
Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
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  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Drake’s new release may lack some of the variety of his previous albums, but its concepts and musical structure make for a solid body of work.
  2. Sep 9, 2021
    CLB can feel formulaic, as if checking off boxes on an executive producer’s clipboard. Despite the frequent predictability, it’s exciting to see a consummate professional at work.
  3. 80
    With 21 tracks over 86 minutes somehow still feels tight next to the interminable “Donda” — is an enjoyment even at its bleakest. ... Even minus this get-out-of-jail-free stuff, “Certified Lover Boy” is so sharply composed and performed as to be largely irresistible.
  4. Sep 7, 2021
    With much of Certified Lover Boy, Drake seems to be doing what he thinks Drake would do, and ticking the box is taking its toll.
  5. Sep 7, 2021
    The album suffers from this unfocused overabundance of voices. ... It’s ultimately a shame since Certified Lover Boy could have very well been Drake’s best record. Sonically, it’s his most impressive offering to date.
  6. Sep 8, 2021
    The resulting record is largely another missed opportunity for experimentation from the man many consider the current best rapper in the game. Yes, the theatrics, and introspection, and even a few moments of musical deftness, are there. But overall, it’s nothing to depart from 2018’s Scorpion or 2016’s Views. There’s nothing groundbreaking here.
  7. Sep 3, 2021
    “Certified Lover Boy” is a perfectly fine record — it’s expensively well-produced, like all of Drake’s albums, and easily likable with a decent batting average for a nearly hour-and-a-half record.
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 1158 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Sep 3, 2021
    Literally sounds like his last three albums. Don't go into this expecting anything new. DJ Akademiks falling asleep on live while listening toLiterally sounds like his last three albums. Don't go into this expecting anything new. DJ Akademiks falling asleep on live while listening to it is evidence enough, the whole album was boring. Worst Drake album of all time Full Review »
  2. Sep 3, 2021
    This is what we have been waiting for? This must have been the wrong upload
  3. Sep 3, 2021
    This album is just so bland and boring, we’re facing a Scorpion 2, just not fun and not quality music