• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jul 1, 2003
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 161 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 161
  2. Negative: 63 out of 161

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  1. Danielle
    Jun 12, 2005
    The CD was slow, boring, and just not that good. I found myself flipping from song to song, hoping for at least one of the songs to show any signs of life. The skits in between were cute at first but they became annoying midway through.
  2. ashleyn
    Jun 6, 2004
    it was so cool!!!!!!!
  3. kyleh
    Mar 22, 2004
    the first time i heard this album i must admit i was impressed. then i went and got her first album and i must admit again i was impressed.i can't choose which album sounds better because i like them both.and i want to go on record of saying that in my opinion ashant's album beat out every other female artist's album that came out that summer such as beyonce, mya ,and the first time i heard this album i must admit i was impressed. then i went and got her first album and i must admit again i was impressed.i can't choose which album sounds better because i like them both.and i want to go on record of saying that in my opinion ashant's album beat out every other female artist's album that came out that summer such as beyonce, mya ,and monica.her album was a bit better than those three. even tho i'm givin mad props to her album and music, i'm not a big fan let alone a fan at all of ashanti. to me in my opinion she reminds me of aaliyah and to me i think she's tryin to take her spot and that's not going to happen even on her best day. but in overall ashanti's album is worth your money. Collapse
  4. CarletteS
    Feb 13, 2004
    This album was so wack. I mean get real. It trully amazes me how people can get by on their looks. And to the people that gave this album a 10 have you ever heard real talent?! Ex: Alicia Keys I'm not a hater I just know talent when I see it.
  5. aaronk
    Jan 15, 2004
    this ashanti cd is 1 of the best rnb albums ever to be released
  6. jackiee
    Dec 16, 2003
    I love the 1st and the 2nd cd. I dont know what up with all the hatters out there. you doing the damn thang and you doing it well. Keep singing and doing what you do cause all though some people hate you still have people who appreciates good talent. You really inspire me. 14 years jackie E. representing that houston tx. holla at me. ps i enjoyed the concert. you did that playa how you I love the 1st and the 2nd cd. I dont know what up with all the hatters out there. you doing the damn thang and you doing it well. Keep singing and doing what you do cause all though some people hate you still have people who appreciates good talent. You really inspire me. 14 years jackie E. representing that houston tx. holla at me. ps i enjoyed the concert. you did that playa how you drove off in the lil red vehicle. brush yo sholders off,pimp. Expand
  7. BrentH
    Nov 25, 2003
    This is really good, breezy, lightweight pop-soul. A steady diet of it will make you sick, but as an occasional treat, it's great. I am a sucker for the 70's soul sound (lots of wah-wah everywhere) and Fatback Band so it all works for me. Just make sure this isn't the only album you buy this year.
  8. christopherj
    Nov 23, 2003
    I love Ashanti I love her soooo much I want to marry her so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. PersonP
    Nov 14, 2003
    She turned from a Catholic school girl...to a full out sex machine. Cripes.
  10. johannam
    Nov 14, 2003
    ashanti is my girl i like her album alot i got through all my problems and that was good so i love you ashanti your my best and only fan alwayz your fan johanna
  11. annar
    Nov 3, 2003
    this cd is the bomb! so is ashanti and her beautiful self!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love , chuchi
  12. TyralD
    Oct 15, 2003
    This album is amazing. It's significant to the groove and melody of the first, but yet acedes the quality.
  13. NikkiV.
    Oct 11, 2003
    Shits hot. She can't sing and all but this c.d is off the hook. Thats wut sup
  14. NataliaG
    Oct 6, 2003
    Ok this is what i call a "half-way" CD. Some songs hit the spot but others you have to wonder what the producers and her were smoking. Is it me or does Ashanti sound like an annoying little singing girl that wont shutup.
  15. ashantigary
    Oct 2, 2003
    because she express her pain to us and she's letting us know that we're not the only one that's going through things so I would like to say to ashanti thank you and I love you for what you doing because you have help me through so many things with your music. thank you and I love you
  16. [Anonymous]
    Sep 27, 2003
    The album is not bad but its not good it's just what it is. This is how I would rate her album with the other R&B albums that came out this year. 1.Beyonce 2.MYA 3.Ashanti 4.Monica 5.Blu Mary would be # 2 but her album did not come out over the summer.
  17. SalinaR
    Sep 26, 2003
    This album is off the chain no words could decribe how it makes me feel.For those who rated it low are haters who whis they look,sound,or wish they where whit her HATERS. Ashanti's #1 Fan truly.
  18. AnitraG
    Sep 9, 2003
    I love that song lov makes me feel so good
  19. S2KMusicCritic
    Aug 15, 2003
    This CD needs a rating of -0. She is not a singer but a piece of ass in some eyes. Murder Inc. should be charged with not only being a drug front but for also making some on the worst music in history.
  20. candisel
    Aug 14, 2003
    it is wack.
  21. NseE
    Aug 10, 2003
  22. Kym
    Aug 5, 2003
    I can't believe that anyone could possibly buy this cd. It was horrible. I didn't know that you could sound that bad on a cd. She tried to hit notes that haven't even been evented. The only thing good about this cd were the beats.
  23. niceass
    Jul 20, 2003
    dont know what the dilly is with murder INC but they havent produced anything worth anything. this is just another example of the talentless "artists" getting by on a nice ass. irv gotti has absolutely no ear for music. I could have done better and maybe even sold more. get beyonce instead.
  24. kyleishap
    Jul 16, 2003
    i really liked ashanti cd the first one was real smooth but i got to give ashanti mad prop on her new upcoming cd chapter 2 she really did her thing and she came back i just hope she continue to stay strong and comeback with more music for all of her fan's but most deaftinely her #1 fan kyleisha. ashanti you go girl you did it once again
  25. RobH
    Jul 15, 2003
    A horrible dissapointment...There is only one good song (the first single "rock wit u"), and the rest of the CD is filled with derivative, repetitive, and uninspired tunes that lack any of the catchy hooks and melodies of her previous singles...This CD was way over-hyped.
  26. QuenishaJ
    Jul 9, 2003
    I think here video is great but she just needs to get some new dance movements in there and she need another man such as Jarule.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. The sole outright attraction of her pathologically modest follow-up is "Then Ya Gone."
  2. Blender
    A startlingly generic effort. [Sep 2003, p.120]
  3. Wears thin long before its halfway mark.