• Record Label: Naïve
  • Release Date: Jun 3, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Jun 5, 2014
    While listeners will have to wait a little longer for a break in the clouds, Ndegeocello and her associates have soundtracked yet another emotional storm in vivid, enthralling fashion.
  2. 75
    The music, sculpted by players including blues guitarist Doyle Bramhall and L.A. roots rocker Jonathan Wilson, keeps finding life in fresh sounds.
  3. Jun 5, 2014
    What we do get with Comet is a sparser version of songs that we’ve essentially heard on previous albums.
  4. 80
    [A] deep-groove, emotionally insinuative new album.
  5. Uncut
    Jun 26, 2014
    Meshell's search for love and meaning rarely asserts itself over the sense of muso friends at play. [Aug 2014, p.76]

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