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  1. Jul 28, 2023
    Lady Gaga trouxe um album com um conceito legal e com a criação do universo 'Chromatica', com bastante EDM e música pop.

    Pontos Positivos: a colaboração com Ariana Grande em "Rain On Me" e com Elton John em "Sine From Above", o pop em sua melhor forma em "Enigma", "Replay" e "Babylon". Pontos Negativos: músicas bastante genéricas e inferiores como "Alice", "Free Woman", "Plastic
    Lady Gaga trouxe um album com um conceito legal e com a criação do universo 'Chromatica', com bastante EDM e música pop.

    Pontos Positivos: a colaboração com Ariana Grande em "Rain On Me" e com Elton John em "Sine From Above", o pop em sua melhor forma em "Enigma", "Replay" e "Babylon".

    Pontos Negativos: músicas bastante genéricas e inferiores como "Alice", "Free Woman", "Plastic Doll", "911" e "Sour Candy", as interludes que não acrescentaram nada no album, apenas uma tentativa de fazer algo conceitual e artístico.
  2. Aug 21, 2022
    my queen, why did you give us this trash! i only enjoy Rain on Me. so sad next album should be full anthem
  3. Jul 11, 2022
    It's hard to see where Lady Gaga would go after the diseaster of 2016's Joanne, and she decided to go into full-fledged generic dance-pop tunes that not only feel duplicated, but feel unoriginal and uninspired. With some bangers, most songs feel like filler or are not good enough to dance to. "Sour Candy" sounds similar to "Alice" and "Fun Tonight", whilst "Rain on Me" and "Replay" justIt's hard to see where Lady Gaga would go after the diseaster of 2016's Joanne, and she decided to go into full-fledged generic dance-pop tunes that not only feel duplicated, but feel unoriginal and uninspired. With some bangers, most songs feel like filler or are not good enough to dance to. "Sour Candy" sounds similar to "Alice" and "Fun Tonight", whilst "Rain on Me" and "Replay" just sound like unreleased, but slightly reworked demos from The Fame. Expand
  4. May 16, 2022
    não é ruim, apenas mediano. A maioria das músicas é esquecível.

    melhores músicas: 911, sour candy, enigma
  5. Nov 20, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. "Awful, "unmelodic", outdated, uneasy to listen to, repetitive, doesn't capture the charm of the original version. Easily one of the worst albums released this year"
    —Evanesims, 2021

    Yeah, agreed. I probably prefer white noise from Sine From Above and Alice, plus the overall silence after playing the whole album resonates how its just made for art and not to be listened to again.
  6. Nov 13, 2021
    There are some good songs here & there, but, overall, they all sound the same. The tracks are generic, nothing that hasn’t been heard before. It is, although, a cohesive body of work.
  7. Sep 22, 2021
    It lives up to expectations. Chromatica II / 911 transition alone. Alice, Replay, Rain On Me, Sour Candy, Babylon just straight up bangers. She deserved better.
  8. Apr 16, 2021
    At the moment, Lady Gaga's latest album has not been as successful as it used to be. The songs are similar, so repulsive. Relatively good singles are "911" (+Chromatica II,a historical transition between tracks), possibly "Stupid Love" and "Sine From Above". The rest are not particularly catchy(even "Rain on Me", where everything seems to be fine,but the combination of poems by Lady GagaAt the moment, Lady Gaga's latest album has not been as successful as it used to be. The songs are similar, so repulsive. Relatively good singles are "911" (+Chromatica II,a historical transition between tracks), possibly "Stupid Love" and "Sine From Above". The rest are not particularly catchy(even "Rain on Me", where everything seems to be fine,but the combination of poems by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande is not very suitable). Expand
  9. Mar 20, 2021
    I love Lady Gaga that is why I am rating this generously at 4. The album felt forced. It felt like after her previous work of "Joanne" and "A star is born" she wanted to reclaim her roots so she made this album to remind you that she is still that same Lady Gaga. The arrangement wasn't that good. There were song that I was waiting for the bass drop but it never came at the right time. SomeI love Lady Gaga that is why I am rating this generously at 4. The album felt forced. It felt like after her previous work of "Joanne" and "A star is born" she wanted to reclaim her roots so she made this album to remind you that she is still that same Lady Gaga. The arrangement wasn't that good. There were song that I was waiting for the bass drop but it never came at the right time. Some of the songs was built up but landed no where. In all this is not my favorite work of Lady Gaga Expand
  10. Dec 27, 2020
    O que falar desse álbum? Bom... de início podemos dizer que é um grito de desespero por charts. Por que? Simplesmente por ter feat com a Ariana Grande que atualmente está huge, e também com o girlgroup BLACKPINK que todos sabem que é o maior da atualidade. Lady Gaga também traz nesse álbum uma sonoridade pop/edm que após ouvir umas 3 faixas você já saturou. Nada de inovação, só mais doO que falar desse álbum? Bom... de início podemos dizer que é um grito de desespero por charts. Por que? Simplesmente por ter feat com a Ariana Grande que atualmente está huge, e também com o girlgroup BLACKPINK que todos sabem que é o maior da atualidade. Lady Gaga também traz nesse álbum uma sonoridade pop/edm que após ouvir umas 3 faixas você já saturou. Nada de inovação, só mais do mesmo que ela lançou há cerca de uma década. Expand
  11. Dec 18, 2020
    her worst album. i **** hate gay little monsters they keep ruining gaga's career
  12. Dec 11, 2020
    These are tracks that are built for individual consumption across a myriad of online platforms, so the composition of the album perhaps lessens in importance. There’s a lot of redeeming qualities to the tracks, but it’s a patchwork job more often than not. «Chromatica»’s main flaw lies in its indecisiveness. It has its moments, but it isn't an album to play on repeat.
  13. Dec 9, 2020
    Me encantan los ritmos que posee, lástima que todo el disco se escuche igual, bueno pero plano.
  14. Dec 4, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Had to wait till today to figure out how i feel about this album. I think it`s a solid work, but not her best. Kinda disappointed with sour candy, I love blackpink so I was excited to listen to that one song in specific, but it was super bland. My favorite songs are Chromatica II, 911, babylon and sine from above. Expand
  15. Dec 1, 2020
    Chromatica is a cohesive, beautiful body of work, Gaga served on this album both vocally and lyrically. It isn't a weak record, however, the production on it feels a bit outdated, generic and sometimes repetitive, I strongly believe, that Chromatica could've been one of the best albums released this year if Lady Gaga had used better instrumentation, the album aged a bit quicker than herChromatica is a cohesive, beautiful body of work, Gaga served on this album both vocally and lyrically. It isn't a weak record, however, the production on it feels a bit outdated, generic and sometimes repetitive, I strongly believe, that Chromatica could've been one of the best albums released this year if Lady Gaga had used better instrumentation, the album aged a bit quicker than her other albums and it has very few tracks that can still be listenable, 6 months after the album. But although having its flows, I have to admit that it is her most cohesive album so far, her most personal one as well as her album with some of her best tracks ever such as Alice, a beautiful song about searching for happiness despite going through dark times and wanting to give up, the amazing dance pop "Rain on me" with ariana grande, in which both pop divas sing about healing from their past trauma and "sour candy" with Blackpink. Overall, Chromatica is a cute cohesive album, it could've been way better with a different production team maybe. Expand
  16. Nov 29, 2020
    Contrary to fans who would rate a fart by Lady Gaga as a 10, this album is yet another disappointment and possibly proof that she's out of (original) ideas. Treated/Auto-Tuned vocals? Check. Generic beats? Check. Even when her voice sounds committed (which can't be mustered for an entire song now, it seems), the music is mostly faceless, heard hundreds of times already from wannabeContrary to fans who would rate a fart by Lady Gaga as a 10, this album is yet another disappointment and possibly proof that she's out of (original) ideas. Treated/Auto-Tuned vocals? Check. Generic beats? Check. Even when her voice sounds committed (which can't be mustered for an entire song now, it seems), the music is mostly faceless, heard hundreds of times already from wannabe one-name divas who are only heard on the occasional dancefloor in perhaps Kansas by now. Vocal choices are unfortunate - Gaga's lower register is more nasal than ever, and if "Chromatica" proves one thing, it's that Gaga should never do rap or spoken-word; the results of those choices are the low point here. An Elton John cameo is what, 30 years too late to matter, and what's the point of Ariana Grande showing up if she doesn't add anything that Gaga couldn't have done herself? One may not be able to blame Gaga for wanting to get back to what sells after the one-two uuuuggghhh of "Artpop" and "Joanne", but as far as meeting the artistic bar she set for herself with "Born This Way", arguable plagiarism aside, she falls far short in both energy and execution. In some cases she can't even figure out how to end a song, so they just....stop. As, it seems, has she. She'll still sell to the faithful when she's 90, but if she was born this way it's cause for alarm, not celebration. It's not a good sign that the freshest sounds on a singer's dance album are in two short orchestral instrumental interludes. Even the cover could have been outdone by Dale Bozzio in her sleep, and about 80 percent of Gaga's fans are more interesting than this album. At least she didn't use R. Kelly. Expand
  17. Nov 22, 2020
    gaga you did thatt!!! but im not gonna lie i expected something bigger like bad romance type of songs but im not angryyy. i love how cohesive this album was and the lyrics were beautiful but production idk about that:/ overall it’s a good album
    Faves: Alice, Free Woman, Enigma, Sour Candy
    Least Faves: 911, Fun Tonight, Replay, Plastic Doll
  18. Nov 15, 2020
    a good album but sadly it is only that, it is not necessary to explain more although it has good collaborations and good sounds it stays in that, well going towards a regular album and we are talking about lady gaga
  19. Nov 10, 2020
    Loved the album just wished she remembered that she's released a new album, She focusing on other things than something she's been working on for a few years.
  20. Nov 6, 2020
    Chromatica isn't bad per say, but why listen to almost an hour of a not so great album when you can listen to joanne or artpop? Mostly skips, two or smth highlights
  21. Oct 30, 2020
    I don't even know why is this considered one of her best albums, even Joanne is better. First half sounds like basic recycled sounds from the 90s and early 10s. Second half gets better at least.
  22. Oct 30, 2020
    Though this album wasn't all that great but there are some shining moments in her album. She could've done a bit more and maybe replaced 3-4 songs then it would've been a solid 8 for me.
  23. Oct 6, 2020
    At first I was overwhelmed by the production, not really my cup of tea I find that most songs sound like remixes because so much is happening in the production but some ongs are starting to grow on me
  24. Oct 1, 2020
    Gaga's worst album.

    the songs are mainly very fun and danceable, some of them are bops even but this production is SO mediocre.... half of the songs sound alike. they sound produced by a white 20 year old coachella dj.... its the same generic dancehall beat and then the beat drops and gaga’s screaming something. it’s tiring and eventually gets really boring and hardens the task of
    Gaga's worst album.

    the songs are mainly very fun and danceable, some of them are bops even but this production is SO mediocre.... half of the songs sound alike. they sound produced by a white 20 year old coachella dj.... its the same generic dancehall beat and then the beat drops and gaga’s screaming something. it’s tiring and eventually gets really boring and hardens the task of listening to the whole album tbh.

    the interludes and rain on me have good productions but the rest.....

    really hope she can go back to the artpop days.... or even the joanne era. both albums were ACTUALLY really good and don’t sound like this generic dancehall mainstream trash pop.....

    fav: replay
    least fav: sour candy, sine from above, enigma, 1000 doves
  25. Sep 6, 2020
    嘎嘎小姐 的流行音乐复出令人失望,这张专辑被来宾盖过了阴影,宾客是Elton John,Ariana Grande和BLACKPINK。在我看来,这张专辑缺乏多样性,而且声音已经过时了,没有表现出的技能,而且她的人声也不是很好。我希望她能发布更好的音乐,而且将来听起来不会过时。
  26. Sep 1, 2020
    lady gaga puedo hacerlo mejor. chromatica tiene uno de los mejores conceptos y estética de toda su carrera, pero las canciones se sienten como si alguien hubiera hecho ctrl+c y ctrl+v. todas las canciones tienen la misma base y estructura, fuera de los singles no hay una que destaque, todas se escuchan casi igual (a excepción de babylon, esa es una muy, MUY buena canción). mis cancioneslady gaga puedo hacerlo mejor. chromatica tiene uno de los mejores conceptos y estética de toda su carrera, pero las canciones se sienten como si alguien hubiera hecho ctrl+c y ctrl+v. todas las canciones tienen la misma base y estructura, fuera de los singles no hay una que destaque, todas se escuchan casi igual (a excepción de babylon, esa es una muy, MUY buena canción). mis canciones favoritas son babylon y 911 Expand
  27. Sep 1, 2020
    Finally Lady Gaga managed to bring back an album with lots of references to dance pop and electronic pop, however, even with pleasant sounds to hear, I thought that the songs on the album are almost twins! Always with the same beats, which in my opinion, left the album tiring to listen to.
    Some songs also didn't elevate me to a higher level, "free woman" for example, is a song that starts
    Finally Lady Gaga managed to bring back an album with lots of references to dance pop and electronic pop, however, even with pleasant sounds to hear, I thought that the songs on the album are almost twins! Always with the same beats, which in my opinion, left the album tiring to listen to.
    Some songs also didn't elevate me to a higher level, "free woman" for example, is a song that starts to feel good but never gets there and at the end of the song when she is one step closer to taking me to the heights, the song ends.
    However, even with these negative points, the album was cohesive and with sincere and transparent lyrics. For example: Rain on Me, where Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande talk about all the emotional and physical pain they went through during their final years of career.
    In short: Chromatica is a cool and innovative album by Lady Gaga, but I expected more from this "new era"
  28. Aug 31, 2020
    Seguindo uma linha tênue entre electro pop e house music, Lady Gaga oferece mais um pouco do mesmo de sempre.
    Em seu sexto álbum de estúdio entitulado de 'Chromatica', Lady Gaga mais uma vez mergulha na raiz de seu estilo musical primário (Electro Music), responsável pelo seu primordial sucesso no 'The Fame', porém com influências house music, estilo já apresentado por Madonna nos anos 90
    Seguindo uma linha tênue entre electro pop e house music, Lady Gaga oferece mais um pouco do mesmo de sempre.
    Em seu sexto álbum de estúdio entitulado de 'Chromatica', Lady Gaga mais uma vez mergulha na raiz de seu estilo musical primário (Electro Music), responsável pelo seu primordial sucesso no 'The Fame', porém com influências house music, estilo já apresentado por Madonna nos anos 90 em sua icônica e atemporal 'Vogue', mas Gaga parece insistir em uma sonoridade datada, chinfrim e básica. De fato, em seu mais novo álbum, a cantora expressa que o mesmo foi responsável por sua cura espiritual, podendo até mesmo ter sido o agente motivador da sua melhora no seu curioso caso de depressão, mas por sorte não podemos dizer o mesmo dos ouvidos de quem o ouve. Chromatica revela uma fase persistente de Lady Gaga e a sua incapacidade de superar seu tão cobiçado e aclamado auge artístico em 2009. Em contra partida, a interprete de 'Bad Romance' entrega boates de cunho experimental em 'Sine From Above', que mesmo com a presença de 12 compositores para realizar tal façanha, possui batidas frenéticas, eletrizantes e contagiantes. Em 2018, Lady Gaga mergulhou na graça das radios contemporâneas com seu hit 'Shallow' e o aclamado/premiado 'A Star Is Born', o que poderia ter iniciado uma fase totalmente madura e ponderada, mas ao que parece, tal sucesso não foi o suficiente para fazer Gaga sair de sua bolha eletrônica, mas como a própria cantora diz 'Faça pelos gays', mas é uma pena que os mesmos não fariam tal sacrifício por ela. Desse modo, 'Chromatica' é uma aposta, uma aposta falha e repetitiva.
  29. Aug 30, 2020
    Un disco ni malo ni bueno a mi criterio. Podríamos hablar de algo mejor. Como singles único salvado gracias a ariana grande Rain on me. Situación que no me es grata la canción, para tema os Fun tonight y 911.
  30. Aug 29, 2020
    This is not the album I expected from her. I'm sorry Gaga, but this album ain't it.
  31. Aug 29, 2020
    Não é um album ruim, mas chega a ser enjoativo depois de umas três vezes que voc ouve, mais do mesmo.
  32. Aug 29, 2020
    Love Gaga but this record was not it for me. The collabs saved the album. Cant wait for her next project
  33. Aug 29, 2020
    Me encantan todas las canciones, sonidos dance retro y la voz de Gaga espectacular. Detrás de cada canción hay un track instrumental y el salto hace que las dos canciones vayan de la mano. Los duetos muy buenos y los videos del album ni se digan.
    Me encanta
  34. Aug 29, 2020
    Es un álbum bonito pero solo 4 canciones son buenas el resto no me gustaron me parece un álbum que podría haber sido mejor. en sus sonidos y letras le falto
  35. Aug 29, 2020
    Chromatica is good album, but not her best. Tired of listening in a month. Stupid Love is my favourite
  36. Aug 29, 2020
    I didn’t know what to not pay attention to it was a whole mess but it has some really nice songs such as Babylon and rain on me.
  37. Aug 29, 2020
    One of her best albums. I love every track. This album has really lift me up when I’m down. The collaboration are perfect in this album. I can’t wait to hear this album live.
  38. Aug 29, 2020
    her voice is awful, i wonder why this album get high review, but i think it get higher because of her famous collaborator
  39. Aug 28, 2020
    Ngl I don't get the hype for this album. I have given it multiple listens but except the 4 songs released as singles, I can't even bear to hear the rest. The lyrical quality is also not there. Just another Gaga album grossly overhyped by her fans. Give it a listen and you will know.
  40. Aug 28, 2020
    Well I’m new into lady Gaga full experience and I really like it,she’s so amazing
  41. Aug 28, 2020
    Con éste álbum sólo nos vino a dar lo mismo de siempre, con sonidos repetitivos una vez más
  42. Aug 28, 2020
    I was hoping for some quality album like The Fame or Born This Way, but the only thing that I like was Rain On Me and the transition to 911.
  43. Aug 28, 2020
    I love this álbum.. It's a Masterpiece
    I was wainting for an album like this..
  44. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is really nothing impressive. Just put a cool cover, and aestethich title, intros/interludes mixed with some tracks and the fan will be "whoa, masterpiece" but sorry Gaga, I'm not like this. It just seem like some djs put some beat and she gave them their voice. Lyrics are boring and repetetive, her voice is also kinda strange sometimes (like in the chorus of 911) and someThis album is really nothing impressive. Just put a cool cover, and aestethich title, intros/interludes mixed with some tracks and the fan will be "whoa, masterpiece" but sorry Gaga, I'm not like this. It just seem like some djs put some beat and she gave them their voice. Lyrics are boring and repetetive, her voice is also kinda strange sometimes (like in the chorus of 911) and some tracks feel like they're from 2013-2014 like 1000 doves or free woman. There are a few outstanding tracks. such as the hit Rain on Me, Alice and Replay and Sour Candy, but for the rest the album would be done by anybody else out there. So impersonal. Also 15 full-dance songs are just too much. Expand
  45. Aug 28, 2020
    Es un álbum agradable, sin embargo Lady Gaga retrocede dos pasos después de Star Is a Born, después de darnos dos albums maduros, regresa a sus inicios de una manera un poco más perdida en un intento de regresar a la gloria, sin embargo no quita el hecho de que Fun Tonight y Sour Candy son canciones realmente agradables.
  46. Aug 28, 2020
    An okayish album, not special or spectacular. Kinda basic and generic. No real ups though. A typical ringtone album, every song is the same...

    Top 3: 911, 1000 Doves, Alice
  47. Aug 28, 2020
    This album has very promising aesthetics and some very good songs. Sadly, I felt like it was overproduced way too many times. All the songs started very promising, with good melodies and great build up, just to leave us with the feeling that the potential was not fully explored. The chorus in most songs, even though they can still be catchy, they lacked something and she would do somethingThis album has very promising aesthetics and some very good songs. Sadly, I felt like it was overproduced way too many times. All the songs started very promising, with good melodies and great build up, just to leave us with the feeling that the potential was not fully explored. The chorus in most songs, even though they can still be catchy, they lacked something and she would do something off with the melodies or some weird production choice that kind of ruinned the flow of many songs to me.

    It could be the perfect pop comeback, but things were overdone. It's still a good album one can definitely vibe with.
  48. Aug 28, 2020
    Gaga is trying to get back to her dance-pop roots here. Lyrically, it's good. Sonically, I'm not a big fan of it. I feel like I've heard most of the productions on the last part. I had mixed feelings about this album.

    TOP PICKS: Alice; Free Woman; and Babylon
  49. Jun 2, 2020
    Se nota en los samples la influencia por no decir plagio de otras canciones además que la mayoría de los coros son repetitivos
  50. Aug 28, 2020
    na minha opiniao, é o pior album solo dela, esse album é muito datado pro nivel da gaga, bem chato, o lead single "stupid love" ja nasceu saturado, so 1000 doves (normal e piano), love me right (musica da target) e alice se salvam
  51. Aug 28, 2020
    El 2020 necesita música llena de esperanza y de amor, y este álbum es solo para vender
  52. Aug 28, 2020
    Um álbum pop muito bom, porém enjoativas repetições em suas músicas, com melodias parecida
  53. Aug 26, 2020
    Interesante volver a ver a Lady Gaga y sentir su música como la década pasada, no obstante la necesidad de vigencia al tratar de reunir a varios exponentes dentro de un solo disco es tan decepcionante, teniendo tanto poder en Mujer Libre, Babilonia, Estúpido Amor y Llueve sobre mi, nos ha otorgado grandes canciones para mantener la cuarentena y esperar salir de ella de una mejor manera.
  54. Aug 6, 2020
    love it but it aged a little bit, artpop remains superior we been knew
  55. Aug 4, 2020
    Gaga sempre se mostrou uma cantora que se reinventa através do passar dos anos, vemos Chromatica como um mundo de tribos, que cada um tem a sua, e um mundo que as diferenças não existem.
    Destaques para as faixas como 'Alice', 'Rain On Me' e 'Babylon', uma das minhas preferidas mas posso dizer que as faixas me pareceram curtas demais, do antigo pop no álbum 'ArtPop', vimos muita
    Gaga sempre se mostrou uma cantora que se reinventa através do passar dos anos, vemos Chromatica como um mundo de tribos, que cada um tem a sua, e um mundo que as diferenças não existem.
    Destaques para as faixas como 'Alice', 'Rain On Me' e 'Babylon', uma das minhas preferidas mas posso dizer que as faixas me pareceram curtas demais, do antigo pop no álbum 'ArtPop', vimos muita versatilidade mesmo que não foi um grande sucesso, mostrou Gaga de várias facetas, ao contrário desse que ela se conteve um pouco se mantendo nas cores rosa e roxo na maioria das vezes, e com clipes medianos como 'Stupid Love' e 'Rain On Me' com a Ariana Grande, entendo que o tempo de quarentena fez que não se pudesse lançar clipes, mas estes clipes em particular foram gravados antes, há pessoas que dizem que quando acabar a quarentena ela voltará a divulgar o álbum, mas impossível de saber.

    Sobre a estética foi algo House/Pop, algo que já está sucesso hoje em dia; eu entendo que o álbum foi algo que os fãs esperavam há um tempo mas poderia se jogar para o outro lado assim como ArtPop que teve rap, pop, edm, acústico, entre muito mais.
    Talvez gaga deva aprender a se jogar mais, mas sobretudo o álbum agradou a grande massa.
  56. Jul 27, 2020
    It's a good album with good sound, but i can't see the true power of Gaga such as The fame or The Fame Monster.
  57. Jul 25, 2020
    I long for the times when pop artists could sustain an album with their pure talent and without guests.
  58. May 29, 2020
    parece um álbum de remix, esperava mais do retorno da gaga pro pop, as farofas são boas mas o resto é esquecível
  59. Jul 24, 2020
    It's well, i loved the transitions (Chromatica 1- Alice, Chromatica 2- 911). But a lot of songs are a copy, "Babylon" sounds like "Vougue" by Madonna, "Enigma" sounds like "Hallucinate" by Dua Lipa, even the transition on "Chromatica 2" - "911" sounds like "Baby Shark". We heard ArtPop again.
  60. Jul 24, 2020
    As músicas são dançantes, mas todas se parecem. Sendo um loop em cromática.
  61. Jul 24, 2020
    Tutte le canzoni sembrano la stessa, si può parlare di album coeso certamente, ma solo perché sembrano tutte la stessa cosa. L’album si salva solo per i featuring, se fosse stato un solo album sarebbe finito nel dimenticatoio come Joanne e artpop.
  62. Jul 24, 2020
    Kind of Boring. Her previous work was much better. I ws expecting much more.
  63. Jul 11, 2020
    I wanted to love this album but I can’t help to feel slightly disappointed with it. After unforgettable hits that took the world by storm around 2010, I expected a 2020 Lady Gaga album to be something unimaginably amazing. Instead we got some easy to forget, similar-sounding good songs with generic electronic pop sounds in the background. Her voice is beautiful, the songs are well written,I wanted to love this album but I can’t help to feel slightly disappointed with it. After unforgettable hits that took the world by storm around 2010, I expected a 2020 Lady Gaga album to be something unimaginably amazing. Instead we got some easy to forget, similar-sounding good songs with generic electronic pop sounds in the background. Her voice is beautiful, the songs are well written, but the production is uninspired. Some people claim it’s “a return to old Lady Gaga” but the soul of the album is nothing alike, for better or worse. All of her most-successful older songs have that magic of making you feel powerful, bad-ass, sassy, and make you want to dance to them. Sadly, after hours and hours of listening, I don’t get any of these feelings from Chromatica, no matter how hard I try. Expand
  64. Jun 24, 2020
    I unstanned Gaga in 2014 when she got too boring for me. A jazz album, a country album, a generic buzz single and a mediocre soundtrack album didn’t interest me that much. I was waiting for her to return to her dance pop roots and that’s what she did with "Chromatica". Unfortunately, the results don’t impress me much at all. If you leave out the three (amazing) interludes I like half ofI unstanned Gaga in 2014 when she got too boring for me. A jazz album, a country album, a generic buzz single and a mediocre soundtrack album didn’t interest me that much. I was waiting for her to return to her dance pop roots and that’s what she did with "Chromatica". Unfortunately, the results don’t impress me much at all. If you leave out the three (amazing) interludes I like half of the album. Six to be exact; "Alice", "Stupid Love", "911", "Sour Candy", "Sine From Above" and "Babylon". "Stupid Love" sounded messy and dated at first but it grew on me and now it’s fun. "911" is the only song that immediately clicked with me. I love the dark pop sound and the deep lyrics. It reminds me of her best album "The Fame Monster" (2009). "Babylon" is a nice fun track but it reminds me a lot of Madonna's "Vogue". A LOT. "Sine From Above" could’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for that awful outro and the 2013 EDM dance breaks. The rest of the song is so beautiful. The other half of the ain’t it. "Free Woman" sounds generic as hell, literally nothing is happening in "1000 Doves", "Plastic Doll" and "Replay" are okay but nothing special and kinda dated, "Enigma" is so 2014 and I don’t even know what that dated mess "Fun Tonight" is. "Rain On Me" didn’t impress me either and it wouldn’t have been such a big hit without Ariana Grande. Very mediocre. Overall, this album is probably my least favorite of hers. I thought her return to dance pop would be great but it’s a disappointment. Half of the songs sound dated and uninspired. Even in the songs that I like there are parts that mess them up a bit. It's not terrible but terribly dated. "Chromatica" is only an okay album even though its concept (and artwork) could’ve made it great. Too bad. Favorites: 911, Sine From Above, Alice & Stupid Love Expand
  65. Jun 24, 2020
    Creí que este iba a ser el primer álbum que me gustaría de Gaga, pero no es así, si acaso solo resaltaron 4 canciones que escucharía una y otra vez.
  66. Jun 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Muy básico, parece que tomo canciones de otros artistas y las cambio a su manera. Expand
  67. Jun 6, 2020
    DANCE MUSIC BY NUMBERS. We've heard it all before, we've heard it all before
  68. Jun 5, 2020
    She’s obviously taken note on the mis-step that was Joanne, and taken it all in a different direction (leaning more towards the BTW and AP era’s) and while there are a few decent tracks, there’s no stand out memorable ‘bops’. It’s sad, not only because we waited so long for this but also because I still know GaGa can do so much better than this. She’s capable of great things, Chromatica isShe’s obviously taken note on the mis-step that was Joanne, and taken it all in a different direction (leaning more towards the BTW and AP era’s) and while there are a few decent tracks, there’s no stand out memorable ‘bops’. It’s sad, not only because we waited so long for this but also because I still know GaGa can do so much better than this. She’s capable of great things, Chromatica is mediocre at best. Which is what makes her next chosen step all the more interesting. Expand
  69. Jun 3, 2020
    Es un álbum medianamente bueno, aunque algunas canciones suenan igual y me hace pensar que es un reciclado de Artpop.
  70. Jun 3, 2020
    I live for Gaga and honestly I dont see the hype...I am highly disappointed in this...I read a critic review saying she sounds like "she knows who she is"..that's how I felt on the Born this Way album. But with this, it feels like she is lost in the dessert that she ran off to in Perfect Illusion and cant find her way back...(lost in the industry that is)...This album sounds highlyI live for Gaga and honestly I dont see the hype...I am highly disappointed in this...I read a critic review saying she sounds like "she knows who she is"..that's how I felt on the Born this Way album. But with this, it feels like she is lost in the dessert that she ran off to in Perfect Illusion and cant find her way back...(lost in the industry that is)...This album sounds highly manufactured to appeal to a general audience and not the "true" monsters..Not a terrible album to say the least, far from her best though. Expand
  71. Jun 3, 2020
    Its bad to make expectations about this album; Replay and Fun Tonight are the best songs on this album, i describe this album as a very well produced album, but talking about lyrics, this album is the worst by Gaga. Sour candy should be large, it did not deserved only 2:37
  72. Jun 3, 2020
    I guess the production of this album is somethibg to look at, influenced by EDM and House music, drinking from Gaga's first records. At the same time, lyrically, Chromatica stands far from Joanne, Born this Way and even A Star is Born. The songs at the same time, sound repetitive and with the same structure. Hope this formula do not get old that quickly.
  73. Jun 3, 2020
    This one is a grower. I was ready to give it a 3, but after a couple more listens I understand that there's a really good album in this. The concept is great and the lyrics are quite good too (even though there are some songs with lazy writing). But too bad the album is kinda overshadowed by the generic production that makes me less attentive of what she's trying to say.
  74. Jun 2, 2020
    Ni bueno ni malo, gaga vuelve con sonidos repetitivos y nada nuevo o que revoluciona. Regreso a su género antiguo porque cuando intento experimentar paso desapercibida igualmente
  75. Jun 2, 2020
    Chromatica is a dream come true to anyone that loves dancing records. There is a lot of beats to really get down on the dance floor with. However, the lyrics aren’t as strong as some of her previous works and I personally don’t think this is a good follow up to Joanne. Lady Gaga had a vision and she went ahead and executed what she had in mind, which is why I can’t call this record a missChromatica is a dream come true to anyone that loves dancing records. There is a lot of beats to really get down on the dance floor with. However, the lyrics aren’t as strong as some of her previous works and I personally don’t think this is a good follow up to Joanne. Lady Gaga had a vision and she went ahead and executed what she had in mind, which is why I can’t call this record a miss either. She just delivered a project that has a specific demographic and a lot of the more mature fans/listeners probably won’t be over the moon with this record. Expand
  76. Jun 2, 2020
    I know gaga fans will downvote this with a passion but seriously, this is just your average bubble pop album. nothing fancy or groundbreaking here. I actually like mainstream/industry driven pop, but this album is not that good even compared to her previous albums. the best song is Alice in my opinion, and even that one is not well produced.

    if i want to summarize, another pop album
    I know gaga fans will downvote this with a passion but seriously, this is just your average bubble pop album. nothing fancy or groundbreaking here. I actually like mainstream/industry driven pop, but this album is not that good even compared to her previous albums. the best song is Alice in my opinion, and even that one is not well produced.

    if i want to summarize, another pop album that you have heard sth similar to it a million times already.
  77. Jun 1, 2020
    Muy bien liricalmente hablando. Pero el álbum es una mezcla confusa de pop disco con un toque melancolía que no logra encajar completamente. Rain on me >>>>>
  78. Jun 1, 2020
    Dentro de sus mejores discos pero no innova, ni propone algo distinto a lo que ya está sonando en el pop y que muchos ya hicieron.
  79. Jun 1, 2020
    So many bots giving reviews on this site anymore. No way this many people found it to be a 10. Maybe it's all 16 or less year olds.. because the album is pretty generic. It's not "bad" but it sounds like so many other electronic albums and feels boring. Elton John sounded better with Ozzy.
  80. Jun 1, 2020
    it just feels like it’s the same track from beginning to end, it isn’t that enjoyable and pretty forgettable.
  81. Jun 1, 2020
    Chromatica is a nice dance-pop album with a lot of disco influence to it. Highlights are songs between Chromatica II and III which are more defined and stable. It's harder now to identify Lady Gaga's style because she seemed trying so hard to blend in with the current and not being the trailblazer as she did with her first three albums.
  82. May 31, 2020
    From “The Fame” to “Artpop”, Lady Gaga’s lane was pioneered and had a clear vision. “Chromatica” seemed to stray from her traditional trailblazing sound as did “Joanne”. “Chromatica” delivered a club sound but with confusing transitions. Chromatica 1, 2, & 3 offered an acoustic masterpiece that dropped you into the album in a cinematic fashion. Then the meat of the album... the music.From “The Fame” to “Artpop”, Lady Gaga’s lane was pioneered and had a clear vision. “Chromatica” seemed to stray from her traditional trailblazing sound as did “Joanne”. “Chromatica” delivered a club sound but with confusing transitions. Chromatica 1, 2, & 3 offered an acoustic masterpiece that dropped you into the album in a cinematic fashion. Then the meat of the album... the music. Song after song of over produced vocals, misplaced transitions, and lyrics that rang through my ears like a crying toddler (Fun Tonight). “Chromatica” delivers a simple pop album that holds back innovation. Expand
  83. May 31, 2020
    ‘Hello!? Fans? I’m here! Don’t forget about me. I want to make a little money. Let me google search what you guys like and bring you everything that is sure to score. No creativity or risk on this album, familiar sounding euro-pop and deep house that sounds like you’ve heard it all before. Nice huh? To make it less obvious that these songs are nothing extraordinary and quite forgettable,‘Hello!? Fans? I’m here! Don’t forget about me. I want to make a little money. Let me google search what you guys like and bring you everything that is sure to score. No creativity or risk on this album, familiar sounding euro-pop and deep house that sounds like you’ve heard it all before. Nice huh? To make it less obvious that these songs are nothing extraordinary and quite forgettable, I’ll throw in some profound sounding lyrics and talk about them like they are really deep and personal. You might buy into that because I talk so very serious about it in this interview’ Expand
  84. May 31, 2020
    I really wanted to love this album, but there were so many hindrances that prevented me to fully enjoy this album. The biggest issue I had with this album was the production. I understood that Gaga was aiming for a dancepop album, but many of the tracks bordered on the generic europop trend of the early 2010s which instantly makes the album sound very dated, Not only that, melodically andI really wanted to love this album, but there were so many hindrances that prevented me to fully enjoy this album. The biggest issue I had with this album was the production. I understood that Gaga was aiming for a dancepop album, but many of the tracks bordered on the generic europop trend of the early 2010s which instantly makes the album sound very dated, Not only that, melodically and lyrically nothing really stood out on many of the tracks and many of them ended up melding together and not really standing out. I also felt that the interlude instrumentals were kind of unnecessary besides "Chromatica II" that transitioned really well into the track "911".

    Despite this, this album is very inoffensive and if you are into this europop sound, you will likely really enjoy this album. The themes that this album delves into and some of the lyricism on the verses are very resonant as Gaga explores depression and the hardships that follow superstardom. The standout tracks are definitely "Rain on Me"(which is arguably one of the better pop singles released this year) and "Sine From Above" which is prompted by some of the strongest lyricism on the album and great chemistry between Gaga and Elton John on the track.

    Overall, it's definitely not Gaga's worst work, but it is definitely a very "safe" and somewhat disposable album from an artist that is capable of much better.
  85. May 30, 2020
    It's a basic album! Lady Gaga's a beautiful singer and lovely ever, but the new album could be better.
  86. May 30, 2020
    For more that I like Lady Gaga, Chromatica feels like a flat Ibiza show, some few good songs and well structured lyrics but rhythmically is seems produced by David Guetta
  87. May 30, 2020
    If this album had been from another artist, I would probably hadn’t given it so many chances to convince me, it is for sure a grower and not a shower. The great aspects are: 1.It is and incredebly cohesive record in terms of sound. 2. The interludes just are so well located and help the power of the following songs. 3.lyrics are really clevver. The lows: 1.lyrics or melodies are notIf this album had been from another artist, I would probably hadn’t given it so many chances to convince me, it is for sure a grower and not a shower. The great aspects are: 1.It is and incredebly cohesive record in terms of sound. 2. The interludes just are so well located and help the power of the following songs. 3.lyrics are really clevver. The lows: 1.lyrics or melodies are not appreciated because of the over-the-top production, production in fact ruined some beautiful songs. 2.I just didn’t connect to it, it’s kind of difficult to appreciate at first listen, I also couldn’t enjoy one song from begining to end, I always found some aspects that I was not sure about, and most of the times these are related either to the production or the robotic voices that Gaga loves inserting that sometimes just killed the vibes. Expand
  88. May 30, 2020
    Lady Gaga finally did exactly what her fans wanted: a bland and generic pop album. It lacks the adventurous overblown songs of Artpop or the perfectly well crafted takes of The Fame Monster and Born This Way. It delivers something that isn't neither experimental or catchy enough. It's not a bad album, but we've learned to expect a lot more from Gaga. The early 2000s dance music influencesLady Gaga finally did exactly what her fans wanted: a bland and generic pop album. It lacks the adventurous overblown songs of Artpop or the perfectly well crafted takes of The Fame Monster and Born This Way. It delivers something that isn't neither experimental or catchy enough. It's not a bad album, but we've learned to expect a lot more from Gaga. The early 2000s dance music influences are a great idea that never really meets the right song to shine, making the album sound more outdated than fresh. It's also Gaga's least ambitious record, she really isn't trying anything new, it's the first time we can say she is playing totally safe, there isn't a great message or theme here, its just like a collection of songs to dace to, and the songs aren't even that good. Highlights are 911 and the Elton John collaboration Sine From Above, which hint to places she could have explored more, overall its a pretty forgettable album that will probably be left out of her catalog as soon as the next one arrives. Expand
  89. May 30, 2020
    As much as I adore Gaga this was not her best in my opinion.
    Many of these tracks feel underproduced & have this repetitive 2012 house music we all have heard before,
    lyrically this album is shallower than her previous materials. In all aspects it feels like a step backwards, most of these songs could've been performed by any other popstar, it lost its magic.
  90. May 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Chromatica II, 911, Fun Tonight, Free Woman, Alice, Artpop está feliz agora. Expand
  91. May 30, 2020
    Intento que me guste pero es una mierda detras de otra. Ninguna canción es salvable, incluso ARTPOP está sobradamente por encima. Desde born this way ha ido cuesta abajo, ninguna canción es salvable o icónica. Es lamentable.

    Lo único salvable son los interludios, Chromatica I, II y III. Es poesía para los oídos. No se si lo ha compuesto ella o un productor, es realmente alucinante; pero
    Intento que me guste pero es una mierda detras de otra. Ninguna canción es salvable, incluso ARTPOP está sobradamente por encima. Desde born this way ha ido cuesta abajo, ninguna canción es salvable o icónica. Es lamentable.

    Lo único salvable son los interludios, Chromatica I, II y III. Es poesía para los oídos. No se si lo ha compuesto ella o un productor, es realmente alucinante; pero lo demás sobra.

    El album de Dua Lipa es lo que debería haber hecho, y no esta bazofia. Esta claro que tiene una campaña de marketing brutal pero como siga por este camino va a acabar como la irrelevante de Madonna. No puedes hacer POP del todo vale, tienes que currartelo.
  92. May 30, 2020
    Too much instrumental, her voice lost, some good songs. Love Enigma an Sine From Above.
  93. May 30, 2020
    Mehhhh I literary expected more from her but not her best record, of course this album will get many grammys nomination only because is Gaga not because actually deserves it.
  94. May 29, 2020
    3 or 4 good songs in the album. Love sine from above the best on the album. Babylon sound like Vogue
  95. May 29, 2020
    Very predictable and visibly produced album for the charts. Quality has gone far. Warm and forgettable songs. It's just having all this buzz due to the fans, who stream 24 hours a day for this artist to return to the top. Only that. For the rest, normal work. Some previous releases are better.
  96. May 29, 2020
    Álbum parece uma costura mal acabada Não se começa música com música e poucas se salvam dali
  97. May 29, 2020
    eu definitivamente detesto esse tipo de som, provavelmente não vou ouvir esse álbum nunca mais
    mas não é ruim, não chegou a me ofender, tampouco a me agradar
    tópico Chromatica nem bom nem ruim
  98. May 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Es buen álbum, pero no está muy original que se diga, tiene sonidos similares de otros éxitos. Expand
  99. May 29, 2020
    É um álbum bom, ritmos anos 80. Mas algumas coisas estão desconfiguradas e músicas que parecem ser muita parecidas com que a gente já viu.
  100. May 29, 2020
    Gaga's new album is explosive, fun and makes me want to dance, but not all melodies are good...

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.