• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Feb 14, 2020
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  1. Jun 6, 2020
    This album is so irritating. It's mediocre and terrible. Justin's vocal is irritating and not good at all. It also has repetitive, meaningless lyrics like in the song "Yummy". It is not inspiring and it does not have any messages to the listeners. I do like the R&B beat of the album, because this is something that is very new to Justin and it's kinda like the first time Justin uses R&B andThis album is so irritating. It's mediocre and terrible. Justin's vocal is irritating and not good at all. It also has repetitive, meaningless lyrics like in the song "Yummy". It is not inspiring and it does not have any messages to the listeners. I do like the R&B beat of the album, because this is something that is very new to Justin and it's kinda like the first time Justin uses R&B and a little bit of trap in his songs. So I give him a point. But other than that, it is terrible and it's terrorizing my ears. I feel very uncomfortable when I listen to this. Expand
  2. Apr 27, 2020
    sorry Justin, i didn´t even want to be here saying bad things about this album, but i know that if you see these comments you´ll want to make you´re music even better. you have a such a good voice, if someone says that you voice isn´t rare, they´re lying, you have potential and we believe in you. i won´t say anything else, but i know you can do so much better than this. as a fan andsorry Justin, i didn´t even want to be here saying bad things about this album, but i know that if you see these comments you´ll want to make you´re music even better. you have a such a good voice, if someone says that you voice isn´t rare, they´re lying, you have potential and we believe in you. i won´t say anything else, but i know you can do so much better than this. as a fan and someone who believes in your talent as a singer i´ll give you 5 and i hope you never come back with something like this again. anyway, congratulations. Expand
  3. Apr 27, 2020
    Generic trap beats and dance hall instrumentals that were played out 5 years ago aren't particularly surprising to hear on Bieber's latest album. What WAS surprising was just how creepy, clingy, and needy the lyrics on this thing are. The intention may have been to make a love letter, but this comes off more like a long winded DM from a 15 year old to his girlfriend of three weeks. It'sGeneric trap beats and dance hall instrumentals that were played out 5 years ago aren't particularly surprising to hear on Bieber's latest album. What WAS surprising was just how creepy, clingy, and needy the lyrics on this thing are. The intention may have been to make a love letter, but this comes off more like a long winded DM from a 15 year old to his girlfriend of three weeks. It's too long, its generic, and its lazy. Expand
  4. May 8, 2020
    This was a boring mess full of songs with the same recycled beats... He has totally lost his sound. Period. Stream Rare Deluxe instead.
  5. May 9, 2020
    Justin has the best vocals can’t wait to see him perform live! My favorites are changes, come around me and get me!

    Btw get me is so underrated him and kehlani did so great, lyrically and the sound just wow
  6. May 24, 2020
    love this album.. it’s chill and it’s all about love. the fact listening to this album while being in love is the best thing ever
  7. May 28, 2020
    Another album that will become annoying with time. Lack of something nice to hear. Maybe you should've just play instrument Justin.
  8. Nov 24, 2020
    Peido sonoro que jamais deveria estar concorrendo ao grammy. É muita cara de pau dessa bancada tirar o the weeknd pra por esse arroto de linguiça.
  9. May 31, 2020
    His worst album yet and the start of his down fall all the songs sound the same he just gets popular artists to get people who aren’t fans to stream his music.
  10. Jun 5, 2020
    absolutely mediocre and generic songs. no growth, basic beat and production, all song sounds the same. belongs to trash with no doubt
  11. Nov 12, 2020
    Justin was lacking in his songs, this album wasn’t well out together and almost sounds like a ringtone album. I didn’t like the album in general and seems boring.
  12. Apr 3, 2021
    changes is compared to other justin bieber albums definitely not his best work, but it's not bad either. It has some beautiful songs, like Confirmation, All Around Me. ETA or Habitual, but also some songs i don't like that much, Get Me, Yummy, Running Over. Half of the songs are definitely worth listening!
  13. Jun 7, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Pior album carreira pior album do ano pior trabalho do ano............................................. Expand
  14. Jun 11, 2020
    it's a cute album! Justin has finally found happiness after spending so much time with the wrong people.
  15. Jun 13, 2020
    UMA BOMBA, pior álbum do milênio, letras pobríssimas, produção preguiçosa, mesma batidinha ruim em todas, terrível nota 0
  16. Mar 19, 2021
    This is just the change of the life of jb, this album make me fell so god, This is an R&B Album en is the best of all
  17. Jun 30, 2020
    An unnecessarily long album, 16 songs that talk about how he is in love and his married life is quite disappointing, even more after a while without hearing from him except for his scandals. I think the only thing remarkable about this album is that Bieber has come a change for the better and the vocal ability of Bieber.
  18. Jul 24, 2020
    very generic, lyrics were childish and a waste of time to listen to. You would have thought that his 'comeback' would be decent since it was 5 yrs since his last LP, but it is TERRIBLE. this is even worse than purpose, and may be the end for jb
  19. Jul 17, 2020
    the songs seem to have the same beats, without innovation. the transition from music to another is awful looking like a playlist with random rhythm music
  20. Jul 19, 2020
    It's yummy(trash)
    Dubstin please stop making music like this.
    You're not the same as before Now you're crap
    A believer
  21. Jul 31, 2020
    Not too bad. Justin Bieber's newest LP, "Changes" has catchy tunes, but just doesn't have that magic touch like on his previous albums. Nothing impressive is present, unfortunately. At least the music is good to chill out to. Hopefully, the Biebs tackles something different in the future.
  22. Jul 24, 2020
    Worst album of the year. Congratulation bieber. But your album isn't inspiring. Look like same. Good job
  23. Jul 24, 2020
    Worst ALBUM of 2020. All the songs sounds the same. It feels like thier was 0 innovation involved. Ringtones Nothing else
  24. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Bad bad bad
    Ringtone album
    Worts of the decade
  25. Jul 24, 2020
    Changes is Bieber’s latest album and despite its minor success is a very boring album. Most of the songs are repetitive and are pop, not “R&B” or “experimental” as Bieber and his fans claim. I don’t like it.
  26. Jul 24, 2020
    Why would someone put this music out? The lack of artistry amazes me. Poor quality music.
  27. Jul 26, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. RnB and pop are not the same genre. Very bad lyrics. Seems like he made an album of Nokia ringtones Expand
  28. Jul 27, 2020
    ruim pessimo horrivel generico com todos os defeitos do mundo meus ouvidos sangram so de pensar
  29. Jul 24, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. the album is an absolute masterpiece. bieber really outdid himself on this one. Expand
  30. Dec 3, 2020
    The album is so bad that i had to get hospitalised after listening to it. Please skip this if you wanna survive.
  31. Jul 25, 2020
    Nouuuuu it's not gooooooooooooooo really i can't talk about it. But he tried
  32. Jul 24, 2020
    All the songs are over hyped imo. Nothing really stood out to me. Very forgettable album
  33. Aug 28, 2020
    This is pure garbage. Why do people listen to this mess?
  34. Jul 30, 2020
    This album is horrible. Everything sounds the SAME. Yummy was the worst thing my ears ever heard as well. Get some better writers or producers. These don’t seem to be helping much unless it’s you. What is the point of having 10 people (i’m exaggerating) work on ONE SONG, if they’re all gonna sound the same. Your voice is being wasted.
  35. Jul 24, 2020
    So repetitive. It's literally called Changes yet it is the exact same thing he has done in previous albums, but worse. Yummy still haunts my nightmares
  36. Jul 24, 2020
    this is the **** album i have ever heard. maybe next time mustin. hope it flops too.
  37. Nov 24, 2020
    esse album ficou um lixo, como sempre vc entregando coisas genericas sem inovaçao nenhuma. nao estou surpresa mas muito decepcionada com o fato de as pessoas serem corruptas hoje em dia. parabens por ter comprado o grammy espero que faça bom proveito desse trofeu sem valor nenhum. trabalho desprezivel, o mundo seria mto melhor sem ele. parabens foi esse chorume que criou o covid19 e nosesse album ficou um lixo, como sempre vc entregando coisas genericas sem inovaçao nenhuma. nao estou surpresa mas muito decepcionada com o fato de as pessoas serem corruptas hoje em dia. parabens por ter comprado o grammy espero que faça bom proveito desse trofeu sem valor nenhum. trabalho desprezivel, o mundo seria mto melhor sem ele. parabens foi esse chorume que criou o covid19 e nos deixou nessa situacao atual do mundo. lixo feio e seboso Expand
  38. Sep 17, 2020
    Olha sinceramente ele esperou todo esse tempo para lançar isso? Eu queria dá negativo, mas não tem como, isso deveria ser considerado a atentado ao consumidor. Eu escutei no começo do ano e entrei em depressão profunda, tanto que eu só consegui me recuperar agora, por isso estou aqui enviando meu feedback. As únicas pessoas que gostaram disso foi as fãs, porque qualquer pessoa com o sensoOlha sinceramente ele esperou todo esse tempo para lançar isso? Eu queria dá negativo, mas não tem como, isso deveria ser considerado a atentado ao consumidor. Eu escutei no começo do ano e entrei em depressão profunda, tanto que eu só consegui me recuperar agora, por isso estou aqui enviando meu feedback. As únicas pessoas que gostaram disso foi as fãs, porque qualquer pessoa com o senso do ridículo não se presta a dizer que isso é bom, e digo mais, pra mim as fãs dele deveriam ir para uma casa de freiras para ver se encontram Deus, porque a alma delas estão podres! Mas agora vamos a review: Achei extremamente genérico, parece que você está em um replay infinito, escolheu uma das piores (se não foi a pior) música para ser single, pra mim essa foi a última pá de areia que precisava para enterrar esse lixo de trabalho. Eu preferia quando ele fazia o álbum para a ex dele, porque se ele usou a atual dele para se inspirar pra fazer esse álbum... Vish, algo no relacionamento deles não está indo bem, mas enfim, é só isso que eu tenho para dizer, gastei ao todo 850 R$ com remédios antidepressivos com tarja preta, muito obrigado Justin Bieber! Expand
  39. Jul 24, 2020
    Bad album. All songs sound the same and production is basic. Expected more since Purpose that was an excellent album!
  40. Jul 24, 2020
    I'm a fan of Justin Bieber but this album is so disappointing. The album is so terrible. The lyrics, the melody, even his voice.
  41. Jul 25, 2020
    álbum podre, com um total de zero musicas lembraveis e nenhum senso por parte do cantor lixento que o fez
  42. Jul 24, 2020
    Many bad things happend in 2020. Universal deadly pandemics, racial pandemics, economic pandemics, but this pandemic was the worst
  43. Jul 24, 2020
    A flop. The instrumentals are alright but lyrically this album sucks. He should’ve left this in the drafts
  44. Jul 24, 2020
    in my opinion, this album has some good songs like '"Forever'', "Get me" and "Intentions". But the lead single was a awful choice. Is a shallow song with some cringe moments. But I believe that Justin will release something better next time, because he is capable
  45. Jul 25, 2020
    An incredibly long and boring Nokia ringtone packed as an album. **** lyrics, mediocre productions, no hook at all. A harsh break-up, 5 years hiatus, being married, finding god, and recovering from drugs and all he could do is channeling Chance The Rapper "I Love My Wife and I Am Horny" narrative lol. Let me tell you Justin, Taylor Swift wrote a masterpiece called folklore in isolation forAn incredibly long and boring Nokia ringtone packed as an album. **** lyrics, mediocre productions, no hook at all. A harsh break-up, 5 years hiatus, being married, finding god, and recovering from drugs and all he could do is channeling Chance The Rapper "I Love My Wife and I Am Horny" narrative lol. Let me tell you Justin, Taylor Swift wrote a masterpiece called folklore in isolation for only 3 months. You can listen to it for some inspiration. Expand
  46. Jul 26, 2020
    The lyrics are mediocre and not that deep coming from a guy who released the album on valentines day and who professes undying love and devotion to his wife on almost all social media posts..
  47. Nov 28, 2020
    Lixo total, horrível, muito ruim, que merda de álbum, Justin Bieber não é artista e belieber não é gente!
  48. Jul 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Ironically, this album is called "Changes" and the album sound the same mostly. "Purpose" can't be beat, least of all with a mostly monotonous album. With the only tolerable songs on this album, easily "Changes" could just be an EP and I would have enjoyed it. What a shame, Purpose killed it, but Changes slept it. Expand
  49. Sep 26, 2020
    The worst album of all time. I regret even trying this "nothing". I didn't like the album at all. That's it.
  50. Jul 25, 2020
    The album as a whole is not amusing. The main reason would be the similar sounding trap beats and the songwriting it self. The songs too aren't quite catchy. The artist has potential with a truely gifted voice but the hope he puts them to the perfect use.
  51. Sep 1, 2021
    This is just a bit rubbish in all honesty. i could accept this drivell if it revolutionised music in any way shape or form. Unfortunatley this ablum, though quirky, is no revolution 9. it's just a lazy cash grab that only fails to enforce the edgy character that kanye trys to push
  52. Aug 29, 2020
    it sounds like he's stuck in 2015 sonically, the lead single choice is terrible
  53. Jul 25, 2020
    What is this? A whole songs are meaningless, and yummy literally a joke. All the songs have same beat.
  54. Aug 30, 2020
    His worst and boring album ever. He always a bandwagon who copy the present trends with a trash ringtone-like production.
  55. Jul 27, 2020
    the worst album ever eww. who loves justin anyway go stream rare and lover. he can't sing and can't write period. now he is using ariana grande cuz he knows he will flop without her help.
  56. Jul 26, 2020
    A maioria das pessoas q deram nota ruim pra esse album foi por odiar o Justin, tudo q ele faz é distorcido, inventam diariamente coisas ruins que ele fez, inventaram uma acusaçao falsa de abuso, fizeram uma thread falsa do seu antigo relacionamento e muito mais coisas que a midia inventa. O album é bom, mas as pessoas acham que todad as musicas vao ser iguais a Yummy mas a maioria é muitoA maioria das pessoas q deram nota ruim pra esse album foi por odiar o Justin, tudo q ele faz é distorcido, inventam diariamente coisas ruins que ele fez, inventaram uma acusaçao falsa de abuso, fizeram uma thread falsa do seu antigo relacionamento e muito mais coisas que a midia inventa. O album é bom, mas as pessoas acham que todad as musicas vao ser iguais a Yummy mas a maioria é muito boa, falam de amor, superaçao, ansiedade e depressao. Expand
  57. Jul 26, 2020
    underrated album. it gets better with every listen! bieber’s vocals have never sounded better than on this album. the songs are meaningful and beautiful.
  58. Jul 26, 2020
    Trash!! I would rather listen to Nokia ringtones than this piece of garbage. What a disgrace in the music industry!!
  59. Aug 22, 2021
    This might be one of the worst albums I have ever had the dishonor of listening to. Sorry but this is actually horrible.
  60. Jul 29, 2020
    Embarrassment to the music industry that this guy is still a thing. Extremely generic music.
  61. Aug 6, 2020
    An uninspiring comeback that never really went anywhere. With little variety in production and sound, this album is only seemingly useful for ringtones at best.
  62. Jul 27, 2020
    VOCALS IN THIS ALBUM>>>> It might not be JB's best album but it still delivered BOPS that have been charting since released in February (your fav wishes). You all Swiftoes hate him because he is Scooters friend and client and Selenatoes because he dumped your girlie, but no one can deny the power this man holds. Say what you want to say, his "flop" album outsold many careers in thisVOCALS IN THIS ALBUM>>>> It might not be JB's best album but it still delivered BOPS that have been charting since released in February (your fav wishes). You all Swiftoes hate him because he is Scooters friend and client and Selenatoes because he dumped your girlie, but no one can deny the power this man holds. Say what you want to say, his "flop" album outsold many careers in this industry but you are not ready for this conversation. As the great Drake said **** don't even usually get this big without a Bieber face" Expand
  63. Jul 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. muito bom!! álbum maravilhoso, gosto das músicas, sinto verdade em tudo, artista completo Expand
  64. Jul 31, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Justin Bieber ser raso não é uma novidade. O problema é que além de raso, esse álbum não tem nenhuma novidade.

    Apenas mais do mesmo!
  65. Jul 31, 2020
    This is a dump, I hate it. Justin don't make more music anymore, okay? Go away
  66. Sep 14, 2020
    zero personality. zero talent. zero innovation. the worst album of the 2020 by far
  67. Aug 6, 2020
    Very bad album... Lyrics are worst..
    Each and every song is bad. I wish the lyrics were written by some real talented people. Nothing special about the vocals too. Not a single bop included
  68. Aug 22, 2020
    Esse álbum é ridículo. Tenho pena de quem pega pra ouvir porque as músicas parecem ser todas iguais ou com as mesmas batidas genéricas, músicas essas que foram claramente feitas pra estarem nas paradas de sucesso e nos charts (e nem isso conseguiram). É um album básico, sem coesão, não existe originalidade ou criatividade presentes nele. É um álbum feito para agradar as massas e estar nasEsse álbum é ridículo. Tenho pena de quem pega pra ouvir porque as músicas parecem ser todas iguais ou com as mesmas batidas genéricas, músicas essas que foram claramente feitas pra estarem nas paradas de sucesso e nos charts (e nem isso conseguiram). É um album básico, sem coesão, não existe originalidade ou criatividade presentes nele. É um álbum feito para agradar as massas e estar nas rádios. E só. Expand
  69. Aug 24, 2020
    very bad album. hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahhha
  70. Aug 24, 2020
    Pior album do Justin, ele é capaz de fazer muito melhor. Não está a sua altura. Músicas que parecem ser iguais umas as outras, albúm enjoativo.
  71. Aug 25, 2020
    anywayz but you can do better justin
    i believe you and im so happy you and hailey
  72. Nov 24, 2020
    Cero grammys para eese mojon que no se reinventa, sus fans son MIERDA VOTEN 0 para este mojon
  73. Sep 11, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I can’t say I got frustrated due to this album, even ‘cause I was definitely not expecting good sh’t to come out. Nonetheless, I got astonished at how this could be below my expectations. Congratulations, Justin. You ruined my ears. Expand
  74. Dec 11, 2020
    this album is embarrassing just like him... it’s also a pop album and not a r&b as he claimed
  75. Aug 28, 2020
    The album sounds like a ringtone. Hard to differentiate between the songs. Just bad
  76. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is like the ground during summer -- very dry. Tautology was inspired from this record. Should've stayed in the drafts.

    Redeeming Points: ETA and Take It Out On Me
  77. Dec 9, 2020
    I used to be a fan of Justin Bieber back in 2016. His works were amazing, Love Yourself is still one of my favorite songs. Changes is not Justin Bieber. He used the same sample over and over again. He used to be a great lyricist, I hope he makes another record that contains songs like Love Yourself, Sorry (briefly whole Purpose album).
  78. Aug 28, 2020
    Pobre justin haciendo un album horrible con letras pateticas! Ya esta acabado
  79. Aug 28, 2020
    Not good flop also yummy is awful and who r there so many writers in each song but it’s still not good like jeez
  80. Aug 31, 2020
    I still don't understand if it's an R&B or another trap. Dont have good songs.
  81. Aug 28, 2020
    Could've been a lot better. Usually Justin has amazing people to write his songs and make them good but these weren't it
  82. Aug 28, 2020
    This album... Just didn't work out. Justin's music style and lyrics sounds not good at all.
  83. Aug 28, 2020
    It all sound the same, you can't come back after years with a mediocre album and be completely desperate to get a number 1 with this **** do something that has quality and it will make success.
  84. Aug 29, 2020
    One of the top 3 worst album released this year. A year album in the making and yet it sounds like ringtones
  85. Aug 28, 2020
    There are 2 or 3 of bops on the album but the overall songwriting seems lazy and can't convince me, sadly the production seems a little to generic and doesn't make up for the weaker lyrics
  86. Aug 28, 2020
    hi dustbin stans! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  87. Sep 14, 2020
    worst album of the year, everything here is bad and every time i hear “changes” i just wanna vomit. this album is an embarrassment
  88. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. a masterpiece!!! The whole album has a very nice vibe. Not his best work but still a great ablum!!! Expand
  89. Aug 28, 2020
    Didn't really like the concept. Seemed unappealing. No reinvention and not upto the mark.
  90. Aug 28, 2020
    justin, this is REALLY bad. like one of the worst albums of all time. i don’t know what you were thinking with this album and i am no longer a fan.
  91. Aug 28, 2020
    Plain, simple and poor quality album. Expected a lot more from a big super star like him. Very disappointed
  92. Aug 28, 2020
    nice ringtone collection.. I'm glad he still has bucks to pay playlisting and buy streams..
    real human beings don't listen to this twice
  93. Aug 28, 2020
    Did justin just fart at the microphone? 'cause this is all i listen at every track on this sh!!tty album. i'm sorry for all of those who listened tho this crap
  94. Aug 29, 2020
    So when people started calling this the ringtone album, I had to finally give every track a listen. They had a point. Not only are the beats basic and unoriginal, Justin hasn't changed his sound in a decade. I used to love his old music, but times change and he doesn't want to seem to change with them. So ironic he named this album changes. We are only the first year in, but thisSo when people started calling this the ringtone album, I had to finally give every track a listen. They had a point. Not only are the beats basic and unoriginal, Justin hasn't changed his sound in a decade. I used to love his old music, but times change and he doesn't want to seem to change with them. So ironic he named this album changes. We are only the first year in, but this might be the worst album of the decade. Intentions is the only okay song, and it's just that.... okay. He needs to grow up and try something new Expand
  95. Aug 28, 2020
    how can someone listen to this crap?????????????????????????? worst album of Justin's carreer and worst album of 2020. Katy Perry's smiles (horrible album) kills this piece of sh!!!t
  96. Aug 28, 2020
    A generic trap, found in artists who want to invest in the pace that is most evident, honestly only shows how nothing has evolved with their history in music.
  97. Aug 28, 2020
    This album is tragic. Totally reductive. After the scandals with fans, he keeps being THE WORST in everything he do. Every single song is a bad cliche that looks like it was written by a 9 years old passionate girl. He could dedicate this stupid songs to a fridge, or to a table, because they simply have NO CONTENT. His career keeps going down and down album per album. We won't wait atThis album is tragic. Totally reductive. After the scandals with fans, he keeps being THE WORST in everything he do. Every single song is a bad cliche that looks like it was written by a 9 years old passionate girl. He could dedicate this stupid songs to a fridge, or to a table, because they simply have NO CONTENT. His career keeps going down and down album per album. We won't wait at least 3 years and this man's career will be six feet under. We can see all this stupidity even in THE FIRST TRACK. Man. This is a boring Looperman loop, with boring vocals and terrible lyrics. And what about the lead single? Looks like a childish song. I think i can finish the review of this clownery just here. Thanks for reading. Expand
  98. Aug 28, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. **** bad I cannot see any progress He just keeping **** about his sexual.life sick and boring Expand
  99. Aug 28, 2020
    Horrible album. Somehow his albums keep getting worse and worse. All the songs sound like ringtones and the best song on the album, Intentions, is a catchy fad at best. This album will not be remembered, except for maybe being a flop.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
  1. Feb 28, 2020
    While Bieber's voice still sounds like that of a mid- to late-teen, singing seems to come more naturally to him, and his falsetto pleas are neither bitter nor entitled, strictly genuine and adult.
  2. Feb 18, 2020
    It’s a record in total lust and fealty to Hailey; you’ll probably want to duck out to use the bathroom halfway through.
  3. Feb 18, 2020
    Artists can certainly grow up and mature without losing their edge or creative spark. Changes, however, is ultimately a transitional record that finds Bieber navigating how to reconcile adulthood with pop stardom—and discovering that, at least in his case, this merger is a tricky one.