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  1. May 29, 2020
    She's outdone herself with this album. Her best body of work to date. So euphoric
  2. Jun 2, 2020
    Lady Gaga is back on the dancefloor she fought for, and she killed it. That is all.
  3. May 29, 2020
    Lady gaga nunca decepciona, álbum completo com muitas faixas dançantes, salvando o pop em 2020
  4. May 29, 2020
    A farofa que todos queríamos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. May 29, 2020
    A beautiful interpretation of her sadness turned into pop songs to show that there's happiness in the world during these scary times. The songs are cohesive and tell a beautiful story when played from start to finish in order. Almost all of them are radio material.
  6. Jun 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is one of the best pop dance albums i've ever heard, This is an upper level for Lady Gaga, congratulations Expand
  7. May 30, 2020
    Best album of Gaga. Melhores composições, instrumentais maravilhosos, forte e divertido. No ponto certo e coeso
  8. May 29, 2020
    Everything about this album is pure perfection. The production is astonishing, catchy and fresh. Gaga gave her best vocal performance, so different from her previous albums (After Cheek To Cheek she is getting better and better vocally). In this LP she gave us her best song of her whole discography, Sine From Above. Even the autotuned 911 is amazing and easy to listen. Once again sheEverything about this album is pure perfection. The production is astonishing, catchy and fresh. Gaga gave her best vocal performance, so different from her previous albums (After Cheek To Cheek she is getting better and better vocally). In this LP she gave us her best song of her whole discography, Sine From Above. Even the autotuned 911 is amazing and easy to listen. Once again she proved that she is a good songwriter and singer. Definitely an album full of hit songs. Expand
  9. May 29, 2020
    the album’s amazing song to song i can’t stress it enough she could release every song off here and it could be a single i’m telling you
  10. May 29, 2020
    Obrigado Lady Gaga por esta obra prima. 7 anos de longa espera valeram a pena. Obrigado por tudo e por isto. ILYSM.
  11. May 29, 2020
    Definitely her most cohesive album in a while. A story of healing, survival and as she herself said it "dancing through pain" beginning to end. A true return to form, if you will. The wait was more than worth it. Once again, well done, Gaga!
  12. Nov 9, 2020
    Such a fantastic album. Love the lyrics. Love the music. Great work. It's probably my second or third favorite of her albums.
  13. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is really nothing impressive. Just put a cool cover, and aestethich title, intros/interludes mixed with some tracks and the fan will be "whoa, masterpiece" but sorry Gaga, I'm not like this. It just seem like some djs put some beat and she gave them their voice. Lyrics are boring and repetetive, her voice is also kinda strange sometimes (like in the chorus of 911) and someThis album is really nothing impressive. Just put a cool cover, and aestethich title, intros/interludes mixed with some tracks and the fan will be "whoa, masterpiece" but sorry Gaga, I'm not like this. It just seem like some djs put some beat and she gave them their voice. Lyrics are boring and repetetive, her voice is also kinda strange sometimes (like in the chorus of 911) and some tracks feel like they're from 2013-2014 like 1000 doves or free woman. There are a few outstanding tracks. such as the hit Rain on Me, Alice and Replay and Sour Candy, but for the rest the album would be done by anybody else out there. So impersonal. Also 15 full-dance songs are just too much. Expand
  14. May 29, 2020
    Conceito, coesão e aclamação. Não tem mais o que falar! Artista consolidada que não precisa provar mais nada à ninguém. Traz aqui uma gama de letras fortes e pessoais enquanto nos leva pra pista de dança em plena tristeza mundial devido à uma pandemia. LENDA!!!
  15. Jun 3, 2020
    This album is so good from beginning to end. The lyrics are phenomenal. The vocals were outstanding. It's new, fresh but with nostalgia. The transitions are great. The story, the concept, everything is just so amazing!! I honestly hope Chromatica gets some grammys! This album deserves nothing less. Every single song is amazing and it's rare
  16. May 30, 2020
    Buenísimo álbum, se extrañaba ver a Gaga otra vez en tendencia con el mundo. El ritmo y las letras uffff 10/10
  17. Jun 1, 2020
    Lady Gaga rainha do Pop, entregou alta qualidade de dance music alimentando todos nós. As fãs da múmia que nem single sabe lançar latindo como sempre, amo?
  18. Aug 31, 2020
    Highlights: Alice, Replay, Babylon
    Lowlights: 911, Sour Candy, Free Woman, Stupid Love
  19. Oct 30, 2020
    I don't even know why is this considered one of her best albums, even Joanne is better. First half sounds like basic recycled sounds from the 90s and early 10s. Second half gets better at least.
  20. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga takes the driver seat once again in the Dance Music Pop world‼️ Album is fun, full of bops and creative. Stupid Love was underrated by most but there are many standouts.
    A must buy, stream and listen,
  21. Jun 9, 2020
    Chromatica is a great Dance Pop Album.
    Lady Gaga convinced me this time for the 1st time with a complete Album. I like the personal issues combined with dance and electro Pop.
    My favorites are Alice., Babylon, 1000 Doves, Sine from Above and of course Interlude I - III. Very enjoyable album. The big success of it is very well deserved. PS: As much as I really love Madonna. She didnt
    Chromatica is a great Dance Pop Album.
    Lady Gaga convinced me this time for the 1st time with a complete Album. I like the personal issues combined with dance and electro Pop.
    My favorites are Alice., Babylon, 1000 Doves, Sine from Above and of course Interlude I - III.
    Very enjoyable album. The big success of it is very well deserved.

    PS: As much as I really love Madonna.
    She didnt convince with her releases after Confessions on a Dancefloor.
    The Albums of her still include great Songs - but come over as Compilations.
    Especially Hard Candy and MDNA. After those Album her commercial success (as it was before) was over. She got a litt bit back in form with her last two Albums - but still did not catch up with her former classic Album qualities. She was more interested in Movies than Music for a long time.
  22. Aug 13, 2020
    If I were to rate this album exclusively based on Chromatia II into 911, I'd give it a 12. That is the best transition I've heard in recent memory. Otherwise, the album is just regular strength good.
  23. May 29, 2020
    Sin duda lo mejor de gaga, la idea de que nos vendiera por asi decirlo un album cono si fuera un mundo paralelo. Dio la sensación que lo fue cuando lo escuché.
  24. May 29, 2020
    Pensé que despues del album de future nostalgia de Dua Lipa no volvería a disfrutar tanto con otro album en 2020 hasta que llegó esta maravilla! Tal vez no le pondría un 10 sino un 9 pero tiene muchos haters siempre que pululan en todo lo que hace y por eso le pongo un 10 para tratar de equilibrar.

    Los 3 interludios con sus respectivas canciones, Alice, 911 y Sine from Above me parecen
    Pensé que despues del album de future nostalgia de Dua Lipa no volvería a disfrutar tanto con otro album en 2020 hasta que llegó esta maravilla! Tal vez no le pondría un 10 sino un 9 pero tiene muchos haters siempre que pululan en todo lo que hace y por eso le pongo un 10 para tratar de equilibrar.

    Los 3 interludios con sus respectivas canciones, Alice, 911 y Sine from Above me parecen increibles, está última es una sorpresa total. Otras como Enigma o Replay son increiblemente divertidas y que decir del Macro Rain on Me o del éxito Sour Candy....
  25. Aug 28, 2020
    Es la mejor obra de arte que he escuchado, todo el álbum debe ser escuchado para sentir bien el sonido de éste
  26. May 30, 2020
    This album is completely epic, I would say it’s one of her best pop albums she has released!
  27. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga's sixth studio album Chromatica is nothing short of an exhilaratingly campy, fun pop album that comes at a time when people really need happy music to uplift their mood. We Little Monsters are blessed with this upbeat, positive album about combatting the negativity in life through self-acceptance and DANCING.
  28. Aug 28, 2020
    On of the best albums of 2020 by far. Lady Gaga did it again with chromatica 10/10
  29. Aug 28, 2020
    I just can say It's her best album. Since artpop, we didn't have sth like this.
  30. May 31, 2020
    She’s done it again! A masterpiece of an album indeed. It’s a must listen and it will put you in a good mood for sure.
  31. Sep 19, 2021
    If there was a motion picture called Chromatica, this would definitely be the soundtrack, the whole album is more than an experience, is a journey to this world called Chromatica, and Gaga is basically showing us the bright side and its dramatic dark side with a pop-house ending song called "Babylon" which reminds me of Madonna's Vogue BUT I'm not that kind of person who compares artistsIf there was a motion picture called Chromatica, this would definitely be the soundtrack, the whole album is more than an experience, is a journey to this world called Chromatica, and Gaga is basically showing us the bright side and its dramatic dark side with a pop-house ending song called "Babylon" which reminds me of Madonna's Vogue BUT I'm not that kind of person who compares artists because Gaga is more than just an entertainer, she is one of the pop goddesses we have alongside Cher, Streisand and Madonna. Expand
  32. May 29, 2020
    Probably Gaga’s best album to date. Lyrically personal and really impressive on how she gives a new take on loneliness, fame and her personal life while mixing it with cohesive hot pop instrumentals
  33. May 31, 2020
    Pop perfection! The best record launched in 2020. I'm so happy for her. She delivered what her fans wanted.
  34. May 29, 2020
    This is in my opinion Gaga's best work to date. Not bashing on her previous records at all, but I feel that for the first time in her career she has finally delivered a truly cohesive album. Energetic from beginning to end. Yes, you've heard the beats before but this woman just knows how to make it her own.
  35. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You just need to heard Chromatica II and 911 and you Will know that this is the álbum of 2020 Expand
  36. May 30, 2020
    Not a 10 on the first hearing but soon become so catchy that you can not resist. Chromatica tour will be the next The monster ball tour.
  37. Jul 18, 2020
    É sem duvidas seu melhor trabalho desde Monster. O disco possui uma vibe anos 90 com eletrodance e disco. Destaque para as faixas Rain On Me, Replay, Alice e Babylon
  38. Aug 28, 2020
    Daaaaaaaaaam, such a bad album, very repit, stupid lyrics, sound like a bad copy of Madonna’s album.
  39. May 30, 2020
    What an amazing album, OMG.

    We've waiting since almost a decade for a pop record like this, and Gaga just snapped! THANKS GAGA FOR GIVING US A DANCE RECORD, i love chromatica so much.
  40. May 28, 2020
    Truly an amazing record. The lyrics are amazing, deep and dark but dressed in upbeat production: perfection.
  41. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Phenomenal...lyrically her best work to date. Her vocals are incredible and she really experiments with her voice. The transitions between the songs are flawless, especially the ones between the interludes and the first song in each act. A true dance album that makes you want to dance and cry. 1000/10 Expand
  42. Jun 5, 2020
    Cohesion and intelligence can resume this amazing return of Lady Gaga to the pop music. Rain On Me, Replay, Sine From Above and 1000 Doves are the highlights
  43. Jul 26, 2020
    Gaga poderia ter se mantido na zona confortável (e de sucesso) que chegou com a trilha sonora de nasce uma estrela, mas decidiu fazer o completo oposto, E DEU MUITO CERTO. Tem umas músicas que eu pulo, mas o fato do album ser todo com alto bpm, mesmo com letras tristes ou revoltadas, é muito bom. O álbum tem sua própria identidade, tanto sonora quanto visual. Gaga fez questão de trazerGaga poderia ter se mantido na zona confortável (e de sucesso) que chegou com a trilha sonora de nasce uma estrela, mas decidiu fazer o completo oposto, E DEU MUITO CERTO. Tem umas músicas que eu pulo, mas o fato do album ser todo com alto bpm, mesmo com letras tristes ou revoltadas, é muito bom. O álbum tem sua própria identidade, tanto sonora quanto visual. Gaga fez questão de trazer todos os convidados pra essa mesma identidade, não se rendendo aos estilos próprios de cada um e, mais uma vez, DEU MUITO CERTO Expand
  44. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica is a celebration of sadness but also an empowerment force and Gaga made it possible bringing her enigma up and pop back. She added up some young influences to get back and still alive at this streaming nowadays world, but also brought us back a rare figure: Elton John, in a nostalgic way - a reunion of past, present and future.
  45. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of her greatest albums. It’s the missing link between The Fame and ARTPOP! Expand
  46. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lady Gaga, THIS IS THE ALBUM OF THE MILLENNIUM!!!!!!!! OMG SO GOOD GAGAAAAA Expand
  47. Aug 29, 2020
    One of her best, for sure. The lyrics are so emotional and By far her best.
  48. Oct 1, 2020
    Gaga's worst album.

    the songs are mainly very fun and danceable, some of them are bops even but this production is SO mediocre.... half of the songs sound alike. they sound produced by a white 20 year old coachella dj.... its the same generic dancehall beat and then the beat drops and gaga’s screaming something. it’s tiring and eventually gets really boring and hardens the task of
    Gaga's worst album.

    the songs are mainly very fun and danceable, some of them are bops even but this production is SO mediocre.... half of the songs sound alike. they sound produced by a white 20 year old coachella dj.... its the same generic dancehall beat and then the beat drops and gaga’s screaming something. it’s tiring and eventually gets really boring and hardens the task of listening to the whole album tbh.

    the interludes and rain on me have good productions but the rest.....

    really hope she can go back to the artpop days.... or even the joanne era. both albums were ACTUALLY really good and don’t sound like this generic dancehall mainstream trash pop.....

    fav: replay
    least fav: sour candy, sine from above, enigma, 1000 doves
  49. Jun 3, 2020
    I live for Gaga and honestly I dont see the hype...I am highly disappointed in this...I read a critic review saying she sounds like "she knows who she is"..that's how I felt on the Born this Way album. But with this, it feels like she is lost in the dessert that she ran off to in Perfect Illusion and cant find her way back...(lost in the industry that is)...This album sounds highlyI live for Gaga and honestly I dont see the hype...I am highly disappointed in this...I read a critic review saying she sounds like "she knows who she is"..that's how I felt on the Born this Way album. But with this, it feels like she is lost in the dessert that she ran off to in Perfect Illusion and cant find her way back...(lost in the industry that is)...This album sounds highly manufactured to appeal to a general audience and not the "true" monsters..Not a terrible album to say the least, far from her best though. Expand
  50. May 29, 2020
    Gaga really went hard on this dance album. Each song is banger for the clubs but still it's a very personal and profound album. She takes us back to the topics she's always discussed like addiction to love, fame and fear and depression but adds new things she hasn't discussed before like her chronic pain. The collabs are a whole new level and the whole album feels so cohesive. A futuristicGaga really went hard on this dance album. Each song is banger for the clubs but still it's a very personal and profound album. She takes us back to the topics she's always discussed like addiction to love, fame and fear and depression but adds new things she hasn't discussed before like her chronic pain. The collabs are a whole new level and the whole album feels so cohesive. A futuristic robotic Barbie girl who deals with abxiety, depression and chronic pain. A WHOLE POP ICON AND LEGEND. Expand
  51. May 31, 2020
    Yet again, Gaga comes with a great pop album. Although she had already poured her heart out on Joanne, this one has fearless dances tunes heavy inspired on the House scene from Chicago.
    It certainly will ocuppy its space in the year-end lists, leaving a lot to expect from a dedicated pop artist 12 years into her career.
  52. May 29, 2020
    An album that only Gaga could do. At least, as good as Chromatica is- both musically and thematically. She honors the past and writes the future. And one thing is true- as she once put it- "when people think they know what Lady Gaga is, I want to remind them that they don't."
  53. Aug 30, 2020
    Best pop alum released in 2020 by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
  54. May 29, 2020
    It's perfect!! É perfeito! Sem forçar, estou apaixonado por cada segundinho desse álbum ❤
  55. May 29, 2020
    gives me that buzz! dance gaga is back, we win ! replay, Alice and Babylon are stand out tracks for sure.
  56. Jun 1, 2020
    "Chromatica" is, arguably, Lady Gaga's best album. When you listen to it as she intended it to be listened to, you listen to an artist that is in full control of her art and her vision. You listen to an artist that is capable of bringing together some of the most interesting songwriters and producers in music today and create a 16 song album that feels like a cohesive piece that has been"Chromatica" is, arguably, Lady Gaga's best album. When you listen to it as she intended it to be listened to, you listen to an artist that is in full control of her art and her vision. You listen to an artist that is capable of bringing together some of the most interesting songwriters and producers in music today and create a 16 song album that feels like a cohesive piece that has been divided for the sake of singles and traditional album releases. "Chromatica" is not an innovation in pop sounds or album production, I'm sure a lot of us have heard these beats somewhere else, but it could be hard for her to reinvent pop music yet again when she created the current music blueprint back when she released "The Fame" in 2008. This album is full of dance floor ready beats and is filled with positive music/lyrics that could put anyone to dance in seconds. "Chromatica" is a pure return to Gaga's EDM/Electropop roots, and thank god she did. Expand
  57. May 31, 2020
    Saved the pop music. An incredible album that transcends music and touches the soul, while passing the joy of dancing that being happy.
  58. Jun 1, 2020
    I always respected lady gaga, but never was super into her music. This album completley made me a bigger fan, from the start of alice, all the way to the last track, the album is just amazing pop. I wanted to point out im a straight male to show you guys this score isnt just being inflated by her legions of fans :)
  59. Aug 29, 2020
    Truly a masterpiece from start to finish. A transcendental journey from Alice to Babylon. This album is goes up with the greats of Born This Way and The Fame Monster!
  60. Jun 2, 2020
    Entering the dark, lucid and effervescent world "Chromatica", Gaga recovers as one of the great acts of the year, returning to his viewer, the vision of how great it is to make an album as such. Specifically, we have a cohesive work, full of animistic interludes such as film scenes. Docile violins reproduce the utopian vision we have of certain things, but we need to fly into the light,Entering the dark, lucid and effervescent world "Chromatica", Gaga recovers as one of the great acts of the year, returning to his viewer, the vision of how great it is to make an album as such. Specifically, we have a cohesive work, full of animistic interludes such as film scenes. Docile violins reproduce the utopian vision we have of certain things, but we need to fly into the light, just like Gaga did. Eclectic and lively. Expand
  61. May 29, 2020
    I was pretty skeptical of this album based on the singles she released... but this album is a bop!!! Loving it so far. First Gaga album I’ve listened to more than once since The Fame Monster.
  62. May 30, 2020
    GAGA is back and better than ever! she really did an amazing album from start to finish and i hope she gets the album of the year award.
  63. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica nos mostra o melhor lado "GAGA" da nova rainha do POP, nos entregando qualidade de ponta a ponta.
  64. May 30, 2020
    I hated the album when i first listened to it. Well, guess what. It's a grower im fcking obsessed
  65. May 29, 2020
  66. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga returns to the musical stage with a masterpiece of Pop music. If it is one of her best works, I dare say that it is the best. The rhythms, the lyrics ... It's a perfect combination of sounds, and the interludes are a beautiful orchestra that is magically connected to the entire album. The best song is without a doubt Sine From Above with Elton John, a masterful cake
  67. Aug 29, 2020
    Gaga's best album since BTW. Literally incredible. Pop dance is back, the supreme Gaga is back
  68. May 29, 2020
    Amazing, that's it, the lyrics, beats, retro vibes and the transition between chromatica II and 911 in particular are just AMAZING
  69. Jul 29, 2022
    Awful. I tried numerous times to get into it and I can't. The mixing and production is awful, one or two songs might start well then turn to noise in no time
  70. Aug 30, 2020
    She continues to reinvent herself to stay current in the music industry. Without a doubt, one of the best artists of all time. I love her.
  71. May 29, 2020
    This is THE Best album of 2020 so far.. lady gaga just outdid herself, I had the best time dancing and crying to this songs. A lot of heart and emotions in this album
  72. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga's return to pop music after her 2018 soundtrack to her Academy Award-winning film A Star Is Born was highly anticipated by many...and needless to say, I think she's channeling her old sound again. Although she did not work with her The Fame producer, RedOne for Chromatica as I wished she would, she relies on BloodPop and BURNS to bring her back to the dancefloor where sheLady Gaga's return to pop music after her 2018 soundtrack to her Academy Award-winning film A Star Is Born was highly anticipated by many...and needless to say, I think she's channeling her old sound again. Although she did not work with her The Fame producer, RedOne for Chromatica as I wished she would, she relies on BloodPop and BURNS to bring her back to the dancefloor where she started.

    Honestly, the album is really fun and I enjoyed most of the production. Alice's explosive electro-pop, the seamless transitions throughout (Chromatica II into 911 / Chromatica III into Sine From Above), or just heavy dance-pop hits to forget about stress (Stupid Love, Rain on Me, Free Woman), the album is one whole body of work that makes you destress and dance for a while. And that's enough in 2020.
  73. May 29, 2020
    Amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same. Album of The Year for sure
  74. May 29, 2020
    This album is just... one of the most amazing experiences ever, we needed this homage to rave culture... this is house royalty... beautiful, just... beautiful
  75. May 29, 2020
    She's here! After years of creating magic with other musical genres, she's back for her throne!
  76. May 29, 2020
    This is Lady Gaga, the sounds, the rythm, her voice, everything is a complement.
  77. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I love the transition between Chromatica 2 and 911, Babylon is amazing, Gaga is back. Expand
  78. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfect. This is my favorite album of the year definitely, god is a woman and her name is Lady Gaga. Expand
  79. May 29, 2020
    Amo que a Gaga foi perspicaz no que fez, serviu perfeitamente os fãs queriam. Os monstrinhos estão bem alimentados. AOTY sem dúvida!
  80. Jun 3, 2020
    This one is a grower. I was ready to give it a 3, but after a couple more listens I understand that there's a really good album in this. The concept is great and the lyrics are quite good too (even though there are some songs with lazy writing). But too bad the album is kinda overshadowed by the generic production that makes me less attentive of what she's trying to say.
  81. Jun 4, 2020
    This really is a great album, but it sounds like a 2013 followup to Born This Way, not an album being released in 2020. There are some great songs on this album like Fun Tonight, 1000 Doves, Rain On Me and Free Woman but the album overall is held back by bland and uninspired production that might be great for some but I don't want Gaga to retread on previous ground, I want her to be anThis really is a great album, but it sounds like a 2013 followup to Born This Way, not an album being released in 2020. There are some great songs on this album like Fun Tonight, 1000 Doves, Rain On Me and Free Woman but the album overall is held back by bland and uninspired production that might be great for some but I don't want Gaga to retread on previous ground, I want her to be an innovator not someone that caters to nostalgia. Expand
  82. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I still can not believe that Gaga has returned to its roots, I am delighted and fascinated with this album, I have waited for years to hear this sound again in Gaga, I definitely love it, I love Gaga and it is incredible every song that gives us. Expand
  83. May 29, 2020
    Álbum coeso, você consegue ouvir do começo aí fim sem pular uma música. Boa viagem para Chromatica
  84. May 29, 2020
    this album is pure art. the way it was made, the production, the lyrics, eVERYTHING! this is how you make a pop album.
  85. Jun 13, 2020
    Pop executed to perfection.
    In my humble opinion pop album of the decade shaping up to be a timeless classic.
  86. Aug 28, 2020
    I think it is one of the worst works of Gaga has had better works but since Joanne has decayed the only salvageable thing of this album is the collaboration with Ariana Grande and the group blackpink
  87. Aug 20, 2020
    Lady Gaga takes an iconic turn to pop music, showing her entire journey so far in "Chromatica".
    It is an album for a dance floor, making each track with Gaga a loving and sweet state of mind. "Plastic Doll" and "Sine from Above", in their lyrics, are the ones that come closest of a ballad and for lack of an impactful ballad as it is notable in his previous albums, Gaga made that lack be
    Lady Gaga takes an iconic turn to pop music, showing her entire journey so far in "Chromatica".
    It is an album for a dance floor, making each track with Gaga a loving and sweet state of mind. "Plastic Doll" and "Sine from Above", in their lyrics, are the ones that come closest of a ballad and for lack of an impactful ballad as it is notable in his previous albums, Gaga made that lack be totally forgotten when listening to the songs.
    Perhaps it could be a new land, house music and euromusic was already part of Lady Gaga's music, but "Chromatica" has that totally attached to you.
    Totally expected by many and Mother Monster did not sin at all and for being 16 tracks with just over 42 minutes, that doesn’t make it an unfinished job, it does that Lady Gaga in "Chromatica" show all your vocal capacity and in songs that can mark you for several generations ahead. His exquisite ending with "Babylon" gives him a taste for wanting more, but Gaga certainly keeps more where "Chromatica" came and it came to be marked in the history of music.
  88. Jun 7, 2020
    All the best from Gaga is here! I'm happy to see the evolution of the greatest singer of the generation.
  89. May 29, 2020
    muito bom!
    Vingou o ARTPOP, que também é uma obra de arte!
    A Gaaga voltou as suas origens com músicas futuristas. Mostrou que sabe compor e criar novamente hits dançantes. Original e Real!
  90. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. What a beautiful album! Welcome back, Gaga
    Some tracks that I love , such as 911, Sine From Above, Alice,... etc. I didn't like interludes in albums. But I was wrong, the transition between interludes to tracks, like Alice, 911, and Sine From Above have blown me away.
  91. May 29, 2020
    Welcome to CHROMATICA. A true masterpiece by a living legend. Pop a 911. Thank you.
  92. May 29, 2020
    It's the masterpiece of pop. Come to heal you when the whole wide world need.
  93. May 29, 2020
    Just perfect, love this album so much. Alice is my fav alongside with 911 and Fun Tonight.
  94. May 29, 2020
    Su mejor disco desde BTW. Increíble. Los interludios, las canciones, las letras, la instrumental... todo.
  95. Jun 3, 2020
    One of her best albums so far. It's full of upbeat dance/house tracks filled with energy. I love how cohesive it feels and the way it's divided in three acts that start with really well put instrumentals. The transitions between each instrumental and the following track sound amazing, especially the one from Chromatica II to 911. The production of the album is so clean and I really enjoyedOne of her best albums so far. It's full of upbeat dance/house tracks filled with energy. I love how cohesive it feels and the way it's divided in three acts that start with really well put instrumentals. The transitions between each instrumental and the following track sound amazing, especially the one from Chromatica II to 911. The production of the album is so clean and I really enjoyed the work of the great producers in this album, especially Axwell. Expand
  96. May 29, 2020
    El albun mas completo y coherente de Lady gaga. Su voz suena mas poderosa que nunca. Las transiciones son brutales.
  97. May 29, 2020
    Gaga's success consists in exploring new trends in music. She's a real chameleon in music and that's why Chromatica is so powerful to me.
  98. May 29, 2020
    Amazing as always. I just can't stop replaying the album. Every track is just so amazing and unique. I love Babylon, Stupid Love, Replay, Sour Candy, etc. One of the best albums ever.
  99. May 30, 2020
    this is THE ALBUM. no skips done. pure perfection. all my family loves it. bless 10/10

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.