• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2007

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Blender
    As Clef drops mostly trite lines about green cards, strippers and police harassment, this strategy either succeeds brillantly--or goes haywire. [Nov 2007, p.153]
  2. Entertainment Weekly
    Such transcendent moments are rare on the exhuasting Vol. II. [7 Dec 2007, p.76]
  3. It's a breathtaking, ambitious ride through a carnival of global music too rarely explored.
  4. The reggae-lite production is seductively summery (especially on the gorgeous 'Slow Down'), if slightly aimless at times; despite the influence of Wyclef's conscience, his eye is too firmly set on a carnival atmosphere to ever sound preachy.
  5. Village Voice
    Just when Carnival II begins to feel comfortable in hip hop, Paul Simon hops onto the mournful 'Fast Car' and a massive Bollywood ensemble powers the roiling 'Immigrant.' [Dec 2007, p.108]
  6. Mojo
    Jean's sonic scope is breathtaking, complemented by imaginative lyrics. [Dec 2007, p.102]
  7. Q Magazine
    He's still no Jay-Z, but the roll-call of guests reflects his savvy, anything-goes approach. [Dec 2007, p.124]
  8. Carnival, Vol. 2 strives to give the immigration problem a face, turning those thousands of marchers seen on the news into a thousand personal stories of struggle and hope. It does so while pulsating with life and displaying an unabashed love of music that's rich, daring, and delightful.
  9. Carnival II sounds louder when it's quieter.
  10. Immigrant goes down smooth. Just don't expect it to linger.
  11. Those who have slept on Wyclef Jean's catalogue may need to give it another look after listening to Carnival Vol. II.
  12. Mr. Jean’s sixth solo album, is yet another mishmash, this one a cosmopolitan hip-pop grab bag full of big-name guests, baffling miscalculations and bursts of inspired songwriting.
  13. Carnival II manages to touch points all over the musical map successfully, while also dropping science and making people dance in equal measure.
  14. 50
    The former Fugee throws hip-hop, reggae, synth pop, and heavy metal into his trademark melting pot with little worry that the results might not blend. [Jan 2008, p.98]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 10 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. DaveyJ.
    Jan 26, 2008
    A decent if bland RnB album, but nothing of what makes Wyclef Wyclef - no innovation, no humour, nothing. It's overproduced mass-market A decent if bland RnB album, but nothing of what makes Wyclef Wyclef - no innovation, no humour, nothing. It's overproduced mass-market hip-hop, like you get from countless other artists. This isn't worthy of the Carnival name - that album was ground-breaking and unique. This is hip-hop by-the-numbers, and Wyclef rests on his laurels and lets the various guest artists take over. We want our Wyclef back! Full Review »
  2. nutralnutraly
    Dec 29, 2007
    A great album, a great style with diversity of songs. i like most of the songs, great hiphop and r&b. some of the best numbers, riot, A great album, a great style with diversity of songs. i like most of the songs, great hiphop and r&b. some of the best numbers, riot, sweetest girl, fast car, touch your button. but overall allt the songs are great. Full Review »
  3. DanZ.
    Dec 14, 2007
    Wyclef's best CD. Yes its a little more pop than his past but they are all good songs. Standouts include Heaven's in NY, Slow Down, Wyclef's best CD. Yes its a little more pop than his past but they are all good songs. Standouts include Heaven's in NY, Slow Down, Fast Car, Any Other Day, RIot. Full Review »