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  1. SeanF
    Nov 21, 2005
    Cheers to Madonna for this stunning return to the party! Almost entirely eschewing any sort of messages she storms back into the club scene with this non-stop dance tour de force! What a shame several people who either hate pop/dance music or hate Madonna feel the need to post negative comments on here, most likely without even giving the disc a listen... Maybe they should visit a few Cheers to Madonna for this stunning return to the party! Almost entirely eschewing any sort of messages she storms back into the club scene with this non-stop dance tour de force! What a shame several people who either hate pop/dance music or hate Madonna feel the need to post negative comments on here, most likely without even giving the disc a listen... Maybe they should visit a few more nightclubs and find something better to do with their free time. Expand
  2. rayy
    Nov 21, 2005
    Terribly fantastic , i couldn't drive my car withour her tunes now!
  3. MuhammadK
    Nov 21, 2005
    This album is truly an amazing dancing trip for Madonna fans. Madonna has surely proved herself and her music once again with fabulous numbers like push hung up get together forbidden love .... Madonna Rocks for real.....
  4. ClintM.
    Nov 22, 2005
    there's not much more to add to all the great reviews ... simply stated, the album's awesome!
  5. CraigS
    Nov 22, 2005
    Incredibly catchy record. Yes, she didn't break any pencils writing lyrics, but who gives a rat's ass. Pop it on your Ipod, and have a great rainbow-tastic gay workout. Pump those muscles bitches!
  6. CraigB
    Nov 22, 2005
    How can people still try to bring her down? Hasn't she proved herself by now? My God, 20-some years later and people are still trying to write her obit. Ridiculous! Just shut up, listen and shake your lame ass to her brilliant new disc, and you'll eventually admit it's fantastic. Long live the true queen of pop! Bite me Mariah!
  7. DanielR
    Nov 27, 2005
    This cd has 5 excellent tracks, 3 good, 2 mediocre, and 2 I won't even listen to. I am an avid Madonna Fan. This is not her best, and none of the other tracks will probably be remembered with exception to Hung Up- think "American Life." However, this cd does have commercial potential (remember "Love Profusion" for Esteee Lauder) and I could see some of these songs used in marketing This cd has 5 excellent tracks, 3 good, 2 mediocre, and 2 I won't even listen to. I am an avid Madonna Fan. This is not her best, and none of the other tracks will probably be remembered with exception to Hung Up- think "American Life." However, this cd does have commercial potential (remember "Love Profusion" for Esteee Lauder) and I could see some of these songs used in marketing campaigns. I am still waiting for that GREAT Madonna CD, one that will beat out Ray of Light and (my fave->) Music. Expand
  8. TomP
    Nov 28, 2005
    Great! Catchy! Fun! Dance happy. Everything music should be!!!!
  9. seanf
    Dec 13, 2005
    amazing album with a great beat that grabs hold and lets up only to baptize you in the spirit, you will hear angels
  10. RobertMas
    Dec 17, 2005
    No Doubt the best album that has hit all year.
  11. maks.
    Dec 15, 2009
    Teach people to stunning original Madonna's music can still be so cool.
  12. Aug 24, 2010
    This album is one of those albums that feels like a story, meaning that the songs barely differ in quality. Although some such as "Push" and "How High" slightly dampen the feeling of, just well-made music, there's no saying that this woman isn't something of a prodigy.
    Selling in its truckloads, Madonna still has it; the ability to create more of what made her originally famous. Her music.
    This album is one of those albums that feels like a story, meaning that the songs barely differ in quality. Although some such as "Push" and "How High" slightly dampen the feeling of, just well-made music, there's no saying that this woman isn't something of a prodigy.
    Selling in its truckloads, Madonna still has it; the ability to create more of what made her originally famous. Her music. She is still talented, is looking just as great as ever in the music videos, and has topped up her talent on dancing. We are forced to ask ourselves, is there anything this woman can't do?
    Still topping the charts almost 30 years on, every song has its catchiness and feel. A must-have for any fan of the legendary woman, a necessity in the form of a nice, old school Madonna album.
  13. Sep 21, 2010
    This is my favorite Madonna ALbum. My favorite song on the album is "Get Together". The album is something you can put on and enjoy anytime. I totally reccomend checking it out. Key Tracks: "Get Together" "Hung Up" "Jump" and "Sorry"
  14. May 3, 2012
    "Confessions" makes Madonna, I have to say... old....... But is old in the most elegant way that you could describe this album. "Confessions" is only one of those albums that you would expect to be featured in world records (Mind you "Ray of Light" and "Music" did have its turn as well). The album features the disco influenced track "Hung Up", the dreamy dance tune "Get Together", the risk"Confessions" makes Madonna, I have to say... old....... But is old in the most elegant way that you could describe this album. "Confessions" is only one of those albums that you would expect to be featured in world records (Mind you "Ray of Light" and "Music" did have its turn as well). The album features the disco influenced track "Hung Up", the dreamy dance tune "Get Together", the risk taker song "Isaac" and the glossy elegant europop-ballad "How High".... Overall, the album is a keeper for a really long time. Expand
  15. Oct 4, 2010
    this album made me love madonna because it features mesmerizing vocals and AMAZING beats. every song blends with the next one which makes this musical experience epic!
  16. Nov 27, 2010
    I honestly love this album, and would say it's one of my favourites by Madonna. Every track is worth listening to and the the songs get darker and darker as you go on the album, which is why the album is named thus. It starts out fun but then as you get more involved, it gets more and more personal. Standouts on the album are "Hung Up", "Forbidden Love", and "Isaac".
  17. Feb 4, 2011
    The best idea of this album is its interludes are fused in the ends of each song. The entirety makes it unstoppable. Also, each track sounds great separately!
  18. Dec 7, 2016
    Her best album since 'Ray of Light'. She and Stuart Price (and a couple of tracks by Bloodyshy & Avant and Mirwais) have created a dance-pop masterpiece. It's arranged to perfection, her voice is lush and controlled and Price's production is at it absolute best. It lacks upbeat numbers, but it's an escapist album, full of wonder and gorgeous sounds - almost visual in parts ('Issac').
    Her best album since 'Ray of Light'. She and Stuart Price (and a couple of tracks by Bloodyshy & Avant and Mirwais) have created a dance-pop masterpiece. It's arranged to perfection, her voice is lush and controlled and Price's production is at it absolute best. It lacks upbeat numbers, but it's an escapist album, full of wonder and gorgeous sounds - almost visual in parts ('Issac').
    One of the most important dance records of the century.
  19. Apr 8, 2011
    Absolutely perfect. The most fantastic album ever made by a singer. The triumph of perfection, sounds and feels.
    From "Hung Up" to "Let it will be", every single song is mixed perfectly!
    I love Madonna since i heard this album.
  20. Nov 21, 2011
    Não esperava muita coisa quando baixei este álbum, mas Madonna me surpreendeu novamente.
    Apesar de ser extremamente dançante, Confessions On A Dance Floor tem muito mais a oferecer.
    Future Lovers é uma das melhores faixas da carreira da cantora. Like It Or Not e Let It Will Be também não ficam
    Não esperava muita coisa quando baixei este álbum, mas Madonna me surpreendeu novamente.
    Apesar de ser extremamente dançante, Confessions On A Dance Floor tem muito mais a oferecer.
    Future Lovers é uma das melhores faixas da carreira da cantora. Like It Or Not e Let It Will Be também não ficam atrás.
    Certamente, esse álbum não é o melhor de Madonna (talvez ela nunca possa superar o grandioso Ray Of Light), mas está entre os melhores, ao lado de Bedtime Stories e Like A Prayer.
  21. May 23, 2011
    RuPaul aside, someone else is goin' back to her roots. "Confessions" got her dancing again and though it's hardly original, she has laid down a few hits to feed contemporary dance pop. And it's more than just a mid-life crisis romp - it bears a certain depth and darkness we never heard before.
  22. Jul 4, 2014
    A masterpiece of dance music! Extremely consistant, has some of Madonnas finest lyrics, and is incredibly produced. It's not as easy to digest compared to releases like Ray of Light or Like a Prayer, since it's more of a hardcore dance album, but the beats are so great. It's Madonna's best album, and one of the best albums of all time.
  23. Oct 28, 2013
    She's confident, she's strong, she knows what she's doing and she's not apologizing for it. Built like a DJ set, "Confessions On A Dance Floor" doesn't let down.
  24. Apr 14, 2012
    Her best dance-pop album so far in my opinion, and her best album general after Ray of Light. Very good confessions I wanna hear to. You did it again Madge.
  25. Mar 26, 2012
    Confessions on a Dancefloor is one of those albums which you want to find flaws in, but just cannot. Madonna truly shines in this one. This album literally has no weak parts, and doesn't get boring for even a second. This and Ray of Light are the two perfect Madonna albums. I cannot find a single weak track here. All tracks are amazing. Personal favourites of mine are Let It Will Be, JumpConfessions on a Dancefloor is one of those albums which you want to find flaws in, but just cannot. Madonna truly shines in this one. This album literally has no weak parts, and doesn't get boring for even a second. This and Ray of Light are the two perfect Madonna albums. I cannot find a single weak track here. All tracks are amazing. Personal favourites of mine are Let It Will Be, Jump and Isaac. Newcomers should get this before anything else by Madonna. Highly recommended, there's no album I would recommend more than Confessions Expand
  26. Mar 27, 2012
    One of the best albums of 2005. Madonna brought dance music to the forefront of Pop music here, and she did an amazing job with it. Confessions has turned out to be her best effort of recent years. Excellent!
  27. Apr 14, 2012
    At old age, Madonna proved that she's still able to command everybody to dance in late-night parties. It is an amazing album, probably her best album to date. All the tracks are great! I think the highlights on this album are "Hung Up", "Sorry", "Forbidden Love", and "Isaac".
  28. Sep 13, 2016
    Menos polêmica do que anteriormente no seu disco "American Life", Madonna apresenta no seu "Confessions on a Dance Floor" um disco totalmente despretensioso, feito apenas para as pessoas dançarem. As letras falam em maioria sobre auto críticas e relacionamentos. O álbum cumpre bem o papel de manter o nome de Madonna firme no topo das paradas e agora também das baladas e o resultado éMenos polêmica do que anteriormente no seu disco "American Life", Madonna apresenta no seu "Confessions on a Dance Floor" um disco totalmente despretensioso, feito apenas para as pessoas dançarem. As letras falam em maioria sobre auto críticas e relacionamentos. O álbum cumpre bem o papel de manter o nome de Madonna firme no topo das paradas e agora também das baladas e o resultado é instantâneo: mais de 10 milhões de cópias vendidas mundialmente, muitos prêmios e uma de suas maiores turnês já feitas. Expand
  29. Nov 7, 2012
    Amazing record. perfect for a dance floor. The Queen Of Pop surprises us again with a record so stomping you won't be able to stop listening to it
  30. Dec 7, 2012
    I like this album, but i don't get why people says this is Madonna's best album!! is dancy, catchy, but in my opinion there are some songs in the album that screw the whole record!
  31. Apr 11, 2013
    Not only there isn't a bad song in this album, also HUNG UP, SORRY, GET TOGETHER and JUMP are four timeless singles: arguably the best dance songs EVER!
  32. Jan 10, 2014
    One of the best albums I've ever heard. I somehow feel entranced listening to it, and it never gets boring. Even now, almost 9 years later this still has sounds relevant to today. The longevity is astounding.
  33. Dec 19, 2014
    Pegajosos ritmos e innovadoras letras hacen de este album una verdadera Confesión Sobre La Pista de Baile, quien se resista a no bailar en una disco con estos temas, no es un bailarín.
  34. Feb 9, 2015
    I confess, not on a dance floor, that this is my favorite Madonna album and one of the best of all time in my view. Sadly, the critics had a bit of a heyday with this album, coming on the heels of one they detested and that did badly by Madonna standards. But I would not be writing this except for Stephen Thomas Erlewien's Rovi critique in which he basically said Madonna had sold out.I confess, not on a dance floor, that this is my favorite Madonna album and one of the best of all time in my view. Sadly, the critics had a bit of a heyday with this album, coming on the heels of one they detested and that did badly by Madonna standards. But I would not be writing this except for Stephen Thomas Erlewien's Rovi critique in which he basically said Madonna had sold out.

    True, the album like so many by Sinatra and Como, sounds like the old Madonna, with a bit of electronics. What is wrong with that?

    In the end, many critics dislike the go-it-alone Madonna, which pokes its head out throughout Erlewine's review. Yet, Madonna, whose performance at the end of her 50s seemed lacking during last night's Grammy Awards, remains an icon of the age and music that matters and mattered so much to advancing individual women. Without her we might not have seen Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. And without her, we would have missed the vibrant scenes that moved so many to branch out.

    "I Like New York" perhaps best demonstrates her views. Listen to it. It's worth the time. Then listen to the rest. Enjoy!
  35. Nov 11, 2013
    This album is pure perfection. Only Queen of POP could deliver such a pop masterpiece. I love whole concept of this, I love that all of it create w bigger whole, i love her lyrics, and that oriental vibe in it. Very original, fresh album, even now in 2013 it still sounds great!
  36. Jun 19, 2019
    Despite the fact she will never be as she once was, Madonna uses the full force of her talent and production team to bring this instant classic album. Sure to be remembered for years to come.
  37. Dec 14, 2013
    Um de seus melhores álbuns, compreendo que algumas letras são meio clichês, mas este álbum foi uma forma de Madonna se libertar e 'relaxar', cativante do início ao fim, destaque pra Sorry e Get Together.
  38. Oct 3, 2014
    the best album she ever made in the 2000´s a revolucionary record who is the inspiration to the new pop music, the lyrics are great, the music is perfect and the tour was incredible!
  39. Mar 14, 2015
    Confessions On A Dance Floor is certainly one of my favorite Madonna albums. It's an incredibly cohesive collection of dance songs that make you just wanna get up and move (which is especially great for working out). It sort of has an escapist vibe to it, with the songs being nice and long, as if they're remixes being played at a club, but this album still has momentum, making itConfessions On A Dance Floor is certainly one of my favorite Madonna albums. It's an incredibly cohesive collection of dance songs that make you just wanna get up and move (which is especially great for working out). It sort of has an escapist vibe to it, with the songs being nice and long, as if they're remixes being played at a club, but this album still has momentum, making it thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish. Expand
  40. May 23, 2017
    One of my favorites by her. It was the last she did something different that the others and that's why it was her last hit album ...we need this Madonna back
  41. Feb 27, 2018
    For me is the best album from Madonna ever, superb production, fun, very danceble. I love it
  42. Sep 15, 2019
    Simply amazing. Loved all the songs and not a single one was boring or bad. Madonna really stood out in this album.
  43. Oct 3, 2017
    The whole album is brilliant but "Future Lovers" to "Forbidden Love" arc is just out of this world! The best minutes in Madonna's career. Godlike genius.
  44. Aug 14, 2015
    This Is definitely by far my favorite album by Madonna! Every track on this album is completely different and intriguing as well as innovative. This is one of her best works!
  45. Dec 1, 2015
    Madonna's tenth studio effort is about as catchy and wonderful as dance music gets. Beginning with some of the four strongest tracks ever, Confessions on a Dance Floor is utterly amazing. Opened by one of the best dance tracks of the decade, "Hung Up" is a smart track with a heavy sample of ABBA. "Get Together" adds fuel to the fire with surprisingly perfect clichés and soft beats. SecondMadonna's tenth studio effort is about as catchy and wonderful as dance music gets. Beginning with some of the four strongest tracks ever, Confessions on a Dance Floor is utterly amazing. Opened by one of the best dance tracks of the decade, "Hung Up" is a smart track with a heavy sample of ABBA. "Get Together" adds fuel to the fire with surprisingly perfect clichés and soft beats. Second single "Sorry" is extremely listenable and pays homage to Pet Shop Boys and European-esque music. Ending the 4 is "Future Lovers", a big enough track to be single-worthy. "I Love New York"'s attacking-nature may be a bit much for some, but honestly enough, "Let It Will Be" brings things back up to speed without going overboard. "Forbidden Love" is destined to be on repeat for days, and ironically enough, features a sample from her 1995 track of the same name, "Forbidden Love". The empowering "Jump" is a club showstopper, but lacks the excitement concealed in "Hung Up" and "Sorry". "How High" talks of wealth and potential, which feels like a mockery, a bit reminiscent of her 2003 album, American Life. The religious-inspired, "Isaac" is quite strong for being the so-called "outlier" of the album, but fortunately starts and ends on an extremely strong note. "Push" and "Like It or Not" are similar in style, but differ in lyrics. The former is quite catchy, while the ladder features clichés that were better fitted on "Get Together", but suit well here too. The bonus track, "Fighting Spirit" is also a worthy track.

    "Hung Up" and "Forbidden Love" definitely stand out in this album. Although "I Love New York" may come on a bit too strong, it is most definitely not a bad track.

    - "Hung Up"
    - "Forbidden Love"

    - "I Love New York"

    Overall Rating: 10/10
  46. Jan 26, 2016
    Maddona 2005 album is a pop sensation with cool dance beats like
    Hung up, and sorry. I recommend this album for maddona fans and pop music fans. 10/10
  47. Mar 12, 2016
    Texturas asombrosas, produccion impecable, uno de los mejores albumes de Madonna, es tan perfecto, como usa samples de otras canciones como Donna Summer o ABBA, its simply delicious...
  48. May 24, 2016
    Es el mejor disco Pop Femenino de la década del '00 : "Hung Up", "Sorry" y "Get Together" en mi opinión son las mejores canciones del álbum. Esta producción influenció mucho a futuros albumes como "The Fame" de Lady Gaga y " X" de Kylie Minogue
  49. Jul 18, 2016
    This is for sure Madonna's best album in years because she has done an enjoyable but not aggressive electronic album. Its mixing of Dance-Pop, Euro music, Electronic music, Disco and House music with also elements of indie dance in its last tracks makes this album relaxing and danceable at the same time.
  50. Sep 3, 2020
    Madonna was inventing and pioneering a new era for electro dance music, thank you for this album Madonna.
  51. Sep 3, 2019
    Absolute masterpiece in the club music discography, not only Madonna's. Catchy, timeless, charming beats and melodies intertwined with known samples and meaningful lyrics. You like dance music, you'll love "Confessions on a dance floor".
  52. Nov 7, 2016
    "Confessions On A Dance Floor" Madonna - stunning. To be honest, when I started to get acquainted with the Madonna with her album "MDNA" I do not want to hear of her previous albums. I later regretted, because I heard this album. It is so conceptual, soft, passes through me like a waterfall. I really like the song - "Sorry", "Push" "Like it or Not". The song "Hung Up" my childhood. You"Confessions On A Dance Floor" Madonna - stunning. To be honest, when I started to get acquainted with the Madonna with her album "MDNA" I do not want to hear of her previous albums. I later regretted, because I heard this album. It is so conceptual, soft, passes through me like a waterfall. I really like the song - "Sorry", "Push" "Like it or Not". The song "Hung Up" my childhood. You could say that I knew from years 5-6 this motive, and a year ago found this wonderful song
    To me, Madonna opened with this album with the other hand.
  53. Nov 21, 2016
    I really like this album, even if at times some tracks appear to be thrown together with DJ mixes to "sound good." I don't think it's her best, that would be Ray of Light. However, the effort put forth into this album as compared to American Life, or Bedtime Stories, certainly proves that it's not all about her image.
  54. Lne
    Jun 28, 2017

    Excellent album by Madonna, I recommend this for everyone, it's art after art, something normal in Madonna. Madonna if she brings us pure pop art.
  55. Jun 18, 2017
    It is a brilliant disc that lacked very little circulation in the radios and of bad critics where they did not criticize the album if not to the new image of madonna, thus putting to the disc in a bad punctuation, although in some songs the disc decays to a Point where there was no return and forced much to recover that retro disco environment containing the album
  56. Jun 18, 2018
    /Confessions On A Dance Floor/
    1-Hung Up - 10/10
    2-Get Together - 10/10
    3-Sorry - 10/10
    4-Future Lovers - 4/10
    5-I Love New York - 5/10
    6-Let It Will Be - 10/10
    7-Forbidden Love - 10/10
    8-Jump - 8/10
    9-How High - 9/10
    10-Isaac - 4/10
    11-Push - 10/10
    12-Like It Or Not - 5/10
    Cohesion: 9/10
    Lyrics Quality: 6/10

    Final Score: 7.8/10
  57. Aug 12, 2017
    Puede ser un álbum bastante movido para la edad de Madonna en aquellos tiempos, pero no dejo de sorprendernos, para nada. Este es un álbum que marco la era del pop, es un pop totalmente lleno de arte, arte en su máxima expresión.
  58. Jul 25, 2017
    So time goes by slowly. This album are disco album from the 1970-1980 years. I love Hung up and Sorry and Forbidden Love. This is masterpiece. Why not?
  59. Mar 27, 2020

    Disco era was so GOOD and this album makes his greatest comeback!
  60. Oct 3, 2017
    Confessions On A Dance Floor is all about that, Madonna opening his heart to the dance floor in front of all of us. Dance, pop anthem, neon, bright, party, but also very deep and thought and concious of that. While his beats remain on your mind you were invited to a big party, alone or not. With a lot of textures and a full pallete from its colors, all the songs work perfectly together,Confessions On A Dance Floor is all about that, Madonna opening his heart to the dance floor in front of all of us. Dance, pop anthem, neon, bright, party, but also very deep and thought and concious of that. While his beats remain on your mind you were invited to a big party, alone or not. With a lot of textures and a full pallete from its colors, all the songs work perfectly together, One of the best POP album of all times. Expand
  61. Sep 9, 2020
    Confessions... is vocally sharp and (at times) lyrically breathtaking, but it is difficult to imagine this album working without Price's involvement. The joyful "I Love the '80s"-style disc fans have been yearning for since she took up yoga.Easily dance record of the year, Confessions is an almost seamless tribute to the strobe-lit sensuality of the '80s New York club scene that gave MadgeConfessions... is vocally sharp and (at times) lyrically breathtaking, but it is difficult to imagine this album working without Price's involvement. The joyful "I Love the '80s"-style disc fans have been yearning for since she took up yoga.Easily dance record of the year, Confessions is an almost seamless tribute to the strobe-lit sensuality of the '80s New York club scene that gave Madge her roots, which she explores with compelling aplomb. Expand
  62. Nov 10, 2018
    Indispensável nas baladas, Confessions on A Dancefloor fez e faz jus ao seu nome. Com músicas disco super animadas (e geralmente com a voz da Madonna no fundo fazendo suas "confessions") faz qualquer um dançar loucamente. Muitas músicas têm mais de 4:30 minutos de duração, deixando o álbum um pouco difícil de se ouvir se não estiver numa balada. E muitas soam repetitivas além do limite.Indispensável nas baladas, Confessions on A Dancefloor fez e faz jus ao seu nome. Com músicas disco super animadas (e geralmente com a voz da Madonna no fundo fazendo suas "confessions") faz qualquer um dançar loucamente. Muitas músicas têm mais de 4:30 minutos de duração, deixando o álbum um pouco difícil de se ouvir se não estiver numa balada. E muitas soam repetitivas além do limite.
    Destaques: pra hinária "Hung Up". "Isaac" com sua língua estrangeira deu um toque diferente ao álbum e "Push" com uma pegada diferente e sexy. (com direito a repeat)
  63. Feb 1, 2022
    PIECE OF ART. Incredible setlist from begining till the end. GREATEST FEMALE ARTIST EVER.
  64. Jul 12, 2020
    "Confessions on a Dancefloor" is one of the greatest comebacks of all time. It was released two years after its underrated predecessor "American Life", which underperformed for Madonna's standards. While "American Life" discussed the American Dream and materialism, Madonna decided to make a less serious album with "Confessions on a Dancefloor". Instead, she created one of the best dance"Confessions on a Dancefloor" is one of the greatest comebacks of all time. It was released two years after its underrated predecessor "American Life", which underperformed for Madonna's standards. While "American Life" discussed the American Dream and materialism, Madonna decided to make a less serious album with "Confessions on a Dancefloor". Instead, she created one of the best dance albums of all time. Its iconic lead single "Hung Up" remains one of the best uses of a sample ever. That ABBA sample is pure genius. I don’t need to say much about the song itself. Everyone knows it, everyone loves it. A classic.
    The album's second single "Sorry" is my favorite track on the album. You just have to dance when that one comes on. Another highlight is "Forbidden Love". Madonna had already released a song with that name 10 years prior on "Bedtime Stories" but this one is the superior song by far. It's more of a midtempo song and it’s just beautiful.
    "Isaac" kind of reminds me of Madonna's magnum opus "Ray of Light". It’s an incredible, hypnotic track.
    "Like It or Not" is a great closing track for the album, which talks about the crossroads of past, present and future. The album gets a little silly with "I Love New York" but even that song is great and has an incredible production. This album is a masterpiece and it’s remarkable how Madonna managed to pull off such a successful era and such an outstanding album 23 years into her career. I love how all the songs blend into each other. Madonna proved once again that she’s the Queen of Pop with this masterpiece and this album's impact can still be felt today, just look at Dua Lipa's "Future Nostalgia" album. Another timeless and influential record in Madonna's legendary repertoire.

    Favorites: Sorry, Forbidden Love, Hung Up & Isaac
  65. Mar 24, 2023
    I never paid any attention to Madonna's discography up until now but I had to re-listen and review this classic album my parents used to play in the living room as I was a child.
    Well this was a pleasant surprise ! Despite some let downs like 'I Love New York' or 'Future Lovers', there are many highlights especially at the start of the project. 'Sorry' and 'Forbidden Love' both are hidden
    I never paid any attention to Madonna's discography up until now but I had to re-listen and review this classic album my parents used to play in the living room as I was a child.
    Well this was a pleasant surprise ! Despite some let downs like 'I Love New York' or 'Future Lovers', there are many highlights especially at the start of the project. 'Sorry' and 'Forbidden Love' both are hidden gems that I can't get enough. It appears as a great album to listen to during sport sessions.
    The crescendo structures are really nice even if some transitions totally lack consistence and break the powerful side of the effort. Madonna's vocals are really interesting in their constancy. A must-listen to if you enjoy electro-pop with female vocals.
    I do know where Róisín Murphy gets her influences now.
  66. Jun 15, 2019
    Confessions On A Dance Floor é eletrizante e mostra que Madonna soube se achar na sonoridade da dance-music dos anos 2000.
  67. Jun 13, 2019
    uno de los mejores álbumes de madonna, es tan a temporal y con unos ritmos increibles
  68. Jul 24, 2020
    O melhor álbum da Madonna dos anos 2000, ficando atrás apenas de álbuns como Erotica e Ray of Light.
    Esse álbum dançante torna a discografia da Rainha do pop ainda mais impecável e invejável.
  69. Aug 24, 2019
    Uno de los mejores albums de Madonna , sonido realmente innovador , letras poderosas y sobretodo te pueden poner a bailar en donde estés ! Sin duda el mejor álbum del año 2005
  70. Mar 27, 2020
    Madonna delivers an outstanding album and timeless album. Pure excellence!
  71. Jul 1, 2019
    The best dance album ever ! The production of the songs is amazing ! There is so many anthems on this album. It never gets old !
  72. Aug 19, 2019
    Альбом считается "лучшим" в карьере многими людьми, однако он, как по мне, немного переоценен и ставить его в ряд "Like A Prayer" и "Ray Of Light" просто неуместно, однако диско звучание, к которому она вернулась вернуло ее на олимп успеха. Шедевральные синглы, но много средних треков, которые не имеют никакого веса.Альбом считается "лучшим" в карьере многими людьми, однако он, как по мне, немного переоценен и ставить его в ряд "Like A Prayer" и "Ray Of Light" просто неуместно, однако диско звучание, к которому она вернулась вернуло ее на олимп успеха. Шедевральные синглы, но много средних треков, которые не имеют никакого веса.
  73. Nov 25, 2021
    Need we say more? The Bible for the pop dance music. The highest selling female album WW in 2005, the highest-selling single in 2005 (hung up), the highest grossing tour, and the highest paid female artist, Madonna did that in the THIRD decade of her career.
  74. Sep 1, 2019
    Her best album ever after Ray of Light also this album is for me the best pop album of 00’s. First three songs are the bests but also Forbidden Love, Jump, Isaac, How High, Like It or Not are so good. I cant say other tracks are not good cuz we should look at this as a whole, the non-stop version just proves it and as a whole the album is a legend. I wish Madonna came with this stuff butHer best album ever after Ray of Light also this album is for me the best pop album of 00’s. First three songs are the bests but also Forbidden Love, Jump, Isaac, How High, Like It or Not are so good. I cant say other tracks are not good cuz we should look at this as a whole, the non-stop version just proves it and as a whole the album is a legend. I wish Madonna came with this stuff but Madame X also not the worst and we shouldnt wait too much from her at that age like she doesnt have to prove herself anymore she already did it too many times. Long live the Queen Expand
  75. Sep 10, 2019
    One of the 5 best album by Madonna. All tracks are beautiful. my favourite 3 tracks is Forbidden Love, Isaac and Push
  76. Sep 24, 2019
    My favourite album from Madonna . Perfect music production ♥️i love This album so much
  77. Mar 3, 2021
    Queen of pop doing what she's the best at. A timeless dance pop record that has huge hits that everyone can sing their lyrics like national anthem. She gave us a great concept, incredible production and an unforgettable tour after it. One of the greatest pop albums of all time!
  78. Jan 27, 2020
    One of her best albums. Great production and vocals. A very pop, disco, electronic sound. Several samples from older music from the 1980’s.
  79. Nov 16, 2020
    greatest dance album of all time...madonna and stuart did that....deserves everything
  80. Mar 27, 2020
    The best album ever! The beat is very unique, bring us to the 80s. Is time to putt a dance shoes and enjoy the party.
  81. May 23, 2020
    Incredible work of genius! Confessions On A Dance Floor is a timeless album and its audiovisual concept continues to influence new albums even now in 2020 like Dua Lipa's latest "Future Nostalgia" and "Chromatica" by Lady Gaga. It has become a reference in dance music.
  82. Jun 6, 2020
    COADF is definitely the best and my personal favourite Madonna's album. Every single song on this body of work is so timeless, fresh-sounding and groovy. Madonna did outdo herself with it. She did so, with choosing the singles as well. Hung Up is - for me - her best song to date. Well, Madonna using ABBA's sample - a song of decades is on its way. Other singles are flawless too -COADF is definitely the best and my personal favourite Madonna's album. Every single song on this body of work is so timeless, fresh-sounding and groovy. Madonna did outdo herself with it. She did so, with choosing the singles as well. Hung Up is - for me - her best song to date. Well, Madonna using ABBA's sample - a song of decades is on its way. Other singles are flawless too - especially Get Together - mesmerizing, disco-seducing and hypnotizing dance track which I recommend to listen to with a good headphones. Sorry and Jump are beyond perfect as well. For anyone who is about to start Madonna's Discography Journey - this is the best possible album to begin with. Unfortunately it's her last consistent and THAT great album so far. Expand
  83. Aug 29, 2020
    A legendary album! The disco and the modern electronic dance music mix makes this album totally nostalgic but also timeless! Madonna at her peak
  84. Aug 28, 2020
    Una joya musical, un álbum que salió justo en el furor del R&B, este álbum es simplemente fenomenal
  85. Sep 2, 2020
    A frente de seu tempo.. isso aqui foi uma limpeza de imagem da melhor espécie!!! Hung Up segue sendo atemporal. É impressionante como esse álbum envelhece como vinho
  86. May 7, 2021
    It proves why Madonna is the queen of pop and made a whole new generation of people loved her with a whole new concept of pop.
  87. Sep 23, 2020
    best album of his career with cohesion and connection in all his tracks, time passes so fast and I am happier when I hear this work.
  88. Aug 4, 2021
    Arguably one of her best bodies of work. It's impressive how this album inspired so many others to come, just like Future Nostalgia by Dua Lipa, for an example. Overall, it is a very good dance album, not to mention having one of the biggest hits of the 00's: Hung Up.
  89. Oct 31, 2020
    Muy bueno de la reina de pop, mierga desea un álbum tan artístico como confessions on a dance floor.
  90. Dec 4, 2020
    One of the best pop queen albums, unfortunately the last great album, after it nothing relevant was released.
  91. Feb 15, 2021
    This album is perfect from start to finish! There is no bad music! I love him!
  92. Sep 19, 2021
    It's one of two Madonna's magnum opuses, with the second one being 'Ray of Light' (1998). While 'Ray of Light' is more down-to-earth, beautiful sounding record, 'Confessions on a Dance Floor' are living to its title - with killer lyrics (confessions) to really groovy dance music! It's one of the best concept albums out there!
    The amount of clasics here is undeniable - "Hung Up", "Sorry"
    It's one of two Madonna's magnum opuses, with the second one being 'Ray of Light' (1998). While 'Ray of Light' is more down-to-earth, beautiful sounding record, 'Confessions on a Dance Floor' are living to its title - with killer lyrics (confessions) to really groovy dance music! It's one of the best concept albums out there!
    The amount of clasics here is undeniable - "Hung Up", "Sorry" are at album's begining, sandwiching "Get Together". "Hung Up" is riding 70's disco and even though it's long (it runs for more than 5 mins), it's enjoyable all the way through. Lyrics here are less important, because that groove is simple unstoppable. Unlike the second track, which of course features pretty nice production, but words here are more important - wanting love. Lyrically, it's weird that it's followed by "Sorry", but hey - at least that song rules sonically. You can forget about lyrics and lose yourself to it and just dance!
    "Future Lovers" is really artsy track, while "I Love New York" is dorky. Another song that you can lose yourself into is "Let it Will Be", so infectious. "Forbidden Love" (another in Madonna's discography) has really cool retro athmosphere, and it aged like a fine wine! "Jump" is similar to "Get Together", with bigger emphasis on its lyrics, but groove here is pretty sweet too! "How High" seems like a good progression from "Jump" on title-level, while in "Issac" it's really hard to not lose yourself into Madonna's "mmms" - so lovely. "Push" is straight-forward acknowledgement of that other people are needed in our lives, while "Like it Or Not" is quite different - much subdued + it's like a middle finger to haters, more dance-y "Human Nature" (1995) if you will.
    Album's bonus tracks are good too - especially "Super Pop". Even though is the "list" type of song, it's pretty enjoyable, while "Fighting Spirit" can be hard to like for someone who doesn't enjoy auto-tune.
  93. Mar 13, 2023
    keep crying f4gots she is still the best popstar of all time and this is her best album
  94. Jul 5, 2022
    when i heard ''hung up'' before the album i must say it was really good it's not her best album but i still like it
  95. May 14, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sim Sim Madonna sempre alimentando seus haters ela sabe evoluir muito com sua inteligência, uma época que ninguém olhava assim Expand
  96. Dec 21, 2022
    one of the best albums of 2005 and the 2000s decade in general, a masterpiece and her 2nd best album behind ray of light.
  97. Feb 7, 2023
    Probably one of her best albums, great songs, and a cohesive body of work. Some songs are better than the others but there are no skips. Nice album.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 28
  2. Negative: 0 out of 28
  1. One of the few pop singers whose albums are best appreciated in their entirety and not lopped off into "hit singles," Madonna... has succeeded at creating a dance-pop odyssey with an emotional, if not necessarily narrative, arc.
  2. It may be a return to core values, but there's still a bravery about Confessions on a Dancefloor. It revels in the delights of wilfully plastic dance pop in an era when lesser dance-pop artists - from Rachel Stevens to Price's protege Juliet - are having a desperately thin time of it.
  3. Los Angeles Times
    Disco with a vengeance, a whomping, unapologetically airheaded engine of stroboscopic beats and succulent textures that exhumes dance music's time-honored values of celebration and affirmation. [13 Nov 2005]