
Generally favorable reviews - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Mar 7, 2011
    This broadening of the palette is as deliberate as Accelerate's reduction of R.E.M. to ringing Rickenbackers, and while it occasionally feels as if the bandmembers sifted through their past to find appropriate blueprints for new songs, there is merit to their madness.
  2. 70
    Give Collapse a few listens. The potential is there.
  3. Mar 4, 2011
    Collapse into Now genuinely feels like their first post-Bill Berry album to resemble a four-legged dog. And that, folks, is an event.
  4. Mar 22, 2011
    What makes Collapse Into Now so satisfying is that it isn't a return to form so much as a realization that the band R.E.M. are now isn't necessarily a bad thing to be.
  5. Mar 23, 2011
    Patti Smith, Eddie Vedder, Peaches and Lenny Kaye are along for the ride, helping Collapse Into Now stand tall in R.E.M.'s richly diverse canon.
  6. Mar 8, 2011
    Collapse Into Now builds on Accelerate for something less primal, but much more insightful, varied, and, frankly, pleasurable. It's hard to remember the last time R.E.M. seemed so at ease and yet still so vital.
  7. Mar 4, 2011
    What better band to cover R.E.M. than R.E.M.? That's exactly what the longtime Athens, Ga., trio sounds like it's doing on its 15th studio album, Collapse Into Now.
  8. Mar 8, 2011
    Collapse Into Now suffers somewhat. It's good. But it's no Reckoning. Or Document. Or Automatic For The People. Or...
  9. Mar 21, 2011
    If there's any band that's completely earned the right to gracefully knock themselves off, it's R.E.M. It only took them fourteen years.
  10. Mar 8, 2011
    All comparisons aside, Collapse Into Now is one heck of an album.
  11. Mar 10, 2011
    Collapse Into Now isn't a bad album but crucially it isn't a classic.
  12. Mar 10, 2011
    Like all of R.E.M.'s most recent albums, Collapse Into Now is flawed; a reflection, I'm speculating, on the fact that that band's working process is now flawed.
  13. 75
    Late-period R.E.M. often lacks the fire and finesse of their college-rock classics, but Collapse Into Now's sharp power-pop blasts get it half right.
  14. Mar 9, 2011
    Despite some small stutter steps, Collapse Into Now is easily the best R.E.M. album since the trio lost its way.
  15. May 24, 2011
    It's an assured effort from the very start.
  16. Mojo
    Apr 22, 2011
    Collapse Into now finds Stipe, Peter Buck and mike Mills pleading relevance and vitality. [Apr 2011, p.96]
  17. Mar 7, 2011
    Collapse Into Now is a fine album, and one that's far better than any band together for three decades has any right to be. What a pity, then, that they're not going to tour it.
  18. Mar 10, 2011
    The album clearly bounces back and forth between those moments of emotional annihilation and utter hope and optimism. But more than that, with those tracks book-ending the effort, the record's most basic motif is clear: even as lords of rock, the men of R.E.M. still struggle daily with their own issues and the standards of the world, but welcome the battle with ever-glowing smiles.
  19. Mar 4, 2011
    Collapse is a genuine return to form for the band, blowing away anything else they've done for more than a decade.
  20. Mar 7, 2011
    Collapse shuffles through all of R.E.M.'s past lives; it's a greatest hits without a hit, a career retrospective with all new material.
  21. Mar 9, 2011
    The most immediately striking moments on Collapse Into Now are those that sound like explicit retreads of previous R.E.M. songs.
  22. Mar 7, 2011
    Although Collapse into Now is ultimately an OK rock record, one can point to moments here or on the album before that demonstrate that today's R.E.M. can achieve better if it buckles down hard enough.
  23. Q Magazine
    May 2, 2011
    Unfortunately, Collapse Into Now is not nearly as consistent, vital or accomplished as either Out Of Time or Automatic For The People. [Apr 2011, p.94]
  24. Mar 4, 2011
    On Collapse Into Now, they sound like they'd rather be a band than a legend, which must be why they keep pushing on.
  25. Mar 7, 2011
    Considering how the album's style draws from each era of R.E.M.'s evolution, Collapse Into Now plays as something of a greatest-hits package.
  26. Mar 4, 2011
    Collapse mostly sounds like a familiar friend -- reliable in all the best ways, but still capable of quietly insinuating surprises.
  27. Mar 9, 2011
    The group have harked back to the more memorable songs in their canon, but this can be interpreted as largely derivative in some quarters.
  28. Mar 9, 2011
    It's another very good album from a band that's getting back into the habit of making them.
  29. Mar 16, 2011
    With Collapse into Now, there's enough reason to keep celebrating.
  30. Mar 4, 2011
    Collapse Into Now isn't groundbreaking, but feeling comfortable in their old skin has produced REM's best effort in years.
  31. 80
    Certainly, the recurrent themes of conclusion, starting over and rebuilding do lend it a muscular sense of purpose.
  32. R.E.M's 15th album could trade places with almost any of the previous 14.
  33. 60
    Where the spirit-void blankness of R.E.M. once felt intuitive and intentional, it now feels accidental. Most of this record's musical temperament seems reheated or purchased.
  34. 60
    Not as cohesive as their very best work, R.E.M.'s 15th album is still as smart, sonically rich and emotionally resonant as a guitar band can ever hope to be.
  35. Uncut
    Mar 29, 2011
    Collapse Into Now can only sound like an afterthought, but it nevertheless one which bristles and fizzes with invigorating qualities of wit and fury. [Apr 2011, p.76]
  36. Mar 9, 2011
    Here, the 51-year-old is comfortable in his role as an elder statesman, as are guitarist Peter Buck and bassist Mike Mills on their most self-aware record since the departure of drummer Bill Berry in 1998.
  37. Mar 15, 2011
    What makes this record better than Accelerate is the feeling that R.E.M. have figured out how to be R.E.M. again--how to affect the signature balance of folky and punky that's inspired bands far less worshipful than Pearl Jam or the Decemberists.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 61
  2. Negative: 1 out of 61
  1. Mar 8, 2011
    There was a time I waited for an REM album with defiant hope. I mean, REM embodied the sophisticate yet accessible, the experimental yetThere was a time I waited for an REM album with defiant hope. I mean, REM embodied the sophisticate yet accessible, the experimental yet refrained, the beautiful but never the corny, and they were "southern boys just like you and me" (in Pavement's words). They were the leaders that made a path for and championed great younger bands. That was a long time ago. I stopped waiting for their second comming a few years back. Today I am glad they were never gone. I have read several accusations of fabrication of an artificial REM sound by REM on this album, which just seems ridiculous to me. I get why these are put forward, this is an intensely reminiscent album if you happen to know a couple of things about this bands important past. There is something stuck in the ears of critics disliking these songs for being too much like their early forerunners of Document, Green, Out of Time and Automatic. That something is that REM â Full Review »
  2. May 19, 2011
    This is R.E.M.'s best since New Adventures in Hi-Fi in 1996. My favorite song on here is "Uberlin," which is Michael Stipe's finest vocalThis is R.E.M.'s best since New Adventures in Hi-Fi in 1996. My favorite song on here is "Uberlin," which is Michael Stipe's finest vocal performance in many years. Collapse Into Now successfully mixes mid-tempo tracks like "Uberlin," "Oh My Heart," and "It Happened Today" (the last of which has the greatest harmony vocals on any R.E.M. album) with good slow songs like "Walk It Back" and "Me Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I" and faster, more rocking songs such as "All the Best" and "That Someone is You." Highly recommended! Full Review »
  3. Mar 16, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. 10.0
    R.E.M. has always been creative. Murmur was on it's time, a revolutionary album. The IRS years were great, and for some people a dislike, and for others an evolution (I am one of that kind), since Document, they have reinvented themselves in every new realise: The sticky sound from Green; the acoustic Out of Time; the masterpiece Automatic for the People; the distortion from Monster; the variety from New Adventures in Hi-Fi; the electronic Up; the kind of psychedelic Reveal; the soft and mostly underrated Around the Sun; the most rocker and a truth reinvention Accelerate.
    Now, apparently they have decide to take the essence from every album they've ever made in every song this album is R.E.M.'s history that Collapse Into Now. This could be the best album R.E.M. will realize along with Automatic For The People.
    "Discoverer" and "All The Best" are fast songs that reminds of their fast albums. "Ã
    Full Review »