• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2018

Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 15
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 15
  3. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Sep 13, 2018
    Collapse ends up being one of Aphex's stronger post-2000 releases.
  2. Sep 13, 2018
    Collapse is another entry in a remarkable run of work that Aphex Twin has been releasing since his return from a long and clearly necessary hiatus. It may feel like he is on cruise control a bit, but James’ coasting is any other artist’s magnum opus.
  3. Sep 14, 2018
    While Collapse won't go down as one of James's landmark Aphex Twin releases, however, its consistency and striving ambition to keep moving the project forward, both as a familiar, welcome friend but one that challenges you incessantly is highly appreciated.
  4. Sep 13, 2018
    Every song on here is an absolute gem, and while it does sound like some of Aphex Twin's previous material, that's probably the best compliment it can get.
  5. 80
    Unlikely to sway anyone not already on board with Richard D. James’ weirdo-funk, Collapse is nevertheless a brilliant, warped addition to a canon like no other.
  6. Sep 17, 2018
    There have been times in James’ career when his knowing smirk threatened to eclipse the music. But here he’s obviously having a genuine blast, and his joy is infectious.
  7. Sep 13, 2018
    With Collapse, James produces a surprising work of dark deconstruction, interchanging the Syro sound with a range of dissonant ideas and disfigured rhythmic patterns.
  8. Sep 20, 2018
    The rubbery art-trap of “1st 44” sounds like a Mike Will Made It beat run through a blender, “Abundance10edit[2 R8’s, FZ20m & a 909]” sounds like multiple vintage techno records playing over each other, the wubbing “MT1 t29r2” sounds like mosquitos flitting about a sewer rave and “Pthex” is acid nostalgia through a cocaine haze.
  9. Sep 13, 2018
    For a once-hermetic artist, James's recent output has trended toward greater accessibility, but even by that measure, Collapse's biggest surprise lies in how warm and inviting it all is.
  10. Sep 18, 2018
    None of Collapse’s derailments are permanent, and this one only lasts a few seconds before the music puts itself back on track. If the EP leaves you wanting anything, it’s more malfunction, more frenzy, more extended deviations from the Aphex Twin playbook.
  11. Dec 5, 2018
    This is a damn good record that is worth your time. Sink into Collapse, and let it sweep you up in its collage of vast, intricate atmospheres.
  12. Sep 17, 2018
    Title aside, Collapse affirms the stability of the Aphex Twin name.
  13. 80
    Collapse isn’t accessible per se, but it is a release which perfectly reflects the finest elements of Richard James’ oeuvre. It is a record liberated from convention, unafraid of failure and confident in its depth.
  14. The Wire
    Sep 21, 2018
    Like most Aphex Twin releases Collapse contains moments of queasy brilliance. [Oct 2018, p.48]
  15. Sep 14, 2018
    While James is here less austere than on Cheetah EP and less eccentric than on landmark release Richard D. James Album, Collapse nevertheless proves to be a serviceable Aphex Twin release at this point in his career. His knack for finding interesting textures and layers hasn’t been compromised nor has his willingness to build off of previous styles in his oeuvre.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 36 out of 44
  2. Negative: 5 out of 44
  1. Apr 11, 2022
    Отличный EP, Ричард всё ещё доказывает, что он мастер idm и электроники, всё здесь на месте: многослойные музыкальные полотна, узнаваемыйОтличный EP, Ричард всё ещё доказывает, что он мастер idm и электроники, всё здесь на месте: многослойные музыкальные полотна, узнаваемый стиль, T69 замечательный трек как и видео на него, но и весь ЕP завораживает. Молодец, Ричард. Full Review »
  2. Jun 23, 2020
    For neophytes, this EP can serve as a fine introduction to James’ work. Collapse simply has a ton to sift through, all in under a half-hour.For neophytes, this EP can serve as a fine introduction to James’ work. Collapse simply has a ton to sift through, all in under a half-hour. It features many of Aphex Twin decades-old tropes – intricate percussion, haunting melodies, sheer unpredictability – while still having its feet firmly planted in today’s era. Highly recommended.

    best material of richard since Drukqs
    Full Review »
  3. Jul 7, 2019
    I dunno what's up with that 2 scrorin dude but he's wrong.I'm 42 been listening to idm and Aphex for over 20 years....as well as most warp,I dunno what's up with that 2 scrorin dude but he's wrong.I'm 42 been listening to idm and Aphex for over 20 years....as well as most warp, morr music, rephex, monotone artist just to name these labels i mean, i dunno how i could be more of a fan than that? And no, I'm not angry nor insulted.I've never been a bit fan of the super quick stuff like Venitian Snare too ,but i mean Collapse e.p. hides 2 or 3 gems, my favorite being an awesome Afx-like acid break track titled MT1 t29r2.It's Aphex ripping off his Twin.Super nice. Full Review »