• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Aug 19, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. 70
    It is easy to imagine there are a number of extra levels to reach, and the glimpses he has provided on this album should only serve to increase excitement about what he could do in the near future.
  2. Aug 19, 2022
    There are duds, mostly when Aitch is chasing LA acclaim and aping US trap rappers on tracks like Cheque or Fuego. But when he leans into the silky, bumpy ’90s-era smooth-licking RnB that he raised himself on – see Sunshine or R Kid – he’s hard to beat.
  3. 80
    Aitch’s debut draws on local heritage but remains heavily anchored in a forward-thinking rap blueprint. With the ‘cheeky chappy’ mask tucked slightly back (if not fully removed), and a more introspective attitude on show, it’s an even more powerful formula.

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