• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 12, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 164 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 164

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  1. Feb 2, 2014
    This is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I know artists hate to be pigeon-holed, but there is nobody else making this stuff. If he doesn't, who will?! This is an amazing blend of pop and blues. Most people, for whatever reason, can't sit through a blues record. Mayer makes the blues accessible.This is John Mayer in the zone. This is where he lives. This is the kind of music he should be making for the rest of his career. I know artists hate to be pigeon-holed, but there is nobody else making this stuff. If he doesn't, who will?! This is an amazing blend of pop and blues. Most people, for whatever reason, can't sit through a blues record. Mayer makes the blues accessible. This is an all-time Top 10 record in my opinion. Expand
  2. ChristopherG.
    Aug 1, 2007
    John Mayer... oh John Mayer. A talented blues-guitarist he may be, but "anyone can play guitar" if what Thom Yorke has to say holds water. Writing a song that is not complete pants to play guitar along with might have been a nice start for Mr. Mayer. His words are empty, the music hollow, and everything he is doing that might be construed as good music has already been done better by John Mayer... oh John Mayer. A talented blues-guitarist he may be, but "anyone can play guitar" if what Thom Yorke has to say holds water. Writing a song that is not complete pants to play guitar along with might have been a nice start for Mr. Mayer. His words are empty, the music hollow, and everything he is doing that might be construed as good music has already been done better by someone else. A lot better. Unfortunately, the songs are catchy enough that I will still ave to listen to loads of Dave Matthews fans raving about this album endlessly, so that they can have some "credibility" in between listening all kinds of derivative pop bilge. Expand
  3. ToddW
    Sep 27, 2006
    I give Little, Good John kudos for at least turning on the lights in a studio. That said, I wish he would crawl back into the primordial adult-contemporay ooze from which both he and David Gray have sprung. A poor man's Mark Knopfler, he has neither the chops nor the writing ability of the former Dire Straits frontman. I'm ashamed to admit that Room For Squares sucked me into I give Little, Good John kudos for at least turning on the lights in a studio. That said, I wish he would crawl back into the primordial adult-contemporay ooze from which both he and David Gray have sprung. A poor man's Mark Knopfler, he has neither the chops nor the writing ability of the former Dire Straits frontman. I'm ashamed to admit that Room For Squares sucked me into its miasma, but I realized the jig was decidedly up when he produced more live albums (three) than studio records since that touchstone. Sadly, his best gig since has been backing Dave Chappelle. Expand
  4. Dec 21, 2012
    John Mayer brings a great sounding album as a matter of fact way better sounding album than his newer music.
  5. SteveJ
    Oct 20, 2006
    This is a fantastic album. People seem to think because John Mayer wrote a few cheesy pop songs he is not talented. If you would have actually listened to the entire album the first three times he had a release you would understand that. Now with his fourth album some people are beginning to come around. Some still do not see the light. Some of us just shrug and say "how much more can This is a fantastic album. People seem to think because John Mayer wrote a few cheesy pop songs he is not talented. If you would have actually listened to the entire album the first three times he had a release you would understand that. Now with his fourth album some people are beginning to come around. Some still do not see the light. Some of us just shrug and say "how much more can this guy do?" In 20 years I will be saying "I told you so" when you are noticing his talent for the first time. Expand
    Oct 6, 2006
    Wow, I can't believe such a number of people could be negative about this album. I like all JM's stuff and find very little to criticise here. Only time will tell if it replaces Heavier Things as my favourite because it's a record that I never got tired of.
  7. BB
    Dec 10, 2006
    An instant classic - this will prove to be a defining album for John Mayer and one of the top releases of the decade.
  8. PJ
    Sep 20, 2006
    Excellent effort.
  9. JimboW
    Oct 3, 2006
    Disappointing. An Onymous (rated this album 3) hits the nail on the head. This is a boring album. If you like chilled out bliues, you probably won't be disappointed, but this is not what I was hoping for after his previous 2 albums. OK, they may be 'pop' but at least they had some original songwriting and dynamics. Continuum is monotone at best.
  10. JeffA
    Oct 4, 2006
    Finally a cd that decided that Pop Music can be used it a way to stimulate the senses. Its not just noise anymore... this is pop MUSIC
  11. DavidS
    Sep 16, 2006
    Tremendous sonics combine with a great performance. Vultures is my facorite track, but the whole album is superb.
  12. LauraW
    Sep 18, 2006
    Don't get me wrong. I am a HUGE JM fan. But I must admit there are ups and downs on this album. Maybe I have been mesmirised by the gold dust twinkling from my speakers as I had listened to Try! Nevertheless, after listening to Continuum three times in a row and reasonably enjoying it, it was almost a relief to put Try! back on. More like that John, PLEASE! Oh and by the way, where Don't get me wrong. I am a HUGE JM fan. But I must admit there are ups and downs on this album. Maybe I have been mesmirised by the gold dust twinkling from my speakers as I had listened to Try! Nevertheless, after listening to Continuum three times in a row and reasonably enjoying it, it was almost a relief to put Try! back on. More like that John, PLEASE! Oh and by the way, where is Tracing? John played this song last time he came to Wellington (New Zealand) saying it will be on his next albulm. Well it wasn't on Try! It's a beautiful song that tugs at the old relationship/growing up heart strings. He's so good at that. I'm just hoing Continuum is a grower. Esp. considering I'm flying to Auckland to see him in November. Expand
  13. [Anonymous]
    Sep 18, 2006
    great songwriting as per usual...well done
  14. RebekahF
    Sep 18, 2006
    Mayer gives us a new look at old sounds. An album of twelve songs that are all at once diverse and tightly intertwined around similar themes of love, loss, betrayal and above all, coming of age.
  15. jennifer
    Jan 25, 2007
    Starting with track 2 you immediately feel the down home blues influence in the music and I love it! Belief if beautiful, Gravity is nice, Slow Dancing in a Burning Room is hypnotic. This album has soul and I love the fact that his guitar is getting some real attention on this CD. Make sure you pick this one up. It is well worth it.
  16. Melanie
    Mar 20, 2007
    I comletely fell in love with this album. Slow Dancing, Belief, Gravity, Vulture, basically all the songs are brilliant. And his live performances are even better
  17. MattD
    Jul 25, 2007
    I thought I would hate this. Really. Waiting on the World to Change is annoying to hear on the radio, but on the album it's the standout track. Before you listen to the album, you have to realize that the only fast songs are WOTWTC and Bold as Love. Once you realize that, the album is amazing, with plenty of heartbreaking ballads. The only songs that aren't as good are the last I thought I would hate this. Really. Waiting on the World to Change is annoying to hear on the radio, but on the album it's the standout track. Before you listen to the album, you have to realize that the only fast songs are WOTWTC and Bold as Love. Once you realize that, the album is amazing, with plenty of heartbreaking ballads. The only songs that aren't as good are the last two, but their lyrical content makes them perfectly placed at the end. Quick Picks: Waiting on the World to Change, The Heart of Life, Bold as Love 5/5 Expand
  18. DesmondM.
    Sep 8, 2007
    As a musician who loves every side that John Mayer has to offer (from RFS right up to Continuum)I can honestly say that John Mayer is one of the few artists that every thing he puts his finger on turns to gold.The Fact that he surrounds himself with much older amazingly talented musicians is just a small testament to how pure-bred his talent is. Name me another artist who has millions of As a musician who loves every side that John Mayer has to offer (from RFS right up to Continuum)I can honestly say that John Mayer is one of the few artists that every thing he puts his finger on turns to gold.The Fact that he surrounds himself with much older amazingly talented musicians is just a small testament to how pure-bred his talent is. Name me another artist who has millions of teenage girls screaming, not only to chart-topping pop songs, but a fifteen minute guitar solo? Turly a feat for music I'll say!!! I don't have a witty little quote to describe how multi-dimensional the artistic, and musical value of his writing is but all I know is he is a fifteen-year old guitar players hero. Thank you John. Expand
  19. Chuck
    Nov 10, 2006
    There is nothing better than driving at night with the top down listening to a little John! He is truly one of our generations best talents and should be celebrated. Bravo John, Bravo!
  20. SarhaH
    Oct 17, 2006
    When I first listened to this CD I thought it was pleasant enough, but after listening to it a few more times I've picked up on more depth and nuance of both the music and the lyrics. Similar to the lyrics on Heavier Things, it seems he starts with poetry and then adds music. However, the music itself feels more like learning the blues; gentle but rich. Love it.
  21. SydA
    Dec 24, 2006
    Awesome album...truly can't find a more talented artist out there. Very refreshing.
  22. TravisB
    Oct 30, 2006
    Yes, he
  23. EmmaR
    Oct 4, 2006
    John never ceases to amaze me. His new music is every bit as uplifting and soothing and humanity inspiring as always. Continuum is a source of great musical joy. The Heart of Life is one of the most heart warming songs I have ever heard. This music just simply adds to one's quality of life. Thanks
  24. BruceR
    Oct 5, 2006
    This is the first John Mayer album I've heard and I bought it primarily due to Steve Jordan's involvement. What a pleasure to listen to. Mr. Mayer eschews the more maudlin traits of singer-songwriterdoom for a tasty mix of jazz, funk and folk. It's fine from start to finish and, yes, the boy can play.
  25. annmariem
    Sep 12, 2006
    Nicely shows John Mayer growing up - while he's not all grown up yet - I'm enjoying this faze of his life.
  26. LuisG
    Sep 12, 2006
    in keeping true to himself by avoiding over produced albums and passing songs "continuum" offers an escape on what radio passes for music these days.. mayer shines making doudt, love, loss and any emotion worth experiencing ... not far fetch to call his work " GENIOUS" his bluesy, r&b , rock infused tracks stay with you and trigger a tear, hope and complete serenity... I LOVE THIS MAN !!!!
  27. ErinY
    Sep 12, 2006
    It is great to have John Mayer back. This album is definitely one of his best and really showcases his songwriting abilty.
  28. JohnC
    Sep 15, 2006
    Most mature and accurate potrayal of John Mayer in the studio yet
  29. RandallD
    Sep 16, 2006
    Best work yet.
  30. JoshB
    Sep 16, 2006
    The best Mayer album to date. No other recent artist has successfully explored other genres of music as well as John has. John is doing something no one else is and he's exposing the masses to the coolness of the blues and just original music in general. See you in Oct. 8th for the John/Sheryl show. Thanks for rocking.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Blender
    Where his earlier music was a parade of bright primary colors, these plaintive melodies come in delicious shades of gray. [Oct 2006, p.138]
  2. While Continuum doesn’t necessarily contain a sure-thing pop hit, it’s one of the few mainstream pop/rock albums that’s satisfying from the beginning to the end.
  3. With no edge to the songwriting and with such spit-polished, tasteful production, Continuum just doesn't convince as a heady, soulful rock album or as Mayer's creative quantum leap forward.