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  1. Mar 19, 2021
    She is the moment. Lana Del Rey's new album is absolutely perfect, there is no skips songs, you'll get lost in her lyrics and voice. I can already say that is the best album of the year!
  2. Mar 20, 2021
    Divinely, if I had to summarize my initial listening experience. Dude, she keeps evolving with her each new LPs. The experimental addition of variable vocal scaling bringing me the tears. Thank you, Angel!!!
  3. Mar 19, 2021
    Just.. Perfection. Lana del rey's discography is and will forever be iconic, timeless and etherial.
  4. Mar 21, 2021
    I like the album even though it doesn't have any song that obsess me. It is shorter than the previous ones.
  5. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana hace obras de arte y esta es una de ellas
    Siempre nos cuenta sus experiencias en la vida y eso es muy hermoso
  6. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Este álbum sinceramente fue esplendido, no cabe duda que Lana del Rey absolutamente nunca decepciona, es arte de principio a fin. Son melodías que envuelven Expand
  7. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An instant satisfaction, she has done it again. One of her best, just truly a masterpiece. Expand
  8. Mar 19, 2021
    Chemtrails Over the Country Club anda de mãos dadas com NFR! e Honeymoon como melhores álbuns da Lana!

    Consciência, segurança e a objetividade desse álbum me encantaram de uma maneira sem igual. Arriscar em vocais - limpos e puros, como se Lana estivesse bem a nossa frente - não é para qualquer um e aqui, ela fez mais que um singelo álbum: fez um dos melhores trabalhos da carreira.
    Chemtrails Over the Country Club anda de mãos dadas com NFR! e Honeymoon como melhores álbuns da Lana!

    Consciência, segurança e a objetividade desse álbum me encantaram de uma maneira sem igual. Arriscar em vocais - limpos e puros, como se Lana estivesse bem a nossa frente - não é para qualquer um e aqui, ela fez mais que um singelo álbum: fez um dos melhores trabalhos da carreira.

    Esperei muito por essas inéditas e ouvi todas como se nunca tivesse ouvido Lana del Rey. Cada álbum, uma inovação, uma novidade e a sensação de ouvir um trabalho perfeito: as músicas se encaixam, se complementam e entramos num mundo tão diferente de NFR!. Impossível querer deixa-lo.
  9. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana keeps surprising us with a great music that feels like a warm hug! Her music is the best thing about this pandemic!
  10. Mar 24, 2021
    This album shows how Lana del Rey has been more mature. She experiment a lot with the music. Her voice is different comparing other albums. Is a great album, probably the "softest and sweet" one. The first time that I heard this album I didn't like. After the re-visit it change my mind. Amazing work!
  11. Mar 19, 2021
    One of her best !
    Overall this is a flawless record with,I think, two sides that will please everyone. A more experimental side and then more laid back songs with a more country feels. Lana reinvents herself while sticking to her roots like she always did. Folk influences are immaculate and give Lana’s vocals all their credits. The production is really interesting and detailed too ! It
    One of her best !
    Overall this is a flawless record with,I think, two sides that will please everyone. A more experimental side and then more laid back songs with a more country feels. Lana reinvents herself while sticking to her roots like she always did. Folk influences are immaculate and give Lana’s vocals all their credits. The production is really interesting and detailed too ! It showcases growth and vulnerability while reflecting on what is real happiness and wildness. This albums is a real journey trought fame and all it’s consequences it has on Lana’s life. Goods or bad. Magnificent opus of lana’s vintage sounds !
  12. Mar 19, 2021
    she has outdone herself again. NFR was already excellent sonically and lyrically. Loving the witchy vibe and the whispery elements some of the songs has. Definitely a shoo-in for Album of the year!
  13. Mar 20, 2021
    she crafted another body of work its so good coming for AOTY she is the queen purr
  14. Jul 16, 2021
    The best album in 2021 because it's different from her any album..and the songs i love from this album are Wild At Heart, let me love you like a woman, and dance till we die
  15. Mar 19, 2021
    Chemtrails is a amazing album chemtrails over the country club-review by ME!

    white dress-10/10⭐️
    Tulsa Jesus freak-9.3/10⭐️
    Wild at heart-9.8/10⭐️
    Breaking up slowly-9.7/10⭐️
    Dance till we die-9.7/10⭐️
    For free-8.7/10

  16. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is just incredible, it's very interesting to notice the evolution of her voice and songwriting compared to the first album there in 2012, I just in love with every single song, it's just perfect. Lana always show us her best in her projects.
  17. Mar 20, 2021
    A great addition to her discography. Lana does not disappoint. She continues to refine her gift which is songwriting
  18. Aug 20, 2022
    she's got a point, she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment!!!!!
  19. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana del rey canta al cielo con su nuevo álbum, no deja de dar tal melodía Yam hermosa en cada coro y cada minuto que canta!
  20. Mar 21, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Una obra de ARTE Expand
  21. Mar 19, 2021
    Perfection, she is finally herself ! An album between goth, folk and alt music, she always recreates music-core
  22. Aug 20, 2021
    Lana Del Rey's seventh album is an album full of poetry, unfolding with Del Rey's best vocal performance. The production doesn't go unnoticed, it makes the perfect accompaniment to Lana's angelic voice. Without a doubt, Chemtrails Over the Country Club becomes one of the most coherent albums of the year, being that in the last two years we have only seen albums with commercial intentionsLana Del Rey's seventh album is an album full of poetry, unfolding with Del Rey's best vocal performance. The production doesn't go unnoticed, it makes the perfect accompaniment to Lana's angelic voice. Without a doubt, Chemtrails Over the Country Club becomes one of the most coherent albums of the year, being that in the last two years we have only seen albums with commercial intentions that have nothing to offer, Lana doesn't do it as is her custom. Problemly, this album has also become the second best of her career.
    Final score: 93
  23. Mar 22, 2021
    A Wonderful album which brings people so much feelings about love, freedom and happiness. The vibes are just so good with nostalgic melodies and beautiful pictures.Lana is a nature-born story-teller songwriter !
  24. Mar 19, 2021
    O álbum apresenta altos e ALTOS, inicia-se com white dress uma linda canção e termina com for free de uma maneira que sabemos que o que vem pela frente será algo cada vez melhor feito por del rey. Se eu pudesse dar nota 1000 para esse álbum, eu deria 1001. NFR já nos supreende, mas esse nos aprisiona.
  25. Mar 19, 2021
    As músicas melhoram a cada momento. Lana foi completamente perspicaz com as letras e a sonografia do álbum.
  26. Mar 19, 2021
    Coesão, talento e aclamação
    A cada álbum novo, Lana Del Rey não deixa de surpreender por fazer algo que do começo ao fim é coerente
  27. Mar 19, 2021
    Um álbum incrível, com uma sonoridade semelhante a de seu antecessor, mas mt bom
  28. Mar 19, 2021
    completely masterpiece. lana del rey is the best songwriter of our time period. thank you for that, I needed it.
  29. Mar 20, 2021
    Mais uma obra prima da compositora do século!
    Lana Del Rey entrega mais uma vez um trabalho envolvente e magnífico!
  30. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lana del rey always have something to say in their music, this album is divine, and extremely cohesive Expand
  31. Mar 19, 2021
    omfg this is a perfect album pure poetry!!! ilv who that **** makes me happy and cry in the same time
  32. Apr 13, 2021
    I love this album. For me one of the best of the year, I believe with this album Lana wins a Grammy
  33. Mar 19, 2021
    The way COCC misconstructed and redefined what it meant to convey and obtain the concupiscent anomalistic clearance showing us that idiosyncratic is ebulliently inevitable while simultaneously substantiating the superiority of being the album of the year.
  34. Mar 21, 2021
    Es sin duda alguna su mejor álbum, la producción es increíble y cada canción tiene su toque especial, ya sea por el estilo Lana o algo que nunca había hecho. También noto algunos sonidos similares a sus antiguos proyectos mezclados con algo nuevo.
  35. Mar 19, 2021
    This album has you engulfed in from the very beginning. The medley of the “Ultraviolence” and “Norman F*cking Rockwell” sounds vibrate in your head causing the relaxation of the nervous system and bringing an extreme pleasure. Lana has evidently excelled at the folk genre.
  36. Mar 19, 2021
    Esse novo álbum da Lana Del Rey vem para dar continuidade a maravilhosa discográfia da própria, com canções lindas e poéticas
  37. Mar 19, 2021
    Nesse álbum, a Lana mostrou mais uma vez que é umas das melhores compositoras que temos atualmente, e mais uma vez ela nos dá um álbum impecável com vocais e a produção tão poderosos, ela é basicamente umas das artistas que tem uma discografia perfeita e sem defeitos
  38. Mar 20, 2021
    not her best but one of the best album ever! She always makes her albums good
  39. Mar 19, 2021
    another beautiful album by Lana! she never disappoints, at the first listen was my least fave album but now it's growing SO MUCH on me!! she and jack never gets tired of creating masterpieces. My faves are White Dress, Dark But Just A Game, Wild At Heart, Dance Till We Die and tittle track; Chemtrails Over The Country Club! So proud of her.
  40. Mar 19, 2021
    álbum perfeito, lana gênio muito perspicaz nunca errou
    as melodias, as letras, os vocais tudo LINDO
  41. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana nunca decepciona, el álbum es simplemente mágico y maravilloso, las letras de cada canción me transportan fuera de todo, GRAN TRABAJO.
  42. Mar 19, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think this album is one of favorites by Lana. The production is beautiful, simply great. Wild at Heart, Not all who wander are lost and breaking up slowly are the best songs for me. Expand
  43. Mar 20, 2021
    Each album does have its own different powerful lyrics and her voice. OMG SO IN LOVE WITH THIS ALBUM. can she make a new album again? I hope it will be YES.
  44. Mar 19, 2021
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.
  45. Mar 20, 2021
    This is just one proof that Lana is one of the best acts in music history. No more words than POETICAL!
  46. Mar 21, 2021
    Where to even begin. I have anticipated this album since the minute i’ve heard of the announcement. Not in the slightest but disappointed. The album began with the song White Dress, which fans have been waiting to hear. The raw emotion in Lana’s voice stirs feelings in me that were hidden. And don’t get me started on the Dance till we die bridge
  47. Sep 4, 2021
    Simples e coeso, não é o meu favorito dela, mas é inegável que é um excelente album, talvez um dos melhores do ano!
  48. Mar 19, 2021
    É uma obra de arte, mamãe como sempre entregando tudo. A cada dia me apaixono mais e mais. É a patroa!
  49. Mar 19, 2021
    As músicas se completam de maneira sutil, trazendo um álbum coeso de diversas maneiras, desde instrumentais na mesma linha até vocais parecidos, causando a impressão de ser uma nova Lana que foi "criada" para este álbum.
  50. Mar 20, 2021
    arteeee en su mayor esplendor, Lana hizo una hermosa fusión entre el country y el folk
  51. Mar 20, 2021
    I could say that this is a piece of heaven, bunch of lyrics that is simply amazing and would outrageous not to give that a 10
  52. Mar 20, 2021
    lana del rey entregando mais uma obra-prima em seu ápice artístico, mais uma vez!
  53. Apr 1, 2021
    impecável, já chorei, já sorri - senti a depressão e a epifania muito rápido. ela veioooooooooooo
  54. Mar 19, 2021
    it's a good album based on the artist's experience that takes the time to know what she really wants to tell us. Lana Del Rey makes the album take you to another world with its good production and lyrics with the talented Jack.
  55. Mar 19, 2021
    Simplemente arte, Lana del Arte nos trajo un folk completamente hermoso y nada de comercial y producto, es un AOTY 2022 y todos lo sabemos!
  56. Mar 19, 2021
    hey queen! girl, you have done it again. constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. i’d say i’m surprised but i know who you are. i’ve seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud.
  57. Mar 19, 2021
    Increíble, artístico, magnifico, majestuoso y todo lo que es la misma Lana en sí, arte, gran diosa.
  58. Mar 19, 2021
    One of the greatests fantasy trips Lana could ever produce. The song writing, the vocals, the lyrics she does it all.
  59. Mar 20, 2021
  60. Mar 20, 2021
    Chemtrails Over the Country Club may not be as good as Norman **** Rockwell but it has its own spice and sweetness.
  61. Mar 19, 2021
    incredibly well tough and touching album. lana’s voice is emotive and precisely.
  62. Mar 19, 2021
    An album with very consistent lyrics and covered in nostalgia, soft textures that make it unique and enjoyable.
  63. Jun 22, 2021
    On this occasion, sisterhood manifests itself to the full. You can see on the cover, in her guests [Nikki Lane, Weyes Blood and Zella Day], the mentions of her idols in "Dance Till We Die". There is a particularity in Lana Del Rey's feminism that makes it explode in many spaces whether or not she is worthy of being called as such. What can not be denied is that, somehow, she representsOn this occasion, sisterhood manifests itself to the full. You can see on the cover, in her guests [Nikki Lane, Weyes Blood and Zella Day], the mentions of her idols in "Dance Till We Die". There is a particularity in Lana Del Rey's feminism that makes it explode in many spaces whether or not she is worthy of being called as such. What can not be denied is that, somehow, she represents several stories of women. Today, in a very Americana sound [very Jack Antonoff]. Her best album so far? NFR says "hi". Is it enjoyable? There is no doubt.

    fav tracks: "Chemtrails Over the Country Club", "Wild at Heart", "Breaking Up Slowly", "White Dress" & "Yosemite"
    KEY-TRACK: "Dance Till We Die"
  64. Mar 19, 2021
    Álbum perfeito! Mamãe Lana sabe o q faz, só conceito, coesão e aclamação!
  65. Mar 19, 2021
    Hermoso álbum, cálido y fresco, se nota una lana menos preocupada y esperanzada, la capacidad de esta mujer para crear albumes es sensacionañ, me encanra
  66. Mar 19, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece. Lana once again proved that she is one of the best artists of our generation. Proud to be a fan.
  67. Mar 19, 2021
    Tudo pra mim, album maravilhoso. Gostaria de uma versão solo da musica da Joni Mitchell (for free). Mas ficou ótimo. maravilhoso, obrigado por tudo Lana
  68. Mar 21, 2021
    Um álbum maravilhoso, com letras e sonoridade incríveis, cada vem melhor e mais coeso ,um álbum completo.
  69. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana Del Rey is a genius who never repeats herself and always achieves to come up with something even better than what she had before!
  70. Mar 20, 2021
    spectacular, her voice sounds amazing, the lyrics are powerful and the production, instrumentals, are so exquisite.
  71. Mar 19, 2021
    her voice on songs like white dress, not all who wander are lost and yosemite is so gratifying and fills you with a feeling of warmth and happiness. this album exudes autumn and winter unlike her previous efforts. songs like chemtrails over the country club, tulsa jesus freak, wild at heart, dark but just a game and dance till we die create a sense of power and bring out an empowered sideher voice on songs like white dress, not all who wander are lost and yosemite is so gratifying and fills you with a feeling of warmth and happiness. this album exudes autumn and winter unlike her previous efforts. songs like chemtrails over the country club, tulsa jesus freak, wild at heart, dark but just a game and dance till we die create a sense of power and bring out an empowered side that has often been ignored with lana in the past. a perfect ending companion to the grammy nominated record norman f*****g rockwell! by sewing the idealistic story together. may she continue to write, record and produce such immaculate collections of art Expand
  72. Mar 20, 2021
    Álbum incrível, testemunho sincero e belo, um disco marcado pelo melhor de Lana Del Rey, adulta, apaixonada, reflexiva e selvagem.
  73. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana is able to make better music every album. This sounds so different from NFR, but it also borrows the best parts of it to make an entirely new vibe.
  74. Mar 19, 2021
    O sexto álbum da Lana Del Rey "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" é uma Bíblia sonora. Ponto.
  75. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana del Rey create a Wonderful album about be happy and remember how she can grow up as in White Dress, so Lana have the AOTY for the moment
  76. Mar 20, 2021
    Lana again did THAT
    Loving and LIVING for this era
    The album is so complex but it has that sound where it just fits blends everything together.
  77. Mar 20, 2021
    The best one so far! Didn’t expect she’ll go full on folk-country style & it works perfectly for her voice to be honest. “White Dress” as an opening track is a good choice, when first time listening, it felt odd especially in the chorus part but as it goes I got familiar with it and love it ever since — Overall it talks about fame, on her teenage days, working hard then getting into theThe best one so far! Didn’t expect she’ll go full on folk-country style & it works perfectly for her voice to be honest. “White Dress” as an opening track is a good choice, when first time listening, it felt odd especially in the chorus part but as it goes I got familiar with it and love it ever since — Overall it talks about fame, on her teenage days, working hard then getting into the music scene which she reminisces and wanting to go back, even though it’s not my story to tell, it is nostalgic at last. The vocals on “Let Me Love You Like A Woman” & “Tulsa Jesus Freak” are beyond amazing! There are production where it kind of reminiscent with her previous works such as “Wild At Heart” & “Yosemite” but they are improved versions—much profound.

    Though NFR! is still the best, chemtrails is much more exceptional and more personal.
  78. Mar 19, 2021
    Is so magical, it's perfect, es un álbum lleno de sonidos maravillosos, definitivamente Lana lo dió todo. Cada una de las canciones te transportan a otro lugar
  79. Mar 19, 2021
    Lana is back and she’s cooler than ever. Chemtrails Over The Country Club album of the year.
  80. Mar 29, 2021
    Beautiful… gets better with each listen. It is such a different album, new themes, new vocal styles, beautifully executed as always! Still NFR! Takes the top with me. That album made me feel so much! This one is like a continuation but at the same time it eventually goes it’s own unique way.
  81. Mar 21, 2021
    Its more Lizzie Grant than Lana Del Rey, Amazing, like a new artist boarn, masterpiece
  82. Mar 20, 2021
    i'm in love with chemtrails. i have been streaming it ever since its release. she outdid herself, once again.
  83. Aug 21, 2022
    álbum tranquilo, mágico y mucha lírica hermosa uno de los mejores álbumes de Lana
  84. Mar 21, 2021
    am i biased? yes. do i care? no. so you know stream chemtrails over the countryclub 24/7
  85. Mar 28, 2021
    Álbum perfeito! As letras são profundas e extremamente tocantes. Lana conseguiu mais uma vez entregar um trabalho de qualidade, consiso e com profundidade.
  86. Apr 19, 2021
    Its just soothing. Its got calm vibes and the lyrics are just amazing. This album brings you to a whole new world especially when you are searching for a place to escape to.
  87. Mar 19, 2021
    Amei achei incrível maravilhoso perfeito divino cheiroso delicioso authentico
  88. Mar 30, 2021
    I wasn't a massive fan on the first listen, but from the second and onwards I've fallen in love with the album.
  89. Mar 19, 2021
    i'm so amazed how she can release something better and better every album, this woman is phenomenal. Dance Till We Die and White Dress are my favs so far
  90. Mar 19, 2021
    VERY beautiful and soulful album. I'm enjoying. Lana, thank you sooooo much!!!!!
  91. Mar 22, 2021
    Gorgeous, beautiful and easily one of the best albums of the year. A worthy album to her previous one.
  92. Mar 19, 2021
    Beautiful album, gorgeous melodies. Lyrically very introspective and insightful. A pleasure to listen to from start to finish.
  93. Mar 20, 2021
    Love it ❤
    Such a masterpiece srlsy
    It gave me such a vibe.
    So glad that listened to this instead of just**ce
  94. Jun 10, 2021
    One of her Best lyrics, emocional, experimental, she si so talented. Excellent production
  95. Mar 19, 2021
    Este es el mejor álbum que Lana ah realizado. A lo largo de su carrera ah creado tantas obras maestras, pero con COTCC se ah lucido.
  96. Mar 20, 2021
    The best álbum of the Life, thanks for the AOTY
    Chemtrails no tiene comparación un exelente álbum, se siente como un profundo suspiro de tranquilidad.
  97. Mar 20, 2021
    I’m not a huge fan of Lana, but I think this album changed that for me. She takes you on a journey from White Dress through to For Free. I love this album so much. *mwah*
  98. Mar 18, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. great album. jack antonoff always works like magic. love the joni mitchell's cover song for free. dance till we die is my favorite. Expand
  99. Mar 20, 2021
    amazing totally unique i love it lana made it again every song is beautiful
  100. Mar 19, 2021
    Com certeza o NFR! foi preparatório para se escutar esse álbum, de longe o mais cru, sincero e simples álbum de sua carreira, e ao mesmo tempo prevejo que será o mais bem aclamado, de fato merece vingar sua última participação no Grammy.

Universal acclaim - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 28
  2. Negative: 1 out of 28
  1. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2021
    It’s hard to resist the sensory impact of these songs. Chemtrails picks up the nostalgic thread of 2019’s Norman Fucking Rockwell!, though here she’s mostly Midwest and more melodic. [Jun 2021, p.25]
  2. Mar 23, 2021
    “Tulsa Jesus Freak” is arguably closest to the Lana Del Rey longtime fans know and love, and it’s no surprise that it was written in 2019, around the time NFR! came out. “Yosemite” is another highlight, a stunning number with Del Rey’s vocals at their best. But most songs on Chemtrails don’t stand out. They blend together in their delicateness.
  3. Mar 22, 2021
    [Closing track] aside, most of the 11 songs on Chemtrails are melodically and vocally substantive, replete with sensual hooks and evocative images.