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  1. Apr 13, 2023
    so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad
  2. Jan 30, 2023
    ewwwww omgggg literally the worst album of all time **** I hate this album pure garbage it tankedddddd
  3. Oct 29, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. very underwhelming album, the ariana grande and blackpink tracks carried the whole album Expand
  4. Oct 28, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of her worst works Is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery generic and boring honestly Expand
  5. Oct 28, 2022
    Miss Gaga dives fully into the world of house and dance music. Reminiscent of some of the production found in Artpop she takes it to the next level in this album and it, ultimately, falls short. Though I must say, I don’t necessarily blame her; I blame the fandom that she has gathered over the years. Her fandom seems to not be supportive of some of her more creative and artistic efforts,Miss Gaga dives fully into the world of house and dance music. Reminiscent of some of the production found in Artpop she takes it to the next level in this album and it, ultimately, falls short. Though I must say, I don’t necessarily blame her; I blame the fandom that she has gathered over the years. Her fandom seems to not be supportive of some of her more creative and artistic efforts, with some even ignoring the existence of her collaborative jazz albums. My personal favorite of hers, Joanne, is her most artistic and raw project to date yet it was dragged and labeled as a commercial “flop” specifically because her fans do not seem to support her unless she releases something that can be played at a club. Once again, an example of how her followers have made her put out something that, in my opinion, felt less inspired than other project in exchange for something that her fans would like more.

    Chromatica proves that Lady Gaga was not willing to take another risk right after the reception her fans had to Joanne and I do respect that. Taking creative risks can be scary. I am, however, excited for what the future holds for Gaga because even though Chromatica was simply not for me I still believe she is a brilliant star.
  6. Oct 28, 2022
    Such a horrible album be real, it should be called Chernobyl instead of Chromatica, it would fit so much better, plus that Aricaca feature, really embarrassing

    Daily reminder: Fadga tanked
  7. Oct 28, 2022
    Why is this artist so overrated?
  8. Oct 28, 2022
    Traumatica is a horrible album, carried by collaborations from Ariana Grande & BLACKPINK.
  9. Oct 28, 2022
    Bad album bad vocals bad production, If there's a lower score than 0 I will give it to this trash
  10. Aug 21, 2022
    Álbum horrível! Músicas genéricas e datadas um verdadeiro desperdício de tempo.
  11. Aug 21, 2022
    Pure innovation. It's one of those albums that you don't understand the first time you listen. But, with each listen, you get hooked more and more. A delight.
  12. Aug 21, 2022
    Album is @ss. Only enjoyed like 3 songs. I normally enjoy dance music but this is just a bunch of noise and her voice seems to be on the decline.
  13. Aug 21, 2022
    Trash album. Could’ve been kept in the gay sauna that nobody listen to except white g4ys!
  14. Aug 21, 2022
    Its a boring and repetitive album. Nothing like Born to die by Lana Del Rey. If it wasnt for Ariana on rain on me. I wouldnt even bother listening 0/10
  15. Aug 21, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Slay Queen Expand
  16. Aug 21, 2022
    Very boring, nothing new, very underwhelming. She's trying to collaborate with new artists but everything's very dissapointed
  17. Aug 21, 2022
    Lady Gaga Joanne was her best album, she needs to go back and create a masterpiece like that.
  18. Aug 21, 2022
    A mess. She could have done better. Sound felt rushed and the production was just horrible
  19. Aug 2, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Não foi dessa vez Gaga, o album não empolga, mais do mesmo. nada inovador. Expand
  20. Jul 29, 2022
    **** that is it, the only great thing is Ariana Grande. Sorry but is the true
  21. Jul 29, 2022
    Falta originalidade, um álbum com músicas batidas, nem feats com artistas modernos como Ariana Grande e BlackPink foram capazes de mudar o tédio de ouvir esse álbum.
  22. Jul 29, 2022
    Awful. I tried numerous times to get into it and I can't. The mixing and production is awful, one or two songs might start well then turn to noise in no time
  23. Jul 29, 2022
    it’s so hard to hear. I prefer hear a goat screaming for 1 hour than this.
  24. May 20, 2022
    Pior coisa que eu já ouvi em toda a minha vida. Essa mulher parou em 2010 mesmo!
  25. May 5, 2022
    Her second best album only behind the timeless The Fame monster, it is so perfect and cohesive love it s2
  26. Jul 24, 2020
    Un album muy genérico, cada canción suena igual, nada innovador, lo mismo de siempre, liricas regulares, colaboraciones desesperadas, esta muriendo.
  27. Nov 30, 2021
    This álbum is so Bad, She can give US a Masterpiece but She preferí the charts and collaborate with Ariana and Blackpink
  28. Nov 27, 2021
    boring album made to please spoiled white gays. just boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  29. Nov 24, 2021
    Trash. This album is total garbage. All the songs sound pretty similar to one another. Nothing new or groundbreaking. Gaga is over.
  30. Nov 19, 2021
    Worst album last year! **** continues to release garbage and generic music that no one actually buys or streams. A shame
  31. Nov 16, 2021
    stop pretending this is a good album. it sounds so plastic and fake, where is the creativity? she can do better
  32. Nov 11, 2021
    Mediocre album made for sex clubs. Lady Gaga managed to make of the worst albums of all time ONCE AGAIN.
  33. Nov 4, 2021
    I like Gaga, but her last album is totally boring and the same old same old. I give it 1 because the only good thing about it is her collaboration with Ariana
  34. Nov 4, 2021
    gaga has always been below par with her music since the fame monster and this is a new low. Yes the album s*cks and so did the numerous projects before it. It's time we forget gaga and the music industry bids her goodbye.
  35. Sep 25, 2021
    pegou o mesmo sample e colocou em todas as músicas, amei, nota zero!
    vou enrolar mais um pouco aqui pq precisa ter quantidade mínima de letras
  36. Aug 20, 2021
    most songs here have no memorable melodies, choruses or bridges, the lyrics are shallow and giving off major annoying rich white girl who talks to plants and just learned about shakras and yoga. very disappointing.
  37. Aug 2, 2021
    Lady Gaga tuvo que recurrir al pop barato y los plagios para resucitar, las únicas canciones que se las son ROM y Sour candy
  38. Jul 31, 2021
    Mojonga no eres nadie, ya retirate nula fracasada, que alguien le tire un Bradley
  39. Jul 24, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pense numa mistura do BTW batida no liquidificador Gaga não trouxe nada de coeso nesse álbum totalmente genérico e orgânico. Expand
  40. Jul 22, 2021
    this album is bad... totally madonna wannabe... bad pop .. nothing new and she wouldnt even had any success without ariana grande.. worst album of 2020
  41. May 4, 2021
    overrated and bored, Ariana Grande saved the album, lirycs are cliche, and is like all gaga's albums
  42. May 2, 2021
    Gaga was once the future of pop music, her music felt ahead of its time. One would expect her to evolve and develop as an artist as she grew older, to dig deeper and try new things. To try harder, especially after not releasing music for so long.
    She worked with Sophie and Grimes, however, this lazy body of work is what she came up with.
    Chromatica sounds like a Disney ex-Act debut
    Gaga was once the future of pop music, her music felt ahead of its time. One would expect her to evolve and develop as an artist as she grew older, to dig deeper and try new things. To try harder, especially after not releasing music for so long.
    She worked with Sophie and Grimes, however, this lazy body of work is what she came up with.
    Chromatica sounds like a Disney ex-Act debut album. One of the most uninspired pop albums of the past decade.
    Redundant and outdated sound, she wanted to ride the Disco trend so hard she twisted it into some horrendous ridiculous beats. She teased this Chromatica world yet it is not a visual album, songs don't narrate a story, music videos are all over the place, no cohesiveness.
    This is her 6th album, an album she allegedly spent 4 years making, but I am afraid this was treated as some random EP. We should have known when she released The Cure, one of the worst pop songs ever. I predict she has given up and she will keep herself relevant with side projects such as high budgets films whilst releasing these mild uninspired pop albums.
  43. Apr 15, 2021
    I genuinely dont understand the fuss about this album. 911 was annoying enough ..
  44. Apr 10, 2021
    this album only deserves a 1.0 rating. such a waste of time and money. there's nothing good about this album
  45. Apr 10, 2021
    terrible, i dont even have words, that's, tbh, the worst album i ever heard in my entire life
  46. Apr 9, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Cochinero de album.
    Sigan dando malas criticas a a Taylor y les tumbamos la critica a mierga.
  47. Mar 20, 2021
    With a broken Gong like voice, Empty Lyrics and production, I doubt she'll ever write a good song on her own again, Rom took a dozen people to write, leaving Fadga where no one else can walk!
  48. Jun 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Its no a good Mature job . Es un pastiche que suena todo igual. Esperaba un trabajo superior o más experimental . Me descepciono Expand
  49. Mar 1, 2021
    Chromatica is so old and similar to Lady Gaga's other albums.I'm so sorry for that.
  50. Feb 23, 2021
    This album was an utter disappointment to me. I have been so excited for a LG dance album since the beloved ARTPOP, and Chromatica was not that. The songs were extremely bland and could have and have been done before. I love Gaga and this album was a huge letdown.
  51. Feb 4, 2021
    I did not enjoy this album,unfortunately. It felt pretentious, rushed,indulgent and repetitive. As a fan of dance music,pop,electronic and house this felt like a grave disappointment. I had been so excited for it as "Joanna " had left alot to be desired and" Artpop" was confused. After "a star is born OST" i thought gaga had remembered her "The Fame " greatness but that is lost on thisI did not enjoy this album,unfortunately. It felt pretentious, rushed,indulgent and repetitive. As a fan of dance music,pop,electronic and house this felt like a grave disappointment. I had been so excited for it as "Joanna " had left alot to be desired and" Artpop" was confused. After "a star is born OST" i thought gaga had remembered her "The Fame " greatness but that is lost on this release. It feels like a copy of what dance music is expected to sound like. Favourites:rain on me. Expand
  52. Dec 17, 2020
    lady gaga has realized his 6th studio album[chromatica- beign on eof the best pop albums of 2020
    the production on this record i son clean and fluid, is a 90s sound ispired personally is my favoriye album of 2020 i will give this album a 85 out of 100
  53. Dec 12, 2020
    We listen to this album and ask ourselves: What was Lady Gaga thinking about when she released a dance album in the middle of a pandemic, when people can't go to clubs? It makes no sense
  54. Dec 12, 2020
    I really wanted to love this album but it’s simply not her best work. I listen to it once and thought maybe the second time will be better and NOPE! Has about 2 good songs but most songs are skips!!
  55. Dec 12, 2020
    Gaga ha fracasado en un intento de revivir sus glorias pasadas, aquí no hay nada innovador sólo quiso hacer un The Fame (Monster) el cual no le salió
  56. Dec 11, 2020
    the songs just are boring with nothing on and are just dragging the album at this point.
  57. Dec 3, 2020
    I miss Gagas first album kind of music. This is very generic. For a real good dance album just listen to Jessie Ware and Rina Sawayana
  58. Nov 9, 2020
    simplemente comparando su anterior album Artpop su espera de este nuevo disco fue decepcionante
  59. Nov 7, 2020
  60. Oct 30, 2020
    It just bleed my ears when I hear it, it’s so poppy and painful to hear y’all only like it bc it’s lady gogo
  61. Oct 22, 2020
    boring sounds, plagiarism from other artists, nothing new I think gaga no longer convinces
  62. Oct 19, 2020
    Sin duda uno de los peores álbumes del 2020, álbum desatinado e infame, da asco este álbum.
    Además de que Lady Gaga se volvió a colgar de Ariana Grande como lo hizo de Bradley
  63. Oct 3, 2020
    o melhor álbum pop desde o seu próprio album ARTPOP
    as transições são simplesmente perfeitas
  64. Sep 30, 2020
    Es un álbum que posee tres buenas canciones el resto me parecieron de relleno ya que son letras y sonidos muy des-combinados y simples y en letras también creo que podría haber echo algo mejor.
  65. Sep 30, 2020
    Imagine releasing this crap right after A Star Is Born, lol. Gaga should listen less to her fans.
  66. Sep 28, 2020
    All the album songs like the same Only Ariana save the album basically, Good
  67. Sep 26, 2020
    Flop! Gaga always need to collaborate with someone relevant to be listen, allá songs are bored, Ariana Grande saved the record
  68. Sep 9, 2020
    No progress!Too Noisy!All sounds the same!Bad Content!It’s hard to imagine how did she write so many garbage.
  69. Sep 8, 2020
    Es irremediablemente genérico de principio a fin en donde encontramos a una Gaga que anhela volver a tener el éxito que tuvo en su era dorada y complacer a sus fans que sólo la apoyan cuando lanza música comercial desechable. Por otro lado, si este nuevo trabajo discográfico logra prosperar será enteramente por sus colaboraciones, ya que es un hecho que como solista su éxito ha sido másEs irremediablemente genérico de principio a fin en donde encontramos a una Gaga que anhela volver a tener el éxito que tuvo en su era dorada y complacer a sus fans que sólo la apoyan cuando lanza música comercial desechable. Por otro lado, si este nuevo trabajo discográfico logra prosperar será enteramente por sus colaboraciones, ya que es un hecho que como solista su éxito ha sido más errático que certero. Difícil escoger una canción en específico ya que el álbum en sí suena casi todo igual con una que otra son pegajosas pero a corto plazo perderán la onda. Expand
  70. Sep 7, 2020
    Another production creating an imaginary world that only happens in the mind of a Lady Gaga. Several possible illnesses that she insists on saying she has by doing self-pity in public as a way to get attention. To ensure success, of course you should count on the help of Ariana Grande on the track Rain on Me, which has nothing captivating lyrically or melodically. The k-pop band that stillAnother production creating an imaginary world that only happens in the mind of a Lady Gaga. Several possible illnesses that she insists on saying she has by doing self-pity in public as a way to get attention. To ensure success, of course you should count on the help of Ariana Grande on the track Rain on Me, which has nothing captivating lyrically or melodically. The k-pop band that still force us to swallow on an unoriginal track with a repeated sample used in 2017 by another singer. And his friend, Elton Jhon, who needed 12 composers to write a mushy overcoming track. Other than that the album is more of the same and ends with another attempt by Lady to create her own Vogue. Keep trying someday. Expand
  71. Sep 6, 2020
    I hate this album very much. It has only two nice songs: Rain on Me and Stupid Love, cause I should give 2 points to it.
  72. Jun 10, 2020
    Overproduced, simplistic music. Her vocals aren’t nearly as interesting as they used to be on her earlier albums, even though they may be more “impressive” to a vocal coach. Babylon is the only good song.
  73. Sep 2, 2020
    RECICLAR SONIDOS Y ESTILOS DE SUS COLEGAS COMO KERLI, GRIMES Y SOUND OF ARROW ya es costumbre para ella, sin mencionar el FIASCO de versión final de la canción BABYLON que incluye el LP.
  74. Sep 2, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Repetitivo, canciones de introducción a cada etapa del disco innecesarias y copiadas de pistas ya existentes. Expand
  75. Sep 2, 2020
    Miles better than the predecessors. Definitely an upgrade.great single choices. promotion strategies are on point . it must not be snubbed at the Grammys. ALBUM OF THE YEAR
  76. Aug 28, 2020
    i don't know why this album is so annoying. the songs where ariana and blackpink appeared seem to be their own song. in disappointed
  77. Sep 1, 2020
    Más de lo mismo, Lady Gaga no se renueva, su música se siente vacía y la única rescata le es Rain On Me por Ariana Grande.
  78. Sep 1, 2020
    coco, coco, coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,coco, coco,
  79. Sep 1, 2020
    Chromatica is such a boring stuff, the only song I listen to is rain on me, because of her collaboration with Ariana grande.
  80. Sep 1, 2020
    I really liked this album, it's my favourite of hers and probably one of my favourites of all time. I think its her most cohesive work so far. All the songs feel different, yet have a similar enough sound to give them a collective identity. The lyrics are simple but really beautiful,
  81. Sep 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ugly **** fans think that this album is as good as Thriller. One of the worst album of this year. Terrible. Expand
  82. Aug 31, 2020
    horrible generic immemorial. Gaga definitely leaned on Ariana and blackpink to see if she hits again
  83. Aug 31, 2020
    esse album é uma ofensa ao bom senso, extremamente brega e datado. summer eletrohits 2011 aqui não.
  84. Aug 31, 2020
    fraco demais muito generico... sem mais... monstrinhos aceitem... bjs quem não concorda toma veneno
  85. Aug 31, 2020
    Highlights: Alice, Replay, Babylon
    Lowlights: 911, Sour Candy, Free Woman, Stupid Love
  86. Aug 30, 2020
    Es un álbum bueno pero ella se colgó de ariana para tener exito pero no hizo bien
  87. Aug 30, 2020
    I love the Joanne era gaga ..I was hoping for something new but it's all her returning to old sounds
  88. Aug 30, 2020
    Blackpink and Ariana are the only good thing what have the album because the other songs are trash and sounds like madonna and another singers.
  89. Aug 30, 2020
    Overproduced, simplistic music. Her vocals aren’t nearly as interesting as they used to be on her earlier albums, even though they may be more “impressive” to a vocal profesional. ALICE is the only good song.
  90. Aug 29, 2020
    Once again, Gaga proves us that her only good albums are The Fame and Born This Way.
    Her collaborations with Ariana Grande and kpop phenomenon Blackpink are a desperate attempt to stay relevant. She better focus on being an actress. Stream BTS, Blackpink and Ariana instead of that trash can.
  91. Aug 30, 2020
    It seems that I am listening to the same song throughout the album, extremely basic and dated production, I can no longer hear this album.
  92. Aug 30, 2020
    Uma diarréia de poluição sonora em forma de instrumentais e péssimas composições.
  93. Aug 28, 2020
    Sem coesão alguma, literalmente uma bagunça musical, baseado em escoro, pior álbum do ano
  94. Aug 28, 2020
    A piece of crap, one of the most overrated artists these days. Lady Gaga stopped being interesting or creative since Artpop and that’s a fact.
  95. Aug 29, 2020
    Worst album of gaga. She just got a few streams because of her Collab. Gaga's career is over
  96. Aug 30, 2020
    Álbum com músicas que parecem as mesmas e compostas de batidas genéricas
  97. Aug 30, 2020
    Full copy. It's boring, a few songs are good, but the album is bad and boring
  98. Aug 30, 2020
    Lo siento, pero no me gusto para nada el disco, realmente me gustaba más la Gaga del pasado, no puedo llamarla artista, ella solo es una interprete más.
  99. May 29, 2020
    The album sounds the same lazy song from the beginning to the end... it has only 4 good songs: Stupid Love, Rain on me, 911 and Replay.
  100. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Nada nuevo. Canciones olvidadizas. Colaboraciones estrategicas. Un track lists muy tedioso y aburrido Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    The nostalgia in the production — a blend of crisp digital synth textures and ringing grooves drawn directly from '90s house music — further bolsters the shadowed euphoria of a song like "Sour Candy," in which Gaga is joined by the K-pop girl group Blackpink; "Sine from Above," featuring Elton John, gets a similar friction from the interplay between their voices.
  2. Jun 8, 2020
    Infectious, exciting and even a little hedonistic during some of the most confusing of modern times, now’s never been a better time to get lost in this new destination.
  3. 80
    Chromatica’s frank grappling with the vagaries of Gaga’s brain – and the way fame exacerbates them – ends up feeling much more real than touring dive bars with a guitar and a Stetson ever did.