterprets the emotional tone of these songs. They require a rawness, sexuality, life experience and grit that she will never posess. She may love these songs to listen to, but they do not suit her as a singer and she should realise that. Listen to her treatment of 'Sense Working Overtime' and prepare to be horrified. Full Review »