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  1. Mar 19, 2021
    This album reminds me more of a late autumn than an approaching summer. It is much more personal and I can easily resonates with Lana's deep and sincere emotions. I love Yosemite and White Dress best. Plus, the lyrics of this album are breathtakingly amazing! Lana Del Rey deserves the best!
  2. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. El mejor álbum de todo.. Es increíble
    Tiene letras maravillosa un mensaje increíble
  3. Mar 19, 2021
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    Absolutely amazing!! I’ve been listening all day, can’t get enough! Lana has done it again. This album is the perfect mix of soft, fun, and poetic lyrics. Love it so much!
  5. Mar 19, 2021
    O álbum é lindo e inovador, porém o NFR ainda consegue se sobressair e ser melhor. Pelo clipe de Chemtrails, eu pensei que Lana iria voltar com a vibe de Born to Die, mas ela diversificou e entregou hinos, como Dark but Just a Game, Dance Till We Die e WIld ar Heart. Eu amei, mas espero o retorno mais selvagem e impulsivo de Lana, sem deixar sua maturidade e sua grande evolução deO álbum é lindo e inovador, porém o NFR ainda consegue se sobressair e ser melhor. Pelo clipe de Chemtrails, eu pensei que Lana iria voltar com a vibe de Born to Die, mas ela diversificou e entregou hinos, como Dark but Just a Game, Dance Till We Die e WIld ar Heart. Eu amei, mas espero o retorno mais selvagem e impulsivo de Lana, sem deixar sua maturidade e sua grande evolução de composições, produções musicais e vocais. Expand
  6. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esta hermosoooo tienes que escucharlo Tulsa jesus freak es otra onda Lana esta vez se lucio con esta joya Expand
  7. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is clearly a Bon Iver, Bon Iver and evermore inspired album. A great masterpiece.
  8. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. OMG, Miss Lana has given us one of her best albums! Full album is absolutely gorgeous, she has improved her voice, now she’s singing like angels does in heaven! I truly love this album. Just a masterpiece. I’m hoping Album of the year nomination already! Love, Pablo Expand
  9. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. cada letra de cada canción es POESÍA, es como estar en el cielo, simplemente maravilloso, te amo Lana Expand
  10. Mar 19, 2021
    This is one of Lana's best works, it has influences from all of her previous 5 albums. This album is subtle, yet bold, experimental, and the best showcase of her vocals out of all her previous works. It's very different from anything she has done before, she just keeps getting better and better.
  11. Mar 19, 2021
    Es el mejor álbum que a tenido Lana después de lust 4 life, agradezco a dios por tenerla con vida, agradezco a Instagram por sus fotos, agradezco a mi mano por las pajas, y que bendigan a la tuerca de la llanta del camión que llevo la cama a la casa de los abuelos para poder realizar el acto sexual y así puedan consevir a lana del rey, espero que gane grammy
  12. Mar 19, 2021
    Definitivamente COTCC es un recorrido de toda la trayectoria musical se Lana culminando en los que podría ser unos de sus mejores trabajos
  13. Mar 19, 2021
    While NFR was Lana's pinnacle, this album is Lizzy Grant's heart. We more set back and relaxed, yet perfect nonetheless.
  14. Mar 19, 2021
    It's a proof that she's is one of the bestest songwriter currently (or if isn't THE GREATEST). This album's organic, unique and bucolic. The lirics are deeper and sincere.

    I'm so proud of her. She's my soul, my life and my inspiration.
  15. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana is able to make better music every album. This sounds so different from NFR, but it also borrows the best parts of it to make an entirely new vibe.
  16. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana nos muestra su evolución en su máximo esplendor. Un álbum en el cual Del rey nos sumerge en su propia intimidad.
  17. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Her worst album, I didn't like it at all, I'm sorry, I didn't like the sounds, much less the lyrics of his songs, they don't make any sense Expand
  18. Mar 19, 2021
    A Lana entregou TUDO nesse album! Certamente, AOTY! Uma das melhores compositoras da história!
  19. Mar 19, 2021
    Her most cohesive album from the Honeymoon (2015) and NFR (2019) here at Chemtrails, she consolidated herself as a genius songwriter
  20. Mar 19, 2021
    Si algo tiene Lana, es que jamás me decepciona con su música. Realmente es una artista tan talentosa. Es una de las mejores junto a Gaga.
  21. Mar 19, 2021
    Beautiful album, gorgeous melodies. Lyrically very introspective and insightful. A pleasure to listen to from start to finish.
  22. Mar 19, 2021
    O álbum é incrível, semelhante a andar devagar olhando para o céu, quando você sente que pertence a algum lugar, e pode ser feliz...
  23. Mar 19, 2021
    Am American folk masterpiece with a unique indie-pop Beauty. Lana channel the own album in different style from its predecessor Norman **** Rockwell! But with our losing it’s grandiosity. Sure, it is a more personal and intimate experience for the audience but I think and have always been adhere to focus on the art work itself instead of focusing on the controversy and personal life of theAm American folk masterpiece with a unique indie-pop Beauty. Lana channel the own album in different style from its predecessor Norman **** Rockwell! But with our losing it’s grandiosity. Sure, it is a more personal and intimate experience for the audience but I think and have always been adhere to focus on the art work itself instead of focusing on the controversy and personal life of the artist which I consider as a profanity to the artwork. So as a audience who enjoy her music and insisted to stay away from her personal life. I genuinely enjoyed and enjoying the album and think most reviewers underscored the album. Expand
  24. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um álbum magnífico, com sonoridade calma e empolgante , uma bela harmonia entre os instrumentais e a voz , que suavilizam a dor dos pensamentos , mais uma vez lana del rey entregou um trabalho completo Expand
  25. Mar 19, 2021
    Beautiful, gorgeous, brilliant, great, amazimg, spectacular, awesome and perfect album.
  26. Mar 19, 2021
    This album was a fantastic successor to the infamous Norman **** Rockwell. The first listen of the album is an interesting ride, but listening to it a second time things become more fantastic.
  27. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana’s newest album that is concise in it’s sequencing, and diaristic in it’s writing. It’s also unafraid to look at the entirety of her life (up until this point), and write about it honestly. The content here is different in many ways, without sacrificing the subject matter she’s well-known for. More importantly, the perspective here is irrevocably altered. Lana’s sound here isn’tLana’s newest album that is concise in it’s sequencing, and diaristic in it’s writing. It’s also unafraid to look at the entirety of her life (up until this point), and write about it honestly. The content here is different in many ways, without sacrificing the subject matter she’s well-known for. More importantly, the perspective here is irrevocably altered. Lana’s sound here isn’t channeled or reflected by the waves on Venice Beach, or the hectic noise of a New York borough. Here, Lana’s poetry undulates over the Great Plains and America’s most famous national park. The record is informed by experiences stretching from Lana’s late teenaged years (when she first discovered her passion for music), to recent trips that have taken her to Oklahoma, Nebraska, and the like. These places and the freedom they offered from the grip of L.A.’s celebrity culture and it’s suffocating sunlight, are the inspirations behind Lana’s turn to more stripped-back, instrument-driven backing production. After several albums with lush, baroque Wall-of-Sound production, Lana seems to have lost her fascination with the associations such sound has with the circuses and decadence of Hollywood’s past. This seems to have inspired her return (partially) to the music that she made before her breakthrough. An eclectic, rock-ish band, clearly played live in studio, backs her voice on almost every track. The feedback frequently lingers for a few seconds after each song’s closings. Lana’s songwriting is still concerned with twisted love, being held captive by the fame machine that actively participated in the destruction of her idols, and her contemporaries. Her rumination isn’t limited to these ideas, as she sings about her connection to God, an insatiable hunger for experiencing new surroundings and people. She invites people to become part of her personal narrative on collaborative tracks, like the uncredited Nikki Lane on Breaking Up Slowly, and Zella Day with Weyes Blood on the ascendant Joni Mitchell cover, For Free. The perspective is entirely new on Chemtrails, even as she takes snippets of melody and lyrics from past work to rework and reinterpret in her present state of freedom. She delights in narrating this chapter of her life while acknowledging the darkness it took to get here in the first place. In fact, she respects and even gives thanks to the struggle, rather than pretend she’s too far past it to care. Ultimately, this record is about Lana returning to her roots after she accomplished everything she wanted as a young 20-something. Not to assure herself that it was all worth it, but to take the stories she doesn’t want to be left behind, and to bring them with her as she decides who to be. Without the exclusive Complex interviews, the award shows, or even the respect of the general public that characterized much of her interaction with the world up until a year ago. She celebrates her ability to escape the world that was on fire in NFR! , in the song Wild at Heart. The fire-and-brimstone of 2019 L.A. she wrote dirges about couldn’t my kill her. Wild at Heart samples the song How to disappear from her previous record, in which she relates her acceptance of the stifling setting of a city that was dying all around her. In Wild at Heart, the breakdown from How to disappear transforms the quiet Chemtrails track into a beautiful declaration of how she fled the paparazzi, the hell of endless summer, and the criticism of vicious strangers that could have very well been her end. She didn’t evaporate into the coastal heat at all. Lana chose to seek better pastures, and by extension, new inspiration for her art. If Chemtrails is the result, it was the best decision she’s ever made. Expand
  28. Mar 19, 2021
    Is so magical, it's perfect, es un álbum lleno de sonidos maravillosos, definitivamente Lana lo dió todo. Cada una de las canciones te transportan a otro lugar
  29. Mar 19, 2021
    Hermoso álbum, cálido y fresco, se nota una lana menos preocupada y esperanzada, la capacidad de esta mujer para crear albumes es sensacionañ, me encanra
  30. Mar 19, 2021
    Sonidos nuevos y un gran mejoramiento vocal, una reinota en todo la expresión de la palabra.
  31. Mar 19, 2021
    Masterpiece. The best album by Lana, even after NFR! that seemed untoppable.
  32. Mar 19, 2021
    Es maravilloso, uno de los mejores álbumes de lana, la a como siempre haciendo arte, escúchenlo no se van a arrepentir
  33. Mar 19, 2021
    White Dress, Tulsa Jesus Freak, Dark But Just A Game: These are all very different and beautifully produced songs. Lana keeps getting better!
  34. Mar 19, 2021
    Com certeza o NFR! foi preparatório para se escutar esse álbum, de longe o mais cru, sincero e simples álbum de sua carreira, e ao mesmo tempo prevejo que será o mais bem aclamado, de fato merece vingar sua última participação no Grammy.
  35. Mar 19, 2021
    This a the worst album ever.
    The music and the voice sucks. Don’t listen
  36. Mar 19, 2021
    some of her best work. absolutely stunning, a skipless album. tulsa jesus freak and wild at heart are the gems of this album in my opinion. lana does it again!!! gorgeous.
  37. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is definitely a more raw form of what Lana’s albums usually consist of. This album gives an insight of her life especially within that first track “White dress” where she reminisced about her young up and coming years where she was a “waitress in a white dress.” The album has some of her best lyrics and most sophisticated themes yet.
  38. Mar 19, 2021
    I really like this project, what makes it special for me it's not sound like the rest of Lana's works, it's unique, nostalgic. Feel like a grown Lana talking to that young Lana and how things changed since. My fav track is white dress it just masterpiece !, the lyrical content the sound of her voice, the chorus !! oh such a blessing. white dress, Dark, Tulsa, For free and the trackI really like this project, what makes it special for me it's not sound like the rest of Lana's works, it's unique, nostalgic. Feel like a grown Lana talking to that young Lana and how things changed since. My fav track is white dress it just masterpiece !, the lyrical content the sound of her voice, the chorus !! oh such a blessing. white dress, Dark, Tulsa, For free and the track titled, i think those song is the highlight of the album Expand
  39. Mar 19, 2021
    É uma obra de arte, mamãe como sempre entregando tudo. A cada dia me apaixono mais e mais. É a patroa!
  40. Mar 19, 2021
    Me encanta como Lana jugó aquí con los instrumentos y voces, creo una harmonia que traslada a otro universo, realmente espectacular este álbum.
  41. Mar 19, 2021
    Um álbum incrível, com uma sonoridade semelhante a de seu antecessor, mas mt bom
  42. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. es taaaan bored, deberia tener mas beats nuevos, esto es tan aburrido, lana retirate Expand
  43. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum es perfecto de principio a fin. Lana Del Rey nos demuestra que no necesita más. Es un álbum sencillo, pero con la esencia y la melancolía del folk puro. En definitiva, tenemos a una Lana muy madura, elegante y vulnerable. Expand
  44. Mar 19, 2021
    Sublime, cada detalhe, as letras tão poéticas da Lana te levam por uma viagem surreal por lugares que ela quer te mostrar através da música!
  45. Mar 19, 2021
    Del Rey nunca defrauda, y esta es una muestra del potencial que aun tiene por darnos. Quizás esta no sea la mejor pieza de su catalogo, pero es una muy especial. Lizzy Grant nos esta queriendo transmitir distintos mensajes con este nuevo proyecto al igual que adaptarse a un nuevo estilo, pero sin dejar su marca como lo ha hecho desde su debut con el icónico Born To Die.

    Sin dudas uno de
    Del Rey nunca defrauda, y esta es una muestra del potencial que aun tiene por darnos. Quizás esta no sea la mejor pieza de su catalogo, pero es una muy especial. Lizzy Grant nos esta queriendo transmitir distintos mensajes con este nuevo proyecto al igual que adaptarse a un nuevo estilo, pero sin dejar su marca como lo ha hecho desde su debut con el icónico Born To Die.

    Sin dudas uno de los mejores proyectos que escuche hasta ahora en el 2021.
  46. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana Del Rey manages to deliver another masterpiece that often reminds us of some of her previous projects and yet feels fresh and new, with different sounds and powerful lyrics! As usual, a 10/10 album for me. There's not a lot to say about this album, it's purely Lana doing what she does best.
  47. Mar 19, 2021
    this album is legendary and iconic this album is legendary and iconic
    this album is legendary and iconic
  48. Mar 19, 2021
    Amazing album as always, every year her music gets more mature, and opens up a whole new world of music to discover.
  49. Mar 19, 2021
    Como siempre lana me transporta a otro mundo, es inexplicable la vibra que da Yosemite. Me atrevo a decir que es de las mejores de su carrera, y tulsa jesus freak mi favorita!
  50. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Лана как всегда с каждым новым альбомом превосходит саму себя. Надеюсь она наконец-то таки получит свою заслуженную и долгожданную первую статуэтку Грэмми Expand
  51. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is Lana Del Rey, you hear in her voice that she is happy singing these songs and that is contagious.
  52. Mar 19, 2021
    Es un álbum muy lindo, ME ENCANTO. Talentosa, el disco es maravilloso, para mi ya pertenece a album del año.
  53. Mar 19, 2021
    Sin duda alguna Lana ha crecido como artista, pues sus líricas y melodías son maravillosas.
  54. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. her singing gets to new highs and its amazing. unique songwriter, the best alternative artist of the generation Expand
  55. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana Del Rey's new album remains on the same line of perfection as her previous album. She brought an album full of strengths and some tracks with clean and beautiful vocals, delighted those who listen.
    Chemtrails over the country club takes you to another environment, a peace, a love.
  56. Mar 19, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  57. Mar 19, 2021
    Mamãe lendária, sempre entrega tudo. Ninguém acima dela, porém ela está acima de muitos. AOTY!!!
  58. Mar 19, 2021
    i'm so amazed how she can release something better and better every album, this woman is phenomenal. Dance Till We Die and White Dress are my favs so far
  59. Mar 19, 2021
    Absolutely amazing from Lana. This album has such an authentic feeling to it, it just feels very raw and real (even more so than the rest of her albums). COCC combines her sounds from when she was young till now, ultimately making it an absolute joy to listen to. Just wow!
  60. Mar 19, 2021
    Once again Lana Del Rey delivers us a cohesive album, perfect and worthy of all acclaim.
  61. Mar 19, 2021
    Once again, Lana gave us a masterpiece. Amazing album, lyrics, melody. ♥️✨
  62. Mar 19, 2021
    this album was absolutely incredible, it’s simply a testament to her songwriting so late into her career. she’s totally been able to create her own world with all of her albums and “chemtrails over the country club” is nothing short of that. an absolute 10/10 proving once again that she’s shaping up to be once of the legends from this generation of musicians
  63. Mar 19, 2021
    Okay. Lana thank you so much for all of this. Every song on this album is impeccable, thanks for singing and sharing it with everyone. Her voice is angelic.
  64. Mar 19, 2021
    es la deeva, amamos como usó el folk ciaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  65. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Madre del alternativo, nos trajo su nueva biblia, me encanta demasiado, lírica y estéticamente Expand
  66. Mar 19, 2021
    this album is a perfect with rythms relaxing. one and only your sund inpired me calm, patience and love much love
  67. Mar 19, 2021
    the album is beatiful, It has those touches of folk rock that make it more enjoyable, lana never disappoints her music is incredible
  68. Mar 19, 2021
    Very good, simple and raw instrumentals, they bring a very clean and subtle image of this new phase of Lana Del Rey. Adequate feats and extremely accurate vocals
  69. Mar 19, 2021
    love the country! much different than her past albums. definitely an album that deserves many awards. hopefully she wins a grammy and does not get snubbed!
  70. Mar 19, 2021
    there’s no album better than this. everyone has to listen to this. my personal faves being dark but just a game and the bridge in dance till we die.
  71. Mar 19, 2021
    Thank God for Lana Del Rey and her music. Best songs: White Dress, Wild at Heart, title track and Dance Till We Die.
  72. Mar 19, 2021
    this album is so beatifull!! omg every song is a deliverrrr, I’m obsessed
  73. Mar 19, 2021
    It is his worst album the horrible lyrics. I give it a resounding zero. Sorry, but it's the truth
  74. Mar 19, 2021
    Wow what can i say. Such an amazing album which is honestly completely different than anything she’s done but at the same time it’s classic lana. I love everything about it each song is great and you quite literally cannot rank the songs because each one is so special.
  75. Mar 19, 2021
    beautifyl beautifyl beautifyl beautifyl beautifyl beautifylbeautifylbeautifyl beautifyl beautifyl beautifyl
  76. Mar 19, 2021
    At first, I wasn't sure what to expect with this album because of all the mess surrounding it. When I listened to it, I didn't regret it. It's beautiful and genuine. The production us beautiful too. Lana never misses. Even when she strays away from pop-y sounds.
  77. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana del rey always have something to say in their music, this album is divine, and extremely cohesive Expand
  78. Mar 19, 2021

    Lana just gave us on of her best album, that’s it.
  79. Mar 19, 2021
    Um álbum excelente, lana sem sombra de dúvidas mostrou novamente ser uma excelente compositora.
  80. Mar 19, 2021
    outstanding record!! Lana Del Rey keep evolving like an artist and like a person. She shows us her evolution though this dreamy folk record. She shows us that she is one of the legend that she quote through her songwriting. The first record that she created with Jack tell us the story of the coast and her LA, with Chemtrails she tells us the story of the deep land that she loves!.
  81. Mar 19, 2021
    Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  82. Mar 19, 2021
    album esta maravilhoso, entregou tudo o que prometeu e ainda mais, maravilhosa como sempre te amamos lana
  83. Mar 19, 2021
    Sin duda una experiencia magia y maravillosa. Con este álbum lana del rey se declara como una verdadera artista en la industria
  84. Mar 19, 2021
    Monumental album, it’s so pure and angelical, I really love this, the lyrics are amazing, I love Lana and Jack, thanks to the both of you, one of the greatest albums Lana has ever made.
  85. Mar 19, 2021
    Todo el álbum es arte y se muestra la madurez que ha tomado con el tiempo Elizabeth, simplemente hermoso.
  86. Mar 19, 2021
    The album and Lana Del Rey herself give me wings to fly every time i listen to the music. It's something amazing, pure happiness and breathtaking. it's wonderful and not just the album.
  87. Mar 19, 2021
    Esse álbum é simplismente excepcional, a forma como ela se expõe diante de suas novas músicas é algo totalmente diferente se comparado ao seus trabalhos passado
  88. Mar 19, 2021
    overrated album.. as always. she’s just such a bland and boring artist! another horrible album. period.
  89. Mar 19, 2021
    I feels in this album Lana is singing for me in a cozy and warm fire room with a good wine and a good piece o cheese , with strong lyrics and simple melody’s she brings deep feelings in my soul and I’m loving going do
  90. Mar 19, 2021
    Após o lançamento do Norman **** Rockwell!, ápice lírico e sonoro de Lana Del Rey, era difícil definir qual a expectativa que se tinha acerca do seu sucessor. A verdade é que Chemtrails Over The Country Club veio melhor do que a encomenda. Se NFR entregou coesão em uma experiência mais imersiva, seu irmão mais novo é mais contido e diverso, beirando o experimental, mas não deixando deApós o lançamento do Norman **** Rockwell!, ápice lírico e sonoro de Lana Del Rey, era difícil definir qual a expectativa que se tinha acerca do seu sucessor. A verdade é que Chemtrails Over The Country Club veio melhor do que a encomenda. Se NFR entregou coesão em uma experiência mais imersiva, seu irmão mais novo é mais contido e diverso, beirando o experimental, mas não deixando de entregar a qualidade que é característica da artista desde os seus primeiros trabalhos.

    Musicalmente, hoje, nenhum outro artista em evidência soa parecido à Lana Del Rey, apesar da influência da artista em variados gêneros, principalmente o pop. Taylor Swift, em 2019, foi cirúrgica ao dizer que Lana foi a artista que mais influenciou a música pop da década de 2010. E isso não muda agora. Ao explorar sonoridades diversas, passeando por batidas de jazz e acordes de country, Lana mostra mais uma vez os caminhos possíveis. O piano de White Dress combinado com a voz sussurrada que relembra os dias antes da fama entrega uma abertura tão memorável quanto a de Norman **** Rockwell. Tulsa Jesus Freak e Dark But Just A Game trazem elementos rítmicos modernos, enquanto Yosemite é um clássico acústico de Lana Del Rey.

    Chemtrails Over The Country Club é provavelmente um pouco mais triste e melancólico do que foi NFR, e faixas como Breaking Up Slowly são a prova disso, mas a grata surpresa da segunda parte de Dance Till We Die quebra essa atmosfera por alguns instantes, e não de uma forma negativa. Da mesma forma, a melancolia evolui para o épico na icônica Wild At Heart, uma faixa que poderia estar em qualquer outro disco da artista, mas escolheu este como abrigo e agrega muito ao conjunto. Dentre tantos acertos, a música que dá nome ao álbum, Chemtrails Over The Country Club é a faixa mais autêntica de todas, e após a gran apertura de White Dress, dá o tom para o que está por vir.

    É difícil superar o que Norman **** Rocwell! fez em 2019, mas aqui não há essa intenção. Há a clareza de que se é o sucessor do mesmo, e para dar certo, teria de ser diferente. Chemtrails Over The Country Club é perfeitamente diferente de seu antecessor, e nos deixa curiosos pelo que Lana Del Rey ainda poderá fazer na longa trajetória artística que tem pela frente.
  91. Mar 19, 2021
    Coesão pura! É maravilhoso como Lana Del Rey cria uma atmosfera própria e perfeita para cada álbum seu. Chemtrails é simplesmente incrível é surpreendente!
  92. Mar 19, 2021
    this album is exactly what I thought it was going to be and to my surprise it was so much more better. the atmosphere of the album was very happy and uplifting in a way, the lyrics to each song are perfect and very relatable and in all this album makes you want to get cozy and warm, and drink a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco. this album will take you on a roller coster, from Lanathis album is exactly what I thought it was going to be and to my surprise it was so much more better. the atmosphere of the album was very happy and uplifting in a way, the lyrics to each song are perfect and very relatable and in all this album makes you want to get cozy and warm, and drink a cup of coffee, tea, or hot coco. this album will take you on a roller coster, from Lana waitressing to Lana feeling free in Yosemite. I would recommend this album 100%. Expand
  93. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana Del Rey, é uma grande inspiração, suas letras são tocantes e conseguimos ver sua essência. Expand
  94. Mar 19, 2021
    Another masterpiece from the greatest songwriter of this generation. Lana Del Rey just gives and gives and gives.
  95. Mar 19, 2021
    Perfect. I love it. She's amazing. The album is perfect.
  96. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Perfect album Expand
  97. Mar 19, 2021
    PERFEITO, entregou de novo. as pessoas q n gostaram foi pq colocaram expectativa dms, ai a culpa é sua e n da lana, trabalho incrível e segue com a evolução da lana.
  98. Mar 19, 2021
    shes a queen i am so proud of her, every song is a truly masterpiece, im proud of my baby sooooo much
  99. Mar 19, 2021
    MEU DEUS É O MAIOR!!! lana e os outros poucos compositores arrasaram muitooo. mamãe nunca erra!
  100. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a life changing experience- sent me into orbit. the vocals, the production, the sound is all perfection. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2021
    It’s hard to resist the sensory impact of these songs. Chemtrails picks up the nostalgic thread of 2019’s Norman Fucking Rockwell!, though here she’s mostly Midwest and more melodic. [Jun 2021, p.25]
  2. Mar 23, 2021
    “Tulsa Jesus Freak” is arguably closest to the Lana Del Rey longtime fans know and love, and it’s no surprise that it was written in 2019, around the time NFR! came out. “Yosemite” is another highlight, a stunning number with Del Rey’s vocals at their best. But most songs on Chemtrails don’t stand out. They blend together in their delicateness.
  3. Mar 22, 2021
    [Closing track] aside, most of the 11 songs on Chemtrails are melodically and vocally substantive, replete with sensual hooks and evocative images.