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  1. Aug 4, 2020
    Gaga sempre se mostrou uma cantora que se reinventa através do passar dos anos, vemos Chromatica como um mundo de tribos, que cada um tem a sua, e um mundo que as diferenças não existem.
    Destaques para as faixas como 'Alice', 'Rain On Me' e 'Babylon', uma das minhas preferidas mas posso dizer que as faixas me pareceram curtas demais, do antigo pop no álbum 'ArtPop', vimos muita
    Gaga sempre se mostrou uma cantora que se reinventa através do passar dos anos, vemos Chromatica como um mundo de tribos, que cada um tem a sua, e um mundo que as diferenças não existem.
    Destaques para as faixas como 'Alice', 'Rain On Me' e 'Babylon', uma das minhas preferidas mas posso dizer que as faixas me pareceram curtas demais, do antigo pop no álbum 'ArtPop', vimos muita versatilidade mesmo que não foi um grande sucesso, mostrou Gaga de várias facetas, ao contrário desse que ela se conteve um pouco se mantendo nas cores rosa e roxo na maioria das vezes, e com clipes medianos como 'Stupid Love' e 'Rain On Me' com a Ariana Grande, entendo que o tempo de quarentena fez que não se pudesse lançar clipes, mas estes clipes em particular foram gravados antes, há pessoas que dizem que quando acabar a quarentena ela voltará a divulgar o álbum, mas impossível de saber.

    Sobre a estética foi algo House/Pop, algo que já está sucesso hoje em dia; eu entendo que o álbum foi algo que os fãs esperavam há um tempo mas poderia se jogar para o outro lado assim como ArtPop que teve rap, pop, edm, acústico, entre muito mais.
    Talvez gaga deva aprender a se jogar mais, mas sobretudo o álbum agradou a grande massa.
  2. May 30, 2020
    If this album had been from another artist, I would probably hadn’t given it so many chances to convince me, it is for sure a grower and not a shower. The great aspects are: 1.It is and incredebly cohesive record in terms of sound. 2. The interludes just are so well located and help the power of the following songs. 3.lyrics are really clevver. The lows: 1.lyrics or melodies are notIf this album had been from another artist, I would probably hadn’t given it so many chances to convince me, it is for sure a grower and not a shower. The great aspects are: 1.It is and incredebly cohesive record in terms of sound. 2. The interludes just are so well located and help the power of the following songs. 3.lyrics are really clevver. The lows: 1.lyrics or melodies are not appreciated because of the over-the-top production, production in fact ruined some beautiful songs. 2.I just didn’t connect to it, it’s kind of difficult to appreciate at first listen, I also couldn’t enjoy one song from begining to end, I always found some aspects that I was not sure about, and most of the times these are related either to the production or the robotic voices that Gaga loves inserting that sometimes just killed the vibes. Expand
  3. Aug 28, 2020
    Well I’m new into lady Gaga full experience and I really like it,she’s so amazing
  4. Sep 6, 2020
    嘎嘎小姐 的流行音乐复出令人失望,这张专辑被来宾盖过了阴影,宾客是Elton John,Ariana Grande和BLACKPINK。在我看来,这张专辑缺乏多样性,而且声音已经过时了,没有表现出的技能,而且她的人声也不是很好。我希望她能发布更好的音乐,而且将来听起来不会过时。
  5. Jul 11, 2022
    It's hard to see where Lady Gaga would go after the diseaster of 2016's Joanne, and she decided to go into full-fledged generic dance-pop tunes that not only feel duplicated, but feel unoriginal and uninspired. With some bangers, most songs feel like filler or are not good enough to dance to. "Sour Candy" sounds similar to "Alice" and "Fun Tonight", whilst "Rain on Me" and "Replay" justIt's hard to see where Lady Gaga would go after the diseaster of 2016's Joanne, and she decided to go into full-fledged generic dance-pop tunes that not only feel duplicated, but feel unoriginal and uninspired. With some bangers, most songs feel like filler or are not good enough to dance to. "Sour Candy" sounds similar to "Alice" and "Fun Tonight", whilst "Rain on Me" and "Replay" just sound like unreleased, but slightly reworked demos from The Fame. Expand
  6. May 29, 2020
    On this album, she wanted to show her absolute love for electronic dance music. The main themes revolve around the maintenance of mental health, healing of traumas, empowerment, reflections on her life and the search for happiness, despite the adversities. It's a much more digestible album than ARTPOP and Born This Way for the general public, but it still sounds repetitive on some tracksOn this album, she wanted to show her absolute love for electronic dance music. The main themes revolve around the maintenance of mental health, healing of traumas, empowerment, reflections on her life and the search for happiness, despite the adversities. It's a much more digestible album than ARTPOP and Born This Way for the general public, but it still sounds repetitive on some tracks and quite frantic and disjointed, but most of the songs are generally strong and varied. Expand
  7. May 30, 2020
    For more that I like Lady Gaga, Chromatica feels like a flat Ibiza show, some few good songs and well structured lyrics but rhythmically is seems produced by David Guetta
  8. May 29, 2020
    Es un álbum bastante normal pero es muy plástico, nada del otro mundo, el fanatismo ciega.
  9. May 29, 2020
    Un álbum meh, tiene canciones buenas y otras que suenan a más de lo mismo, es algo novedoso pero no termina de destacar
  10. May 30, 2020
    Lady Gaga finally did exactly what her fans wanted: a bland and generic pop album. It lacks the adventurous overblown songs of Artpop or the perfectly well crafted takes of The Fame Monster and Born This Way. It delivers something that isn't neither experimental or catchy enough. It's not a bad album, but we've learned to expect a lot more from Gaga. The early 2000s dance music influencesLady Gaga finally did exactly what her fans wanted: a bland and generic pop album. It lacks the adventurous overblown songs of Artpop or the perfectly well crafted takes of The Fame Monster and Born This Way. It delivers something that isn't neither experimental or catchy enough. It's not a bad album, but we've learned to expect a lot more from Gaga. The early 2000s dance music influences are a great idea that never really meets the right song to shine, making the album sound more outdated than fresh. It's also Gaga's least ambitious record, she really isn't trying anything new, it's the first time we can say she is playing totally safe, there isn't a great message or theme here, its just like a collection of songs to dace to, and the songs aren't even that good. Highlights are 911 and the Elton John collaboration Sine From Above, which hint to places she could have explored more, overall its a pretty forgettable album that will probably be left out of her catalog as soon as the next one arrives. Expand
  11. Aug 28, 2020
    I was hoping for some quality album like The Fame or Born This Way, but the only thing that I like was Rain On Me and the transition to 911.
  12. May 29, 2020
    Some interesting sounds but gaga get lost in all that synthetic And heavy production
  13. May 29, 2020
    This is a good and really cohesive album, but unfortunately with some flaws.
    First thing first - this whole album could be a runway soundtrack and this is incredible. Each song is sonically connected to each other, so listening to the whole album is a nice experience, and if you want to listen to the songs separately - that's also fine. Lyrically is a basic Gaga level. The club/disco /90s
    This is a good and really cohesive album, but unfortunately with some flaws.
    First thing first - this whole album could be a runway soundtrack and this is incredible. Each song is sonically connected to each other, so listening to the whole album is a nice experience, and if you want to listen to the songs separately - that's also fine. Lyrically is a basic Gaga level. The club/disco /90s vibe is really pleasing on the album.

    The heavy production otherwise is really... noisy and flat at some point. I caught myself listening to the album and "missing" some songs because they blend with each other. I also have a feeling that Gaga wanted to recreate Confessions on the dancefloor experience with this album and somehow she made it, but (as I said) in a flat way.

    + Cohesive album with really cool sound
    + Good album idea
    + Great collaborations with other artists
    + Rain On Me

    - Some tracks are overproduced
    - The cohesivity of this album makes it flat at some point (lack of standout tracks)
    - Lyrics
    - Stupid Love
  14. May 29, 2020
    The album has a few good songs, but the rest is very average. It sounds like a pop album from 2010. Nothing sounds very modern or feels like it’s pushing boundaries.
  15. May 29, 2020
    Sem dúvidas o álbum com menos identidade da cantora.
    Rain on me é a grande atração.
  16. May 29, 2020
    This is an average album. The songs are not bad but they're not memorable to me, few songs stood out to me at first but upon re-listening to them I lost interest. The best tracks are Alice, Enigma, plastic doll and sour candy, but I'm not in love with them. Imo the album lacks diversity, and the sound is pretty outdated and doesn't show gaga's skills, and her vocals weren't really good in it.
  17. Jun 1, 2020
    So many bots giving reviews on this site anymore. No way this many people found it to be a 10. Maybe it's all 16 or less year olds.. because the album is pretty generic. It's not "bad" but it sounds like so many other electronic albums and feels boring. Elton John sounded better with Ozzy.
  18. May 29, 2020
    eu definitivamente detesto esse tipo de som, provavelmente não vou ouvir esse álbum nunca mais
    mas não é ruim, não chegou a me ofender, tampouco a me agradar
    tópico Chromatica nem bom nem ruim
  19. May 29, 2020
    Chromatica feels like a dystopic reality we can only dream of because she didn't take us there.
    911 is the best track on this record.
  20. May 29, 2020
    Meh...I was hoping for a lot more. It isn’t bad but I’m not sure I ever need to hear these songs again.
  21. May 29, 2020
    Her most cohesive album to this day. Serving bops after bops after bops. Enigma, 1000 Doves, Babylon, Rain On Me, Fun Tonight are some of the her best songs.
  22. Jun 2, 2020
    I know gaga fans will downvote this with a passion but seriously, this is just your average bubble pop album. nothing fancy or groundbreaking here. I actually like mainstream/industry driven pop, but this album is not that good even compared to her previous albums. the best song is Alice in my opinion, and even that one is not well produced.

    if i want to summarize, another pop album
    I know gaga fans will downvote this with a passion but seriously, this is just your average bubble pop album. nothing fancy or groundbreaking here. I actually like mainstream/industry driven pop, but this album is not that good even compared to her previous albums. the best song is Alice in my opinion, and even that one is not well produced.

    if i want to summarize, another pop album that you have heard sth similar to it a million times already.
  23. May 29, 2020
    One of the best albums ever. Lady Gaga did a great job choosing incredible songs and incredible people like Elton John, Ariana Grande and BLACKPINK to sing with it.
  24. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nothing New! Repetitive, bunch of samples, not great vocals. The only good tracks are Sour Candy, 911 and the One with Elton Jhon. Expand
  25. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I never had insanely high hopes going into this record. But I had enjoyed the lead 3 singles, despite the clear change of sound Gaga was going for. The biggest highlight is Gaga’s vocals which continue to be her biggest strength. She’s a phenomenal singer that even with the overbearing EDM dance beats... her voice still hits all the ethereal beats she always has.

    Unfortunately this album didn’t quite capture the same magic as her last record “Joanne” which took her sound in a new direction.
    This one just bordered TOO HEAVILY on average dance pop.

    There ARE some songs that do stick the landing. Most of which in the former half of the album. Such as “Alice”, “Stupid Love”, and despite my disliking of Ariana Grande... “Rain On Me” is also a pretty powerful track.

    It’s sadly just those few tracks in the first half that fuel the album. The rest of it is either way too on the nose with symbolism, or fail to match the danceable power of the lead singles. Featuring 3 random orchestral interludes and a collaboration with Elton John that is honestly painful to listen to. Nothing about “Sine From Above” meshes well.

    Gaga is insanely talented. One of the greatest voices in modern pop music. But unfortunately this album was more like her worst album “ARTPOP (2013)” rather than “The Fame (2008)”.

    This album is a big disappointment, but it’s far from being the worst pop album put out during this pandemic, OR in recent years.

    This is a strong C+. Maybe a B– if I’m being generous.
  26. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tiene sonidos muy repetitivos, y tiene varias canciones de relleno, no es lo mejor, pero tampoco lo peor Expand
  27. May 29, 2020
    Lady Gaga's new album "failed", so to speak, at certain points in her repertoire. Each song has several gradients, especially in the pre-chorus, which makes you more and more tired of what you hear and distorts the mood of the songs. In addition, the album does not seem to have sought the real concept of the theme of its album, when reading the name and seeing the cover, if you imagineLady Gaga's new album "failed", so to speak, at certain points in her repertoire. Each song has several gradients, especially in the pre-chorus, which makes you more and more tired of what you hear and distorts the mood of the songs. In addition, the album does not seem to have sought the real concept of the theme of its album, when reading the name and seeing the cover, if you imagine something different from what the singer provides. Lady Gaga seems to have decided to return to popular music, but there was so much information in the songs that it is not known exactly what she wanted to show. Expand
  28. May 29, 2020
    El álbum en cierta parte es algo malo ya que las canciones son algo repetitivas y simples. El álbum carece de estilo propio y originalidad, el álbum en general es malo ya que la mayoría de las canciones no están buenas, la letra es simple y el significado de las canciones ya es algo repetitivo de lo que Gaga viene haciendo desde hace mucho tiempo. Hay muchos plagios de varias canciones,El álbum en cierta parte es algo malo ya que las canciones son algo repetitivas y simples. El álbum carece de estilo propio y originalidad, el álbum en general es malo ya que la mayoría de las canciones no están buenas, la letra es simple y el significado de las canciones ya es algo repetitivo de lo que Gaga viene haciendo desde hace mucho tiempo. Hay muchos plagios de varias canciones, en especial la canción babylon que es un plagio exacto de Vogue de Madonna. Que descaro! Expand
  29. May 29, 2020
    Good album, but I was expecting to see more of the Gaga that gave me shivers during her performance of Elton John's Your Song. She's the complete 21st century artist and I was hoping she could express that better here, with more concept to wrap the whole thing and more interesting music. I still have to read the lyrics to find what are the themes behind the album as a whole but apart fromGood album, but I was expecting to see more of the Gaga that gave me shivers during her performance of Elton John's Your Song. She's the complete 21st century artist and I was hoping she could express that better here, with more concept to wrap the whole thing and more interesting music. I still have to read the lyrics to find what are the themes behind the album as a whole but apart from "Plastic Doll" and "Stupid Love" and the chorus on "Replay", which provide some interesting musical variations, as a whole the album is just generic dance/house music you can play at a club, with simple melodies and harmony and overly repetitive choruses (especially on "Enigma" and "Rain On Me"). The synthesis of pop music. The 80s/90s disco theme is intentional, of course, and makes her fan base happy. I've been told it's "an album to dance to", and it is. But it's just that.

    Bom álbum, mas eu estava com a expectativa de ver mais da Gaga que me arrepiou ao tocar Your Song pro Elton John. Ela é a artista completa do século 21 e eu tava esperando ela expressar seu talento melhor nesse álbum, com mais conceito para amarrar tudo e músicas mais interessantes. Eu ainda tenho que ler as letras mas, com raras exceções (como "Plastic Doll", "Stupid Love" e "Replay", que ainda apresentam algumas variações musicais interessantes), trata-se de um pop/dance/house genérico que você poderia deixar tocando em qualquer balada ou academia, com melodias simples, nenhum desenvolvimento harmônico e refrões extremamente repetitivos (especialmente em "Enigma" e em "Rain On Me"). Um álbum que é a síntese perfeita da música pop, sem nenhuma inovação. A linguagem disco dos anos 80/90 é intencional, sem dúvida, e deixa a fanbase feliz. Me disseram que é um "álbum para se dançar" e eu concordo. Mas é só um álbum para se dançar.
  30. May 30, 2020
    Mehhhh I literary expected more from her but not her best record, of course this album will get many grammys nomination only because is Gaga not because actually deserves it.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.