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Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
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  1. Dec 20, 2014
    It is shocking how much they grew from an album that was already a jewel itself. If you're not familiar to the French language, you will move to the addicting, sexy beat. If you are, you will then understand why Complètement Fou is earned its title. Marveilleux!
  2. Feb 18, 2015
    Forget all the first cloying and depraved Yelle songs. Completement Fou shows a real growth of the group in the search of a "madness" that I wouldn't call complete as the title of the album, but creative and artistically fresh. The first two songs are the most superficial but also the most catchy. The musical asymmetry of the piano notes is very intelligent and it induces the mixing of aForget all the first cloying and depraved Yelle songs. Completement Fou shows a real growth of the group in the search of a "madness" that I wouldn't call complete as the title of the album, but creative and artistically fresh. The first two songs are the most superficial but also the most catchy. The musical asymmetry of the piano notes is very intelligent and it induces the mixing of a rhythm in 3/4 even when it is actually in 4/4.
    The rest of the album is very sweet and conceptually eclectic with some tracks reminding of "Me" by Dev or "Heroine" by Little Boots, in a soft/electro developed to perfection that I'd call almost environmental.
    Interesting the two stylistic experiments used to "Nuit De Baise" (personally I liked most the first part than the second).
    The best and truly 'fou' track is the last, "Bouquet Final", where an outburst of uncontrollable emotions creates something touching and bubbly. One of the best songs I ever heard.

    Seductive, colorful, with a hint of sadness. One of the best synthpop albums of 2014.
  3. Sep 1, 2019
    Best album electro/pop album of all time. Yelle just has a way with words and beautiful, pop melodies. Everyone should listen to this masterpiece and see them live.
  4. Sep 17, 2015
    You don't necessarily need to understand what she sings, this is my favorite thing about Complètement Fou. It's not a boring album because it's sung in a language I don't speak. it's fun, lively and colorful. It makes me happy! I love all tracks, especially Ba$$in and Bouquet final.
  5. Apr 6, 2015
    Je suis vraiment admirateur de "Complètement Fou" un album électro pop vraiment bien produit. Les paroles sont là et les mélodies sont incroyablement efficace !

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Nov 6, 2014
    That these tunes are complemented by some of the sexiest pop cooked up yet this year only adds to the heated vibe.
  2. Nov 6, 2014
    It is certainly their most well-rounded and diverse, one that adds some pop-machine savvy without losing any of the insouciant charm they've had to spare in the past.
  3. Nov 6, 2014
    Lyrically, Complètement Fou--Completely Crazy--remains in the Frenchies' native tongue, but this third offering's primary language is pop.