• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Oct 7, 2003
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 52 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 52
  2. Negative: 4 out of 52

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  1. ryans
    Oct 25, 2003
    it rocks
  2. johnb
    Oct 16, 2003
    its the shit
  3. TheJWay
    Mar 20, 2004
    Woah dis cd is hella tight. Best one yet. Nuimber 16 favorite one. Who ever gives this an bad ratin is hella gay. Oh yeah screw u BIll o' Riley.
  4. Ludafan
    Jan 25, 2005
    Ludacris is the most talented rapper out there. He is way better than em and 50. This is a must have album. it includes all kinds of music. Luda rules!
  5. brittanyh
    Oct 14, 2003
    the cd is off the hook.
  6. JoeL
    Oct 22, 2003
    this cd is the #1 cd in america.
  7. KeishaM
    Oct 22, 2003
    I like the cd bacause ludacris's style is very nice and he is very sexy to me
  8. pimpalicious(mercedes)webb
    Oct 23, 2003
    This c.d. is one of the throwedest c.d. that i ever heard. Luda keep up the good work.Luda always comes out with the rawest beats and da words of da mouth that goes with it. The beat in the trunk is over whelming.
  9. TupacShakur
    Oct 17, 2003
    People Think Im Dead But Im Not. Dont Be Surprise When I come Back, Be Glad. R.I.P. 2Pac The Best rapper even better than Ludacris.
  10. jons
    Dec 12, 2003
    this cd is the best
  11. DanielB
    Oct 22, 2003
    I love the album so much that i listen to it over and over until i learn the lyrics. My shouts go out to my n***a Ludacris!
  12. DorianB
    Oct 22, 2003
    DTP is the realist group out
  13. dedeg
    Oct 23, 2003
    your cd is so hot and i just love ludacris because he is so sexy.
  14. jessicaz
    Oct 23, 2003
    This CD iz so hot! I love it. And theres some mad cool tracks on it. So go out and get it!!!!
  15. kevinm
    Dec 6, 2003
  16. iversonc
    Oct 27, 2003
    that shit is hard
  17. LaMishaT
    Oct 27, 2003
  18. StarCandy
    Oct 29, 2003
    He's so hott!!!!
  19. ryanb
    Oct 29, 2003
    this is luda's finest yet
  20. 187southsideyea
    Nov 18, 2003
    dis iz a motha f**king gagster album yeaaaaaaaaa
  21. latashiab
    Nov 20, 2003
    ludacrisis the sexiest rapper out there, his lirics are tight. my baby is the BOMB!!!!
  22. AntonioR
    Oct 19, 2003
    This CD is off the chain u got to have unless ur not a ture luda fan.peace its off the hook baby.
  23. RobertH
    Oct 23, 2003
    This Album is the Shit!
  24. johnb
    Oct 29, 2003
    its the shit
  25. andrewh
    Feb 27, 2004
    best luda S@#T ever good album F***K ne 1 who says diferent
  26. ludacrisrox!
    Dec 22, 2003
    this cd rox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ludacris is the best!!!who ever gave it a low rate is wack!!!
  27. MCSupernatural
    Sep 4, 2004
    Yo this album wack. Luda got be f***ing me with dis one it is da bomb
  28. renag
    Nov 3, 2003
    his c'd is off the chain i love it its sooo freaken great. i would definetly move when luda says move HOLLLAAHH!!!!!!!! 1 word to describe it DOPE
  29. KY
    Oct 17, 2003
    The rhymes are tight and the beats are on point - the perfect combination. I love me some Screwed Up and Splash Waterfalls tells hella freaky truths! This whole album is off the hook, minus the lil interludes...
  30. chantayk
    Oct 14, 2003
    these are songs that wang when they are played in a car with sounds...the beats are too nice but my favorite is diamond in the back and screwed up...all the songs sound nice ...luda cut this album up...
  31. DaveM
    Jan 28, 2004
    Ummm... yeah. Not feelin' it - music is everything, image is nothing. And this is all image, people. Once the shiny wrapper comes off this baby, you've been had by megamarketing. Save up for some musical taste instead.
  32. hailieJ
    Nov 20, 2003
    Yo this shizzle is off the dank hook, like smellin yo grandmama's draws. I bumped this in my ride and the whole caddy filled up with sweet meat, I can't get the smell of asstroglide and polo sport cologne out of my sheepskin seat covers.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Entertainment Weekly
    Too many cuts are simply one-note jokes stretched out to three or four minutes. [24 Oct 2003, p.104]
  2. When he strikes the right balance of mischievous charm, rapid-fire wit and genial bravado, Ludacris proves why he's at the top of his game. But Chicken -N- Beer too often flashes us threatening glimpses of a less-likable persona behind that avuncular veneer.
  3. When Ludacris promised his new album would cover all bases, he wasn't kidding.